🎙️ The Post-Truth Presidency Returns 🎙️ 🆕 Out now!!! Episode 4 of the RECLAIM podcast Post-Truth be Told with host Lucas Proto Martinez Royo and Guest editor Saul Newman, with guests Diara J. T. and João C. Magalhães 🎧 Listen now and don’t forget to subscribe! ✅ 🎵Spotify: https://lnkd.in/eaVVSb8s 🍎 Apple: https://lnkd.in/eKmQHGAJ 🔗 More info on the RECLAIM website: https://reclaim.hi.is/is/ #Populist leaders like #Trump aren’t just relying on #disinformation to win elections; they use it as a #governingstrategy. TEPSA - Trans European Policy Studies Association Institute of International Affairs at the University of Iceland (IIA) Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Goldsmiths, University of London Media Democracy Fund University of Groningen
RECLAIM - Reclaiming Liberal Democracy in the Postfactual Age
RECLAIM is a Horizon Europe funded research project on the impact of disinformation on liberal democracy.
About us
The research project Reclaiming Liberal Democracy in the Postfactual Age (RECLAIM) is a Horizon Europe funded project with the aim of studying the implications of post-truth politics on democracy in Europe. The project is managed by the Institute of International Affairs at the University of Iceland and led by Maximilian Conrad, Professor at the University of Iceland's Faculty of Political Science. The RECLAIM project aims to put forward new definitions, methods and toolkits on how to analyse and respond to various expressions of information disorder on today's democracy. The aim of the project is to analyse disinformation in Europe and use the results to advise on policy making, education and actions to react to the negative effect of disinformation on democratic discourse and the basic structure of modern liberal democracy. The project brings together a highly diverse group of scholars, not only in terms of the disciplines represented, but also in terms of their nationalities, but because of the project’s structure, the different parts of the project will nonetheless create one coherent whole. Thirteen universities and institutes take part in the project in addition to the University of Iceland: Goldsmiths College in the UK; the University in Ljubljana; UAM University in Madrid; Jagiellonian University in Krakow; the University of Victoria in Canada; Scuola Normale Superiore in Florence; New Bulgarian University in Sofia; The Institute of International Affairs in Zagreb; the ARENA Centre for European Studies at the University of Oslo; the Trans European Policy Studies Association (TEPSA) in Brussels; the Institute of International Affairs in Prague; the Institute of International Affairs in Rome, and the Liechtenstein Institute in Bendern.
- Website
External link for RECLAIM - Reclaiming Liberal Democracy in the Postfactual Age
- Industry
- Education
- Company size
- 11-50 employees
- Headquarters
- Reykjavik
- Type
- Educational
- Founded
- 2022
Aragata 9
Reykjavik, 102, IS
Employees at RECLAIM - Reclaiming Liberal Democracy in the Postfactual Age
🤔 Can we reinvigorate demand for #qualityjournalism? 🧐 "Our research shows that people want the same unbiased, factual and in-depth journalism they always have [...] media organisations need to focus on what makes their journalism valuable in the first place" 🎥 Check out this #Tepsaexplainer with RECLAIM researcher Martin Moland from ARENA Centre for European Studies ▶️ See full video here: https://lnkd.in/e7ZgcTHd TEPSA - Trans European Policy Studies Association Institute of International Affairs at the University of Iceland (IIA) Háskóli Íslands
🤔 How do we stop the spread of #Fakenews? 🎥 Check out this #Tepsaexplainer for the RECLAIM project where researcher Martin Moland from ARENA Centre for European Studies explains how we can limit the spread of #fakenews without damaging #freespeech. ▶️ See full video here: https://lnkd.in/e7ZgcTHd TEPSA - Trans European Policy Studies Association Institute of International Affairs at the University of Iceland (IIA) Háskóli Íslands
RECLAIM - Reclaiming Liberal Democracy in the Postfactual Age reposted this
📢 New Episode Alert! RECLAIM Podcast – Episode #04: The Post-Truth Presidency Returns 🎙️ Populist leaders like Trump don’t just use disinformation to win elections—they govern with it. Now, with powerful allies in the tech world, the stakes are higher than ever. Join us for a thought-provoking discussion on regulatory dilemmas, disinformation, and the challenges of navigating the post-truth era. 🎧 Listen now and don’t forget to subscribe! ✅ 🎵Spotify: https://lnkd.in/eaVVSb8s 🍎 Apple: https://lnkd.in/eKmQHGAJ 🔗 More info on the RECLAIM website: https://reclaim.hi.is/is/ Host: 🔹 Lucas Proto Martinez Royo, Associate Professor, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Guest Editor: 🔹 Saul Newman, Professor of Politics, Goldsmiths, University of London Special Guests: 🔹 Joao Magalhaes, Assistant Professor in Media, Politics and Democracy, Center for Media and Journalism Studies, University of Groningen 🔹 Diara J. T., Engagement journalist and research consultant for the Disinfo Defense League, a project of the Media Democracy Fund. 👉 Tune in and join the conversation! #RECLAIM #Podcast #PostTruth #Disinformation #NewEpisode #Media #Politics #Trump TEPSA - Trans European Policy Studies Association, Institute of International Affairs at the University of Iceland (IIA), Háskóli Íslands
📢 New Episode Alert! RECLAIM Podcast – Episode #04: The Post-Truth Presidency Returns 🎙️ Populist leaders like Trump don’t just use disinformation to win elections—they govern with it. Now, with powerful allies in the tech world, the stakes are higher than ever. Join us for a thought-provoking discussion on regulatory dilemmas, disinformation, and the challenges of navigating the post-truth era. 🎧 Listen now and don’t forget to subscribe! ✅ 🎵Spotify: https://lnkd.in/eaVVSb8s 🍎 Apple: https://lnkd.in/eKmQHGAJ 🔗 More info on the RECLAIM website: https://reclaim.hi.is/is/ Host: 🔹 Lucas Proto Martinez Royo, Associate Professor, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Guest Editor: 🔹 Saul Newman, Professor of Politics, Goldsmiths, University of London Special Guests: 🔹 Joao Magalhaes, Assistant Professor in Media, Politics and Democracy, Center for Media and Journalism Studies, University of Groningen 🔹 Diara J. T., Engagement journalist and research consultant for the Disinfo Defense League, a project of the Media Democracy Fund. 👉 Tune in and join the conversation! #RECLAIM #Podcast #PostTruth #Disinformation #NewEpisode #Media #Politics #Trump TEPSA - Trans European Policy Studies Association, Institute of International Affairs at the University of Iceland (IIA), Háskóli Íslands
🤔 What are the biggest challenges facing journalism today? 🎥 Check out this #TepsaExplainer for RECLAIM where ARENA Centre for European Studies researcher Martin Moland discusses the challenges journalism faces in today's society's See full video here: https://lnkd.in/ednspyrb TEPSA - Trans European Policy Studies Association Institute of International Affairs at the University of Iceland (IIA) 🔎 Learn more about the RECLAIM project: www.reclaim.hi.is
Democracy vs. Digital Giants 🤔 Is the EU 🇪🇺 Ready to Protect #Democracy from #DigitalOligarchs? 🧐 Check out this op-ed by RECLAIM researchers Luis Bouza Garcia and Elena García Guitán from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid 📰 Available here: https://lnkd.in/eVe-5JUx
🤔 How important is quality journalism in a #democracy? 🎥 In this video explainer by TEPSA - Trans European Policy Studies Association, ARENA Centre for European Studies researcher Martin Moland discusses the importance of quality journalism and its role in stimulating democratic debate and critical thinking. ▶️ Check out the full video here: https://lnkd.in/eBcH42V7 Institute of International Affairs at the University of Iceland (IIA)
Interview with PI Maximilian Conrad for the Háskóli Íslands webpage about the challenges facing journalism and its effects on democratic debate.
“We are seeing a trend where journalists are increasingly becoming the target of populist politicians. This has serious impact on the status of journalists and on democratic debate in general, particularly in light of journalism’s key role in holding governments accountable,” says Maximilian Conrad, professor at the University of Iceland’s Faculty of Political Science. The preliminary results of a new study at the University of Iceland show that journalists today live under increasing pressure. The reasons are rooted in the interplay of populism, social media and a changing attitude towards people in the media. Maximilian’s study examines how mass media, as a pillar of democracy, tackle increased violence and distrust in modern society. https://lnkd.in/eFC4JAfD VANTRAUST OG ÁRÁSIR Á BLAÐAMENN AÐ AUKAST „Við sjáum þróun þar sem blaðamenn verða sífellt meira skotspónn popúlískra stjórnmálamanna. Þetta hefur alvarleg áhrif á stöðu blaðamanna og lýðræðislegt samtal í heild sinni, sérstaklega í ljósi þess að fjölmiðlar gegna lykilhlutverki í því að veita stjórnvöldum aðhald,“ segir Maximilian Conrad, prófessor við Stjórnmálafræðideild Háskóla Íslands sem sérhæfir sig í rannsóknum á lýðræði, fjölmiðlum og pólitískri orðræðu í samtímanum. Frumniðurstöður nýrrar rannsóknar hans og samstarfsfólks sýna að blaðamenn í samtímanum búa við vaxandi þrýsting. Ástæðu þess má rekja til samspils popúlisma, samfélagsmiðla og breytts viðhorfs fólks til fjölmiðla. Í rannsókninni er kannað hvernig fjölmiðlar, sem burðarstoð lýðræðis, takast á við auknar árásir og vantraust í nútímasamfélagi og hvernig þeir geta haldið áfram að standa vörð um lýðræðið í samfélagi sem breytist ört. https://lnkd.in/e7ryQmXh
Distrust and attacks on journalists on the rise
"#Democratisation is no longer the global norm" 🎥 In this RECLAIM video explainer by TEPSA - Trans European Policy Studies Association, Institute of International Relations, Prague researcher Jakub Eberle discusses how #RisingAuthoritarianism Impacts #Democracies Around the World. ▶️ Watch full video here: https://lnkd.in/e4GX6c_i