Kats of the Past & Emeritus Kats

Quite a few people have participated in the IPKat blog over the years. We list them below:

Blogmeister Emeritus
Jeremy is a founding member of the IPKat blogging team and he was universally identified with the IPKat from its inception in June 2003 until his retirement in November 2015. Throughout these twelve years, Jeremy worked tirelessly on the IPKat, finding time also to contribute to several other blogs in both the IPKat family and those hosted by Marques, to found and edit the Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice (JIPLP) and the European Trade Mark Reports (ETMR), organise conferences and seminars, teach at Queen Mary IP Institute and the University of Alicante, and to undertake IP consultancy for Olswang LLP. While the IPKat has always been a collective effort, the blog’s existence and success owes more to Jeremy than to any other individual.

Emeritus Kats (alphabetical by surname)

Dr Alberto Bellan
David Brophy
Dr Birgit Clark
Dr Ilanah Simon Fhima
Dr Matt Fisher
Prof Dr Jo Gibson
Dr Catherine Lee
Dr David Pearce

Dr Nicola Searle
Dr Darren Smyth
Dr Mark Schweizer
Neil J. Wilkof 

Former GuestKats

Tara Aaron
Suleman Ali
Stefano Barazza
Antonios Baris
Kevin Bercimuelle-Chamot
Rosie Burbidge
Mirko Brüß
Sophie Corke
Robert Cumming
Léon Dijkman
Miri Frankel

Antonella Gentile
Ieva Giedrimaite
Gabriele Girardello
Rebecca Gulbul
Riana Harvey
Rose Hughes
Jani Ihalainen
Jan Jacobi
Stephen Jones
Thomas Key 
Becky Knott
Laetitia Lagarde
Dr Matthias Lamping
Peter Ling
Giorgio Luceri 
Nedim Malovic
Kate Manning
Darren Meale
Lucas Michels
Mike Mireles
Tom Ohta
Frantzeska Papadopoulou
Dr Mathilde Pavis
Emma Perot
Nikos Prentoulis
Tosshan Ramgolam
John Jeff Roberts

Dr Bertrand Sautier
Cecilia Sbrolli
Prof Norman Siebrasse
Anna Maria Stein
Valentina Torelli

Eibhlin Vardy
Marie-Andrée Weiss
Alex Woolgar
Henry Yang
Nadia Zegze

Former GuestKats who graduated to the regular team

Dr Alberto Bellan
Prof Dr Eleonora Rosati
Dr Mark Schweizer
Dr Nicola Searle
Dr Darren Smyth

Former SpecialKats

Dr Hayleigh Bosher (Book Review Editor)
Dr Tian Lu (Asia Correspondent)
Chijioke Okorie (Africa Correspondent)

Former InternKats

Kevin Bercimuelle-Chamot 
Dr Hayleigh Bosher
Sophie Corke
Aleksandra Czubek
Chiara Gallo
Antonella Gentile
Ieva Giedrimaite
Benjamin Goh
Riana Harvey
Kan He
Rose Hughes
Lucy Isaev
Magdaleen Jooste
Anastasiia Kyrylenko
James Kwong
Tian Lu
Giorgio Luceri 
Jonathan Pratt
Tosshan Ramgolam
Verónica Rodríguez Arguijo
Cecilia Sbrolli
Nick Smallwood
Ellie Wilson
Alexandre Zanatta Miura
Kats of the Past & Emeritus Kats Kats of the Past & Emeritus Kats Reviewed by Jeremy on Monday, June 15, 2020 Rating: 5

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