Friday Fantasies

Searching for options to broaden your horizons? Here’s our compilation of this week’s opportunities! 

Curioser and curioser


The European Court of Justice is seeking to contract lawyer-linguists qualified in either Danish, Greek/Cypriot, French/Belgian/Luxembourgish, Croatian or Polish law. Selected candidates will be hired in grade AD7.


CEIPI has announced that its “New Trade Mark Law in France” conference is now going online. The conference will now be held in 4 separate sessions, from 9.30 to 12.00 on 21, 23, 28 and 30 April. Panelists will address various aspects of how the Trade Mark Directive 2015/2436 has been implemented into French law. Click here to enroll.

WIPO/AIPPI will hold a joint webinar with five senior WIPO members on 16 April. It will address the latest developments in trade marks, designs, geographical indications, on the PCT, Madrid and Hague systems, as well as on IP Enforcement.

The EUIPO Academy is organizing Tuesday webinars on most relevant trade marks and design proceedings before the Office. The next webinar, to be hold on 21 April, will cover cancellation proceedings, including invalidity and revocation.

4IP Council has announced that its next webinar will be held on 5 May and will address green technology innovation in Europe. Speakers from WIPO's green innovation and SME teams will cover the status of green technology innovation in Europe and beyond.


The International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law (IIC) has announced its decision to open access to selected articles until June 1. Consult the IIC to deepen your knowledge on the intersection of IP and human rights, or pharmaceutical patent law.
Friday Fantasies Friday Fantasies Reviewed by Anastasiia Kyrylenko on Friday, April 10, 2020 Rating: 5

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