AIPPI UK Upcoming Event: Professor Bently to debate how far the "zone of exclusivity" of registered IP rights goes

There has been a lot of discussion and debate on the scope of IP rights lately, especially those subject to registration systems.  How do the rightsholders capture the scope of their monopoly?  How do the Courts interpret the extent of their monopoly?  Should the Courts interpret claims in a way that are favorable to the rightsholder or is the form of the registration the beginning and end of the story?  AIPPI UK will be exploring those topical questions with Professor Lionel Bently (University of Cambridge) on 27 February 2018.  Details as follows:
Event:  Registration, Notice and Property Definition in IP Law 
Who:  Professor Lionel Bently, University of Cambridge
Date:  Tuesday, 27 February 2018
Time:  5:30PM for 6PM
Where:  Bristows LLP, 100 Victoria Embankment, London EC4Y 0DH 
What:  Recent cases in the Supreme Court, such as Trunki and Actavis, as well as CJEU rulings such as Specsavers and Grupo Promer, have refocused attention on the perplexing question of the relationship between claiming and representation of intangible properties in the IP registers and the scope of protection conferred by such registration. Taking a horizontal perspective, this talk asks how far trade mark, design and patent registration systems are intended, and how far they are able, to define precisely the property or “zone of exclusivity” granted to the rightholder.
Register:  Here

Spaces are filling up quickly, so make sure you bag a space!
AIPPI UK Upcoming Event: Professor Bently to debate how far the "zone of exclusivity" of registered IP rights goes AIPPI UK Upcoming Event:  Professor Bently to debate how far the "zone of exclusivity" of registered IP rights goes Reviewed by Annsley Merelle Ward on Sunday, February 18, 2018 Rating: 5

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