UPC - update from UK on statutory instruments

The saltire
A quick update from the UK on the outstanding legislation that will enable the UK to ratify the UPC Agreement: yesterday the Privy Council made an Order approving the draft Scottish statutory instrument that grants certain immunities and privileges to the UPC and its judicial and other staff. 

So where are we now in the UK on ratification and what happens next? The requisite Scottish legislation has been passed, meaning that the only outstanding legislation before the UK can ratify the UPC Agreement is the Unified Patent Court (Immunities and Privileges) Order 2017.  This statutory instrument was passed by the House of Lords earlier this week, and now requires the approval of the Privy Council.  This may be up for consideration by the Privy Council at its next meeting - anticipated to be in February 2018. 

UPC - update from UK on statutory instruments UPC - update from UK on statutory instruments Reviewed by Eibhlin Vardy on Thursday, December 14, 2017 Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. Even if the UK ratifies before Brexit, where is the legal certainty that it can stay in the UPC after?

    All those saying yes have vested interests in the matter, so any news helping to foster this hope is good enough to be trodden out.

    It is high time to come down to Earth and not live in Dreamland.

    This new is not worth a lot!


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