Since that time, I took a renewed interest in the story behind the novel, the singular, some would say inexplicable masterpiece of the often reclusive Harper Lee, a compelling tale of its own. Whatever this Kat did over the past year to revisit To Catch a Mockingbird, he was decidedly unprepared for the news that hit the airways a week ago. A manuscript written by Ms Lee, entitled Go Set a Watchman and composed by her in the 1950s, had recently been either discovered or rediscovered and would be published by HarperCollins in July 2015. The book is described as recounting the story of Scout twenty years later, in the racially charged environment of Alabama in the 1950s.

“The recovered manuscript has ignited fierce debate---much of it speculative—about why Ms Lee waited so long to publish again, whether the book will stand up to her beloved first novel, and whether the author, who has long shied away from public attention, might have been pressured or manipulated into publishing it.”It appears that Ms Lee lives in an assisted living facility in her hometown of Monroeville, Alabama, a town of 6,500 residents, after having suffered a stroke several years ago and having become increasingly limited in both seeing and hearing. Ms Lee communicates to the public through Ms Carter, her lawyer, and speculation is rife as to whether Ms Lee had the mental capacity to make the decision to publish the book. Accounts both pro (she is still as “sharp as a tack”) and con (locals in Monroeville gossip” that Ms Lee “is mentally infirm these days, does not recognize old friends, and could not possibly have signed off on the publication”), have been bandied about in the press.
Keep in mind that Ms Lee steadfastly refused to publish anything after the appearance of To Kill a Mockingbird; changing one’s mind at this stage of one’s life might be explained as either a quest for legacy or as suggesting mental incapacity. Add to this the fact that no one at HarperCollins directly spoke with Ms Lee about the publication project. Said a senior vice-president at the publisher, “we talked to her through her lawyer and friend Tonja Carter”, such that communicating with Ms Lee “wasn’t necessary.” For its part, HarperCollins states it also sent the book for review by several unidentified persons. As for Ms Carter, when asked why she is not providing more information that might “quell suspicions” that there has been any improper influence, has stated that “I am a lawyer, not a celebrity. The focus should be on the gift Harper Lee is giving the world.”

Under such circumstances, how should a publisher go about verifying that the author indeed wishes to have published a long-lost manuscript of a noted author, under the circumstances as described? I do not envy either the publisher or the lawyer in having to reach a decision.

Is not simple Agency theory sufficient to settle the question at law?