Kat Update: One Direction changes direction

In what will be relief to many British teenage girls, the British-Irish boy band One Direction has settled its dispute with a US punk band of the same name. As readers will recall, the dispute arose from applications for various stylised versions of trade mark ONE DIRECTION with the US Patent and Trademark Office. The US One Direction even went as far as to commence proceedings in the California Central District Court (on which see earlier Katpost here), seeking an injunction against the UK One Direction that would stop it using the same name, plus $1m in damages [says Merpel, this must be a misprint -- surely Californian courts aren't allowed to award damages that low ...].

Today it has been widely reported (in the BBC, here, among other media) that the two bands have reached an agreement and that their trade mark dispute has been 'resolved amicably'. The US band is to change its name to Uncharted Shores, the title of one of its two albums. The other terms of the settlement have not been released.

Uncharted Shores here
Sandy Shore (well, Shaw...) here
Stranger on the Shore here and (on YouTube) here

One Direction here
New Direction here
Wrong Direction here
Kat Update: One Direction changes direction Kat Update: One Direction changes direction Reviewed by Catherine Lee on Tuesday, September 04, 2012 Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. Why don't they just change thei rname to Wand Erection? That's how they're known in my house.


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