Innovation PEI

Driving Economic Success in Prince Edward Island

Our goal is to build a vibrant, diverse and growing Prince Edward Island economy by providing funding and expertise to enable strategic sectors, accelerate entrepreneurship, and foster innovation.

Helping Businesses Succeed

Innovation PEI provides support and guidance to help businesses across the province excel and grow. 

1,136Business projects supported in 2022

47Staff at Innovation PEI across the province

127 Countries received PEI exported goods in 2021

34Business support programs

Business Spotlights

Highlighting the Island’s innovators, creatives, risk-takers, and trailblazers.

Business Supports

The availability of stable, high‑speed Internet infrastructure is critical for access to essential resources...

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Web Presence Assistance provides a non-repayable contribution to Prince Edward Island businesses and local not...

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Your non-profit organization may be eligible for up to $2,500 to assist with activities that promote the cul...

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With the success of the marine technologies companies in Prince Edward Island, a cluster development initiativ...

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We’re Here to Help.

Get in touch with an Innovation PEI team member. We’ll assess your needs and provide practical advice to help you grow and succeed.