Viraj Rawal

Viraj Rawal

Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
1K followers 500+ connections


5 years of experience in the semiconductor industry, I specialize in RTL design and…



  • Samsung Semiconductor Graphic

    Samsung Semiconductor

    Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

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    Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

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    Bangalore Urban district, Karnataka, India

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    Gandhinagar & Sanand,Gujarat

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    Regional Telecom Training center

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    Regional Telecom Training center

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    Regional Telecom Training center,Ahmedabad


Licenses & Certifications


  • Leveraging Formal Verification to Create, Reproduce, Verify Design Scenarios from Simulation Wave-dump

    Design Automation Conference

    Methodology for reproducing the corner case scenario using Python-based utility for automatic SVA generation and Automatic verification using Formal Verification.

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  • Clustering Formal Verification falsified properties using Machine Learning

    Design Automation Conference

    Clustering the falsified properties with similar root causes in Formal Verification using ML

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    See publication
  • Coverage improvement using Special Bit Pattern injection using Formal Verification

    Design Automation Conference

    Methodology for improving coverage by utilizing Formal Verification

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    See publication
  • Hardware implementation of 1D-CNN architecture for ECG arrhythmia classification

    Biomedical Signal Processing and Control Journal

    Electrocardiography (ECG) has been used as a diagnostic tool for various heart diseases. It is most effective in detecting myocardial infarction and fatal arrhythmias. This work proposes a safety–critical hardware system for early arrhythmia diagnoses, particularly Atrial Fibrillation. This diagnosis is fairly accurate and unbiased. It is attempted using 1D Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architecture analysis with the physionet/computing in cardiology challenge database considering the…

    Electrocardiography (ECG) has been used as a diagnostic tool for various heart diseases. It is most effective in detecting myocardial infarction and fatal arrhythmias. This work proposes a safety–critical hardware system for early arrhythmia diagnoses, particularly Atrial Fibrillation. This diagnosis is fairly accurate and unbiased. It is attempted using 1D Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architecture analysis with the physionet/computing in cardiology challenge database considering the trade-off between accuracy and computational complexity. The state-of-the-art methods do not provide such analysis for CNN hardware implementation. Two software CNN structures are introduced in this work. The foremost Supreme CNN Architecture (SCA) gives an accuracy of 99.17%, which is 7.04% more than existing 1D-CNN architectures for Atrial Fibrillation (AF) classification. Further, it has 18.93%, 12.3%, and 15.99% more precision, recall, and F1 score compared to the state-of-the-art method. It is helpful for software-based arrhythmia classification. The second proposed architecture is the Software-Selected CNN Architecture (SSCA), having lower computational complexity and providing 98.95% accuracy for AF classification. It is used for hardware realization through various optimization techniques considering a reasonable trade-off between accuracy and computational complexity. The proposed multiplier-less Hardware CNN Architecture (HCA) achieves 97.34% Atrial fibrillation classification accuracy for arrhythmia detection. Further, it consumes only 628 mW power on ZYNQ Ultrascale (ZCU106) FPGA, which is 66.95% lesser than the existing 1D-CNN hardware.

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  • Design Implementation of High-Performance Line Following Robot

    International Conference on Transforming Engineering Education (ICTEE)

    Nowadays, in hospitals, in medical centers, in farming, in the military, on factory floors, in each and every field application of robotics is increasing day by day. Line following robot is one of the widely used robots. Basically, line following robot is an autonomous mobile system which follows the line which has a different color from the background. So the performance of these line following robots heavily depends upon its efficiency in differentiating the line from the background. Many…

    Nowadays, in hospitals, in medical centers, in farming, in the military, on factory floors, in each and every field application of robotics is increasing day by day. Line following robot is one of the widely used robots. Basically, line following robot is an autonomous mobile system which follows the line which has a different color from the background. So the performance of these line following robots heavily depends upon its efficiency in differentiating the line from the background. Many robotic events based on the line following robot are organized at college as well as industry level all across the world. In this paper, we have described various problems we faced while designing the line following system for the robot for ROBOCON 2016 (International robotics event), how we overcome them and how we designed the most optimized, efficient and high-performance line following system

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  • GOLD Telecome certification


  • Platinum Telecom Certification


  • Silver Telecome certification



  • Low Power Implementation for Advance Encryption Standard on FPGA


    The Advanced Encryption Standard is one of the most secure Encryption algorithms in today's world. It can be implemented using the software
    as well as hardware and Field Programmable Gate Array is a better choice to
    implement the algorithm as it provides a quicker and customizable solution.
    In this research, we have implemented the 128 bit AES encryption and used
    optimization techniques in the various stages of the encryption process which
    provides a huge improvement in terms of…

    The Advanced Encryption Standard is one of the most secure Encryption algorithms in today's world. It can be implemented using the software
    as well as hardware and Field Programmable Gate Array is a better choice to
    implement the algorithm as it provides a quicker and customizable solution.
    In this research, we have implemented the 128 bit AES encryption and used
    optimization techniques in the various stages of the encryption process which
    provides a huge improvement in terms of power and area. RTL has both control
    and data paths such that overall power can be reduced and we have used VI-
    VADO WebPack Addition 2018 software to simulate the synthesizable Verilog
    code. We have achieved maximum reduction in power consumption up to 0.025
    Watt which is 3.68 times lower than other implementation and Hardware Utilization is 72.8 percent lesser than other implementation.we have implemented
    the algorithm on FPGA Zybo Zynq-7000 ARM/FPGA SoC Trainer Board.

    Prepared for Publication.

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  • Personal Home Assistant


    It is the IOT based Home Automation System. Which can be controlled by voice, Android Phone and even from your laptop.we can access & monitor all master Controls of home automation from anywhere in the globe through the power of Internet.

    See project

Honors & Awards

  • Recognition for Work at Intel

    Intel Corporation

    From Project Lead Manager, Surinder Sood.

    Thank you Viraj, for supporting on jasper gold based
    connectivity checks. You have set the platform and now a
    long and adventurous journey ahead

    This award honors the impact you have demonstrated through:
    You get results

    You set challenging and competitive goals. You assume responsibility
    and focus on output.

    Surinder Sood

  • ROBOCON 2016


    GTU ROBOCON 2016 TEAM- 1st Runner's Up at National Robotics Competition for Debut Team at ROBOCON 2016


  • Gujarati


  • Hindi


  • English






    Library Manager

  • Gujarat Technological University

    Robotics Robocon 2016 Electronics Team Leader


    we have made two robots 1 ECO Robot(it doesn't have actuator to drive itself) 1 hybrid Robot(Semi-Autonomous) Driving Force of eco robot is given by hybrid robot. by Wind Force as per theme of Robocon 2016 National Level Robotics Compitition(Renewable Energy)

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