Hardik Jain

Hardik Jain

Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
4K followers 500+ connections


As an AI Engineer at Google Cloud, I work on building and deploying scalable and robust…


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  • The Movement Mansion Graphic
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    Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

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    Los Angeles, California, United States

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    Vidyavihar, Mumbai

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    Mumbai Area, India


Licenses & Certifications

Volunteer Experience

  • Zonal Head

    Nation wide blood donation camp

    Social Services


  • E-Banking Security using Cryptography, Steganography and Data Mining

    International Journal of Computer Applications

    The growth of E-Banking has led to an ease of access and 24-hour banking facility for one and all. However, this has led to a rise in e-banking fraud which is a growing problem affecting users around the world. As card is becoming the most prevailing mode of payment for online as well as regular purchase, fraud related with it is also increasing. Thus, the proposed system uses cryptography and steganography technology along with various data mining techniques in order to effectively secure the…

    The growth of E-Banking has led to an ease of access and 24-hour banking facility for one and all. However, this has led to a rise in e-banking fraud which is a growing problem affecting users around the world. As card is becoming the most prevailing mode of payment for online as well as regular purchase, fraud related with it is also increasing. Thus, the proposed system uses cryptography and steganography technology along with various data mining techniques in order to effectively secure the e-banking process and prevent online fraud.

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    See publication


  • Analysis of Algorithms


  • Analysis of Algorithms

    CSCI 570

  • Applications of Natural Language Processing

    CSCI 544

  • Artificial Intelligence


  • Computer Graphics


  • Computer Organization and Architecture


  • Cryptography and System Security


  • Cyber Security


  • Data Structure


  • Data Warehouse and Mining


  • Database Management Systems


  • Database Systems

    CSCI 585

  • Digital Logic Design and Analysis


  • Digital Signal Processing


  • Discrete Structures


  • Distributed Databases


  • Foundations and Applications of Data Mining

    INF 553

  • Human Machine Interaction


  • Information Retrieval

    CSCI 572

  • Mobile Communication and Computing


  • Mobile Devices and Game Consoles

    CSCI 526

  • Object Oriented Programming Methodology


  • Operating Systems


  • Parallel and Distributed Systems



  • Airline Review Sentiment

    - Performed labelling of the data based on sentiment (positive/negative) using the Skytrax dataset.
    - Built a Naïve Bayes Classifier for sentiment analysis.
    - Language used: Python

  • Facial Recognition System – SDHacks 2018

    - Building a desktop application for facial recognition using Tensor Flow and FaceNet.
    - Capturing frames using webcam and identifying faces.
    - Language used: Python

  • Search Engine

    - Created Inverted Index using Hadoop Clusters on Google Cloud.
    - Implemented PageRank Algorithm for indexing web using Solr.
    - Enhanced the search engine by adding AutoComplete and Spell Correction to Solr.
    - Technologies used: Java, Map Reduce, GCP, Solr

  • Movie Recommendation System

    - Built a recommendation system using Collaborative filtering with the help of a Movie-rating database named Movie Lens
    - Used 3 approaches: Model-based, User-based, Item-based Collaborative Filtering
    - Used Locality Sensitive Hashing and Pearson Co-relation, Map Reduce and other techniques.
    - Language used: Python, Scala

  • Network Communication Policy Generation

    - Used data related to packets transmitted over the network to examine the communication between different IPs and worked on finding out malicious packets and blocked them.
    - Used Naïve Bayes Classifier to identify the type of devices trying to communicate and generated policies to restrict access.
    - Used Neural Networks to train the model using packet data in order to examine packets and detect abnormal behaviour.
    - Language used: Python

  • Voting System

    - Designed an application for voting in elections
    - Developed the application using Java Swings which allows the users to login using their unique voter id and select the desired candidate
    - Technology used: Java Swings

  • kNight Escape


    This is an android game that we built as part of our Game development course at USC.
    It is a 2D action, adventure game where a knight is stuck in a dungeon filled with monsters and the task here is to help the knight escape the dungeon safely by fighting and defeating the monsters.

    Dev Platform - Unity3d

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    See project
  • Online Payment Security


    - Designed a system to secure online payment made on various e-commerce websites such as Flipkart, Amazon, and Snapdeal etc. using Cryptography and Steganography on an android application.
    - Analysed user transaction patterns and detecting location changes between transactions using Data Mining algorithms.
    - Sending a One Time Password using SMS gateway to add an extra layer of security.
    - Published a technical paper based on the project in the International Journal of Computer…

    - Designed a system to secure online payment made on various e-commerce websites such as Flipkart, Amazon, and Snapdeal etc. using Cryptography and Steganography on an android application.
    - Analysed user transaction patterns and detecting location changes between transactions using Data Mining algorithms.
    - Sending a One Time Password using SMS gateway to add an extra layer of security.
    - Published a technical paper based on the project in the International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA).
    - Languages used: Java, Android, PHP, Java Script

    Other creators
  • Plus Cars


    - Developed a website for a car dealer named Plus Cars, dealing with brands such as BMW, Jaguar etc.
    - Incorporated features such as customer information, car information, online booking, maintenance service appointment scheduling, latest news from brands etc.
    - Technologies used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP

  • Connecting Dots Game


    - Made a multiplayer desktop game where the players have to connect the dots and form rectangles to win the game.

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