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Le aure, oculo, lingua, naso e pelle alberga le receptores sensorial del cinque sensos historic: respectivement le audito, vista, gusto, olfaction e tacto.

Un senso es un biological systema usate per un organismo pro sensation, le processo de perciper information relative a su ambiente (le mundo exterior) e illo mismo per le detection de stimulos.

Il es sovente dicite que nos ha cinque sensos (audito, gusto, olfaction, tacto e vista) ma il ha alteres alsi; pro exemplo:

Alcun autores distingue le nociception, le senso del dolor.
Alcun animales ha specific sensos como aves migrator con le perception del campo magnetic o le electroception de altere animales.[3][4]

Le human ha sex sensori systemas:

Sensos human

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Cinque sensos exteroceptive

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Historicamente, desde Aristotele, se distingue cinque sensos human:

Sensos interoceptive

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In addition a iste sensos «exteroceptive», altere sensos interoceptive son importante pro cognoscer le stato del corpore. Se pote distinguer:[5]

Le kinesthesia es essential pro le capacitate de un animal de mover se, con un altere senso, le dynamoception o equilibrioception[8] (perception del movimento dynamic), objecto del systema vestibular in le aure interne qui percipe le accelerationes del capite al manera de un unitate inertial. Illo identifica le direction del gravitate terrestre e dunque le inclination del capite. Insimul, kinestesia e dynamoception contribue al proprioception.[7]

Sensori systemas

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Differente systemas collige ambiente stimulos e transmitte los al systema nervose central ubi son tractate (excepte reflexes).

Sensation consiste in signal collection, transduction, transmission e tactamento.
Sensori systemas human[9][10]
Stimulo physic Sensori organo Sensori systema Nervo(s) cranial Cortex cerebral Perception Nomine
Lumine Oculo Visual systema Optic (II) Visual cortex Visual perception Vista/Vision
Sono Aure Auditive systema Vestibulocochlear (VIII) Auditive cortex Auditive perception Audito/Audition
Substantia chimic Naso Olfactive systema Olfactori (I) Olfactori cortex Aromas o flavores[11] Olfaction
Substantia chimic Bucca Gustative systema Facial (VII), Glossopharyngeal (IX) Gustative cortex Sapores Gusto/Gustation
Positura, pression, temperatura Pelle, musculos e tendines proprioceptores Somatosensori systema Trigeminal (V), Glossopharyngeal (IX)
+ Spinal nervos
Somatosensori cortex Mechanoception, thermoception e dolor Kinesthesia & tacto
Acceleration Aure interne Vestibular systema Vestibulocochlear (VIII) Vestibular cortex Dynamoception Equilibrio


[modificar fonte]
  2. Somatosensation and Pain, S.A. Prescott, S. Ratté, in Conn's Translational Neuroscience, 2017
  3. doi:10.1098/rspb.2011.1127
  4. doi:10.1242/jeb.245845
  6. Archive copy. Archivo del original create le 2023-07-12. Recuperate le 2023-07-12.
  7. 7,0 7,1
  9. (2012) Sensation & perception, 3rd, Sinauer Associates, 7. ISBN 978-0-87893-572-7. 
  10. (2016-02-26) Anatomy and Physiology. Rice University (OpenStax). 
  11. Small DM, Green BG. A Proposed Model of a Flavor Modality. In: Murray MM, Wallace MT, editors. The Neural Bases of Multisensory Processes. Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press/Taylor & Francis; 2012. Chapter 36. Available from: