Miklós Boronkay
Budapest, Budapest, Hungary
2 E Követői
500+ kapcsolat
Litigation and arbitration lawyer. Arbitrator. Part time university lecturer. Tort law…
I very much enjoyed the interesting arbitration event organized by YRAP - Young Romanian Arbitration Practitioners, where we shared stories about…
I very much enjoyed the interesting arbitration event organized by YRAP - Young Romanian Arbitration Practitioners, where we shared stories about…
Kedvelte: Miklós Boronkay
🌟 Thrilled to Share! 🌟 I am more than happy to see the Dispute Resolution team at Gárdos Mosonyi Tomori ranked in #Chambers Global 2025! This…
🌟 Thrilled to Share! 🌟 I am more than happy to see the Dispute Resolution team at Gárdos Mosonyi Tomori ranked in #Chambers Global 2025! This…
Kedvelte: Miklós Boronkay
Listening to peer arbitrators Nata Ghibradze, Markiyan Malskyy 🇺🇦, Wojciech Sadowski, Professor Crenguta Leaua, and Paulius Docka, FCIArb sharing…
Listening to peer arbitrators Nata Ghibradze, Markiyan Malskyy 🇺🇦, Wojciech Sadowski, Professor Crenguta Leaua, and Paulius Docka, FCIArb sharing…
Kedvelte: Miklós Boronkay
Szakmai tapasztalat
A Kúria ítélete a Spar Magyarország Kft. és a Gazdasági Versenyhivatal közötti perben
Jogesetek Magyarázata
A tanulmány a Spar v GVH ügyet elemzi, amelyben a Kúria a Spar és beszállítói közötti szerződésekben szereplő egyes kedvezmények jogsértő voltáról döntött. / In this article I analyse the Hungarian Supreme Court's judgement in the Spar v Hungarian Competition Office case, where the Court decided on the illegality of certain rebates contained in the contracts between Spar and its suppliers.
Közszereplők fényképei a sajtóban - a Fővárosi Ítélőtábla 7.Pf.20.009/2015/4. sz. ítélete
Polgári Jog
A tanulmány a Fővárosi Ítélőtábla egy ítéletét elemzi és kritizálja, amely szerint egy hetilap a közszereplőről - hozzájárulása nélkül - nem közölhet le egy olyan képet, amit a közszereplő maga tett közzé a saját facebook honlapján. / In this article I analyse a judgement of the Metropolitan Court of Appeal, which stated that a newspaper cannot publish a photo from a public figure, even if the public figure uploaded that particular photo on his facebook page.
A választottbíráskodás helyzete Magyarországon / Current status of arbitration law in Hungary
MTA Társadalomtudományi Kutatóközpont Jogtudományi Intézet
Tanulmány azt elemzi, hogy a választottbíráskodás hazai jogi szabályozása mennyiben felel meg a gazdasági és jogpolitikai elvárásoknak. / The working paper investigates whether and to which extent Hungarian arbitration law conforms to the business and policy requirements.
További szerzőkPublikáció megtekintése -
Kártérítés fedezeti szerződés alapján / Damages based on substitute transaction
Magyar Jog
A tanulmány a fedezeti szerződésen alapuló kártérítés szabályait elemzi a Bécsi Vételi Egyezmény 75. cikke és az új Ptk.6:141. §-a alapján. / This paper analyses the rules of damages based on substitute transaction pursuant to Art. 75 CISG and Section 6:141 of the new Hungarian Civil Code.
A képmáshoz és a hangfelvételhez fűződő jog / The Right to Image and Voice Recording
A személyiség és a média a polgári és a büntetőjogban / Personality and Media in Civil and Criminal law
A könyvfejezet a képmáshoz és a hangfelvételhez fűződő jogot dolgozza fel a magyar bírói gyakorlat, az Emberi Jogok Európai Bíróságának esetjoga alapján. / This book chapter presents the right to one's own image and voice recording based on the Hungarian court practice and the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights.
Felelősség potenciális károkozásért - gondolatok az alternatív okozatosságról. / Liability for potentially caused losses - some thoughts about alternative causation
(L)ex Cathedra et Praxis - Ünnepi kötet Lábady Tamás 70. születésnapja alkalmából
A cikk az alternatív okozatosság kártérítési jogi kérdéskörét elemzi jogösszehasonlító módszerrel. / The paper analyses the question of alternative causation in tort law with a comparative method.
International Advertising Law (Hungary Chapter)
Globe Law and Business
This book presents the advertising laws of 30 jurisdictions. The Hungarian Chapter provides an overview of the Hungarian laws and regulations: it sets out both the general advertising rules and provisions related to specific topics (e.g. sales promotions, direct marketing, pharmaceutical advertisements).
További szerzőkPublikáció megtekintése -
The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Cartels and Leniency 2014 (Hungary Chapter)
Global Legal Group
This publication sets out the Hungarian rules on cartels and leniency.
További szerzőkPublikáció megtekintése -
The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Cartels and Leniency 2015 (Hungary Chapter)
Global Legal Group
This publication sets out the Hungarian rules on cartels and leniency.
További szerzőkPublikáció megtekintése -
A képmáshoz és a hangfelvételhez fűződő jog / The right to image and voice recording
In Medias Res
A tanulmány a képmáshoz és a hangfelvételhez fűződő jog magyar bírói gyakorlatát és jogirodalmát dolgozza fel és rendszerezi. / This article presents the Hungarian court practice and legal literature regarding the right to one's own image and voice recording
Kitüntetések és díjak
Ranked Arbitrator (Spotlight)
Chambers & Partners 2025
Amongst the top 12 ranked arbitrators in Hungary included in the Chambers & Parters 2025 Guide's chapter "Dispute Resolution: Arbitration".
Ranked Dispute Resolution Lawyer (Band 2)
Chambers & Partners 2025
"Miklós Boronkay is an excellent lawyer, always available and with a hands-on approach."
"He offers great-quality advice and has a sophisticated understanding of disputes."
"Miklós is very good with legal strategy questions and has massive trial experience. He is also a very good coordinator." -
Ranked Arbitrator (Spotlight)
Chambers & Partners Global 2024
Amongst the top 12 ranked arbitrators in Hungary included in the Chambers & Parters 2024 Guide's chapter "Dispute Resolution: Arbitration".
Ranked Dispute Resolution Lawyer (Band 3)
Chambers & Partners Global
"Miklós Boronkay is technically strong and is also able to convey clear and pragmatic advice."
"He is able to guide international clients in a complex jurisdiction."
"He can explain purely legal issues in a business language. He can solve problems and disputes." -
Leading Individual
‘Special mention must go to Miklós Boronkay who is not only an excellent lawyer but is a joy to work with. He understands the concerns clients may have, knowing the bigger picture of the case and works with you to resolve them.'
‘Miklós Boronkay is in a league of his own. His strategic thinking is unmatched, and his legal skills are outstanding. He has an excellent grasp of the key legal issues and is able to convey his advice in clear terms. He fights tooth and nail for advancing the…‘Special mention must go to Miklós Boronkay who is not only an excellent lawyer but is a joy to work with. He understands the concerns clients may have, knowing the bigger picture of the case and works with you to resolve them.'
‘Miklós Boronkay is in a league of his own. His strategic thinking is unmatched, and his legal skills are outstanding. He has an excellent grasp of the key legal issues and is able to convey his advice in clear terms. He fights tooth and nail for advancing the client's objectives.’
'It is impressive how Miklós Boronkay managed to assemble a brilliant and highly likeable team.'
‘I would like to single out Miklós Boronkay and György Wellmann. We have worked with both of them over the past decade and their service has been nothing short of amazing. If you need dispute resolution support in Hungary, look no further.'
‘Miklós Boronkay always excels. He is an excellent litigator and arbitrator who can make the most complicated issues look easy.'
‘András Szecskay and Miklós Boronkay are both exceptionally qualified and great arbitrators and dispute professionals.' -
Arbitration Future Leader
Who's Who Legal / Lexology
Next Generation Partner
“Miklós Boronkay stands out in particular. He is extremely knowledgeable but also very practical and wonderful to work with.”
“Miklós Boronkay is an exceptional litigator that every client would want on their case. He thinks out of the box and is always ready to go the extra mile in order to assist the client. His advice is clear, to the point and pragmatic.”
“Miklós Boronkay is a stellar lawyer. He is very smart, offers pragmatic advice and can handle very complex international…“Miklós Boronkay stands out in particular. He is extremely knowledgeable but also very practical and wonderful to work with.”
“Miklós Boronkay is an exceptional litigator that every client would want on their case. He thinks out of the box and is always ready to go the extra mile in order to assist the client. His advice is clear, to the point and pragmatic.”
“Miklós Boronkay is a stellar lawyer. He is very smart, offers pragmatic advice and can handle very complex international litigation.”
“Working with Miklós Boronkay and his dispute resolution team is always a pleasure. They react quickly, with answers always being on point and instructive. Billing is very fair considering the level of service they provide. We never had a single reason to complain; clients are in very good hands at this firm.”
“Noted for its international network and ‘very strategic advice‘, Szecskay Attorneys at Law‘s dispute resolution team is one of the country’s most respected litigation practices, handling high-profile domestic and cross-border cases with significant market impact. ‘Exceptional litigator’ Miklós Boronkay co-leads the team with the much lauded András Szecskay.” -
Ranked Arbitrator (Spotlight)
Chambers & Partners Global 2023
Amongst the top 10 ranked arbitrators in Hungary included in the Chambers & Parters 2023 Guide's chapter "Dispute Resolution: Arbitration".
Ranked Dispute Resolution Lawyer (Band 3)
Chambers & Partners Global 2023
Miklós Boronkay often represents clients in commercial litigation, including follow-on damages claims. He is also well versed in the enforcement of arbitral awards. He represents his client from the automotive sector. He also acts as arbitrator.
"Miklós Boronkay is always available and provides expertise on a very high level."
"Miklos is extremely knowledgeable, sharp and pleasant to work with. Although in our work together he focuses on Hungary, he always tries to understand the bigger…Miklós Boronkay often represents clients in commercial litigation, including follow-on damages claims. He is also well versed in the enforcement of arbitral awards. He represents his client from the automotive sector. He also acts as arbitrator.
"Miklós Boronkay is always available and provides expertise on a very high level."
"Miklos is extremely knowledgeable, sharp and pleasant to work with. Although in our work together he focuses on Hungary, he always tries to understand the bigger picture as well. He is very proactive and creative."
"He surprises us with his creative thinking and with bringing in new ideas even when already dozens of lawyers have looked at it." -
Next Generation Partner
Legal 500
‘Miklos Boronkay is an extremely skilled legal professional. He thinks out of the box and – together with his team – delivers high-quality work. He has an excellent understanding of the client’s business.’
‘I would like to single out Szecskay’s young, but already highly regarded partners Miklós Boronkay and György Wellmann from their litigation department. They are our go-to experts when we and our clients need assistance in Hungary.’
‘Miklos Boronkay is extremely sharp, has an…‘Miklos Boronkay is an extremely skilled legal professional. He thinks out of the box and – together with his team – delivers high-quality work. He has an excellent understanding of the client’s business.’
‘I would like to single out Szecskay’s young, but already highly regarded partners Miklós Boronkay and György Wellmann from their litigation department. They are our go-to experts when we and our clients need assistance in Hungary.’
‘Miklos Boronkay is extremely sharp, has an international orientation and is very pragmatic.’ -
Ranked Dispute Resolution Lawyer (Band 3)
Chambers & Partners Global 2022
"Miklós Boronkay often represents clients in commercial litigation, including follow-on damages claims. He is also well versed in the enforcement of arbitral awards. Interviewees consider him to be a talented lawyer, with one commenting: "He is a splendid lawyer and litigator," and further stating that he is "clear-minded and logical.""
Up and Coming
Chambers & Partners Europe 2021
Miklós Boronkay receives praise from interviewees for being "a dynamic lawyer with positive thinking." A source further states that he is an "energetic, brilliant lawyer who knows the law really well and is a good strategic thinker." He is well versed in competition cases and international arbitration.
Up and Coming
Chambers & Partners Global 2021
"Miklós Boronkay receives praise from interviewees for being "a dynamic lawyer with positive thinking." A source further states that he is an "energetic, brilliant lawyer who knows the law really well and is a good strategic thinker." He is well versed in competition cases and international arbitration."
Next Generation Partner
Legal 500
"Miklós Boronkay is very attentive to detail, always professional and provides well-rounded legal advice."
"Miklós Boronkay is always available and open to strategic thinking." -
Up and Coming
Chambers and Partners Europe 2020
"Miklós Boronkay deals with high-profile disputes related to competition law, as well as litigation and damages claims in the real estate sector. Sources point out that he is "a lawyer with a pragmatic approach who is also able to focus on legal details." Other interviewees praise him for his strategic sense: "He is very quick on his feet and he knows how to co-ordinate tactics.""
Up and Coming
Chambers & Partners Global 2020
"Miklós Boronkay deals with high-profile disputes related to competition law, as well as litigation and damages claims in the real estate sector. Sources point out that he is "a lawyer with a pragmatic approach who is also able to focus on legal details." Other interviewees praise him for his strategic sense: "He is very quick on his feet and he knows how to co-ordinate tactics.""
Next Generation Lawyer
Legal 500
"Szecskay Attorneys at Law is praised for its ‘client-oriented approach’. The team regularly handles commercial litigation and arbitration cases, and has experience across IP, competition and public procurement disputes. Managing partner András Szecskay heads the team, which includes senior associates Miklós Boronkay, who ‘thinks outside the box and always comes up with creative arguments’, and György Wellmann."
Up and Coming
Chambers and Partners
"Described by market commentators as a "co-ordinated and thoughtful lawyer," Miklós Boronkay advises clients on cartel and abuse of dominance cases. Boronkay is notably recognised for his experience in arbitration and litigation proceedings."
Associate to Watch - Competition Law
Chambers & Partners
"Described by sources as a "talented lawyer," Miklós Boronkay assists with contentious competition law mandates. He works extensively with clients from the pharmaceutical sector on competition investigations, public procurement and litigation matters."
https://www.chambersandpartners.com/108/26/editorial/7/1 -
Recommended Lawyer - Dispute Resolution
"The lawyers at Szecskay Attorneys at Law have ‘excellent knowledge’, covering litigation with particular strength in IP and international investment arbitration. Practice head András Szecskay is ‘a first-rate strategist’; Miklós Boronkay impresses with his ‘deep legal knowledge and accurateness’ (...)"
https://www.legal500.com/firms/12628/11571 -
Associate to Watch - Competition Law
Chambers and Partners
"Dynamic lawyer" Miklós Boronkay has a growing reputation, with clients noting that "he works very fast and gives quick responses." He focuses on cartel cases.
Recommended Lawyer - Competition Law
Legal 500
Legal 500 recognized our competition team in Tier 2:
"Anikó Keller’s team at Szecskay Attorneys at Law combines a strong antitrust practice with expertise in unfair competition and advertising law. Keller and Miklós Boronkay, who is ‘clever and proactive, and thinks outside of the box’, were part of a team defending Reckitt Benckiser in complaint proceedings before the Hungarian Competition Authority and the Consumer Protection Authority relating to alleged breaches of advertising rules…Legal 500 recognized our competition team in Tier 2:
"Anikó Keller’s team at Szecskay Attorneys at Law combines a strong antitrust practice with expertise in unfair competition and advertising law. Keller and Miklós Boronkay, who is ‘clever and proactive, and thinks outside of the box’, were part of a team defending Reckitt Benckiser in complaint proceedings before the Hungarian Competition Authority and the Consumer Protection Authority relating to alleged breaches of advertising rules in television advertisements." -
Recommended lawyer - Dispute Resolution
Legal 500
Legal 500 recognized our dispute resolution team in Tier 1:
"Szecskay Attorneys at Law, which stands out for its ‘expertise, professionalism and reliability’, provides arbitration services across all major forums. Arbitration specialist András Szecskay is part of a team representing Sodexo in ICSID proceedings relating to its investment in Hungary. Miklós Boronkay has ‘thorough knowledge of both Hungarian and EU law’." -
2nd Price in Civil Law at the National Competition for University Students
National Council for Scientific Student Groups (Országos Tudományos Diákköri Tanács)
2nd prize at the Hungarian Criminal Law Moot Court Competition
Best Opponent in Civil Law at the National Competition for University Students
National Council for Scientific Student Groups (Országos Tudományos Diákköri Tanács)
Speaker's Award at the Central and Eastern European Moot Court Competition
Austrian Arbitration Association
-Jelen -
Young Austrian Arbitration Practitioners (YAAP)
-Jelen -
ICC Hungary
-Jelen -
Hungarian Association of Competition Law
-JelenIn 2010, 2011 and 2014 I participated in the preparation of the Hungarian national reports to the annual meeting of the International Leagues of Competition Law (LIDC - http://www.ligue.org/)
Competition Law Research Centre
-JelenI participated in preparing a study about the competition law aspects of collective copyright management under the leadership of Prof. György Boytha. (available: http://gvh.hu/data/cms1001138/gvh_vkk_rendezveny_beszelgetesek_tanulmany_2008_06_24_m_pdf.pdf)
More activity by Miklós
Listening to the brilliant keynote of Georg Kodek, President of the Supreme Court of Austria, at the VIAC Community Ambassador Network (VIAC CAN) -…
Listening to the brilliant keynote of Georg Kodek, President of the Supreme Court of Austria, at the VIAC Community Ambassador Network (VIAC CAN) -…
Kedvelte: Miklós Boronkay
AI: The Electricity of Our Era? Over two intensive days in Brussels, Agata Szeliga and I, together with our colleagues from Microsoft, external and…
AI: The Electricity of Our Era? Over two intensive days in Brussels, Agata Szeliga and I, together with our colleagues from Microsoft, external and…
Kedvelte: Miklós Boronkay
At SEON, we recently had an incredible company kickoff, bringing together our amazing team to align, celebrate, and gear up for another impactful…
At SEON, we recently had an incredible company kickoff, bringing together our amazing team to align, celebrate, and gear up for another impactful…
Kedvelte: Miklós Boronkay
Insightful days in sunny Copenhagen at the offices of offersen : christoffersen Advokatfirma I/S. Receiving practical tips & tricks on "Superb…
Insightful days in sunny Copenhagen at the offices of offersen : christoffersen Advokatfirma I/S. Receiving practical tips & tricks on "Superb…
Kedvelte: Miklós Boronkay
𝗖𝗿𝗼𝘀𝘀-𝗯𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝗷𝘂𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗱𝗶𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗮𝗹𝗲𝗿𝘁 #𝟮 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝘄𝗲𝗲𝗸: 𝗣𝗼𝗹𝗶𝘀𝗵 𝗦𝘂𝗽𝗿𝗲𝗺𝗲 𝗖𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘁 𝘀𝗲𝗲𝗸𝘀 𝗖𝗝𝗘𝗨…
𝗖𝗿𝗼𝘀𝘀-𝗯𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝗷𝘂𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗱𝗶𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗮𝗹𝗲𝗿𝘁 #𝟮 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝘄𝗲𝗲𝗸: 𝗣𝗼𝗹𝗶𝘀𝗵 𝗦𝘂𝗽𝗿𝗲𝗺𝗲 𝗖𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘁 𝘀𝗲𝗲𝗸𝘀 𝗖𝗝𝗘𝗨…
Kedvelte: Miklós Boronkay
ArbBoutique's Professor Dr. Maxi Scherer will speak at the 9th ICC Arbitration European Conference on #InternationalArbitration. Maxi will moderate…
ArbBoutique's Professor Dr. Maxi Scherer will speak at the 9th ICC Arbitration European Conference on #InternationalArbitration. Maxi will moderate…
Kedvelte: Miklós Boronkay
Have you registered yet for the VIAC CAN Congress 2025 to take place in Vienna on 28 February? You're still in time! We are proud sponsors of the…
Have you registered yet for the VIAC CAN Congress 2025 to take place in Vienna on 28 February? You're still in time! We are proud sponsors of the…
Kedvelte: Miklós Boronkay