Attila Kis
Szeged, Csongrád, Hungary
273 Követői
264 Kapcsolatok
We're excited to be featured in NBC's 'Women's History Month: 170+ women-owned brands to support.'
We're excited to be featured in NBC's 'Women's History Month: 170+ women-owned brands to support.'
Kedvelte: Attila Kis
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More activity by Attila
I usually don't talk about family matters on Linkedin, but some of you know that alongside our amazing co-founders we started Antavo Loyalty…
I usually don't talk about family matters on Linkedin, but some of you know that alongside our amazing co-founders we started Antavo Loyalty…
Kedvelte: Attila Kis
Join Oova's Founder and CEO Amy Divaraniya at Luminary’s 1st Annual #InThisTogether Summit on Thursday, March 3rd to kick off and celebrate…
Join Oova's Founder and CEO Amy Divaraniya at Luminary’s 1st Annual #InThisTogether Summit on Thursday, March 3rd to kick off and celebrate…
Kedvelte: Attila Kis
További hasonló profilok
Egyéb megnevezett Attila Kis személyek Hungary
Attila Kis
Beruházás beszerző a Bonafarm Csoportnál
Attila Kis
Attila Kis
Attila Kis
Algorithm Development Engineer @ Diatron MI
62 mások a Attila Kis LinkedIn-en Hungary vannak
Lásd a többi nevet Attila Kis