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Exclusive Interview: Eddie Fright (Fright Teck Pictures)

What made you want to get involved in the film industry?

I always loved Horror films as a kid. My best friend Dean Ross and I would make these films back in the 80s on super 8, we had a blast showing them to family and the neighborhood friends. Fast forward 25 years and my current Girlfriend suggested I get back into it. So we picked up Llyod Kauffman’s book make your own damn movie. Needless to say, that kicked off my career in independent film.

How did you start FRIGHT TECK PICTURES? 

We started fright teck pictures in 2005. It was strange how it happened, being that I’m a DJ I used that knowledge of the industry and combined the word fright because it described and emotion along with technology but i spelled teck instead of tech.

From script–to–screen, how close did BYTE come to its original vision?

Actually, very close surprisingly!

Do you have a favorite scene in BYTE? 

The ending when the two girls confront Rader. The slow motion we came up with in post and it really does the scene justice!

What is the biggest obstacle you faced while making BYTE?

Time and money. We went through the budget rather quickly.

What was your proudest moment in your film career? 

Selling out back-to-back theatres and being on the news multiple times.

How do you get a film to stand out in the crowd in today’s landscape?

I am still working on that, I think we did that with melon heads due to the fact its an urban legend.

What other filmmakers inspire you to do what you do?

I enjoy Tarantino a lot.

What is your favorite horror decade and why?

The 80’s, they were fun and did not rely on digital effects.

What is the next step in your filmmaking career?

I think the next step is to keep on growing and expanding our brand. We still have a few things planned in the horror genre that should be a whole lot of fun to Create!

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