डिफरेंशियल ऑपरेटर L |
ग्रीन का फलन G |
अनुप्रयोग के उदाहरण
where |
with |
1D underdamped harmonic oscillator
where |
with |
1D overdamped harmonic oscillator
where |
1D critically damped harmonic oscillator
2D Laplace operator |
with |
2D Poisson equation
3D Laplace operator |
with |
Poisson equation
Helmholtz operator |
stationary 3D Schrödinger equation for free particle
in dimensions |
Yukawa potential, Feynman propagator
1D wave equation
2D wave equation
D'Alembert operator |
3D wave equation
1D diffusion
2D diffusion
3D diffusion
with |
1D Klein–Gordon equation
with |
2D Klein–Gordon equation
with |
3D Klein–Gordon equation
with |
telegrapher's equation
with |
2D relativistic heat conduction
with |
3D relativistic heat conduction