Student Health Insurance

Student Health Insurance


Summer 2025 Enrollment Period: Enrollment period information will be posted soon

Spring 2025 Enrollment Period: Now Closed

Eligible students MUST enroll during the open enrollment period each new policy year as the coverage does NOT auto enroll. The policy year is from 8/1/XX – 7/31/XX. Enrollment periods are offered during the times below.

Mid-July through September for the full policy year or for only the fall semester.

Mid December through February for the spring/summer semesters.

Important Notice: 

Students informed by their department that a health insurance charge is being placed on their Bursar’s account (called mandatory group) will not have immediate access to their insurance plan whether on or off campus. If you attempt to enroll and your name cannot be found in the UHCSR system, try again each day. Georgia Tech sends a mandatory file to UHCSR daily reflecting when the insurance charge has been placed on tuition. You will not be able to enroll online until UHCSR receives a file containing your information. Once enrollment is finalized, an email is sent from [email protected] with instructions on how to access the electronic medical ID card through the UHCSR secure portal, My Account. If you do not receive the email, you can access the My Account page here. My Account gives you access to the medical ID card, claims information, customized provider search, cost estimator tools, access to ancillary benefits and more.

Students who enroll in the voluntary plan have immediate access to create an account and print an ID card.  You will be able to use the plan once this is completed.

    Student Health Insurance Enrollment Process

    The graph below has been created by SGA students to help all students better understand SHIP enrollment process.

    SHIP enrollment process

    Mandatory Plan

    Students in the mandatory group are required to carry health insurance coverage during their program of study at Georgia Institute of Technology. You must enroll yourself and your eligible dependents under the mandatory plan twice a policy year (Fall and Spring/Summer).

    To view PDF files, a PDF reader such as Adobe Reader is required. Click here to download.

    Enrollment Information:
    • If you attempt to enroll and your name cannot be found in the UHCSR system, try again each day. Georgia Tech sends a mandatory file to UHCSR reflecting when the insurance charge has been placed on tuition daily. You will not be able to enroll online until UHCSR receives a file containing your information.

    • Once enrollment is finalized, an email is sent from [email protected] with instructions on how to access the electronic medical ID card through the UHCSR secure portal, My Account. If you do not receive the email, you can access the My Account page here. My Account gives you access to the medical ID card, claims information, customized provider search, cost estimator tools, access to ancillary benefits and more. UHCSR has built a video library to help guide you through the different aspects of their health insurance; you can access it at

    • Shortly after enrollment is complete, you will receive a dental card in the mail from UHC Dental. The medical ID card, available in your My Account, will also serve as the vision card. The student will also have access to many other services, such as telehealth benefits and Global Emergency Services.

    • You can find more information about benefits, review the plan materials and rates, search for providers, view prescription drug lists and make your purchase in your My Account or at

    • After you have successfully enrolled, you may enroll your eligible dependents through your My Account. If your enrollment has not yet been finalized, coverage for eligible dependents may be requested here and selecting Notify Me. Once student coverage has been applied you will receive an email notification with additional information on how to enroll and purchase coverage for your eligible dependents. All dependent premiums are paid directly to UnitedHealthcare StudentResourcesEligible dependents include:

      • Domestic partner
      • Spouse
      • Eligible children up to 26 years of age (including stepchildren, foster children, and legally adopted children, providing the student is fully enrolled and eligible for coverage).
    Waiver Information:
      • Mandatory students who have an existing health insurance coverage that meets/exceeds insurance requirements can receive a waiver.
      • You must request a waiver during the open enrollment period and the waiver process can take up to 10 days. You must waive in both fall and spring semesters.
      • International Students: This year there is an important change to the waiver requirements for international students. In previous years, international students would have been able to use PGH or another “offshore” plan that doesn’t meet ACA standards to waive out of the Mandatory SHIP category. Starting this year, international students at Georgia Tech cannot waive with PGH or any non-ACA compliant plan. International students must either enroll in the Mandatory SHIP or waive with an ACA-compliant plan.
      • The mandatory student health insurance charge is automatically added to your Georgia Tech student account. Once waived, UHCSR will send a notification to Georgia Tech’s Bursar’s Office to remove the charge from your account. If the submitted waiver is approved and the insurance fee has already been paid, the Bursar’s Office will refund the fee.


    Voluntary Plan

    Students not in the mandatory group and taking at least four credit hours (including Postdoctoral Scholars, J1 Scholars, and OPT) may enroll during the open enrollment period(s).

    There are two options for voluntary enrollment in Fall:

    • Annual (covers the entire policy year) with one enrollment.
    • Fall semester enrollment only, then re-enroll for Spring (includes Summer) semester during the Spring enrollment period (Dec. – Jan.).

    For the next policy year, all eligible voluntary students must enroll in Fall (the two enrollment options above will be available) to keep continuous coverage from policy year to policy year.

    Distance learning students are not eligible.

    J1 Scholars, Postdoctoral Scholars, and OPT should contact Jennifer White to enroll at [email protected] if enrolling outside of the open enrollment dates.



    To view PDF files, a PDF reader such as Adobe Reader is required. Click here to download.

    Enrollment Information:
      • Once enrollment is finalized, an email is sent from [email protected] with instructions on how to access the electronic medical ID card through the UHCSR secure portal, My Account. If you do not receive the email, you can access the My Account page here. My Account gives you access to the medical ID card, claims information, customized provider search, cost estimator tools, access to ancillary benefits and more. UHCSR has built a video library to help guide you through the different aspects of their health insurance; you can access it at
      • Shortly after enrollment is complete, you will receive a dental card in the mail from UHC Dental. The medical ID card, available in your My Account, will also serve as the vision card. The student will also have access to many other services, such as telehealth benefits and Global Emergency Services.
      • You can find more information about benefits, review the plan materials and rates, search for providers, view prescription drug lists and make your purchase in your My Account or at
      • After you have successfully enrolled, you may enroll your eligible dependents through your My Account. If your enrollment has not yet been finalized, coverage for eligible dependents may be requested here and selecting Notify Me. Once student coverage has been applied you will receive an email notification with additional information on how to enroll and purchase coverage for your eligible dependents. All dependent premiums are paid directly to UnitedHealthcare StudentResources. Eligible dependents include:
        • Domestic partner
        • Spouse
        • Eligible children up to 26 years of age (including stepchildren, foster children, and legally adopted children, providing the student is fully enrolled and eligible for coverage).
    Plan Benefits

    Plan Benfits

    • Click the Plan Benefits link above to view the plan benefits.
    • Once the site opens, you will need to enter Georgia Institute of Technology as the school name.
    • Then choose the Explore Policy link for the plan you will enroll in (mandatory, voluntary, etc.)
    • The summary documents on the following page will detail the plan benefits.


    Mandatory Voluntary
    Fall (8/1/2024-12/31/2024) Spring/Summer (1/1/2025-7/31/2025) Annual (8/1/2024-7/31/2025) Fall (8/1/2024-12/31/2024) Spring/Summer (1/1/2025-7/31/2025)
    Student $1,289.69 $1,786.71 $4,254.40 $1,782.69 $2,471.71
    Spouse $1,409.93 $1,952.84 $4,658.80 $1,952.93 $2,705.87
    One Child $1,421.82 $1,969.42 $4,687.24 $1,964.82 $2,722.42
    Two or More Children $2,775.82 $3,844.42 $9,214.24 $3,861.82 $5,350.42
    All Dependents (a.k.a. Spouse & Children) $4,195.44 $5,810.76 $13,896.20 $5,824.44 $8,069.76
    Summer I (5/1/2025-7/31/2025) Summer II (6/17/2025-7/31/2025) *Summer II is only for a special group of students
    Mandatory Voluntary Mandatory Voluntary
    Student $776.29 $1,072.29 $387.26 $536.26
    Spouse $847.63 $1,174.63 $423.45 $587.45
    One Child $854.78 $1,181.78 $426.95 $590.95
    Two or More Children $1,668.78 $2,322.78 $833.95 $1,161.95
    All Dependents (a.k.a. Spouse & Children) $2,522.24 $3,503.24 $1,260.25 $1,752.25

    Please Note: Coverage begins August 1 for one academic year only and all eligible students MUST enroll both in fall and spring semesters for coverage continuation from policy year to policy year.

    GRA Employer Plan

    GRA Health Insurance Option

    The GRA Healthcare Plan Option is a medical plan offered by the University System of Georgia. This option is an alternative to the United HealthCare Student Resources/Student Health Insurance Plan offered through the Institute.  Graduate Research Assistants should carefully consider this coverage before enrolling as the GRA Healthcare Plan Option through OneUSG does not meet the federal guidelines for international students holding F-1 or J-1 visas requirements.

    GTSHS recommends GRAs enroll in the UHCSR/SHIP a more robust plan already assessed to tuition.

       Student Health Insurance FAQ’s

    I am having trouble with the UHCSR enrollment website (can't click a button to proceed or the page freezes). What do I do?

    Please use Chrome, Safari, or Edge as your web browser as this has helped some students finish the enrollment process. If you still have trouble, please contact [email protected].

    Can I waive with PGH Global insurance?

    This year there is an important change to the waiver requirements for international students. In previous years, international students would have been able to use PGH or another “offshore” plan that doesn’t meet ACA standards to waive out of the Mandatory SHIP category. Starting this year, international students at Georgia Tech cannot waive with PGH or any non-ACA compliant plan. International students must either enroll in the Mandatory SHIP or waive with an ACA-compliant plan.

    What is the difference in the “Health Fee” and “Student Health Insurance”?

    The health fee is a mandatory fee charged on tuition for all students taking 4 or more credit hours per semester (fall, spring, summer). The health fee covers most services at Stamps Health Services and is not health insurance.

    The Student Health Insurance Plan, available for GT students, provides medical, vision, dental, prescription, and worldwide coverage.

    What is the difference in “mandatory” and “voluntary” student health insurance?

    The following groups of students, per the Georgia Board of Regents, are charged for Mandatory Student Health Insurance on their tuition:

    ·  All undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in programs that require proof of health insurance as determined by the USG Institution. Currently Georgia Tech only requires Mandatory Health Insurance for graduate students in the CHBE and BMED programs and APPH majors.

    ·  All graduate students receiving fellowships that fully fund their tuition as determined by the USG Institution.

    ·  All undergraduate, graduate students holding F or J visas.

    ·  All graduate students receiving a Tuition Waiver as part of their graduate assistantship award as determined by the USG Institution

    I fall under the mandatory student health insurance category, but I already have private insurance. Can I waive these fee?

    Students in the groups above who have an existing health insurance policy that meets/exceeds insurance requirements can receive a waiver. You must request a waiver during the open enrollment/waiver period.

    Once waived, a notification will be sent to GT Bursar’s Office from United Healthcare Student Resources to remove the charge from your Bursar account. The mandatory student health insurance charge is automatically added to tuition and if the submitted waiver is approved and have paid the insurance fee, the GT Bursar’s Office will refund the fee.

    Can I add my spouse and/or child(ren) to my student health insurance plan?

    Yes, United Healthcare Student Resources allows students to add a spouse and child(ren) to their policy.

    When can I enroll myself and/or my spouse/child(ren) to my student health insurance plan?

    During Fall and Spring/Summer open enrollment.

    If I am a co-op/intern am I eligible to enroll in student health insurance?

    If the student is in the Georgia Board of Regents mandatory group then the student will be charged on tuition for mandatory insurance. If the student is not in the mandatory group but is taking 4 or more credit hours then the student is eligible for the voluntary plan.

    Can I use my private health insurance at Stamps Health Services?

    At this time only the Stamps Health Services Pharmacy files insurance claims for prescriptions. Stamps Health Services does not file insurance claims for medical services rendered other than to the GT Student Health Ins Co. Also, Stamps Health Services is not on any managed care contracts except for the United Healthcare Student Resources plan. Students that do not have the GT Student Health Insurance and incur charges (most services are covered through the student fee) pay at time of service and we provide a statement that students can file to their insurance carrier.

    I think I am in the mandatory group but I was not charged on tuition – what do I do?

    You will need to contact the GT Bursar’s Office: 404.894.4618

    I filed a waiver and my waiver was approved, but the charge is still on my tuition – what do I do?

    You will need to contact the GT Bursar’s Office: 404.894.4618

    I am a non-employee Postdoctoral Scholar receiving a stipend from a fellowship or training grant. Can I enroll myself and/or my dependents in GT student health insurance offered by United Healthcare?
    Yes, you may purchase GT student health insurance. From the United Healthcare Student Resources GT enrollment webpage (linked to above), you will select Medical – Voluntary Student Plan policy.
    In many cases all or part of the premium may be reimbursed by your fellowship – contact your program officer or grants administrator for more information.

       Connect With Us!

    Stamps Health Services is committed to providing the best service possible. If you feel we can improve the services in any way, please do not hesitate to contact us.  Please contact [email protected]

    Need Assistance?

    Stamps Health Services Insurance Coordinator, Jennifer White : 404- 894-0633

    Some students may be eligible for a new statewide program called Georgia Pathways to Coverage that provides Medicaid benefits to low-income residents. Learn more.