Bitrise Insights Pro

Online (Self-Serve) Terms of Use (the “ToU”)Terms of Service

ToU Effective Date: June 14, 2022

Please read these ToU carefully before subscribing to Insights Pro. 

By accessing and using the Insights Pro service you (1) acknowledge your acceptance of these ToU, (2) represent that you are authorized to enter into these ToU on behalf of Customer, as defined below, and (3) agree that these ToU are a binding and enforceable part of the agreement between Bitrise and Customer. 

The terms and conditions of these ToU apply to your usage of Insights Pro.


These ToU, as may be amended from time to time, are between you or the entity you represent (hereinafter “Customer” or “you") and Bitrise Limited (“Bitrise”) and supplement the Governing Agreement, as defined below, and made effective as of the Insights Pro Effective Date.

1. Definitions

The following terms shall have the following meaning: 

1.1 “Agreement” means the Governing Agreement and these ToU. 

1.2 “Bitrise Add-on” has the mean set forth in the Governing Agreement.  If for any reason “Bitrise Add-on” is not defined in your General Agreement, then “Bitrise Add-on” shall have the meaning set forth in the ToS.

1.3 “Data Processing Agreement” means the data processing agreement available at, as may be amended from time to time.

1.4 “Governing Agreement” means the terms and conditions governing your use of the Bitrise Services, which are either (a) the currently effective terms of service available at for self-serve customers (the “ToS”), or (b) the terms specified as governing under a signed Order for customers who are using the Bitrise Services pursuant to a current, signed Order. 

1.5 “Insights Pro” means the Insights Pro dashboard and such other materials or services provided by Bitrise under the name Insights Pro.  Insights Pro shall be deemed a Bitrise Add-on.

1.6 “Insights Pro Effective Date” means the date upon which the Customer subscribes to the Insights Pro services.

1.7 “Insights Pro Subscription Plan” means the Insights Pro subscriber plan selected by Customer from time-to-time, and shall be deemed a Plan under the ToS.

1.8 “Personal Data” means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person that is processed by Bitrise on behalf of the Customer.

1.9 All terms not defined herein, shall have the meaning assigned them under the Governing Agreement.

2. Use of the Insights Pro Bitrise Add-on

2.1 Subject to compliance at all times with the terms and conditions of the Agreement, Bitrise hereby grants Customer a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, revocable, limited right to access and use Insights Pro so long as Customer’s subscription is in force and effect. All rights not expressly granted to Customer herein are reserved by Bitrise and its licensors.  

2.2 Customer may terminate its subscription of Insights Pro at any time by following the termination steps made available on the Insights Pro subscription page online. Such termination shall take effect on the first day of the month following Customer’s termination.

3. Personal Data

3.1 Bitrise may process Personal Data on behalf of the Customer when providing Insights Pro. The details of the Personal Data processing and the relationship between Customer and Bitrise with regards to this Personal Data processing is regulated by the Data Processing Agreement.

3.2 Upon termination of Customer’s subscription to Insights Pro, Customer's access to Insights Pro and any customer data in Insights Pro immediately ceases. Customer agrees and acknowledges that subject to the requirements of applicable data privacy laws, Bitrise has no obligation to retain, maintain or forward the Customer Data (including Personal Data), and may delete such Customer Data immediately upon termination or as otherwise permitted in the Governing Agreement.