This repository contains the source code of the algorithm MSOC-S-IKF (Multiple State Observability Constraint-Schmidt-Invariant Kalman Filter), which is a consistent and efficient map-based visual inertial localization algorithm. This algorithm is based on the open-sourced framework Open-VINS. For the detailed introduction and related theories of MSOC-S-IKF, readers can refer to our submitted paper "Toward Consistent and Efficient Map-based Visual-inertial Localization: Theory Framework and Filter Design" (The first-version manuscript can be accessed through this link).
The folder 'ov_rimsckf' is the main body of MSOC-S-IKF, where we implemented a right-invariant EKF version of Open-VINS, and the right-invriant EKF vins is combined with the Schmidt EKF and the Observability-Constraint technique to get our MSOC-S-IKF.
The folder 'ov_msckf' contains an extended version of the original Open-VINS, where we implemented a Schmidt EKF for map-based visual inertial localization. This block can be used as a baseline to compare with the 'ov_rimsckf'. The algorithms "MSC-EKF" and "MSC-S-EKF" in our manuscript are from this package. The main difference between 'ov_rimsckf' and 'ov_msckf' is that the former is based on the right invariant EKF while the latter is based on standard EKF.
The folder 'matches' provides feature matching information between the query sequences and the maps on different used dataset. And the subfolder 'gt' provides corresponding ground truth.
The folder 'ov_eval' provides the modules for evaluating the algorithms performances. Compared with the original 'ov_eval' from Open-VINS, we added some tools to evaluate the performance of invariant-EKF-based algorithms, e.g., "error_invariant_singlerun" and "error_dataset".
The folder 'ov_core' provides some basic modules for 'ov_rimsckf'/'ov_msckf'.
The folder 'docs' provides our original paper and the related supplementary material.
The provided Supplementary_Material.pdf in the folder 'docs' is the SUPPLEMENTARY of our submitted paper "Toward Consistent and Efficient Map-based Visual-inertial Localization: Theory Framework and Filter Design". Alternatively, readers can also access the supplementary with this link.
This repository is currently only support ROS1. All the dependencies is the as those in Open-VINS. You can follow the guidance of Open-VINS Installation to install the dependencies.
$mkdir -p catkin_ws/src
$cd catkin_ws/src
$git clone
$cd ..
$source devel/setup.bash
##For EuRoC dataset, run the following command
$roslaunch ov_rimsckf pgeneva_ros_eth.launch
##For Kaist dataset, run the following command
$roslaunch ov_rimsckf pgeneva_ros_kaist.launch
##For 4Seasons dataset, run the following command
$roslaunch ov_rimsckf pgeneva_ros_4seasons.launch
##For YQ dataset, run the following command
$roslaunch ov_rimsckf pgeneva_ros_YQ.launch
##For the simulation data, run the following command
$roslaunch ov_rimsckf pgeneva_sim_rect_circle.launch
Note that before running the roslaunch file, make sure the corresponding parameters in the launch file (e.g., "pgeneva_ros_eth.launch") are correctly configured:
For each launch file, there are some key parameters need to be modified.
Make sure the played rosbag is correct. User may modify the roslaunch parameters "bag", "bag_start" to decide which rosbag is selected and from which second of the rosbag to play. Alternately, users can choose to comment the rosbag play node in the roslaunch file, and open another terminal to play the rosbag. For example, to play the V203 sequence of EuRoC datasets from the beginning, users can utilize the following command:
$rosbag play V2_03_difficult.bag -s 0 --pause
For Kaist dataset, users should utilize the official file player provided here to play the bag.
Modify the roslaunch parameter "pose_graph_filename" and "keyframe_pose_filename" to choose the correct matching information and map keyframe poses. For example, When we perform localization on V203 against V201, i.e., V201 is used as a prior map while V203 is online playing, then "pose_graph_filename" should be set as "V203_matches_with_V201.txt", and "keyframe_pose_filename" should be set as "V2_01_easy_cam.txt".
The parameter "use_schmidt" decides whether the algorithm use Schmidt update or not. If the users use the package "ov_msckf" and set "use_schmidt" to be "true"/"false", then, the user is running the algorithm "MSC-S-EKF"/"MSC-EKF" mentioned in our paper. Similarly, if the users use the package "ov_rimsckf" and set "use_schmidt" to be "true"/"false", then, the user is running the algorithm "MSOC-S-IKF"/"MSC-IKF" mentioned in our paper.
The parameter "use_prior_map" decides whether the algorithm is running with a prior map or just running as a pure odometry.
The parameter "path_est" defines the output file in which the local-pose data in the local inertial reference frame L is recorded
The parameter "path_rect_est" defines the output file in which the map-pose data in the map reference frame G is recorded
The parameter "path_trans/path_transform" defines the output file in which the augmented variable, i.e., the relative transformation between L and G, is recorded
- Running the code on EuRoC dataset:
$roslaunch ov_rimsckf pgeneva_ros_eth.launch
Our original roslaunch file plays V203 rosbag and utilizes V201 map information. If everything goes well, the user should see the following interface:
where the green trajectory is the odometry trajectory in the local inertial reference frame L, corresponding to the local-pose in the paper, the red trajectory is the pose in the map reference frame G, corresponding to the map-pose in the paper, and the cyan trajectory is the ground truth in the map reference frame G. The white dots are the locations where the map-based observations occur.
- Running the simulation dataset:
$roslaunch ov_rimsckf pgeneva_sim_rect_circle.launch
Our original roslaunch file perform simulation based on Scenario_2 in the supplementary material. Users can change the parameter "seed" to generate different noise. If everything goes well, the user should see the following interface:
- Evaluation:
Based on the output files, the author could evaluate the results by comparing the results with the groundtruth files provided in "matches/.../gt/". Users can utilize the "ov_eval" package to perform evaluation:
$rosrun ov_eval error_singlerun none gt_file.txt output_file.txt
The commonly used command include "error_singlerun/error_invariant_singlerun", "error_dataset", and "plot_trajectories". For the detailed instruction, please refer to this link. There is one important thing when performing evalutaion: If the user running the program based on "ov_msckf" package, then "error_singlerun" should be used instead of the "error_invariant_singlerun". If the user running the program based on "ov_rimsckf" package, then "error_invariant_singlerun" should be used.
In the paper, there are four kinds of datasets are used.