This repository contains the source code of the algorithm C-MIMB-VIO (Consistent Multiple Isolated Maps Based VIO), which consistently fuses the multiple maps into VIO to improve the performance of VIO. This algorithm is based on the open-sourced framework Open-VINS.
The online map-matching module is not provided in this repository yet, Only the back-end algorithm is provided. However, the folder 'matches' provides map matching information between the query sequences and the maps on different used dataset .
Interested readers can refer to the attached paper in the "docs" folder for the details.
This repository is currently only support ROS1. All the dependencies is the as those in Open-VINS. You can follow the guidance of Open-VINS Installation to install the dependencies.
$mkdir -p catkin_ws/src
$cd catkin_ws/src
$git clone
$source devel/setup.bash
$roslaunch ov_msckf pgeneva_ros_eth_multimap.launch
Then the user should open another terminal to play dataset rosbag. FOr example, to play MH03 rosbag of EuRoC:
$rosbag play MH_03_medium.bag -s 20
Then, the user should see the following running interface:
In the paper, two datasets are used.