Semantic segmentation results on S3DIS and ScanNet from RGB-D cameras and SemanticKITTI from LiDAR. For all methods, we trained collectively on three datasets. Our method outperforms other methods with better detailed structures.
Model | Params | S3DIS mIoU | ScanNet mIoU | SemanticKITTI mIoU |
GeoAuxNet (joint) | 64.7M | 69.5 | 71.3 | 63.8 |
- Ubuntu: 18.04 or higher
- CUDA: 11.3 or higher
- PyTorch: 1.10.0 or higher
- Tested on Ubuntu 20.04.1, CUDA 11.6, pytorch==1.13.1
- See requirement.yaml for tested environment
conda create -n geo-aux python=3.8 -y
conda activate geo-aux
conda install ninja -y
# Choose version you want here: https://pytorch.org/get-started/previous-versions/
conda install pytorch==1.13.1 torchvision==0.14.1 torchaudio==0.13.1 pytorch-cuda=11.7 -c pytorch -c nvidia
conda install h5py pyyaml -c anaconda -y
conda install sharedarray tensorboard tensorboardx yapf addict einops scipy plyfile termcolor timm -c conda-forge -y
conda install pytorch-cluster pytorch-scatter pytorch-sparse -c pyg -y
pip install torch-geometric
pip install faiss-gpu
# spconv (SparseUNet)
# refer GitHub - traveller59/spconv: Spatial Sparse Convolution Library
pip install spconv-cu117
# PTv1 & PTv2 or precise eval
cd libs/pointops
python setup.py install
# docker & multi GPU arch
TORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST="ARCH LIST" python setup.py install
# e.g. 7.5: RTX 3000; 8.0: a100 More available in: https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-gpus
TORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST="7.5 8.0" python setup.py install
cd ../..
# Open3D (visualization, optional)
pip install open3d
- Run preprocessing code for S3DIS as follows:
# S3DIS_DIR: the directory of downloaded Stanford3dDataset_v1.2 dataset.
# RAW_S3DIS_DIR: the directory of Stanford2d3dDataset_noXYZ dataset. (optional, for parsing normal)
# PROCESSED_S3DIS_DIR: the directory of processed S3DIS dataset (output dir).
# S3DIS without aligned angle
python pointcept/datasets/preprocessing/s3dis/preprocess_s3dis.py --dataset_root ${S3DIS_DIR} --output_root ${PROCESSED_S3DIS_DIR}
- The processed s3dis dir should be organized as follow
│── Area_1
│── conferenceRoom_1.pth
│── conferenceRoom_2.pth
│── Area_2
│── Area_6
The preprocessing support semantic and instance segmentation for both ScanNet20
, ScanNet200
and ScanNet Data Efficient
- Download the ScanNet v2 dataset.
- Run preprocessing code for raw ScanNet as follows:
# RAW_SCANNET_DIR: the directory of downloaded ScanNet v2 raw dataset.
# PROCESSED_SCANNET_DIR: the directory of processed ScanNet dataset (output dir).
python pointcept/datasets/preprocessing/scannet/preprocess_scannet.py --dataset_root ${RAW_SCANNET_DIR} --output_root ${PROCESSED_SCANNET_DIR}
- The processed scannet dir should be organized as follow
│── train
│── scene0000_00.pth
│── scene0000_01.pth
│── val
│── test
- Download SemanticKITTI dataset.
- Link dataset to codebase.
- The processed semanticKITTI dir should be organized as follow
|- semantic_kitti
|- dataset
|- sequences
|- 00
|- 01
|- ...
|- poses
|- 00.txt
- Download the official NuScene dataset (with Lidar Segmentation) and organize the downloaded files as follows:
│── samples
│── sweeps
│── lidarseg
│── v1.0-trainval
│── v1.0-test
- Run information preprocessing code (modified from OpenPCDet) for nuScenes as follows:
# NUSCENES_DIR: the directory of downloaded nuScenes dataset.
# PROCESSED_NUSCENES_DIR: the directory of processed nuScenes dataset (output dir).
# MAX_SWEEPS: Max number of sweeps. Default: 10.
pip install nuscenes-devkit pyquaternion
python pointcept/datasets/preprocessing/nuscenes/preprocess_nuscenes_info.py --dataset_root ${NUSCENES_DIR} --output_root ${PROCESSED_NUSCENES_DIR} --max_sweeps ${MAX_SWEEPS} --with_camera
python pointcept/datasets/preprocessing/nuscenes/preprocess_nuscenes_info.py --dataset_root data/nuscenes --output_root data/preprocess_nuscenes --max_sweeps 10 --with_camera
- Link raw dataset to processed NuScene dataset folder:
# NUSCENES_DIR: the directory of downloaded nuScenes dataset.
# PROCESSED_NUSCENES_DIR: the directory of processed nuScenes dataset (output dir).
then the processed nuscenes folder is organized as follows:
|── raw
│── samples
│── sweeps
│── lidarseg
│── v1.0-trainval
│── v1.0-test
|── info
Train from scratch. The training processing is based on configs in configs
The training script will generate an experiment folder in exp
folder and backup essential code in the experiment folder.
Training config, log, tensorboard and checkpoints will also be saved into the experiment folder during the training process.
# Script (Recommended)
sh scripts/train.sh -p ${INTERPRETER_PATH} -g ${NUM_GPU} -d ${DATASET_NAME} -c ${CONFIG_NAME} -n ${EXP_NAME}
# Direct
export PYTHONPATH=./
python tools/train.py --config-file ${CONFIG_PATH} --num-gpus ${NUM_GPU} --options save_path=${SAVE_PATH}
For example:
# By script
sh scripts/train.sh -p python -d s3dis -c semseg-geo-s3-sc-sk -n semseg-geo-s3-sc-sk -g 4
# Direct
export PYTHONPATH=./
python tools/train.py --config-file configs/s3dis/semseg-geo-s3-sc-sk.py --num-gpus 4 --options save_path=exp/s3dis/semseg-geo-s3-sc-sk resume=True
Resume training from checkpoint. If the training process is interrupted by accident, the following script can resume training from a given checkpoint.
# Script (Recommended)
# simply add "-r true"
sh scripts/train.sh -p ${INTERPRETER_PATH} -g ${NUM_GPU} -d ${DATASET_NAME} -c ${CONFIG_NAME} -n ${EXP_NAME} -r true
# Direct
export PYTHONPATH=./
python tools/train.py --config-file ${CONFIG_PATH} --num-gpus ${NUM_GPU} --options save_path=${SAVE_PATH} resume=True weight=${CHECKPOINT_PATH}
# By script (Based on experiment folder created by training script)
sh scripts/test.sh -p ${INTERPRETER_PATH} -g ${NUM_GPU} -d ${DATASET_NAME} -n ${EXP_NAME} -w ${CHECKPOINT_NAME}
# Direct
export PYTHONPATH=./
python tools/test.py --config-file ${CONFIG_PATH} --num-gpus ${NUM_GPU} --options save_path=${SAVE_PATH} weight=${CHECKPOINT_PATH}
For example:
sh scripts/test.sh -p python -d s3dis -n semseg-geo-s3-sc-sk -w model_best -g 1
# Direct
export PYTHONPATH=./
python tools/test.py --config-file configs/s3dis/semseg-geo-s3-sc-sk.py --options save_path=exp/s3dis/semseg-geo-s3-sc-sk weight=exp/s3dis/semseg-geo-s3-sc-sk/model/model_best.pth --num-gpus 1