This repository performs a CRF semantic voxel map on top of the continuous Bayesian Generalized Kernel Inference occcupancy map, built on top of BGKOctoMap, densecrf and semantic_3d_mapping. The implementation is intended for the replication of the methods on a few datasets.
Visualization with rviz
on Kitti seq15:
Performance on Kitti as tested on the BKIOctoMap paper:
We tested BGKOctoMap with ROS Melodic. Dependencies include:
The repository is set up to work with catkin, so to get started you can clone the repository into your catkin workspace src
folder and compile with catkin_make
my_catkin_workspace/src$ git clone
my_catkin_workspace/src$ cd BGKOctoMap-CRF
my_catkin_workspace/src/BGKOctoMap-CRF$ mv dense_crf ../
my_catkin_workspace/src/BGKOctoMap-CRF$ cd ../../
my_catkin_workspace$ source devel/setup.bash
my_catkin_workspace$ catkin_make
my_catkin_workspace$ source devel/setup.bash
We provide ros launchfiles for kitti seq 05 and kitti seq 15. The format of the dataset follows semantic_3d_mapping. The zip files of kitti seq 15 can be downloaded here. Put the files into data/
folder, e.g. data/data_kitti_15/
. The launch files is launch/kitti_node.launch
. The config file is in config/datasets/kitti_15.yaml
If you want to turn on the visualization with rviz
, set the visualize
flag in the last line of config/datasets/kitti_15.yaml
to true. This will increase the memory usage and reduce running speed.
To run the demo on kitti 15:
$ roslaunch la3dm kitti_node.launch
which by default will run the full BGKOctoMap-CRF method.
This repository serves as a baseline of the BKIOctoMap. It uses code from BGKOctoMap, densecrf and semantic_3d_mapping.