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Focusing make money


@kaiyuanshe @EasyWebApp @idea2app @HMUniversity @IdeaMall

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どこにでも居る開発者です。 ESCLの開発をしています。 @SawashiroBot FnoTesを運用しています。 APEX SIMILARの開発者 Node.js や Next.js , C# や HTML / CSS / PHP などを扱っています。


Airyland airyland
You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.

AINativeLab China

Zkeq zkeq
A front-end engineer.Enjoy something that brings convenience to people. Just show, Just love.

广州图欧科技有限公司 Aspire to be a pure thinker.

Corey Chiu iAmCorey
🎓Computer Science @SUSTechSZ 💻Software Develop Engineer / Indie Hacker / AIGC 💡做有意思和有用的产品

CHN, Guangdong Shenzhen

Guoqi Sun sun0225SUN

@CreateWise Dalifornia China

Thomas Hiddenpeak HiddenPeak
play games and work hard, and love the world.
gefei qiayue


javayhu javayhu
Fullstack developer, Indie Hacking

GuangDong, China

hugLemon huglemon

inWind Overseas

DabAZ dabaz-official
Entrepreneur, hacker, musician, designer, developer. Archived account: @dabaz-archived

@cobotradingltd Hong Kong

Qwen QwenLM
Alibaba Cloud's general-purpose AI models


Riccardo Perra riccardoperra
▫️Software developer▫️angular / typescript / solidjs▫️


ScarChin scarqin
Creating the life of a hacker and a painter


Jun Han formulahendry
《Visual Studio Code 权威指南》 作者,公众号“HJ说”

@Microsoft Shanghai, China

Ehco Ehco1996
爬墙的少年 | 奶爸

Home 红油热干面

Randy djyde
Love coding. Twitter: @randyloop

Microsoft Guangzhou, China

面条 ccbikai
前端切图仔🧑🏻‍💻,后端三脚猫🤷🏻‍♂️,运维挖坑人🤦🏻‍♂️,AI 门外汉🧐。

ʕ•̫͡•ʔ-̫͡-ʕ•͓͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ-̫͡-ʕ•͓͡•ʔ-̫͡-ʔ NanJing,China

Rick LinuxSuRen
Dev and a host of open-source Podcasts @opensource-f2f

@opensource-f2f Beijing, China

司徒正美 RubyLouvre
穿梭于二进制与二次元的JS魔术师 China

Adam Argyle argyleink
#argyleink { position: #CSS @GoogleChrome @csswg; maker: #VisBug; luv: CSS/JS/UX; role: parentNode; }

@google Seattle

Kuizuo kuizuo
Love what you do and do what you love.


会发光的阿豪 Turbo-King

徐州工程学院 中国

Yuanlin Lin yuaanlin
24y. Graduate from Zhejiang University Computer Science. Founder & CEO at @zeabur .

@zeabur Taiwan

白宦成 bestony
Ultimate Developer


Kirigaya Kazuto LSTM-Kirigaya
AI HPC & EDA tech & CV Algorithm & DRL & Web & Design & TTS application & Compiler Dev

USTC Jiangsu, China

Arthur acearth

Works Applications Shanghai, China

Mastodon mastodon
Mastodon gGmbH is a German non-profit developing a decentralized social network


三咲雅 · Misaki Masa sxyazi
A goal is a dream with a deadline.


Chauncey chaunceyjiang
Karmada/OpenELB approver cilium/istio member

@DaoCloud Chengdu, China

xubaolin xu-baolin

@OPPO Chengdu, China

Weelone weelone

United Kingdom

Nooc noobnooc
A noob named Nooc

@weelone @digshare My Mind

Kai RealKai42
🕶 SuperFly Coder Life

@microsoft China

MDN Web Docs mdn
Data and tools related to MDN Web Docs (formerly Mozilla Developer Network, formerly Mozilla Developer Center...)


WebCell EasyWebApp
Offical Team & Projects of WebCell


Yang Mingshan yangmingshan
Love open free web.


Duan Yu ddy-ddy
ddy is a cool boy

Bytedance Tianjin

Anson Heung AnsonH
Web Developer 🌐

Bowtie Life Insurance Company Hong Kong

离谱 Leap byoungd
Know nothing but LOVE to share everything 精通玄学 好为人师

红力集团 Tianjin

小弟调调 jaywcjlove
Hi, I'm Kenny, Fullstack developer from Shanghai, China.

ʕ•̫͡•ʔ-̫͡-ʕ•͓͡•ʔ-̫͡-ʔ Suzhou, China

suxiong YeSuX
A Front-end Developer. Code the web to life.

@Citi ShangHai

Frank Zhao frank-zsy
OpenDigger & OpenRank & Hypertrons
