Belbe's portal Gemstone cavern Standstill Extract Words of wind Wheel and deal Meteor crater Stony silence Wizard: Nameless one Archimage emeritus Arcanis the omnipotent Old: Spreading plague Crackdown Reverent mantra Shrouded serpent Stern protector (wizard) Field of dream Land equilibrium Birthing pod Prime Speaker Vannifar Momir Vig, Simic Visionary Rashmi, Eternities Crafter Animar (red) Rats: Marrow gnawer (rat) + Thornbite staff (combo) Chittering witch Pipper of the swarm Rat colony (any number) Swarmyard: regenerate rats (land) Haunted one (commander) Thrumming stone + relentless rats / rat colony + twinning glass Karlov: Kaya Extract a confession (It doesn't add up) Combos: Timevault + * Phyrexian altar + diregraf colossus + gravecrawler Phage + endless whisper Combo : dramatic reversal + isochron scepter Commander: Deck vol: saka + orvar Blood necropotence (kambal consul) Rats Xanathar: ultra control Captain N' horrors Vintage: Black storm: tendril, rain, yawgmoth, memory jar Legacy: Blood combo with ad noseam Reanimator Megrim updated Contamination + maralen stax Blue steal: all steal cards Blue gift: donate + IoG High tide Rip energy field + helm of ob + greater aura Bottled cloister + ensnaring bridge + angel' trumpet + null ? + orrary + suspition + stax Mind over matter + temple bell + girl wizard + one ring + psychic corrosion + teferi tutelage + tooth + forced fruition + bruvac (+saprazzan to cast MoM) + reliquary tower + teferi ageless + teferi planeswalker Port + ether vial + taspin stage Classes: Warlock Rogue Wizard Aphetto alchemist + pemmin aura -> infinite untap Lands: Urborg + cabal Combo: urgorg + kormus bell Siani + Eligeth partner: opt, preordain, deliberate + flying (eldrazi monument) Xanathar + paradox haze, sphinx of the second sun + lantern of insight + scrub nibblers Contamination + bitterblossom & urborg + kormus Bell + removal maralen + opposition agent Golden throne + ad nauseam Karn + mycosinth lattice Drafna + one ring Glacial chasm + crucible + multi land / turn Solemnity + (dark depth, decree of silence, delaying shield, celestial convergence, etc.) Top commanders: Animar soul of elements Chulane Sympa: Kami of the crescent moon Howling mine Well of ideas Minds aglow Jace Lore broker Vision skeins Trade secrets Horn of greed Flux Tidewater minion + illusionist's bracer Saï: Thopter spy network Efficient construction Retrofitter foundry Urza: Forensic gadgeteer Keys One ring? High tide: Micromancer Personal tutor Solve the equation Dreamscape artist Simic: Zimone Simic ascendency Master biomancer MLD: Gitrog Price of glory Eye of the storm Thoughts of ruin Decree of annihilation Rain of salt Bend or break Apocalypse - Heroic intervention Faith's reward Crucible Lots of rocks Cosmic intervention Conduit of worlds (Lord windgrace) Ramunap excavator Splendid reclamation Squandered resources TP The mending of dominaria Titania, protector World shaper - Scute swarm Scapeshift Tireless provisionner Lotus cobra Felidar retreat Aesi Tatyova Omnath, locust of creation Elesh norn Lumra Hydra Black: damage on creature death Harrow Crop rotation Dawn's tbreak Life from the loam Horn of greed Lifecrafter's bestiary Kenrith: Nature's will Yawgmoth: Yawgnoth will Akommet (for draw) Appel d'Ella d'amarie Azusa, lost Octomancer Marvo, deep operative Glarb calamity Enhanced surveillance Stax: Rule of law Thalia Sanctum prelate Aven mindcensor Nekuzar Nightscape familiar Kess dissident mage Psychosis crawler Seizan perverter of truth