.NET and Data developer, Entity Framework expert, Microsoft MVP since 2009, .NET Foundation member
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IoT Techie and Educator / Member of Apache NuttX Project Management Committee
VanillaOS, an immutable, Debian based, Linux distribution
MicroPython is a lean, efficient and robust implementation of the Python 3 programming language optimised to run on microcontrollers and in constrained environments. It includes a subset of the Python standard library and machine-specific modules.
Coding School for Enlightenment
Architect currently working as a full-time Software Developer, and loving it! ❤
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Realtime audio and DSP with Rust and C++, audio prototyping with Python. Sharing information with Jupyter notebooks and Sphinx.
Creator of the open-source icons library Iconoir. Product Designer currently based in Milan.
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Hi!👋 I'm passionate about Vue & Nuxt and dedicated to creating valuable content for these frameworks. I run a weekly newsletter, write in-depth articles, and share insights to help developers excel. Your sponsorship supports my mission!
I'm the author of the Practical Elm book. I created & maintain Elm Catalog to help people find Elm packages & tools. I made Elmstatic, a static site generator. I'm the editor of Elm Weekly, a weekly Elm newsletter. Interested in promoting Elm & FP.
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