A simple python script that checks the specific region for Ships that would be profitable to buy off Sell order, insure and blow up in the method of your choosing! (Currently compatible with python 2.7)
Pull down the repo
git clone https://github.com/skiedude/Eve-Insurance-Fraud.git
Create a virtual env
virtualenv venv
cd venv
source bin/activate
Install required pip packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
Update Config
cp config.dist config.py
$ python insurance.py -h
usage: insurance.py [-h] [--region REG_NAME] [--list-regions LIST_REGIONS]
Check for Profitable Insurance Frauds
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--region REG_NAME Qouted Region Name ie: 'the forge'
--list-regions LIST_REGIONS List all regions
$ python insurance.py --list-regions true
Derelik,The Forge,Vale of the Silent.......
Total Volume Remaining
- the number of ships in the min/max sell order range that are profitable
Min Price:
- the minimum sell price to buy from
Max Price
- the maximum sell price to buy from
Total Profit
- overall all profit from insuring/destroying the Total Volume Remaining ships
$ python insurance.py --region 'Genesis'
Looking up prices in Region: Genesis
Ship: Magnate
Total Profit: 27,396.2
Total Volume Remaining: 1
Min price: 225,000.0
Max Price: 225,000.0
Ship: Tormentor
Total Profit: 78,299.4
Total Volume Remaining: 3
Min price: 260,000.0
Max Price: 260,000.0
Ship: Navitas
Total Profit: 378,775.0
Total Volume Remaining: 10
Min price: 200,000.0
Max Price: 200,000.0
Ship: Incursus
Total Profit: 391,393.6
Total Volume Remaining: 8
Min price: 200,000.0
Max Price: 200,000.0