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Release Workflow

Fini Jastrow edited this page Oct 17, 2022 · 19 revisions

Nerd Fonts

Release Workflow

Merge latest PRs

  • Merge latest Pull Requests into the default branch that are for the latest milestone
  • Pull Requests and Bug Fixes go directly into the default branch after basic testing

Run release script

  • Change to scripts dir (@todo fix reliance on dir)
    # todo fixme
    cd bin/scripts
  • Execute script
    ./ <version>

Update changelog

## v<version>
### New Features

  - Added xyz (fixes #101)
  - Added ...

### Updates / Improvements

  - Updated xyz (fixes #101) (PR #101 @someone)
  - ...

### Fixes

  - Fixed xyz (fixes #101) (PR #101 @someone)
  - ...

Update the Sankey Diagram (if glyph changes)

Nerd Fonts [7] Powerline Symbols
Nerd Fonts [30] Powerline Extra Symbols
Nerd Fonts [675] Font Awesome
Nerd Fonts [170] Font Awesome Extension
Nerd Fonts [197] Devicons
Nerd Fonts [228] Weather Icons
Nerd Fonts [53] Seti UI + Custom
Nerd Fonts [172] Octicons
Nerd Fonts [29] Font Linux
Nerd Fonts [5] IEC Power Symbols
Nerd Fonts [8] Pomicons
Nerd Fonts [2119] Material Design
  • Use the following settings
    • for 'Size, Spacing & Shape:'
      • Use all defaults, except
        • for 'curviness': max "("
        • for 'Vertical Space between Nodes': 20px
        • for 'node width': '20px'
    • for 'Colors:'
      • for 'Node Colors: Use theme:' "A"
    • "Labels & Units..."
      • Use all defaults (used to use 'mono')
      • 'Units: suffix' Use (with a leading space): ' icons'
    • "Advanced"
      • Select "Reverse the graph (flow right-to-left)"
    • Export as 1x (basic) for PNG or just SVG

Update readme

  • Update the
    • If a new font was added, add it to the table of Patched Fonts
    • If any new glyphs or glyph sets were added
      • Update individual glyph tables
      • Use an updated Sankey Diagram
    • Update the "counts" in the Features Section
      • You can get this information by simply passing a second param to the "all patcher": ./gotta-patch-em-all-font-patcher\!.sh "" info
        • "X already patched font families" -> Give exact number from 'typefaces' line
        • "Over X unique combinations/variations..." -> round down to nearest hundred from 'variation' line
        • "Over X glyphs/icons combined" -> manual process for now (@todo)
    • Update the "counts" in the Combinations Section
      • Again, get this info from the "all patcher"
    • Update the font-patcher help output section under "Patch Your Own Font" if needed

Create release on GitHub

  • verify master branch has all changes commited and pushed
    • git status -s
  • update master from remote
    • git pull origin master
  • create the new branch
    • verify what the version should be by double checking remote branches
      • git branch -r | grep '[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+$'
    • git checkout -b <semver_based_branch_name>
  • push the new branch
    • git push -u origin <semver_based_branch_name>
  • create tag
    • i.e. same as branch name but with prefixed with a 'v'
    • e.g. git tag v1.5.3
  • push latest tags
    • git push --tags
  • Create new release on GitHub
    • copy and paste latest release details from into release notes

Run upload script

  • Execute to upload font archives to the latest release
    • with no parameter given it will upload to the 'latest' release via GitHub API

Verify uploaded files

  • Verify font archives are showing for latest release
  • run: all-contributors check
  • ignore bots and compare differences between this release and the last, for example or if that does not work a good process is to check the release milestone and add the user to the CLI with appropriate contributions (e.g. code,doc,translation,... etc.)
  • add or update the contributors with, e.g.: all-contributors add <user> code,doc
  • Spot check the changeset difference for issues
  • Update the Website

Update the Website (GitHub pages)

  • Checkout branch: gh-pages
  • Update the download links
    • If there are new fonts add the new links
  • Update the release notes
    • Insert new release notes from changelog to the top
    • Remove 'open' attribute from previous release container div

Ad hoc updating of the Glyph-only fonts

./font-patcher -ext ttf -out ./src/glyphs/ --complete ./src/glyphs/Symbols\ Template\ 1000\ em.ttf
./font-patcher -ext ttf -out ./src/glyphs/ --complete ./src/glyphs/Symbols\ Template\ 2048\ em.ttf