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Reactive Streams TCK

The purpose of the Reactive Streams Technology Compatibility Kit (from here on referred to as: the TCK) is to guide and help Reactive Streams library implementers to validate their implementations against the rules defined in the Specification.

The TCK is implemented using plain Java (1.6) and TestNG tests, and should be possible to use from other JVM-based languages and testing libraries.

Structure of the TCK

The TCK aims to cover all rules defined in the Specification, however for some rules outlined in the Specification it is not possible (or viable) to construct automated tests, thus the TCK can not claim to fully verify an implementation, however it is very helpful and is able to validate the most important rules.

The TCK is split up into 4 TestNG test classes which are to be extended by implementers, providing their Publisher / Subscriber / Processor implementations for the test harness to validate.

The tests are split in the following way:

  • PublisherVerification
  • SubscriberWhiteboxVerification
  • SubscriberBlackboxVerification
  • IdentityProcessorVerification

The sections below include examples on how these can be used and describe the various configuration options.

The TCK is provided as binary artifact on Maven Central:


Please refer to the Reactive Streams Specification for the current latest version number. Make sure that your Reactive Streams API and TCK dependency versions match.

Test method naming convention

Since the TCK is aimed at Reactive Stream implementers, looking into the sources of the TCK is well expected and encouraged as it should help during the implementation cycle.

In order to make mapping between test cases and Specification rules easier, each test case covering a specific Specification rule abides the following naming convention: TYPE_spec###_DESC where:

  • TYPE is one of: required, optional, stochastic or untested which describe if this test is covering a Rule that MUST or SHOULD be implemented. The specific words are explained in detail below.
  • ### is the Rule number (1.xx Rules are about Publishers, 2.xx Rules are about Subscribers etc.)
  • DESC is a short explanation of what exactly is being tested in this test case, as sometimes one Rule may have multiple test cases in order to cover the entire Rule.

Here is an example test method signature:

  // Verifies rule:
  @Test public void required_spec101_subscriptionRequestMustResultInTheCorrectNumberOfProducedElements() throws Throwable {
    // ...

Test types explained:

@Test public void required_spec101_subscriptionRequestMustResultInTheCorrectNumberOfProducedElements() throws Throwable

The required_ means that this test case is a hard requirement, it covers a MUST or MUST NOT Rule of the Specification.

@Test public void optional_spec104_mustSignalOnErrorWhenFails() throws Throwable

The optional_ means that this test case is an optional requirement, it covers a MAY or SHOULD Rule of the Specification. This prefix is also used if more configuration is needed in order to run it, e.g. @Additional(implement = "createFailedPublisher") @Test signals the implementer that in order to run this test one has to implement the Publisher<T> createFailedPublisher() method.

@Test public void stochastic_spec103_mustSignalOnMethodsSequentially() throws Throwable

The stochastic_ means that the Rule is impossible or infeasible to deterministically verify— usually this means that this test case can yield false positives ("be green") even if for some case, the given implementation may violate the tested behaviour.

@Test public void untested_spec106_mustConsiderSubscriptionCancelledAfterOnErrorOrOnCompleteHasBeenCalled() throws Throwable

The untested_ means that the test case is not implemented, either because it is inherently hard to verify (e.g. Rules which use the wording "SHOULD consider X as Y"). Such tests will show up in your test runs as SKIPPED, with a message pointing out that the TCK is unable to validate this Rule. Solutions to deterministically test Rules which have been marked with this prefix are most welcome – pull requests are encouraged!

Test isolation

All test assertions are isolated within the required TestEnvironment, so it is safe to run the TCK tests in parallel.

Testing Publishers with restricted capabilities

Some Publishers will not be able to pass through all TCK tests due to some internal or fundamental decisions in their design. For example, a FuturePublisher can be implemented such that it can only ever onNext exactly once—this means that it's not possible to run all TCK tests against it since some of them require multiple elements to be emitted.

In order to allow such Publishers to be tested against the spec's rules, the TCK provides the maxElementsFromPublisher() method as means of communicating the limited capabilities of the Publisher. For example, if a Publisher can only ever emit up to 2 elements, tests in the TCK which require more than 2 elements to verify a rule will be skipped.

In order to inform the TCK that the Publisher is only able to signal up to 2 elements, override the maxElementsFromPublisher method like this:

@Override public long maxElementsFromPublisher() {
  return 2;

The TCK also supports Publishers which are not able to signal completion. Imagine a Publisher being backed by a timer—such a Publisher does not have a natural way to "complete" after some number of ticks. It would be possible to implement a Processor which would "take n elements from the TickPublisher and then signal completion to the downstream", but this adds a layer of indirection between the TCK and the Publisher one initially wanted to test. It is suggested to test such unbouded Publishers either way—using a "TakeNElementsProcessor" or by informing the TCK that the Publisher is not able to signal completion. The TCK will then skip all tests which require onComplete signals to be emitted.

In order to inform the TCK that your Publiher is not able to signal completion, override the maxElementsFromPublisher method like this:

@Override public long maxElementsFromPublisher() {
  return publisherUnableToSignalOnComplete(); // == Long.MAX_VALUE == unbounded

Testing a "failed" Publisher

The Reactive Streams Specification mandates certain behaviours for Publishers which are "failed", e.g. it was unable to initialize a connection it needs to emit elements. It may be useful to specifically such known to be failed Publisher using the TCK.

In order to run additional tests on a failed Publisher implement the createFailedPublisher method. The expected behaviour from the returned implementation is to follow Rule 1.4 and Rule 1.9—which are concerned with the order of emiting the Subscription and signaling the failure.

@Override public Publisher<T> createFailedPublisher() {
  final String invalidData = "this input string is known it to be failed";
  return new MyPublisher(invalidData);

In case there isn't a known up-front error state to put the Publisher into, ignore these tests by returning null from the createFailedPublisher method. It is important to remember that it is illegal to signal onNext / onComplete / onError before signalling the Subscription through onSubscribe, for details on this rule refer to the Reactive Streams specification.

Publisher Verification

PublisherVerification tests verify Publisher as well as some Subscription Rules of the Specification.

In order to include it's tests in your test suite simply extend it, like this:

package com.example.streams;

import org.reactivestreams.Publisher;
import org.reactivestreams.Subscriber;
import org.reactivestreams.tck.PublisherVerification;
import org.reactivestreams.tck.TestEnvironment;

public class RangePublisherTest extends PublisherVerification<Integer> {

  public RangePublisherTest() {
    super(new TestEnvironment());

  public Publisher<Integer> createPublisher(long elements) {
    return new RangePublisher<Integer>(1, elements);

  public Publisher<Integer> createFailedPublisher() {
    return new Publisher<Integer>() {
      public void subscribe(Subscriber<Integer> s) {
        s.onError(new RuntimeException("Can't subscribe subscriber: " + s + ", because of reasons."));


  public long maxElementsFromPublisher() {
    return Long.MAX_VALUE1;

  public long boundedDepthOfOnNextAndRequestRecursion() {
    return 1;

Notable configuration options include:

  • maxElementsFromPublisher – must be overridden in case the Publisher being tested is of bounded length, e.g. it's wrapping a Future<T> and thus can only publish up to 1 element, in which case you would return 1 from this method. It will cause all tests which require more elements in order to validate a certain Rule to be skipped,
  • boundedDepthOfOnNextAndRequestRecursion – which must be overridden when verifying synchronous Publishers. This number returned by this method will be used to validate if a Subscription adheres to Rule 3.3 and avoids "unbounded recursion".

Timeout configuration

Publisher tests make use of two kinds of timeouts, one is the defaultTimeoutMillis which corresponds to all methods used within the TCK which await for something to happen. The other timeout is publisherReferenceGCTimeoutMillis which is only used in order to verify Rule 3.13 which defines that Subscriber references MUST be dropped by the Publisher.

Note that the TCK differentiates between timeouts for "waiting for a signal" (defaultTimeoutMillis), and "asserting no signals happen during a given amount of time" (defaultNoSignalsTimeoutMillis). While the latter defaults to the prior, it may be useful to tweak them independently when running on continuous integration servers (for example, keeping the no-signals timeout significantly lower). Another configuration option is the "poll timeout" which is used whenever an operation has to poll for a defaultTimeoutMillis for a signal to appear (most often errors), it can then poll and check using the defaultPollTimeoutMillis, for the expected error, rather than blocking for the full default timeout.

In order to configure these timeouts (for example when running on a slow continuous integration machine), you can either:

Use env variables to set these timeouts, in which case the you can do:


Or define the timeouts explicitly in code:

public class RangePublisherTest extends PublisherVerification<Integer> {

  public static final long DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MILLIS = 100L;
  public static final long DEFAULT_POLL_TIMEOUT_MILLIS = 20L;

  public RangePublisherTest() {

  // ...

Note that explicitly passed in values take precedence over values provided by the environment

Subscriber Verification

Subscriber Verification is split up into two files (styles) of tests.

It is highly recommended to implement the SubscriberWhiteboxVerification<T> instead of the SubscriberBlackboxVerification<T> even if it is more work to do so, as it can test far more rules and corner cases in implementations that would otherwise be left untested—which is the case when using the Blackbox Verification.

createElement and Helper Publisher implementations

Since testing a Subscriber is not possible without a corresponding Publisher the TCK Subscriber Verifications both provide a default "helper publisher" to drive its tests and also allow to replace this Publisher with a custom implementation. The helper Publisher is an asynchronous Publisher by default—meaning that a Subscriber can not blindly assume single threaded execution.

When extending Subscriber Verification classes a type parameter representing the element type passed through the stream must be given. Implementations are typically not sensitive to the type of element being signalled, but sometimes a Subscriber may be limited to only be able to work within a known set of types - like a FileSubscriber extends Subscriber<ByteBuffer> for example, that writes each element (ByteBuffer) it receives into a file. For element type agnostic Subscribers the simplest way is to parameterize the tests using Integer and in the createElement(int idx) method (explained below in futher detail), return the incoming int. In case an implementation needs to work on a specific type, the verification class should be parameterized using that type (e.g. class StringSubTest extends SubscriberWhiteboxVerification<String>) and the createElement method must be overriden to return a String.

While the Helper Publisher implementation is provided, creating its elements is not – this is because a given Subscriber may for example only work with HashedMessage or some other specific kind of element. The TCK is unable to generate such special messages automatically, so the TCK provides the T createElement(Integer id) method to be implemented as part of Subscriber Verifications which should take the given id and return an element of type T (where T is the type of elements flowing into the Subscriber<T>, as known thanks to ... extends SubscriberWhiteboxVerification<T>) representing an element of the stream that will be passed on to the Subscriber.

The simplest valid implemenation is to return the incoming id as the element in a verification using Integers as element types:

public class MySubscriberTest extends SubscriberBlackboxVerification<Integer> {

  // ...

  public Integer createElement(int element) { return element; }

NOTE: The createElement method MAY be called concurrently from multiple threads.

Very advanced: While it is not expected for many implementations having to do so, it is possible to take full control of the Publisher which will be driving the TCKs test. This can be achieved by implementing the createHelperPublisher method in which one can implement the createHelperPublisher method by returning a custom Publisher implementation which will then be used by the TCK to drive your Subscriber tests:

@Override public Publisher<Message> createHelperPublisher(long elements) {
  return new Publisher<Message>() { /* CUSTOM IMPL HERE WHICH OF COURSE ALSO SHOULD PASS THE TCK */ };

Subscriber Whitebox Verification

The Whitebox Verification is able to verify most of the Subscriber Specification, at the additional cost that control over demand generation and cancellation must be handed over to the TCK via the SubscriberPuppet.

Based on experience implementing the SubscriberPuppet—it can be tricky or even impossible for some implementations, as such, not all implementations are expected to make use of the plain SubscriberWhiteboxVerification, instead having to fall back to using the SubscriberBlackboxVerification.

For the simplest possible (and most common) Subscriber implementation using the whitebox verification boils down to exteding (or delegating to) your implementation with additionally signalling and registering the test probe, as shown in the below example:

package com.example.streams;

import org.reactivestreams.Publisher;
import org.reactivestreams.Subscriber;
import org.reactivestreams.Subscription;
import org.reactivestreams.tck.SubscriberWhiteboxVerification;
import org.reactivestreams.tck.TestEnvironment;

public class MySubscriberWhiteboxVerificationTest extends SubscriberWhiteboxVerification<Integer> {

  public MySubscriberWhiteboxVerificationTest() {
    super(new TestEnvironment());

  // The implementation under test is "SyncSubscriber":
  // class SyncSubscriber<T> extends Subscriber<T> { /* ... */ }

  public Subscriber<Integer> createSubscriber(final WhiteboxSubscriberProbe<Integer> probe) {
    // in order to test the SyncSubscriber we must instrument it by extending it,
    // and calling the WhiteboxSubscriberProbe in all of the Subscribers methods:
    return new SyncSubscriber<Integer>() {
      public void onSubscribe(final Subscription s) {

        // register a successful Subscription, and create a Puppet,
        // for the WhiteboxVerification to be able to drive its tests:
        probe.registerOnSubscribe(new SubscriberPuppet() {

          public void triggerRequest(long elements) {

          public void signalCancel() {

      public void onNext(Integer element) {
        // in addition to normal Subscriber work that you're testing, register onNext with the probe

      public void onError(Throwable cause) {
        // in addition to normal Subscriber work that you're testing, register onError with the probe

      public void onComplete() {
        // in addition to normal Subscriber work that you're testing, register onComplete with the probe

  public Integer createElement(int element) {
    return element;


Subscriber Blackbox Verification

Blackbox Verification does not require anything besides providing a Subscriber and Publisher instances to the TCK, at the expense of not being able to verify as much as the SubscriberWhiteboxVerification:

package com.example.streams;

import org.reactivestreams.Publisher;
import org.reactivestreams.Subscriber;
import org.reactivestreams.Subscription;
import org.reactivestreams.tck.SubscriberBlackboxVerification;
import org.reactivestreams.tck.TestEnvironment;

public class MySubscriberBlackboxVerificationTest extends SubscriberBlackboxVerification<Integer> {

  public MySubscriberBlackboxVerificationTest() {
    super(new TestEnvironment());

  public Subscriber<Integer> createSubscriber() {
    return new MySubscriber<Integer>();

  public Integer createElement(int element) {
    return element;

Timeout configuration

Similarily to PublisherVerification, it is possible to set the timeouts used by the TCK to validate Subscriber behaviour either hard-coded or by using environment variables.

Use env variables to set the timeout value to be used by the TCK:


Or define the timeout explicitly in code:

public class MySubscriberTest extends SubscriberBlackboxVerification<Integer> {

  public static final long DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MILLIS = 300L;

  public RangePublisherTest() {
    super(new TestEnvironment(DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MILLIS));

  // ...

NOTE: hard-coded values take precedence over environment set values (!).

Subscription Verification

Please note that while Subscription does not have it's own test class, it's rules are validated inside of the Publisher and Subscriber tests – depending if the Rule demands specific action to be taken by the publishing, or subscribing side of the Subscription contract.

Identity Processor Verification

An IdentityProcessorVerification tests the given Processor for all Subscriber, Publisher as well as Subscription rules (internally the WhiteboxSubscriberVerification is used for that).

package com.example.streams;

import org.reactivestreams.Processor;
import org.reactivestreams.Publisher;
import org.reactivestreams.Subscriber;
import org.reactivestreams.Subscription;
import org.reactivestreams.tck.IdentityProcessorVerification;
import org.reactivestreams.tck.SubscriberWhiteboxVerification;
import org.reactivestreams.tck.TestEnvironment;

public class MyIdentityProcessorVerificationTest extends IdentityProcessorVerification<Integer> {

  public static final long DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MILLIS = 300L;
  public static final long PUBLISHER_REFERENCE_CLEANUP_TIMEOUT_MILLIS = 1000L;

  public MyIdentityProcessorVerificationTest() {

  public Processor<Integer, Integer> createIdentityProcessor(int bufferSize) {
    return new MyIdentityProcessor<Integer, Integer>(bufferSize);

  public Publisher<Integer> createHelperPublisher(long elements) {
    return new MyRangePublisher<Integer>(1, elements);


  public Publisher<Integer> createFailedPublisher() {
    // return Publisher that only signals onError instead of null to run additional tests
    // see this methods JavaDocs for more details on how the returned Publisher should work.
    return null;

  // only override these if understanding the implications of doing so.

  public long maxElementsFromPublisher() {
    return super.maxElementsFromPublisher();

  public long boundedDepthOfOnNextAndRequestRecursion() {
    return super.boundedDepthOfOnNextAndRequestRecursion();

The additional configuration options reflect the options available in the Subscriber and Publisher Verifications.

The IdentityProcessorVerification also runs additional "sanity" verifications, which are not directly mapped to Specification rules, but help to verify that a Processor won't "get stuck" or face similar problems. Please refer to the sources for details on the tests included.

Verifying Processors with request-coordinating behavior

A request-coordinating Processor is a kind of a Processor implementation which may either

  • coordinate the request amounts of their Subscribers and request only from upstream when all Subscribers requested something; or
  • coordinate emissions, requesting a bounded amount upfront from the upstream and then emitting only when all Subscribers have requested something.

From the downstream Subscribers' perspective (and the TCK), both manifest as lack of emissions, and thus the following test methods will likely fail with timeout while awaiting X error:

  • required_spec104_mustCallOnErrorOnAllItsSubscribersIfItEncountersANonRecoverableError
  • required_mustRequestFromUpstreamForElementsThatHaveBeenRequestedLongAgo

To verify such Processor implementations, override the IdentityProcessorVerification.doesCoordinatedEmission() method and return true, which will instruct the tests above to request from both of their TestSubscribers before asserting the arrival of the required elements.

Ignoring tests

Since the tests are inherited instead of user defined it's not possible to use the usual @Ignore annotations to skip certain tests (which may be perfectly reasonable if the implementation has some know constraints on what it cannot implement). Below is a recommended pattern to skip tests inherited from the TCK's base classes:

package com.example.streams;

import org.reactivestreams.Processor;
import org.reactivestreams.Publisher;
import org.reactivestreams.Subscriber;
import org.reactivestreams.Subscription;
import org.reactivestreams.tck.IdentityProcessorVerification;
import org.reactivestreams.tck.TestEnvironment;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterClass;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass;

import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;

public class MyIdentityProcessorTest extends IdentityProcessorVerification<Integer> {

  private ExecutorService e;

  public void before() { e = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(4); }

  public void after() { if (e != null) e.shutdown(); }

  public SkippingIdentityProcessorTest() {
    super(new TestEnvironment());

  public ExecutorService publisherExecutorService() {
    return e;

  public Integer createElement(int element) {
    return element;

  public Processor<Integer, Integer> createIdentityProcessor(int bufferSize) {
    return new MyProcessor<Integer, Integer>(bufferSize); // return implementation to be tested

  public Publisher<Integer> createFailedPublisher() {
    return null; // returning null means that the tests validating a failed publisher will be skipped


Which verifications must be implemented by a compliant implementation?

In order to be considered an Reactive Streams compliant require implementations to cover their Publishers and Subscribers with TCK verifications. If a library only implements Subscribers, it does not have to implement Publisher tests, the same applies to IdentityProcessorVerification-it is not needed if the library does not contain Processors.

In the case of Subscriber Verification are two styles of verifications to available: Blackbox or Whitebox. It is strongly recommend to test Subscriber implementations with the SubscriberWhiteboxVerification as it is able to verify most of the specification. The SubscriberBlackboxVerification should only be used as a fallback, once it's certain that implementing the whitebox version will not be possible—if that happens feel free to open a ticket on the reactive-streams-jvm project explaining what made implementing the whitebox verification impossible.

In summary: implementations are required to use Verifications for the parts of the Specification that they implement, and encouraged to using the Whitebox Verification over Blackbox for Subscriber whenever possible.

Upgrading the TCK to newer versions

While it's not expected for the Reactive Streams Specification to change in the forseeable future, it may be that some semantics may need to change at some point. In this case it should expected for test methods being phased out in terms of deprecation or removal, new tests may also be added over time.

In general this should not be of much concern, unless overriding test methods are overriden by implementers. Implementers who find the need of overriding provided test methods are encouraged to reach out via opening Issues on the Reactive Streams project, so the use case can be discussed and, most likely, the TCK improved.

Using the TCK from other programming languages

The TCK was designed such that it should be possible to consume it using different JVM-based programming languages. The section below shows how to use the TCK using different languages (contributions of examples for more languages are very welcome):


In order to run the TCK using ScalaTest the test class must mix-in the TestNGSuiteLike trait (as of ScalaTest 2.2.x).

class IterablePublisherTest(env: TestEnvironment, publisherShutdownTimeout: Long)
  extends PublisherVerification[Int](env, publisherShutdownTimeout)
  with TestNGSuiteLike {

  def this() {
    this(new TestEnvironment(500), 1000)

  def createPublisher(elements: Long): Publisher[Int] = ???

  // example error state publisher implementation
  override def createFailedPublisher(): Publisher[Int] =
    new Publisher[Int] {
      override def subscribe(s: Subscriber[Int]): Unit =
        s.onError(new Exception("Unable to serve subscribers right now!"))


Groovy, JRuby, Kotlin, others...

Contributions to this document are very welcome!

When implementing Reactive Streams using the TCK in some yet undocumented here, language, please feel free to share an example!