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  • University of Brasília
  • Brasília, Brazil
  • X @palhorique

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João Pedro JoaoPRN

@BancodoBrasil Brasília

Alp ₿📈🚀🌕 IDouble
🗽 Be greedy when others are fearful and be fearful when others are greedy ☕️ Full-Stack 🖥💻📱⌚️ Finance, Crypto ⛓ (Blockchain, Smart contracts etc.)

IDEX/USD @IDEXio Zurich, Switzerland

Pedro Silva Br PedroSilvaBR
Analista de sistemas

Alves e Silva Tecnologia e Ensino Ltda BRAZIL

Dmitry Selikhov idimetrix
💻ALWAYS HIRING, 🌍REMOTE JOBS, 💼HR, 🚀CTO, 🏗️Software Architect, 🧑‍💻Technical Lead, 👨‍💼3X Founder. 🔗Linking companies with top tech talents. @elevanceit

@elevanceit New York

21world jelspace
BASIC INCOME is give free money for all , opposite to: forced take VAT tax from all , In prevention from demonetization recession.

BASIC INCOME is free money for all , opposite to VAT tax , for prevent from demonetization

Isabela Abadia belossauro
Make yourself home... 🏡🌧️☕🌃
Julio Cesar Tavares JulioCTavares
Information Systems - Federal University of Pernambuco 🎓

Loomi Paulista-PE

Arthur Fernando ArthurFeca
Computer Science (4/8)

Brazil, Rio de Janeiro

Filipe Deschamps filipedeschamps
Quer se sentir competente em programação? Confere isso:


Jáder Gurgel jadergurgel

Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil

Yuri yurialvs
Estagiário de Requisitos de Software 🖥️

Engesoftware Tecnologia S.A BR

Austin Brockert austin-brockert
Result-Driven Software Engineer who has versatile skills, and likes to resolve complex challenges

Columbus, OH, USA

Charles Chrismann Charles-Chrismann
Étudiant en 4e année de Développement Web à l'IIM

Institut de l'Internet et du Multimédia (IIM) Paris, La Défense

Raul Myron RaulMyron
zup :')

UnB - Universidade de Brasília Brasil

Reza Mozafari Manesh mozafarimanesh
NFT Artist /Theater Photographer / Fine Art Photographer / Software Engineer / IT Master's Degree

Republic Of Cyprus

Felipe Ferreira felipedaf

ON24 Campina Grande, Paraiba, Brazil

Raquel Silveira raquelsilveiraa
Graduating student in Computer Science at State University of Campina Grande - UEPB.

Campina Grande - PB

Luiz Gustavo GustavoNeery
Ciência da Computação - UFCG

UFCG Paraíba, Brazil

Amanda Santos amanda-santos
Frontend Software Engineer 👩‍💻

Efí Bank Minas Gerais, Brazil

Luisa Martins luamrtins-zz

T10 Brazil, Minas Gerais - Uberlândia

Erica Noronha ericanoronha
e-commerce web dev

Rio de Janeiro

Data Science Student. Full Stack Web Developer. Former Lawyer and Safety Engineer.

Brooklyn Park, Minnesota, USA

Leonardo Sergi Molina leonardomolinan
Software Engineer at AmiGo App

@AmiGoTravel Uberlândia - MG

Diogo Mafra diogomqbm
👋 🐫 🦀

@teamwalnut Brazil

Bobomurod bobomurod
Golang, Node.js, TypeScript, React, Solidity smart contracts and dApps developer.

Istanbul, Turkey.

Daniel Major Seveshy
Frontend Developer | Coffe | Ignite | FullCycle

@fiserv São Paulo

Maria Eduarda Carvalho auntduda
CS Student @ Universidade de Brasília (UnB) | DevOps Analyst @ Lupa Data | always take the shot | [email protected]

Lupa Data Serviços em Tecnologia da Informação LTDA Brazil

Mr L Soldy
Mathematics has no gender and can work with all skin types.

London UK

Bruna Azambuja brunaazambuja
Computer Engineering Student - UnB

Brazil, DF

Durval Carvalho durvalcarvalho
Software engineering grad passionate about Django, Python, microservices & event architecture. Always eager to learn and create innovative software.

@dexlabsio Brasília - Brasil

Angélica Batassim 4ngelica
Backend developer

Luizalabs Brazil

Marcelo Rafael Gonçalves marcelo-rafael
Desenvolvedor front-end ReactJS

São Paulo/SP

JoyceQuerubino JoyceQuerubino

Superlógica São José dos Campos - SP

Ana Claudia Vignola anacvignola
Front-end developer


Portela portelaoliveira
Software Developer & Geophysical - Typescript, NodeJS, ReactJS, Zabbix, Dart/Flutter & Python.

RuralTech Brasília, Brazil