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Ezran Bayantemur ezranbayantemur
Software Engineer

Akbank İzmir, Turkey

İzni Burak Demirtaş izniburak
buki - sr. software engineer / developer #php #nodejs #golang #react #reactnative #docker #k8s

@Jotform, @habersistemim Ankara, Turkey

Mustafa Zuvin mzuvin
Full Stack Backend (.Net) Software Developer


mumudevx mumudevx
No need for much detail; just thinking and building. This is my favorite duo.
Medeni Aba medeniaba
Software Engineer with a keen interest in web development.

Adana, Turkey

Abdullah Guc abdullahguch
Coding is how I express myself here.
furkaneskil furkaneskil
I wanna be the very best, no one ever was! To catch bugs is my real test, to fix them is my cause.
Uğur Dalkıran ugurdalkiran
React JS, React Native & JS Dev.

Webrazzi & Mobilep Creative Ankara, Türkiye

İlker Kurtel ik
Front-end Developer

@jotform Ankara

Eser Ozvataf eser
Head of Engineering @Teknasyon • Founder @acikyazilim • Streaming @ • Open Source, DevRel, DevOps and Agile Evangelist • Generalist

@Teknasyon Istanbul, Turkey

Emre emreyalvac

@trendyol Istanbul

Nicola Corti cortinico
React Native for Android ⚛️ | Kotlin GDE 💜 | Maintainer of @detekt, @ChuckerTeam, @AppIntro 🐧 | Host 🥐 | He/Him 🏳️‍🌈 【ツ】

@facebook London, UK

Orçun Tuna orcuntuna
JavaScript Developer

@Nesine Istanbul, Turkey

Ben Pearce IB3N
TS, React + Native, Node @realm-art

RideTandem Remote

Joel Arvidsson oblador
╥━━━━━━━━╭━━╮━━┳ ╢╭╮╭━━━━━┫┃▋▋━▅┣ ╢┃╰┫┈┈┈┈┈┃┃┈┈╰┫┣ ╢╰━┫┈┈┈┈┈╰╯╰┳━╯┣ ╢┊┊┃┏┳┳━━┓┏┳┫┊┊┣ ╨━━┗┛┗┛━━┗┛┗┛━━┻
Omer Skipperlla

Istanbul, Turkey

Enes Kalkan eneskalkann
Frontend Developer


William Candillon wcandillon
Maker of the “Can it be done in React Native?” YouTube series ⚛️📺


Addy Osmani addyosmani
Engineering Lead at Google working on Chrome & Web Platform

Google Mountain View, California

Faruk Oruç bufgix
Crafting mobile apps, doing frontend. engineering @OpenPurpose

OpenPurpose® İzmir, Turkey

Brittany Chiang bchiang7
not to be confused with @bchiang7k, my work alter ego
barbaros yıldırım bar61aros
software engineer

Turkish Technology Istanbul, Turkey

Parvin Eyvazov ParvinEyvazov
❤️️ Love to learn | create | share ✨ ----- 🔭 building under @mololab ----------- 📷 building ----------------
Trendyol Trendyol
Open source projects and samples from Trendyol
Mertkaan Erdem mertkaanerdem
self-taught developer and inborn rapper


Alp Cetinkus alpcetinkus
Akdeniz university-MIS


Cihan Dundar cihandundar
Frontend Developer


Talha Çelebioğlu talhacelebioglu
Frontend Developer

Denizli, Turkey

Fatih Furkan Kocabiyik ffurkan10
Frontend Developer | HTML, CSS, SCSS, JavaScript, React js, Next js, React Native


Mert Türkmenoğlu mertturkmenoglu
Software Engineer | Whovian | Violin and guitar player | Squirrel Geek I know how to exit VIM. I use Arch btw.

Istanbul / Turkey

Aysenur aysenur-jf
UI developer

@jotform İzmir

Baran Kandil BaranKandil
Beykent University - Computer Eng


Selim Yalınkılıç selimyalinkilic
Frontend Developer

@shopiercom Turkey

Enes enesozturk
software engineer, React & React Native enthusiast, paragliding pilot
Ahmad Shadeed shadeed
Author of • CSS Bugs Hunter • UX • Front End • Blogging on,, and

Tulkarm, Palestine

Onur suyalcinkaya

@bitvavo Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Tayfun Erbilen tayfunerbilen
It's all about dreams

Eskişehir, Turkey

Behlul Umut Oz behllumt
Frontend Developer
