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Releases: natesilva/jshint-external.tmbundle

Version 1.1.2

11 Aug 20:41
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  • Fix a failure to validate due to a missing shutil import.

Version 1.1.1

21 Jul 20:09
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  • The output window is manually managed again. The TextMate built-in reuse window support doesn’t work with certain workflows.
  • Improved page layout that looks better for users who select to show command output below or to the right of the text view (instead of in a new window).

Version 1.1.0

21 Jul 16:08
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  • We use the new reuseOutput feature that was added in TextMate v2.0-alpha.9529.
    • The validator always tries to re-use the previous output window. In the past TextMate did not support this, so it was done with an ugly hack involving temporary files.
    • TextMate re-uses windows on a per-command basis. This means that occasionally the validator output may appear in a new window, even though a previous validator report is already open. This would happen if you used, for example, the save command, and then, before closing the validator report, invoked the manual validate command. Even though this is a slight regression, it’s preferable to the old hacky code.
  • You can now check for a new version of the bundle using a “Check for a new version” link at the bottom of the validator report.

Version 1.0.9

12 Mar 19:17
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  • .jshintrc files with comments will be recognized. Previously they were ignored as invalid JSON.

Version 1.0.8

28 Feb 22:31
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  • Fixes #2. Fixes a freeze that happened when you tried to close the validation report, if the report was being shown in a pane (at the bottom or side of the TextMate window), instead of a separate window. Thanks to @acdha for reporting.

Version 1.0.7

13 Feb 02:49
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  • More robust handling of JavaScript contained in HTML <script> tags.
    • Fixes a freeze when the <script> opening tag spans multiple lines.

Version 1.0.6

28 Jan 18:17
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  • Ensure common directories are added to the PATH before attempting to run jshint. This fixes a problem that occurs when TextMate uses a stripped-down PATH that does not include /usr/local/bin (the normal location for the jshint and node commands). This can happen after a clean install if the PATH checkbox in TextMate’s Preferences > Variables is un-checked.

Version 1.0.5

11 Dec 19:12
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  • The TM_JSHINT environment variable is renamed to TM_JSHINT_EXTERNAL_JSHINT, per the TextMate bundle style guide.
  • More helpful error message if the jshint command is not found.

Version 1.0.4

11 Dec 18:37
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  • Bundle name is changed from “JSHint (External)” to “JavaScript JSHint (External)” in accordance with the TextMate bundle style guide.
  • Minor cosmetic changes.

Version 1.0.3

11 Dec 00:30
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  • If the validation report is open for the current file, then when you press ⌘-S the validation report will be updated. Previously, it was not updated unless there was an error or warning to report. Now it will update to show the green “Looks Good” screen if you’ve fixed all of the problems.
  • Errors and warnings now include the JSHint message code (such as W110). For most common problems, clicking on the message code will open the relevant explanation on
    • You can use the message code to selectively turn off warnings. For example, to disable the warning for W110 for the current file, add a comment like this: /*jshint -W110 */.
  • Internal changes and bug fixes.