Boxdrop is a Dropbox-Clone built using StimulusReflex to demonstrate
how you can use StimulusReflex to build an application.
- Ruby 3.1.4
- Rails 7.0
- Stimulus 3.2
- StimulusReflex 3.5
- Turbo 7.2
- esbuild via (jsbundling-rails and esbuild-rails)
- Node 22
- Yarn 1
- PostgreSQL
- Redis
Check out the demo running at
Install dependencies
Clone the repo
git clone
Switch into the project folder
cd boxdrop
Run the setup command
Start the rails server and needed processes
See the app in action
To see the application in action, open a browser window and navigate to That's it!
Boxdrop logo made by @darkrubyist.
Boxdrop is released under the MIT License.