Labeled Tab Separated Value( manipulator for Java
This library is inspired by
Map<String, String> line = LTSV.parser().parseLine("hoge:foo\tbar:baz\n"); => {"hoge" : "foo", "bar" : "baz"}
String line = LTSV.formatter().formatLine(line) => "hoge:foo\tbar:baz"
Map<String, String> line = LTSV.parser().ignores("hoge").parseLine("hoge:foo\tbar:baz\n"); => {"bar" : "baz"}
Map<String, String> line = LTSV.parser().wants("hoge").parseLine("hoge:foo\tbar:baz\n"); => {"hoge" : "foo"}
List<Map<String, String>> lines = LTSV.parser().parseLines("test.ltsv");
LTSV.formatter.formatLines(lines, "foo.ltsv");
strict mode
Strictly label must be %x30-39 / %x41-5A / %x61-7A / "_" / "." / "-"
and field must be %x01-08 / %x0B / %x0C / %x0E-FF
By default, parser does not check this rule. To enable this, use strict() method.
LTSV.parser().strict().parseLine("@@:foo"); => throw LTSVParseException
a:1 b:2 c:3
a:4 b:5 c:6
a:7 b:8 c:9
Iterator interface is available to read ltsv file
try (LTSVIterator iterator = LTSV.parser().iterator("test.ltsv")) {
assertThat(iterator.hasNext(), is(true));
Map<String, String> line =;
assertThat(line.get("a"), is("1"));
assertThat(line.get("b"), is("2"));
assertThat(line.get("c"), is("3"));
assertThat(iterator.hasNext(), is(true));
Map<String, String> line =;
assertThat(line.get("a"), is("4"));
assertThat(line.get("b"), is("5"));
assertThat(line.get("c"), is("6"));
assertThat(iterator.hasNext(), is(true));
Map<String, String> line =;
assertThat(line.get("a"), is("7"));
assertThat(line.get("b"), is("8"));
assertThat(line.get("c"), is("9"));
assertThat(iterator.hasNext(), is(false));
Note that LTSVIterator
must be closed finally. LTSVIterator
extends java.lang.AutoCloseable
, so you can use try-with-resources statement supported from Java7.
you can get this artifact from Maven Central Repository :)
- JDK7+
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.