Mongbean is an alternative MongoDB ( driver for languages running on the Java Virtual Machine.
- Basic operations: query, save, update, remove, ensureIndex, findOne, limit, sort API
- Mongo documents can be mapped to generic java.util.collections (Maps + Lists)
- Typesafe API for mapping POJOs to Mongo documents and back
- DSLs for conditional operators, sorting, aggregation and updates
- administration API (partial), authentication, cursors
- Failover/replica pairs (partial)
// Find items having field 'foo' greater than 5 and update those field 'bar' by 5.
collection.update(new Query().field("foo").greaterThan(3), new Update().field("bar").increment(5));
// typesafe query of POJOs
List<DomainObject> objects = collection.query(new Query().field("name").is("foo"));
// Sorting
List<DomainObject> objects = collection.query(new Query().field("name").orderAscending());
// select distinct values of field 'foo' of those items where value of 'bar' is greater than 5.
collection.query(Aggregation.distinct("foo", new Query().field("bar").greaterThan(5)));
- More code examples can be found here
- GridFS (partially)
- Basic operations: query, save, update, remove, limit, sort, aggregation
- Working example
ASL 2.0