This challenge will help you build/understand a simple decentralized exchange, with one token-pair (ERC20 BALLOONS ($BAL) and ETH). This repo is an updated version of the original tutorial and challenge repos before it. Please read the intro for a background on what we are building first!
🌟 The final deliverable is an app that allows users to seamlessly trade ERC20 BALLOONS ($BAL) with ETH in a decentralized manner. Users will be able to connect their wallets, view their token balances, and buy or sell their tokens according to a price formula! Deploy your contracts to a testnet then build and upload your app to a public web server. Submit the url on!
There is also a 🎥 Youtube video that may help you understand the concepts covered within this challenge too:
💬 Meet other builders working on this challenge and get help in the Challenge 4 Telegram
Before you begin, you need to install the following tools:
- Node (v18 LTS)
- Yarn (v1 or v2+)
- Git
Then download the challenge to your computer and install dependencies by running:
git clone challenge-4-dex
cd challenge-4-dex
git checkout challenge-4-dex
yarn install
in the same terminal, start your local network (a blockchain emulator in your computer):
yarn chain
in a second terminal window, 🛰 deploy your contract (locally):
cd challenge-4-dex
yarn deploy
in a third terminal window, start your 📱 frontend:
cd challenge-4-dex
yarn start
📱 Open to see the app.
👩💻 Rerun
yarn deploy
whenever you want to deploy new contracts to the frontend. If you haven't made any contract changes, you can runyarn deploy --reset
for a completely fresh deploy.
Navigate to the Debug Contracts
tab, you should see two smart contracts displayed called DEX
and Balloons
is just an example ERC20 contract that mints 1000 $BAL to whatever address deploys it.
is what we will build in this challenge and you can see it starts instantiating a token (ERC20 interface) that we set in the constructor (on deploy).
Below is what your front-end will look like with no implementation code within your smart contracts yet. The buttons will likely break because there are no functions tied to them yet!
🎉 You've made it this far in Scaffold-Eth Challenges 👏🏼 . As things get more complex, it might be good to review the design requirements of the challenge first!
Check out the emptyDEX.sol
file to see aspects of each function. If you can explain how each function will work with one another, that's great! 😎
🚨 🚨 🦖 The code blobs within the toggles are some examples of what you can use, but try writing the implementation code for the functions first!
We want to create an automatic market where our contract will hold reserves of both ETH and 🎈 Balloons. These reserves will provide liquidity that allows anyone to swap between the assets.
Add a couple new variables to DEX.sol
for totalLiquidity
and liquidity
👩🏽🏫 Solution Code
uint256 public totalLiquidity;
mapping (address => uint256) public liquidity;
These variables track the total liquidity, but also by individual addresses too.
Now, let's create an init()
function in DEX.sol
that is payable and then we can define an amount of tokens that it will transfer to itself.
👨🏻🏫 Solution Code
function init(uint256 tokens) public payable returns (uint256) {
require(totalLiquidity == 0, "DEX: init - already has liquidity");
totalLiquidity = address(this).balance;
liquidity[msg.sender] = totalLiquidity;
require(token.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), tokens), "DEX: init - transfer did not transact");
return totalLiquidity;
Calling init()
will load our contract up with both ETH and 🎈 Balloons.
We can see that the DEX starts empty. We want to be able to call init()
to start it off with liquidity, but we don’t have any funds or tokens yet. Add some ETH to your local account using the faucet and then find the 00_deploy_your_contract.ts
file. Find and uncomment the lines below and add your front-end address:
// // paste in your front-end address here to get 10 balloons on deploy:
// await balloons.transfer(
// "" + 10 * 10 ** 18
// );
yarn deploy
The front end should show you that you have balloon tokens. We can’t just call init()
yet because the DEX contract isn’t allowed to transfer ERC20 tokens from our account.
First, we have to call approve()
on the Balloons contract, approving the DEX contract address to take some amount of tokens.
🤓 Copy and paste the DEX address to the Address Spender and then set the amount to 5.
You can confirm this worked using theallowance()
function inDebug Contracts
tab using your local account address as the owner and the DEX contract address as the spender.
Now we are ready to call init()
on the DEX, using Debug Contracts
tab. We will tell it to take 5 of our tokens and send 0.01 ETH with the transaction. Remember in the Debug Contracts
tab we are calling the functions directly which means we have to convert to wei, so don't forget to multiply those values by 10¹⁸!
In the DEX
tab, to simplify user interactions, we run the conversion (tokenAmount * 10¹⁸) in the code, so they just have to input the token amount they want to swap or deposit/withdraw.
You can see the DEX contract's value update and you can check the DEX token balance using the balanceOf
function on the Balloons UI from DEX
This works pretty well, but it will be a lot easier if we just call the init()
function as we deploy the contract. In the 00_deploy_your_contract.ts
script try uncommenting the init section so our DEX will start with 5 ETH and 5 Balloons of liquidity:
// // uncomment to init DEX on deploy:
// console.log(
// "Approving DEX (" + dex.address + ") to take Balloons from main account..."
// );
// // If you are going to the testnet make sure your deployer account has enough ETH
// await balloons.approve(dex.address, ethers.utils.parseEther("100"));
// console.log("INIT exchange...");
// await dex.init(ethers.utils.parseEther("5"), {
// value: ethers.utils.parseEther("5"),
// gasLimit: 200000,
// });
Now when we yarn deploy --reset
then our contract should be initialized as soon as it deploys and we should have equal reserves of ETH and tokens.
- 🎈 In the DEX tab is your contract showing 5 ETH and 5 Balloons of liquidity?
- ⚠ If you are planning to submit the challenge make sure to implement the
getter function inDEX.sol
This section is directly from the original tutorial "Price" section. It outlines the general details of the DEX's pricing model.
If you need some more clarity on how the price in a pool is calculated, this video by Smart Contract Programmer has a more in-depth explanation.
Now that our contract holds reserves of both ETH and tokens, we want to use a simple formula to determine the exchange rate between the two.
Let’s start with the formula x * y = k
where x
and y
are the reserves:
(amount of ETH in DEX ) * ( amount of tokens in DEX ) = k
The k
is called an invariant because it doesn’t change during trades. (The k
only changes as liquidity is added.) If we plot this formula, we’ll get a curve that looks something like:
💡 We are just swapping one asset for another, the “price” is basically how much of the resulting output asset you will get if you put in a certain amount of the input asset.
🤔 OH! A market based on a curve like this will always have liquidity, but as the ratio becomes more and more unbalanced, you will get less and less of the less-liquid asset from the same trade amount. Again, if the smart contract has too much ETH and not enough $BAL tokens, the price to swap $BAL tokens to ETH should be more desirable.
When we call init()
we passed in ETH and $BAL tokens at a ratio of 1:1. As the reserves of one asset changes, the other asset must also change inversely in order to maintain the constant product formula (invariant k
Now, try to edit your DEX.sol
smart contract and bring in a price function!
👩🏽🏫 Solution Code
function price(
uint256 xInput,
uint256 xReserves,
uint256 yReserves
) public pure returns (uint256 yOutput) {
uint256 xInputWithFee = xInput * 997;
uint256 numerator = xInputWithFee * yReserves;
uint256 denominator = (xReserves * 1000) + xInputWithFee;
return (numerator / denominator);
We use the ratio of the input vs output reserve to calculate the price to swap either asset for the other. Let’s deploy this and poke around:
yarn run deploy
Let’s say we have 1 million ETH and 1 million tokens, if we put this into our price formula and ask it the price of 1000 ETH it will be an almost 1:1 ratio:
If we put in 1000 ETH we will receive 996 tokens. If we’re paying a 0.3% fee it should be 997 if everything was perfect. BUT, there is a tiny bit of slippage as our contract moves away from the original ratio. Let’s dig in more to really understand what is going on here. Let’s say there is 5 million ETH and only 1 million tokens. Then, we want to put 1000 tokens in. That means we should receive about 5000 ETH:
Finally, let’s say the ratio is the same but we want to swap 100,000 tokens instead of just 1000. We’ll notice that the amount of slippage is much bigger. Instead of 498,000 back we will only get 453,305 because we are making such a big dent in the reserves.
❗️ The contract automatically adjusts the price as the ratio of reserves shifts away from the equilibrium. It’s called an 🤖 Automated Market Maker (AMM).
- 🤔 Do you understand how the x*y=k price curve actually works? Write down a clear explanation for yourself and derive the formula for price. You might have to shake off some old algebra skills!
- 💃 You should be able to go through the price section of this tutorial with the sample numbers and generate the same outputChange variable.
💡 Hints: For more information on calculating the Output Reserve, read the Brief Revisit of Uniswap V2 in this article.
💡💡 More Hints: Also, don't forget to think about how to implement the trading fee. Solidity doesn't allow for decimals, so one way that contracts are written to implement percentage is using whole uints (997 and 1000) as numerator and denominator factors, respectively.
Let’s edit the DEX.sol
smart contract and add two new functions for swapping from each asset to the other, ethToToken()
and tokenToEth()
👨🏻🏫 Solution Code
* @notice sends Ether to DEX in exchange for $BAL
function ethToToken() public payable returns (uint256 tokenOutput) {
require(msg.value > 0, "cannot swap 0 ETH");
uint256 ethReserve = address(this).balance - msg.value;
uint256 token_reserve = token.balanceOf(address(this));
uint256 tokenOutput = price(msg.value, ethReserve, token_reserve);
require(token.transfer(msg.sender, tokenOutput), "ethToToken(): reverted swap.");
emit EthToTokenSwap(msg.sender, msg.value, tokenOutput);
return tokenOutput;
* @notice sends $BAL tokens to DEX in exchange for Ether
function tokenToEth(uint256 tokenInput) public returns (uint256 ethOutput) {
require(tokenInput > 0, "cannot swap 0 tokens");
uint256 token_reserve = token.balanceOf(address(this));
uint256 ethOutput = price(tokenInput, token_reserve, address(this).balance);
require(token.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), tokenInput), "tokenToEth(): reverted swap.");
(bool sent, ) ={ value: ethOutput }("");
require(sent, "tokenToEth: revert in transferring eth to you!");
emit TokenToEthSwap(msg.sender, tokenInput, ethOutput);
return ethOutput;
💡 Each of these functions should calculate the resulting amount of output asset using our price function that looks at the ratio of the reserves vs the input asset. We can call tokenToEth and it will take our tokens and send us ETH or we can call ethToToken with some ETH in the transaction and it will send us $BAL tokens. Deploy it and try it out!
- Can you trade ETH for Balloons and get the correct amount?
- Can you trade Balloons for ETH?
⚠ When trading Balloons for ETH remember about allowances. Try using
to approve the contract address for some amount of tokens, then try the trade again!
So far, only the init()
function controls liquidity. To make this more decentralized, it would be better if anyone could add to the liquidity pool by sending the DEX both ETH and tokens at the correct ratio.
Let’s create two new functions that let us deposit and withdraw liquidity. How would you write this function out? Try before taking a peak!
💬 Hint: The
function receives ETH and also transfers $BAL tokens from the caller to the contract at the right ratio. The contract also tracks the amount of liquidity (how many liquidity provider tokens (LPTs) minted) the depositing address owns vs the totalLiquidity.
💡 Remember: Every time you perform actions with your $BAL tokens (deposit, exchange), you'll need to call
from theBalloons.sol
contract to authorize the DEX address to handle a specific number of your $BAL tokens. To keep things simple, you can just do that fromDebug Contracts
tab, ensure you approve a large enough quantity of tokens to not face allowance problems.
💬💬 More Hints: The
function lets a user take his Liquidity Provider Tokens out, withdrawing both ETH and $BAL tokens out at the correct ratio. The actual amount of ETH and tokens a liquidity provider withdraws could be higher than what they deposited because of the 0.3% fees collected from each trade. It also could be lower depending on the price fluctuations of $BAL to ETH and vice versa (from token swaps taking place using your AMM!). The 0.3% fee incentivizes third parties to provide liquidity, but they must be cautious of Impermanent Loss (IL).
👩🏽🏫 Solution Code
function deposit() public payable returns (uint256 tokensDeposited) {
require(msg.value > 0, "Must send value when depositing");
uint256 ethReserve = address(this).balance - msg.value;
uint256 tokenReserve = token.balanceOf(address(this));
uint256 tokenDeposit;
tokenDeposit = (msg.value * tokenReserve / ethReserve) + 1;
// 💡 Discussion on adding 1 wei at end of calculation ^
// ->
uint256 liquidityMinted = msg.value * totalLiquidity / ethReserve;
liquidity[msg.sender] += liquidityMinted;
totalLiquidity += liquidityMinted;
require(token.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), tokenDeposit));
emit LiquidityProvided(msg.sender, tokenDeposit, msg.value, liquidityMinted);
return tokenDeposit;
function withdraw(uint256 amount) public returns (uint256 eth_amount, uint256 token_amount) {
require(liquidity[msg.sender] >= amount, "withdraw: sender does not have enough liquidity to withdraw.");
uint256 ethReserve = address(this).balance;
uint256 tokenReserve = token.balanceOf(address(this));
uint256 ethWithdrawn;
ethWithdrawn = amount * ethReserve / totalLiquidity;
uint256 tokenAmount = amount * tokenReserve / totalLiquidity;
liquidity[msg.sender] -= amount;
totalLiquidity -= amount;
(bool sent, ) = payable(msg.sender).call{ value: ethWithdrawn }("");
require(sent, "withdraw(): revert in transferring eth to you!");
require(token.transfer(msg.sender, tokenAmount));
emit LiquidityRemoved(msg.sender, tokenAmount, ethWithdrawn, amount);
return (ethWithdrawn, tokenAmount);
🚨 Take a second to understand what these functions are doing if you pasted them into your DEX.sol
file in packages/hardhat/contracts:
💧 Deposit liquidity, and then check your liquidity amount through the mapping in the debug tab. Has it changed properly? Did the right amount of assets get deposited?
🧐 What happens if you
at the beginning of the deployed contract, then another user starts swapping out for most of the balloons, and then you try to withdraw your position as a liquidity provider? Answer: you should get the amount of liquidity proportional to the ratio of assets within the isolated liquidity pool. It will not be 1:1.
Cool beans! Your front-end should be showing something like this now!
Now, a user can just enter the amount of ETH or tokens they want to swap and the chart will display how the price is calculated. The user can also visualize how larger swaps result in more slippage and less output asset.
- In
implement an event and emit for theapprove()
function to make it clear when it has been executed.
- Now is a good time to run
yarn test
to run the automated testing function. It will test that you hit the core checkpoints. You are looking for all green checkmarks and passing tests!
📡 Edit the defaultNetwork
to your choice of public EVM networks in packages/hardhat/hardhat.config.ts
🔐 You will need to generate a deployer address using yarn generate
This creates a mnemonic and saves it locally.
👩🚀 Use yarn account
to view your deployer account balances.
⛽️ You will need to send ETH to your deployer address with your wallet, or get it from a public faucet of your chosen network.
🚀 Run yarn deploy
to deploy your smart contracts to a public network (selected in hardhat.config.ts
💬 Hint: You can set the
OR you canyarn deploy --network sepolia
💬💬 More Hints: For faster loading of your "Events" page, consider updating the
passed touseScaffoldEventHistory
toblocknumber - 10
at which your contract was deployed. Example:fromBlock: 3750241
. To find this blocknumber, search your contract's address on Etherscan and find theContract Creation
transaction line.
✏️ Edit your frontend config in packages/nextjs/scaffold.config.ts
to change the targetNetwork
to chains.sepolia
or any other public network.
💻 View your frontend at and verify you see the correct network.
📡 When you are ready to ship the frontend app...
📦 Run yarn vercel
to package up your frontend and deploy.
Follow the steps to deploy to Vercel. Once you log in (email, github, etc), the default options should work. It'll give you a public URL.
If you want to redeploy to the same production URL you can run
yarn vercel --prod
. If you omit the--prod
flag it will deploy it to a preview/test URL.
🦊 Since we have deployed to a public testnet, you will now need to connect using a wallet you own or a burner wallet. By default 🔥
burner wallets
are only available onhardhat
. You can enable them on every chain by settingonlyLocal : false
in your frontend config (scaffold.config.ts
By default, 🏗 Scaffold-ETH 2 provides predefined API keys for popular services such as Alchemy and Etherscan. This allows you to begin developing and testing your applications more easily, avoiding the need to register for these services.
This is great to complete your SpeedRunEthereum.
For production-grade applications, it's recommended to obtain your own API keys (to prevent rate limiting issues). You can configure these at:
variable inpackages/hardhat/.env
. You can create API keys from the Alchemy dashboard. -
variable inpackages/hardhat/.env
with your generated API key. You can get your key here.
💬 Hint: It's recommended to store env's for nextjs in Vercel/system env config for live apps and use .env.local for local testing.
Run the yarn verify --network your_network
command to verify your contracts on etherscan 🛰
👉 Search this address on Etherscan to get the URL you submit to 🏃♀️
👩❤️👨 Send some $BAL and share your public url with a friend and ask them to swap their tokens :)
🏃 Head to your next challenge here.
💬 Problems, questions, comments on the stack? Post them to the 🏗 scaffold-eth developers chat