Huge list of videos, talks , courses for Haskell programming language, that i want to remember.
All contributions are welcome.
Functional Programming and Haskell - Tim Dawborn and James Constab
Functional Programming Fundamentals, Chapter 1 of 13 - Dr. Erik Meijer
Functional Programming Fundamentals, Chapter 2 of 13 - Dr. Erik Meijer
Functional Reactive Programming for Musical User Interface - Paul Hudak
Advanced Functional Programming - The Expression Problem - Dr. Ralf Lämmel
Adventure with Types in Haskell (Lecture 1) - Simon Peyton Jones
Adventure with Types in Haskell (Lecture 2) - Simon Peyton Jones
Tip: If you want to download all videos from this list, you can use command by @jefdaj and Reddit community
curl |
grep -Po '\(https?://(.*)\)' | tr -d '()' | sort | uniq | head -n -1 | tail -n +6 | tac |
xargs youtube-dl
Note that you need youtube-dl for correct work.