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  • Burnaby, BC, Canada
  • 20:08 (UTC -08:00)


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Andy Stewart manateelazycat
Linux, Emacs开源社区从业二十余载 懒猫微服CEO, 不端不装, 仗剑走天涯 客官喜欢, 欢迎买我家的懒猫微服 China

Todd O'Bryan toddobryan

San Francisco Bay Area

Eric Walkingshaw walkie
Compiler engineer and PL researcher

Corvallis, Oregon

Jeffrey Young doyougnu
PhD in programming languages. Artificer. GHC developer and JS backend core developer. I write a lot of Haskell.


Adam Porter alphapapa
Developer with experience in editors (Emacs/Org), Python, Linux, Web front- and back-ends, documentation, testing/QA, support, etc.


Alexander Granin graninas
Software architect, book author, international speaker | "Functional Design and Architecture" (Manning) | "Pragmatic Type-Level Design"

UAE, Dubai

Vlad Mihalcea vladmihalcea
Java Champion, developing Hypersistence Optimizer, and author of High-Performance Java Persistence.

Hypersistence Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Ayman Nadeem aymannadeem
engineering @ github platform health

github NYC

Dmitry Jemerov yole
Ex-JetBrains, now pre-master student of linguistics at University of Leiden

Leiden, Netherlands

freelance lisp programmer
Oleg Grenrus phadej

Well-Typed LLP Helsinki, Finland

Sridhar Ratnakumar srid
I enjoy Haskell, Rust & Nix.

@juspay Quebec City, QC

Pavel Yakovlev zmactep
Computational Biologist and FP-enthusiast

@biocad St-Petersburg

Arnoud Buzing arnoudbuzing
I make awesome software at Wolfram Research

Wolfram Research Champaign, Illinois

Steve Purcell purcell
I optimise software and human systems, and make them happier.


GreaterFire GreaterFire
Founder of @trojan-gfw and creater of trojan. PGP Public Key Signature: 0x533B0112


世界 nekohasekai


Eric "सन्तोष" Zoerner ezoerner
"When the limestone of imperative programming has worn away, the granite of functional programming will be revealed underneath!" --Simon Peyton Jones

@gemfire Laurelwood, Oregon

Kevin Ling erlv
A Compiler Engineer focus on Deep Learning Processor Toolchain/Framework/Programming Language Design&Implementation, ISA Design

WeChat: GoldenAgeReview Beijing, China

Federico Tomassetti ftomassetti
Language Architect and Founder of Strumenta. We are specialized in language engineering: DSLs, design languages, parsers, editors, interpreters

Strumenta Turin, Italy

Someone SomeoneSerge
Applied mathematics, inverse graphics, computer vision (dense image correspondences), Nix

Independent + Aalto U, former HSE & Skoltech Helsinki, FI

Sam greydanus
Windscape AI and Greenfield Properties. Previously @google Brain, @dartmouth College
Shea Levy shlevy

Portsmouth, NH

Serokell serokell
The most bizarre company with the bravest ideas of functional programming application


Ziyang Liu zliu41
functional programmer, snooker player

@input-output-hk Millbrae CA

Ryan C. Gordon icculus
I make things that help you make games. Charlotte, NC

Dave david-abel
Research Scientist at DeepMind.


Niels Lohmann nlohmann
You may know me from my JSON library for C++.

Berlin, Germany

GRIN Compiler grin-compiler
whole-program optimization framework for functional languages
Csaba Hruska csabahruska
I'm a software engineer and I'm keen on doing research and development. I work on compilers and static analyses. I like Haskell, Idris2 and machine code.


The Learning&Training Hub of OS Kernel LearningOS
the Learning&Training Hub of OS Kernel for Students & Developers


Haskell Foundation haskellfoundation
Non-profit dedicated to supporting and promoting the Haskell language and community worldwide.