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CVE-2020-8908: Files::createTempDir local information disclosure vulnerability #4011

JLLeitschuh opened this issue Sep 8, 2020 · 93 comments


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JLLeitschuh commented Sep 8, 2020


Updating to Guava 30.0 does not fix this security vulnerability. The method is merely deprecated. There currently exits no fix for this vulnerability.

#4011 (comment)

Since the fix for this vulnerability is now disclosed by this commit (fec0dbc) and it was closed internally by google as 'Intended Functionality' I figure I'll disclose the vulnerability fully.


File guavaTempDir =;
System.out.println("Guava Temp Dir: " + guavaTempDir.getName());
runLS(guavaTempDir.getParentFile(), guavaTempDir); // Prints the file permissions -> drwxr-xr-x
File child = new File(guavaTempDir, "guava-child.txt");
runLS(guavaTempDir, child); // Prints the file permissions -> -rw-r--r--

On the flip side, when using java.nio.file.Files, this creates a directory with the correct file permissions.

Path temp = Files.createTempDirectory("random-directory");
System.out.println("Files Temp Dir: " + temp.getFileName());
runLS(temp.toFile().getParentFile(), temp.toFile()); // Prints the file permissions -> drwx------
Path child = temp.resolve("jdk-child.txt");
runLS(temp.toFile(), child.toFile()); // Prints the file permissions -> -rw-r--r--


The impact of this vulnerability is that, the file permissions on the file created by allows an attacker running a malicious program co-resident on the same machine can steal secrets stored in this directory. This is because by default on unix-like operating systems the /temp directory is shared between all users, so if the correct file permissions aren't set by the directory/file creator, the file becomes readable by all other users on that system.


This vulnerability can be fixed by explicitly setting the system property to a "safe" directory when starting the JVM.


The resolution by the Google team was the following:

The team decided to document the behavior, as well as deprecate the method as other alternatives exist.

This completely makes sense to me, and I think is appropriate. The open question that exists in my mind is whether or not this issue warrants a CVE number issued.

@JLLeitschuh JLLeitschuh changed the title Files.::createTempDir local information disclosure vulnerability Files::createTempDir local information disclosure vulnerability Sep 8, 2020
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melloware commented Sep 30, 2020

Yuck this code is being reported as a security vulnerability by Sonatype IQ Server as SONATYPE-2020-0926.

There is no non-vulnerable upgrade path for this component/package. We recommend investigating alternative components or replacing all usages of the deprecated Files.createTempDir() method with a safer alternative, such as java.nio.file.Files.createTempDirectory() for Java 7+.

I know its deprecated by why not just rip this code out?

It will be forever reported as a vulnerability by apps like OWASP and Sonatype.

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Can someone from Google make an official statement on whether or not this issue will receive a CVE number or not?

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And leaving the deprecated there is OK so people have Javadoc on alternatives but shouldn't it throw UnsupportedOperationException instead of just leaving this vulnerable code in here for someone to use?

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JLLeitschuh commented Oct 1, 2020

@melloware, this is indeed a security vulnerability, however, given that the severity of this vulnerability is quite low, I think that the way that Google and the Guava team has handled this vulnerability with a documented depreciation is appropriate.

It's important to note that the JDK actually contains a method with a very similar vulnerability. You'll notice that the documentation on File.createTempFile method changed between Java 6 and Java 7.

This new line of documentation reads:

The Files.createTempFile method provides an alternative method to create an empty file in the temporary-file directory. Files created by that method may have more restrictive access permissions to files created by this method and so may be more suited to security-sensitive applications.

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melloware commented Oct 1, 2020

I understand but its listed in Sonatype with a score of 7 which means my management team freaks out we are using a JAR with a vulnerability. Even if you prove to management you aren't using that feature it doesn't mean someone tomorrow in the org couldn't accidentally start using it. So that is why I am PRO on removal vs documentation.

When you work at a very security sensitive client who receives daily reports that include this type of alert.


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A few options for you.

  1. Push back on Sonatype's analysis of this vulnerability. As a customer, if you think that your security vendor's analysis of a given vulnerability is rating the vuln as too high, then push back. Feel free to include me in the email thread. My email address can be found on my GitHub profile.
  2. Push back on management. Here's an ArchUnit test that you can add into your JUnit or TestNG tests that will verify that this method isn't used anywhere, thus preventing its from being used by someone tomorrow.

public static final ArchRule forbid_calls_to_guava_Files_createTempDir =
        .should(not(callMethod(, "createTempDir")))
        .because("Files::createTempDir contains a local information disclosure vulnerability (");

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Cool I didn't know about ArchUnit!!! It won't help much we have over 50 in production applications using it so we would have to add this test to each one and all future applications.

As for your email when I click on your profile GitHub gives me the "Unicorn page is taking too long to load!"??? you must have a lot in your profile.

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JLLeitschuh commented Oct 2, 2020

It won't help much we have over 50 in production applications using it so we would have to add this test to each one and all future applications.


A few suggestions for you:

  1. Create one Gradle build that pulls down all of the JAR artifacts from your different applications, load them all onto the classpath of that Gradle build, and run the check there. Sounds complicated, but it may not be if you publish all your jars to the same internal Sonatype instance.
  2. Something that may scale better is GitHub's Code Scanning feature. I'm a OSS Security researcher that contributes to the GitHub Security Lab Bug Bounty program. Your question here actually inspired me to finally write the queries below for my GitHub Security Lab Bug Bounty submission.

The following two CodeQL queries would find all instances of this vulnerability across your codebases.

TempDirsUtil.qll (This is a utility the two queries below depend upon)

import java

class MethodAccessSystemGetProperty extends MethodAccess {
  MethodAccessSystemGetProperty() {
    getMethod() instanceof MethodSystemGetProperty

  predicate hasPropertyName(string propertyName) {
    this.getArgument(0).(CompileTimeConstantExpr).getStringValue() = propertyName

class MethodAccessSystemGetPropertyTempDir extends MethodAccessSystemGetProperty {
  MethodAccessSystemGetPropertyTempDir() { this.hasPropertyName("") }

 * Find dataflow from the temp directory system property to the `File` constructor.
 * Examples:
 *  - `new File(System.getProperty(""))`
 *  - `new File(new File(System.getProperty("")), "/child")`
private predicate isTaintedFileCreation(Expr expSource, Expr exprDest) {
  exists(ConstructorCall construtorCall |
    construtorCall.getConstructedType() instanceof TypeFile and
    construtorCall.getArgument(0) = expSource and
    construtorCall = exprDest

private class TaintFollowingFileMethod extends Method {
  TaintFollowingFileMethod() {
    getDeclaringType() instanceof TypeFile and
      hasName("getAbsoluteFile") or

private predicate isTaintFollowingFileTransformation(Expr expSource, Expr exprDest) {
  exists(MethodAccess fileMethodAccess |
    fileMethodAccess.getMethod() instanceof TaintFollowingFileMethod and
    fileMethodAccess.getQualifier() = expSource and
    fileMethodAccess = exprDest

predicate isAdditionalFileTaintStep(DataFlow::Node node1, DataFlow::Node node2) {
  isTaintedFileCreation(node1.asExpr(), node2.asExpr()) or
  isTaintFollowingFileTransformation(node1.asExpr(), node2.asExpr())

Query 1


 * @name Temporary Directory Local information disclosure
 * @description Detect local information disclosure via the java temporary directory
 * @kind problem
 * @problem.severity warning
 * @precision very-high
 * @id java/local-information-disclosure
 * @tags security
 *       external/cwe/cwe-200

import TempDirUtils

 * All `` methods.
class MethodFileCreateTempFile extends Method {
  MethodFileCreateTempFile() {
    this.getDeclaringType() instanceof TypeFile and

class TempDirSystemGetPropertyToAnyConfig extends TaintTracking::Configuration {
  TempDirSystemGetPropertyToAnyConfig() { this = "TempDirSystemGetPropertyToAnyConfig" }

  override predicate isSource(DataFlow::Node source) {
    source.asExpr() instanceof MethodAccessSystemGetPropertyTempDir

  override predicate isSink(DataFlow::Node source) { any() }

  override predicate isAdditionalTaintStep(DataFlow::Node node1, DataFlow::Node node2) {
    isAdditionalFileTaintStep(node1, node2)

abstract class MethodAccessInsecureFileCreation extends MethodAccess { }

 * Insecure calls to ``.
class MethodAccessInsecureFileCreateTempFile extends MethodAccessInsecureFileCreation {
  MethodAccessInsecureFileCreateTempFile() {
    this.getMethod() instanceof MethodFileCreateTempFile and
      this.getNumArgument() = 2 or
      getArgument(2) instanceof NullLiteral or
      // There exists a flow from the '' system property to this argument
      exists(TempDirSystemGetPropertyToAnyConfig config |

class MethodGuavaFilesCreateTempFile extends Method {
  MethodGuavaFilesCreateTempFile() {
    getDeclaringType().hasQualifiedName("", "Files") and

class MethodAccessInsecureGuavaFilesCreateTempFile extends MethodAccessInsecureFileCreation {
  MethodAccessInsecureGuavaFilesCreateTempFile() {
    getMethod() instanceof MethodGuavaFilesCreateTempFile
from MethodAccessInsecureFileCreation methodAccess
select methodAccess,
  "Local information disclosure vulnerability due to use of file or directory readable by other local users."

Example of this query finding vulns against other Google projects:

The above query will find method calls like this:

File.createTempFile("biz", "baz", null); // Flagged vulnerable
File.createTempFile("biz", "baz"); // Flagged vulnerable; // Flagged vulnerable
File tempDirChild = new File(new File(System.getProperty("")), "/child"); // Not Flagged
File.createTempFile("random", "file", tempDirChild); // Flagged vulnerable

Query 2:

 * @name Temporary Directory Local information disclosure
 * @description Detect local information disclosure via the java temporary directory
 * @kind path-problem
 * @problem.severity warning
 * @precision very-high
 * @id java/local-information-disclosure
 * @tags security
 *       external/cwe/cwe-200

import TempDirUtils
import DataFlow::PathGraph

private class MethodFileSystemCreation extends Method {
  MethodFileSystemCreation() {
    getDeclaringType() instanceof TypeFile and
      hasName("mkdir") or

private class TempDirSystemGetPropertyToCreateConfig extends TaintTracking::Configuration {
  TempDirSystemGetPropertyToCreateConfig() { this = "TempDirSystemGetPropertyToAnyConfig" }

  override predicate isSource(DataFlow::Node source) {
    source.asExpr() instanceof MethodAccessSystemGetPropertyTempDir

  override predicate isSink(DataFlow::Node sink) {
    exists (MethodAccess ma |
      ma.getMethod() instanceof MethodFileSystemCreation and
      ma.getQualifier() = sink.asExpr()

  override predicate isAdditionalTaintStep(DataFlow::Node node1, DataFlow::Node node2) {
    isAdditionalFileTaintStep(node1, node2)

from DataFlow::PathNode source, DataFlow::PathNode sink, TempDirSystemGetPropertyToCreateConfig conf
where conf.hasFlowPath(source, sink)
select source.getNode(), source, sink,
  "Local information disclosure vulnerability from $@ due to use of file or directory readable by other local users.", source.getNode(),
  "system temp directory"

Example of this query finding vulns against other Google projects:

The above query will find instances of this vulnerability by doing dataflow analysis to find where uses of the system property flow to a file creation location.

File tempDirChild = new File(System.getProperty(""), "/child"); // Not flagged
tempDirChild.mkdir(); // Flagged vulnerable
tempDirChild.createNewFile(); // Flagged vulnerable

With the GitHub Code Scanning feature, once my queries are merged, you'll automatically get alerts about these vulnerabilities in your code. The pull request can be found here: github/codeql#4388

As for your email when I click on your profile GitHub gives me the "Unicorn page is taking too long to load!"??? you must have a lot in your profile.

You sometimes have to reload a few times. I have over 1,596 forks against my profile. I have a bot that I use to automate the generation of thousands of security-fix pull requests across GitHub projects. The first project I did this for, I forked all the projects under my personal account, I have since learned this is a mistake 😆 . Legit, do not do this. GitHub doesn't scale well to having this many forks bound to your account. The second project, where I generated 3,880 pull requests, I realized that it was better for the health of my account if I forked them under organizations instead. I ended up creating 45 GitHub organizations for that project.

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@JLLeitschuh Than you for all your work! That GitHub bot code will be a huge help!

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@JLLeitschuh does the creates with similar vulnerable permissions ?

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@semmalimayan here's the method you're asking about.

public static void createParentDirs(File file) throws IOException {
File parent = file.getCanonicalFile().getParentFile();
if (parent == null) {
* The given directory is a filesystem root. All zero of its ancestors exist. This doesn't
* mean that the root itself exists -- consider x:\ on a Windows machine without such a drive
* -- or even that the caller can create it, but this method makes no such guarantees even for
* non-root files.
if (!parent.isDirectory()) {
throw new IOException("Unable to create parent directories of " + file);

The true answer here is "it depends".

For example, this would be vulnerable:

File tempDirChild = new File(System.getProperty(""), "/child/text_file.txt");; // Anything in the 'child' directory would have a local information disclosure vulnerability 
tempDirChild.createNewFile(); // This file would be visible to other users, putting sensitive information in this file would be an information disclosure vulnerability.

That being said, I think that at that point, this is probably more likely a user-error vulnerability, less a guava vulnerability.

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A similar vulnerability has been disclosed and patched in JUnit 4. CVE pending.


To reiterate my earlier question:

Can someone from Google make an official statement on whether or not this issue will receive a CVE number or not?

CC: @google-admin

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Here is the fix Junit did: junit-team/junit4@610155b#diff-25d902c24283ab8cfbac54dfa101ad31

drleff pushed a commit to Yeshiva-University-CS/COM2545StubbedAssignments that referenced this issue Oct 25, 2020
 Open	GitHub opened this alert 12 days ago
Bump junit from 4.11 to 4.13.1 in /SortDoublingRatios dependencies
1 junit:junit vulnerability found in SortDoublingRatios/pom.xml 12 days ago
Upgrade junit:junit to version 4.13.1 or later. For example:

Always verify the validity and compatibility of suggestions with your codebase.

low severity
Vulnerable versions: >= 4.7, < 4.13.1
Patched version: 4.13.1
The JUnit4 test rule TemporaryFolder contains a local information disclosure vulnerability.

Example of vulnerable code:

public static class HasTempFolder {
    public TemporaryFolder folder = new TemporaryFolder();

    public void testUsingTempFolder() throws IOException {
        folder.getRoot(); // Previous file permissions: `drwxr-xr-x`; After fix:`drwx------`
        File createdFile= folder.newFile("myfile.txt"); // unchanged/irrelevant file permissions
        File createdFolder= folder.newFolder("subfolder"); // unchanged/irrelevant file permissions
        // ...
On Unix like systems, the system's temporary directory is shared between all users on that system. Because of this, when files and directories are written into this directory they are, by default, readable by other users on that same system.

This vulnerability does not allow other users to overwrite the contents of these directories or files. This is purely an information disclosure vulnerability.

When analyzing the impact of this vulnerability, here are the important questions to ask:

Do the JUnit tests write sensitive information, like API keys or passwords, into the temporary folder?
If yes, this vulnerability impacts you, but only if you also answer 'yes' to question 2.
If no, this vulnerability does not impact you.
Do the JUnit tests ever execute in an environment where the OS has other untrusted users.
This may apply in CI/CD environments but normally won't be 'yes' for personal developer machines.
If yes, and you answered 'yes' to question 1, this vulnerability impacts you.
If no, this vulnerability does not impact you.
Because certain JDK file system APIs were only added in JDK 1.7, this this fix is dependent upon the version of the JDK you are using.

Java 1.7 and higher users: this vulnerability is fixed in 4.13.1.
Java 1.6 and lower users: no patch is available, you must use the workaround below.
If you are unable to patch, or are stuck running on Java 1.6, specifying the system environment variable to a directory that is exclusively owned by the executing user will fix this vulnerability.

CWE-200: Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor
Fix commit junit-team/junit4@610155b
Similar Vulnerabilities
Google Guava - google/guava#4011
Apache Ant -
JetBrains Kotlin Compiler -
For more information
If you have any questions or comments about this advisory, please pen an issue in junit-team/junit4.
openwms added a commit to spring-labs/ that referenced this issue Oct 25, 2020
OLEGSHA added a commit to OLEGSHA/Progressia that referenced this issue Nov 5, 2020
Relevant info: google/guava#4011. We never
used it but better prevent this in the future.
melloware added a commit to melloware/guava that referenced this issue Nov 19, 2020
copybara-service bot pushed a commit that referenced this issue Jun 7, 2023
Based on [some discussions in GitHub](#6535 (comment)), I'm under the impression that Windows would create the temporary directory/file in a secure location even if our call to `java.nio.file.Files.createTempDirectory`/`createTempFile` passes no ACL attribute. However, in case we are in an unusual situation (Linux with NFS temporary directory???) in which ACLs are supported but the temporary directory is _not_ a secure location, I've arranged for the file to be created with an ACL that grants permissions only to the current user. I set the user's permissions to the ones that I saw on a file created in the temporary directory under Java's default settings, and I didn't do anything to set the additional permissions I was seeing for administrators. The resulting file's permissions look plausibly correct in the Windows property dialog, if slightly different than what I get when creating a file/directory myself through Explorer.

Fixes #6535

Relates to:
- #4011
- #2575
- #2686. (It sure would be convenient to have Windows CI set up!)

RELNOTES=`io`: Fixed `Files.createTempDir` and `FileBackedOutputStream` under Windows.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 538492945
copybara-service bot pushed a commit that referenced this issue Jun 7, 2023
Based on [some discussions in GitHub](#6535 (comment)), I'm under the impression that Windows would create the temporary directory/file in a secure location even if our call to `java.nio.file.Files.createTempDirectory`/`createTempFile` passes no ACL attribute. However, in case we are in an unusual situation (Linux with NFS temporary directory???) in which ACLs are supported but the temporary directory is _not_ a secure location, I've arranged for the file to be created with an ACL that grants permissions only to the current user. I set the user's permissions to the ones that I saw on a file created in the temporary directory under Java's default settings, and I didn't do anything to set the additional permissions I was seeing for administrators. The resulting file's permissions look plausibly correct in the Windows property dialog, if slightly different than what I get when creating a file/directory myself through Explorer.

Fixes #6535

Relates to:
- #4011
- #2575
- #2686. (It sure would be convenient to have Windows CI set up!)

RELNOTES=`io`: Fixed `Files.createTempDir` and `FileBackedOutputStream` under Windows.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 538492945
copybara-service bot pushed a commit that referenced this issue Jun 8, 2023
Based on [some discussions in GitHub](#6535 (comment)), I'm under the impression that Windows would create the temporary directory/file in a secure location even if our call to `java.nio.file.Files.createTempDirectory`/`createTempFile` passes no ACL attribute. However, in case we are in an unusual situation (Linux with NFS temporary directory???) in which ACLs are supported but the temporary directory is _not_ a secure location, I've arranged for the file to be created with an ACL that grants permissions only to the current user. I set the user's permissions to the ones that I saw on a file created in the temporary directory under Java's default settings, and I didn't do anything to set the additional permissions I was seeing for administrators. The resulting file's permissions look plausibly correct in the Windows property dialog, if slightly different than what I get when creating a file/directory myself through Explorer.

Fixes #6535

Relates to:
- #4011
- #2575
- #2686 (Yay, we have Windows CI set up!)
- #2130

RELNOTES=`io`: Fixed `Files.createTempDir` and `FileBackedOutputStream` under Windows.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 538492945
copybara-service bot pushed a commit that referenced this issue Jun 8, 2023
Based on [some discussions in GitHub](#6535 (comment)), I'm under the impression that Windows would create the temporary directory/file in a secure location even if our call to `java.nio.file.Files.createTempDirectory`/`createTempFile` passes no ACL attribute. However, in case we are in an unusual situation (Linux with NFS temporary directory???) in which ACLs are supported but the temporary directory is _not_ a secure location, I've arranged for the file to be created with an ACL that grants permissions only to the current user. I set the user's permissions to the ones that I saw on a file created in the temporary directory under Java's default settings, and I didn't do anything to set the additional permissions I was seeing for administrators. The resulting file's permissions look plausibly correct in the Windows property dialog, if slightly different than what I get when creating a file/directory myself through Explorer.

Fixes #6535

Relates to:
- #4011
- #2575
- #2686 (Yay, we have Windows CI set up!)
- #2130

RELNOTES=`io`: Fixed `Files.createTempDir` and `FileBackedOutputStream` under Windows.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 538492945
copybara-service bot pushed a commit that referenced this issue Jun 8, 2023
Based on [some discussions in GitHub](#6535 (comment)), I'm under the impression that Windows would create the temporary directory/file in a secure location even if our call to `java.nio.file.Files.createTempDirectory`/`createTempFile` passes no ACL attribute. However, in case we are in an unusual situation (Linux with NFS temporary directory???) in which ACLs are supported but the temporary directory is _not_ a secure location, I've arranged for the file to be created with an ACL that grants permissions only to the current user. I set the user's permissions to the ones that I saw on a file created in the temporary directory under Java's default settings, and I didn't do anything to set the additional permissions I was seeing for administrators. The resulting file's permissions look plausibly correct in the Windows property dialog, if slightly different than what I get when creating a file/directory myself through Explorer.

Fixes #6535

Relates to:
- #4011
- #2575
- #2686 (Yay, we have Windows CI set up!)
- #2130

RELNOTES=`io`: Fixed `Files.createTempDir` and `FileBackedOutputStream` under Windows.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 538492945
copybara-service bot pushed a commit that referenced this issue Jun 8, 2023
Based on [some discussions in GitHub](#6535 (comment)), I'm under the impression that Windows would create the temporary directory/file in a secure location even if our call to `java.nio.file.Files.createTempDirectory`/`createTempFile` passes no ACL attribute. However, in case we are in an unusual situation (Linux with NFS temporary directory???) in which ACLs are supported but the temporary directory is _not_ a secure location, I've arranged for the file to be created with an ACL that grants permissions only to the current user. I set the user's permissions to the ones that I saw on a file created in the temporary directory under Java's default settings, and I didn't do anything to set the additional permissions I was seeing for administrators. The resulting file's permissions look plausibly correct in the Windows property dialog, if slightly different than what I get when creating a file/directory myself through Explorer.

Fixes #6535

Relates to:
- #4011
- #2575
- #2686 (Yay, we have Windows CI set up!)
- #2130

RELNOTES=`io`: Fixed `Files.createTempDir` and `FileBackedOutputStream` under Windows.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 538492945
copybara-service bot pushed a commit that referenced this issue Jun 8, 2023
Based on [some discussions in GitHub](#6535 (comment)), I'm under the impression that Windows would create the temporary directory/file in a secure location even if our call to `java.nio.file.Files.createTempDirectory`/`createTempFile` passes no ACL attribute. However, in case we are in an unusual situation (Linux with NFS temporary directory???) in which ACLs are supported but the temporary directory is _not_ a secure location, I've arranged for the file to be created with an ACL that grants permissions only to the current user. I set the user's permissions to the ones that I saw on a file created in the temporary directory under Java's default settings, and I didn't do anything to set the additional permissions I was seeing for administrators. The resulting file's permissions look plausibly correct in the Windows property dialog, if slightly different than what I get when creating a file/directory myself through Explorer.

Fixes #6535

Relates to:
- #4011
- #2575
- #2686 (Yay, we have Windows CI set up!)
- #2130

RELNOTES=`io`: Fixed `Files.createTempDir` and `FileBackedOutputStream` under Windows.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 538888769
LuciferYang pushed a commit to apache/spark that referenced this issue Jun 14, 2023
…1.0.1-jre to 32.0.1-jre

### What changes were proposed in this pull request?
The pr aims to upgrade google guava for connect from 31.0.1-jre to 32.0.1-jre.

### Why are the changes needed?
Release notes:
Security fixes
Reimplemented Files.createTempDir and FileBackedOutputStream to further address google/guava#4011 and google/guava#2575 (CVE-2023-2976, forthcoming). (google/guava@feb83a1)

### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?

### How was this patch tested?
Pass GA.

Closes #41581 from panbingkun/SPARK-44047.

Authored-by: panbingkun <[email protected]>
Signed-off-by: yangjie01 <[email protected]>
czxm pushed a commit to czxm/spark that referenced this issue Jun 19, 2023
…1.0.1-jre to 32.0.1-jre

### What changes were proposed in this pull request?
The pr aims to upgrade google guava for connect from 31.0.1-jre to 32.0.1-jre.

### Why are the changes needed?
Release notes:
Security fixes
Reimplemented Files.createTempDir and FileBackedOutputStream to further address google/guava#4011 and google/guava#2575 (CVE-2023-2976, forthcoming). (google/guava@feb83a1)

### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?

### How was this patch tested?
Pass GA.

Closes apache#41581 from panbingkun/SPARK-44047.

Authored-by: panbingkun <[email protected]>
Signed-off-by: yangjie01 <[email protected]>
Grimoren added a commit to Grimoren/hadoop-thirdparty that referenced this issue Oct 17, 2023
Published Vulnerabilities

Use of Java's default temporary directory for file creation in `FileBackedOutputStream` in Google Guava versions 1.0 to 31.1 on Unix systems and Android Ice Cream Sandwich allows other users and apps on the machine with access to the default Java temporary directory to be able to access the files created by the class.

Even though the security vulnerability is fixed in version 32.0.0, we recommend using version 32.0.1 as version 32.0.0 breaks some functionality under Windows.

CWE-552 Files or Directories Accessible to External Parties

Base Score: HIGH (7.1)
Vector: CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:N

MISC - google/guava#2575
OSSINDEX - [CVE-2023-2976] CWE-552: Files or Directories Accessible to External Parties
OSSIndex -
OSSIndex - google/guava#2575
OSSIndex -
Vulnerable Software & Versions:

cpe:2.3:a:google:guava:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:* versions up to (excluding) 32.0.0
CVE-2020-8908  suppress

A temp directory creation vulnerability exists in all versions of Guava, allowing an attacker with access to the machine to potentially access data in a temporary directory created by the Guava API By default, on unix-like systems, the created directory is world-readable (readable by an attacker with access to the system). The method in question has been marked @deprecated in versions 30.0 and later and should not be used. For Android developers, we recommend choosing a temporary directory API provided by Android, such as context.getCacheDir(). For other Java developers, we recommend migrating to the Java 7 API java.nio.file.Files.createTempDirectory() which explicitly configures permissions of 700, or configuring the Java runtime's system property to point to a location whose permissions are appropriately configured.

CWE-732 Incorrect Permission Assignment for Critical Resource

Base Score: LOW (2.1)
Vector: /AV:L/AC:L/Au:N/C:P/I:N/A:N
Base Score: LOW (3.3)
Vector: CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:L/I:N/A:N

CONFIRM - google/guava@fec0dbc
CONFIRM - google/guava#4011
N/A - N/A
OSSINDEX - [CVE-2020-8908] CWE-379: Creation of Temporary File in Directory with Incorrect Permissions
OSSIndex - google/guava#4011
Vulnerable Software & Versions: (show all)

cpe:2.3:a:google:guava:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:* versions up to (excluding) 32.0.0
lacework-code-security bot referenced this issue in codesec1-customerdemo-prodn1-gh/vulnado Dec 4, 2023
Utsav2 pushed a commit to SyntraInc/guava that referenced this issue Dec 30, 2024
…r fail if that's not possible.

(Also, check that the provided `fileThreshold` is non-negative.)

- Fixes google#2575
- Fixes google#4011

RELNOTES=Reimplemented `Files.createTempDir` and `FileBackedOutputStream` to further address [CVE-2020-8908](google#4011) and [Guava issue google#2575](google#2575) (CVE forthcoming).
PiperOrigin-RevId: 535359233
Utsav2 pushed a commit to SyntraInc/guava that referenced this issue Dec 30, 2024
…r fail if that's not possible.

(Also, check that the provided `fileThreshold` is non-negative.)

- Fixes google#2575
- Fixes google#4011

RELNOTES=Reimplemented `Files.createTempDir` and `FileBackedOutputStream` to further address [CVE-2020-8908](google#4011) and [Guava issue google#2575](google#2575) (CVE forthcoming).
PiperOrigin-RevId: 535359233
Utsav2 pushed a commit to SyntraInc/guava that referenced this issue Dec 30, 2024
…r fail if that's not possible.

(Also, check that the provided `fileThreshold` is non-negative.)

- Fixes google#2575
- Fixes google#4011

RELNOTES=Reimplemented `Files.createTempDir` and `FileBackedOutputStream` to further address [CVE-2020-8908](google#4011) and [Guava issue google#2575](google#2575) (CVE forthcoming).
PiperOrigin-RevId: 535359233
Utsav2 pushed a commit to SyntraInc/guava that referenced this issue Dec 30, 2024
…r fail if that's not possible.

(Also, check that the provided `fileThreshold` is non-negative.)

- Fixes google#2575
- Fixes google#4011

RELNOTES=Reimplemented `Files.createTempDir` and `FileBackedOutputStream` to further address [CVE-2020-8908](google#4011) and [Guava issue google#2575](google#2575) (CVE forthcoming).
PiperOrigin-RevId: 535359233
Utsav2 pushed a commit to SyntraInc/guava that referenced this issue Dec 30, 2024
…r fail if that's not possible.

(Also, check that the provided `fileThreshold` is non-negative.)

- Fixes google#2575
- Fixes google#4011

RELNOTES=Reimplemented `Files.createTempDir` and `FileBackedOutputStream` to further address [CVE-2020-8908](google#4011) and [Guava issue google#2575](google#2575) (CVE forthcoming).
PiperOrigin-RevId: 535359233
Utsav2 pushed a commit to SyntraInc/guava that referenced this issue Jan 2, 2025
…r fail if that's not possible.

(Also, check that the provided `fileThreshold` is non-negative.)

- Fixes google#2575
- Fixes google#4011

RELNOTES=Reimplemented `Files.createTempDir` and `FileBackedOutputStream` to further address [CVE-2020-8908](google#4011) and [Guava issue google#2575](google#2575) (CVE forthcoming).
PiperOrigin-RevId: 535359233
Utsav2 pushed a commit to SyntraInc/guava that referenced this issue Jan 2, 2025
…r fail if that's not possible.

(Also, check that the provided `fileThreshold` is non-negative.)

- Fixes google#2575
- Fixes google#4011

RELNOTES=Reimplemented `Files.createTempDir` and `FileBackedOutputStream` to further address [CVE-2020-8908](google#4011) and [Guava issue google#2575](google#2575) (CVE forthcoming).
PiperOrigin-RevId: 535359233
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