version 0.9.1
Draws choropleth maps of the world, based on WHO shapefiles (simpler or more detailed issued in 2022), adapted from scripts from Tom Hiatt and Hazim Timimi.
whomap(X, colours = NULL, low.col = "#BDD7E7", high.col = "#08519C", line.col = "black", map.title = "", legend.title = "", background = NA, na.label = "No data", disclaimer = FALSE, legend.pos = c(0.14, 0.26), recentre = 12)
X is a dataframe. It must contain a variable named "iso3" holding country ISO3 codes, and a second categorical variable named "var". There should be no more than 6 categories (excluding "No data" and "Not applicable") for optimal display of the legend. The category labels should be short.
brics <- data.frame(iso3=c('BRA','CHN','IND','RUS','ZAF'), var=1)
whomap(brics, colour='red', legend.pos='none', water.col = 'white')
Oceans and lakes in light blue
whomap(brics, colour='red', legend.pos='none', water.col = 'lightblue')
brics$var <- 1:5
whomap(brics, legend.title='BRICS', water.col = 'white')
Recentered on the region Asia-Pacific, with the legend repositioned:
whomap(brics, legend.title = 'BRICS', legend.pos = c(0.7, 0.26), recentre = 163, water.col = 'white')
The above maps can be drawn using high-definition 2022 WHO shapefiles by passing a parameter "hidef = T" (default is F). The drawing in high-definition is considerably slower. The previous map in high-definition with the default colour for water bodies is shown below:
whomap(brics, legend.title = 'BRICS', legend.pos = c(0.7, 0.26), recentre = 163, hidef = TRUE)
World map also showing a secondary country marker denoting a second variable
whomap(brics, legend.title='BRICS', legend.pos=c(0.14, 0.34)) + add_marker('BRA', lab='Subnational\ndata')