title | intro | versions | shortTitle | ||||||
Reviewing and revoking personal access tokens in your organization |
Organization owners can review the {% data variables.product.pat_v2 %}s that can access their organization. They can also revoke access of specific {% data variables.product.pat_v2 %}s. |
Review token access |
{% data reusables.user-settings.pat-v2-org-opt-in %}
Organization owners can view all {% data variables.product.pat_v2 %}s that can access resources owned by the organization. Organization owners can also revoke access by {% data variables.product.pat_v2 %}s. When a {% data variables.product.pat_v2 %} is revoked, SSH keys created by the token will continue to work and the token will still be able to read public resources within the organization.
When a token is revoked, the user who created the token will receive an email notification.
Organization owners can only view and revoke {% data variables.product.pat_v2 %}s, not {% data variables.product.pat_v1_plural %}. Unless the organization {% ifversion ghec or ghes %}or enterprise {% endif %}has restricted access by {% data variables.product.pat_v1_plural %}, any {% data variables.product.pat_v1 %} can access organization resources until the token expires. For more information about restricting access by {% data variables.product.pat_v1_plural %}, see AUTOTITLE{% ifversion ghec or ghes %} and AUTOTITLE{% endif %}.
{% ifversion ghec %} Organization owners can also view and revoke {% data variables.product.pat_v1_plural %} if their organization requires SAML single-sign on. For more information, see AUTOTITLE. For more information about using the REST API to do this, see List SAML SSO authorizations for an organization and Remove a SAML SSO authorization for an organization.{% endif %}
Organization owners can also use the REST API to review and revoke {% data variables.product.pat_v2 %}s. These endpoints can only be called by {% data variables.product.prodname_github_apps %}, and cannot be called with {% data variables.product.pat_generic_plural %} or {% data variables.product.prodname_oauth_apps %}. For more information, see AUTOTITLE.
{% data reusables.profile.access_org %} {% data reusables.profile.org_settings %}
- In the left sidebar, under {% octicon "key" aria-hidden="true" %} {% data variables.product.pat_generic_caps %}s, click Active tokens. Any {% data variables.product.pat_v2 %}s that can access your organization will be displayed.
- Click the name of the token that you want review or revoke.
- Review the access and permissions that the token has.
- To revoke access by the token to the organization, click Revoke.
Alternatively, you can revoke multiple tokens at once:
{% data reusables.profile.access_org %} {% data reusables.profile.org_settings %}
- In the left sidebar, under {% octicon "key" aria-hidden="true" %} {% data variables.product.pat_generic_caps %}s, click Active tokens. Any {% data variables.product.pat_v2 %}s that can access your organization will be displayed. {% data reusables.user-settings.patv2-filters %}
- Select each token that you want to revoke.
- Select the tokens selected... dropdown menu and click Revoke....