title | intro | permissions | redirect_from | versions | topics | ||||||||||
Following people |
You can follow people on {% data variables.product.github %} to receive notifications about their activity{% ifversion fpt or ghec %} and discover projects in their communities{% endif %}. |
{% data reusables.enterprise-accounts.emu-permission-follow %} |
When you follow people, you'll see their public activity on your personal dashboard.{% ifversion fpt or ghec %} If someone you follow stars a public repository, {% data variables.product.github %} may recommend the repository to you.{% endif %} For more information, see AUTOTITLE.
You can unfollow someone if you do not wish to see their public activity on {% data variables.product.github %}.
{% data reusables.profile.navigate-to-user-profile %}
- Under the user's profile picture, click Follow.
{% data reusables.profile.navigate-to-user-profile %}
- Under the user's profile picture, click Unfollow.
{% data reusables.profile.navigate-to-user-profile %}
{% data reusables.profile.navigate-to-user-profile %}
{% ifversion fpt or ghec %}