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Diia diia-open-source
Diia is an app with access to citizen’s digital documents and government services


Oleksiy Syvokon osyvokon
NLP/ML researcher

Microsoft Kyiv, Ukraine

Sindre Sorhus sindresorhus
Full-Time Open-Sourcerer. Focused on Swift & JavaScript. Makes macOS apps, CLI tools, npm packages.
Techno Tim timothystewart6
Software Engineer | Tech Content Creator | HomeLab | 🇺🇸 🇯🇵 | Full Nerd

Minneapolis, MN

Steven Black StevenBlack
Computer systems analyst in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. Kingston, Ontario, Canada

Romain Lafourcade romainl

Razorfish France Paris, France

Andrew Radev AndrewRadev
"Nooooo, you can't keep solving your problems by writing Vim plugins, use a real programming language" Haha vimscript go brrrrr

Leuven, Belgium

James McCoy jamessan
Just another FOSS hacker

Dell Holliston, MA

Thomas Göttgens caveman99

Herzogenrath / Germany

Charm charmbracelet
We make the command line glamorous.


Ryan McBeth mcbethr
Official Repository of Author, Coder, OSINT Intelligence Analyst and cyber guy.

Ryan McBeth Productions Silver Spring, MD

Seth Michael Larson sethmlarson
PSF Security Developer-in-Residence 🐍 PSF Fellow ✨ Minnesoootan, he/him

@psf Minneapolis, MN

Johannes Millan johannesjo
I love programming!

Frontend Developer Berlin

PySimpleGUI PySimpleGUI
"The devastating beauty of everyday life." -- Pope Francis


John Capobianco automateyournetwork
Automate Your Network

Val-des-Monts, Quebec, Canada

Denys Zaluzhnyi zaldis
Magic to the Art

Google Poland

Sergey Palchitsky spa137

spa it Kyiv, Ukraine


Ace Stream

Roman Kozlov soriel

Integrasky Moscow

Koen Kanters Koenkk
Founder of Zigbee2MQTT 🐝, zigbee-herdsman 🐏 and zigbee-herdsman-converters 🧰 Software engineer @ ASML 👷‍♂️

ASML The Netherlands, Helmond

Will McGugan willmcgugan
I'm a full-stack software developer and Python expert. CEO / Founder of Textualize. Creator of Rich, Textual, and @PyFilesystem.

Textualize Edinburgh, UK

TJ DeVries tjdevries
Software developer. I like using Neovim (core team) and stream here:
Andy Stewart airblade
Mostly Ruby, mostly Rails, some JavaScript, some Tailwind, too much Vimscript.

AirBlade Software Ltd Oxford, UK

Marco Hinz mhinz

Europe, Potsdam

Nick Janetakis nickjj
Currently a self employed freelance developer & teacher. I mainly work with Flask, Rails, Bash, Docker, Kubernetes, Ansible & Terraform. Also a @docker captain.

New York

Brian Seymour realtux
I'm Engineer Man on YouTube.

Helix Florida

Thomas Vigouroux vigoux
Neovim, Tree-sitter, and Rust

Grenoble, France

Ashkan Kiani norcalli

A galaxy far, far away

Daniel Hahler blueyed
Loving Python, terminals and good DevOps workflows. Support me via Bitcoin (18mYKFCYgpWREUW3QtgQXP19CkfyZ1Nce8), or Flattr.

Freelancer, up for hire Berlin, Germany

Justin M. Keyes justinmk
"People are afraid to merge." - Less Than Zero



Lund, Sweden

Alan Cruickshank alanmcruickshank
Author/Maintainer @sqlfluff & ex-Insights Director @tailsdotcom

@sqlfluff London, UK

Andy Shevchenko ur4ltz

Kharkiv - Ukraine, Glory to Ukraine

Andrew Stewart stewart
computer go brr, github drop ice


Diego Rabatone Oliveira diraol

@ask-ar Sao Paulo, Brazil

Nathan Reed justnat3
Learning programming by programming.


mopp mopp
Don't Stop Me Now 🔥

@Quipper Tokyo, Japan