While the majority of Stray Photons is licensed under MPL2.0, there are a number of dependencies with their own individual licenses:
- Tracy Profiler Executable: BSD 3-Clause License
- MurmurHash3: Public Domain
- SMAA: MIT License
- Perlin Noise: MIT License
- Octahedron Normal Encoding: Creative Commons CC BY-ND
- duck: SCEA Shared Source License 1.0
- sponza: Sponza License
- 3270: Modified BSD 3-Clause License
- DroidSans: Apache 2.0 License
- VT220: Public Domain
- SPIRV-Reflect: Apache 2.0 License
- Tecs: MIT License
- VulkanMemoryAllocator: MIT License
- cxxopts: MIT License
- Eigen: Mozilla Public License 2.0
- fpng: Public Domain
- GLFW: zlib License
- GLM: Modified MIT License
- ImGui: MIT License
- libnyquist: BSD 2-Clause License
- libsoundio: MIT License
- linenoise: BSD 2-Clause License
- magic_enum: MIT License
- microtar: MIT License
- OpenVR: BSD 3-Clause License
- PFFFT: Modified BSD 3-Clause License
- PhysX: BSD 3-Clause License
- picojson: BSD 2-Clause License
- resonance-audio: Apache 2.0 License
- robin-hood-hashing: MIT License
- tinygltf: MIT License
- tracy: BSD 3-Clause License
- v-hacd: BSD 3-Clause License