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Sep 27, 2014
33cad7a · Sep 27, 2014


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Sep 24, 2014
Sep 8, 2014
Sep 27, 2014
Sep 27, 2014
Sep 27, 2014
Sep 24, 2014

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is a tiny library that supports selectors and transformations for Sablono. The syntax is intended to match that of Enlive's selectors and transformations. The full Enlive selectors syntax is documented here.

Sablono represents DOM nodes as Clojure vectors: [tag attrs? content*], containing a tag such as :div, an optional map of attrs such as {:id "foo"}, and zero or more contents such as contained nodes. So a template may look like:

[:span {:class "foo"} "bar"]

Sablono is based on hiccup, which uses the same format. A fuller description of the DOM/template syntax is here.

The Sablono-tools template function takes a source template in Sablono's format and a sequence of selector-transformer pairs, and returns the transformed template. The pairs are processed in sequence: for each pair, the transformer will be run on all nodes that match the selector.

A selector is either a single selector step, representing a Boolean function of a DOM node, such as "Is the node's tag :p?"; or a chain of steps, which represents a Boolean function over the DOM hierarchy, such as "Is the node a child of the node whose id is 'To-Do List'?".

Only a subset of Enlive's selectors and transformations are currently supported; adding more should be straightforward.

Note that we always write the entire selector within a vector, so [:h1] and [[:p (attr? :lang)]] each contain a single step, while [:p (attr :lang)] contains two steps and is therefore a chain.

Single-Step Selectors

tag selector as :tag, example: [:h1] selects all elements whose tags are h1

id selector as :#id, example: [:#apple] selects the element whose id is "apple"

attr?, example [(attr? :locale)] selects all elements that have a :locale attribute

attr=, example [(attr= :lang "FR")] selects all elements whose :lang attribute is "FR"

any-node, universal selector, example: [any-node] selects all nodes

AND selector as a vector of selectors, example: [[:p (attr? :lang)]] selects all elements that have a lang attribute AND have a :p tag

OR selector as a set of selectors, example: [#{:p (attr? :lang)}] selects all elements that have a lang attribute OR have a :p tag

Chained Selectors

several selectors, example: [:p (attr? :lang)] selects all elements that have a lang attribute and are descendants of a :p node. Each selector applies to descendants of nodes matching the preceding selector.

several selectors with the special form :> betwwen them, example: [:p :> (attr? :lang)] selects all elements that have a lang attribute and are immediate children of a :p node. A :> preceding any selector causes it to apply only to immediate children (rather than any descendant) of nodes matching the preceding selector.


set-attr, example (set-attr :level "advanced" :locale "zh-TW") sets the :level attribute to "advanced" and the :locale attribute to "zh-TW"

remove-attr, example (remove-attr :status) removes the :status attribute

add-class, example (add-class "c" "d" "b") adds the classes "c", "d", and "b"

remove-class, example (remove-class "active") removes the "active" class

content: replace the content with what follows, example: `(content "some text")

replace-vars: replace any ${var} in text or attributes by the value found in the map, example: (replace-vars {:name "User" :group "Client"})

Please see the test cases for further examples.

Differences from Enlive

  • No macros: template is a function, not a macro
  • Operates in the ClojureScript environment, not Clojure
  • Operates on Sablono templates, not html
  • Selectors are simply Boolean functions of a node, not state machines
  • Simpler, no compilation phase
  • Undoubtedly slower

A template may be converted to a React component with the html macro from sablono.core.


You can run the tests as follows:

$ lein cljsbuild test

You must have phantomjs installed.


Text replacement tools for Sablono






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