A curated list of amazingly awesome Erlang libraries, resources and shiny thing inspired by awesome-elixir and forked from awesome-erlang.
- Awesome Erlang
- Actors
- Algorithms, Datastructures and Design Patterns
- Authentication
- Blockchain
- Build Tools
- Caching
- Code Analysis
- Codebase Maintenance
- Command Line Interfaces (CLI)
- Cryptography
- Configuration Management
- Databases
- Date and Time
- Debugging
- Deployment
- Distributed Systems
- Documentation
- Embedded
- Geolocation
- Graphical Interfaces
- Image Processing
- Internet of Things
- Logging
- Miscellaneous
- Monitoring
- Networking
- ORM and Datamapping
- Package Management
- Profiling
- Queue
- Queueing Systems
- Rebar3 Plugins
- REST and API
- Release Management
- Templating
- Security
- Testing
- Text and Numbers
- Third Party APIs
- Translations and Internationalizations
- Web Frameworks
- Web Framework Components
- Applications
- Resources
- Other Erlang related lists
- Contributing
Libraries and tools for working with actors and such.
poolboy: A hunky Erlang worker pool factory.
pooler: An OTP Process Pool Application
worker_pool: Erlang worker pool
episcina: A simple non intrusive resource pool for connections
erlang-stdinout-pool: stuff goes in, stuff goes out. there's never any miscommunication.
hottub: Simple, Fast, Permanent Erlang Worker Pool
swarm: Fast and simple acceptor pool for Erlang
pooly: Erlang OTP Process Pool
ecpool: Erlang Connection/Client Pool Library.
erlpool: Erlang round-robin load balancer for Erlang processes based on ETS.
cuesport: simple Erlang pool of workers.
gen_buffer: A generic message buffer behaviour with pooling and back-pressure for Erlang/Elixir.
JoelPM: A pooling mechanism for gen_servers.
erlangbureau: Small and flexible pool manager written in Erlang.
kuenishi: Active worker pool in OTP manner.
hnc-agency: hnc - Erlang worker pool.
gootik: Constant pool cache for Erlang for massive data.
doubleyou: Generic pool behavior.
okeuday: Erlang Process Pool as a Supervisor.
botsunit: Erlang worker pool.
lb: Load-Balancer for spreading Erlang messages to other processes/ports.
director: Fast, powerful and useful process supervisor library with different approaches.
Libraries and implementations of algorithms and datastructures.
datum: A pure functional and generic programming for Erlang.
erlando: A set of syntax extensions like currying and monads for Erlang.
statebox: Erlang state monad with merge/conflict-resolution capabilities.
erlang_ds: A universal, extensible, data structure-agonstic library for augmenting, converting, and interfacing with Erlang Key-Value data structures.
riak_dt: Erlang library of state based CRDTs.
nif_helpers: An Erlang.mk plugin and C library for writing NIFs.
hooks: Generic plugin and hook system for Erlang applications.
Libraries for implementing authentications schemes.
oauth2: Erlang OAuth2 Implementation.
auth: Production-worthy, generic authentication system. Currently implements both password-based and RSA-key-based authentication calls. Coming Soon: Two Factor Authentication.
oidcc: OpenId Connect client library in Erlang & Elixir
Blockchain applications and/or libraries using Erlang
aeternity: A new blockchain for æpps. Optimized for scalability via smart contracts inside state-channels. Has a built-in oracle for integration with real-world data. Comes with a naming system, for developerability.
amoveo: Amoveo is a blockchain meant for enforcement of investment and insurance contracts.
ecoinpool: A pool mining software written in Erlang for cryptographic currencies.
Project build and automation tools.
rebar: Erlang build tool that makes it easy to compile and test Erlang applications, port drivers and releases.
rebar3: A build tool for Erlang which can manage Erlang packages from hex.pm.
erlang.mk: A build tool for Erlang that just works, based on GNUMakefile
zx/zomp: ZX/Zomp makes starting Erlang projects and running Erlang programs lightweight and familiar.
agner: Agner is a rebar-friendly Erlang package index inspired by Clojars and Homebrew.
sync: On-the-fly recompiling for Erlang.
sinan: Erlang/OTP oriented build system.
Libraries for caching data.
cache: In-memory Segmented Cache.
nitro_cache: A simple in-memory caching server (used in Nitrogen)
Libraries and tools for analysing, parsing and manipulation codebases.
Concuerror: Concuerror is a systematic testing tool for concurrent Erlang programs.
eflame: A Flame Graph profiler for Erlang.
geas: Geas is a tool that will detect the runnable official Erlang release window for your project, including its dependencies and provides many useful informations.
Libraries and tools to maintain a clean codebase.
elvis: Erlang Style Reviewer.
rekt: A parse transform to define new Erlang records from existing records, similar to inheritance in objected oriented languages.
pipeline: A parse transform to add a pipe mechanism to Erlang function composition (think Elixir's `|>` operator)
Erlang powered Content Management System (CMS)
A content management system (CMS) is computer software used to manage the creation and modification of digital content (content management). A CMS is typically used for enterprise content management (ECM) and web content management (WCM).
-- Wikipedia
LiquidCMS: KISS CMS based on Nitrogen Web Framework and Bootstrap.
khale: Khale is a somewhat-open CMS suitable for creating sites for open communities.
Chat: Instant Messenger respects ISO 20922 IETF 3394 3565 5280 5480 5652 5755 8551 ITU ASN.1 X.509 CMS PKCS-10 PCKS-7 OCSP LDAP DNS X9-42 X9-62 X25519 X488 SECP384r1.
getopt: Erlang module to parse command line arguments using the GNU getopt syntax.
nebula: Small library for colored (ANSI) output in Erlang/Elixir/LFE. It's can be useful when you need to create user-friendly command-line application.
erlctl: Command Line Interface Framework for Erlang.
ectl: Escript command line utilities.
Erlang-command-line-interface: Telnet command line interface written in Erlang.
erlfmt: Formatting of Erlang terms from the command line.
ecli: Telecom style command line interface with tab completion.
erlang-dkg: Distributed key generation for Erlang (using pairing based cryptography).
erlang-crypto_rsassa_pss: RSASSA-PSS Public Key Cryptographic Signature Algorithm for Erlang and Elixir.
cinched: Cinched is a microservice to provide cryptographic and key management operations.
cryptographic: Erlang cryptographic library primarily written in Erlang to make distribution on multiple platforms easy.
erlang-ucrypto: µCrypto is a thin wrapper for the OpenSSL API's that are missing in OTP's crypto application.
Libraries and tools related to configuration management.
stillir: Cache environment variables as Erlang app variables.
actordb: ActorDB is a distributed SQL database with the scalability of a KV store, while keeping the query capabilities of a relational database.
antidote: AntidoteDB is a highly available geo-replicated key-value database.
barreldb: Barrel is a modern document-oriented database in Erlang focusing on data locality (put/match the data next to you) and P2P.
cakedb: A stream oriented database.
cbt: Multi-layer MVCC log append-only database library based on the Apache CouchDB btree.
couchbeam: Apache CouchDB client in Erlang.
couchdb: An Erlang/Elixir CouchDB client.
cowdb: Pure Key/Value database library for Erlang Applications.
dbi: Erlang and Elixir DataBase Interface.
epgsql: PostgreSQL Driver for Erlang.
erlmongo: Erlang driver for MongoDB with gridfs that works with maps and proplists.
emysql: Emysql implements a stable driver toward the MySQL database. It currently support fairly recent versions (somewhere around 5.3+) and it is considered fairly stable in production.
ergl: A fault-tolerant marriage of causal and strong consistency.
imem: Clustered in-memory database based on MNESIA with simple SQL layer.
jamdb_oracle: Oracle Database driver for Erlang.
kvc: Key Value Coding for Erlang data structures
khepri: Khepri is a tree-like replicated on-disk database library for Erlang and Elixir.
memdb: Erlang memory backend K/V store.
migresia: A simple Erlang tool to automatically migrate Mnesia databases between versions.
minidb: A minimal in-memory distributed master-less document database
mnesia 🟊 : A heavy-duty real-time distributed database
mria: Mria is an extension for Mnesia database that adds eventual consistency to the cluster.
mysql-otp: MySQL/OTP – MySQL driver for Erlang/OTP.
nkbase: NkBASE distributed database
odi: OrientDB Database Interface for Erlang.
opencouch: A embeddable document oriented database compatible with Apache CouchDB.
plum_db: A globally replicated database using eventual consistency. It uses Epidemic Broadcast Trees and lasp-lang’s Partisan.
pgsql_migration: PostgreSQL migrations for Erlang.
rc: Chain Replication Database for KVS
ringo: Ringo is an experimental, distributed, replicating key-value store based on consistent hashing and immutable data. Unlike many general-purpose databases, Ringo is designed for a specific use case: For archiving small or medium-size data items.
rocker: Erlang/Elixir wrapper for RocksDB.
sql_bridge: An abstraction layer and database utility providing a unified interface for working with SQL databases (MySQL and PostgreSQL currently). (Not an ORM)
sumbo_db: sumo_db aims to ease db access for erlang applications. It offers a very simple persistance layer capable of interacting with different db's, while offering a consistent api to your code.
stockdb: stockdb is a storage for Stock Exchange quotes.
vaxine: Rich-CRDT database based on AntidoteDB.
yamndb: In-memory circular array database.
Libraries for working with dates and times.
chronos: Timer module for Erlang that makes it easy to abstact time out of the tests.
erlang_localtime: Erlang library for conversion from one local time to another.
ezic: A set of erlang utilities for the Olson timezone database files.
iso8601: An ISO 8601 date formating and parsing library for Erlang.
qdate: Erlang date, time, and timezone management: formatting, conversion, and date arithmetic.
Libraries and tools for debugging code and applications.
🟊 cover - A Coverage Analysis Tool for Erlang
🟊 debugger - A debugger for debugging and testing of Erlang programs
🟊 dialyzer - The DIALYZER, a DIscrepancy AnaLYZer for ERlang programs.
eministat: Port of Poul-Henning Kamp's ministat to the Erlang world.
et - Event Tracer (ET), uses the built-in trace mechanism in Erlang and provides tools for collection and graphical viewing of trace data.
flatlog: A custom formatter for the Erlang logger application that turns maps into single line text logs.
recon: Collection of functions and scripts to debug Erlang in production.
tx: An HTML Erlang term viewer, starts own webserver and displays any term you give it from your Erlang node.
🟊 xref - A Cross Reference Tool for analyzing dependencies between functions, modules, applications and releases.
Libraries and tools related to deployment of Erlang/OTP applications.
enit: An Erlang application release in a Docker container from scratch.
docker-erlang: Basic Docker Container Images for Erlang/OTP.
pkgx: Build .deb packages from Erlang releases.
Tools for stress/load testing, latency issues, etc. across microservices.
erleans: A framework for building distributed applications in Erlang and Elixir based on Microsoft Orleans.
nkcluster: A framework to manage jobs at huge Erlang clusters.
partisan: Partisan is a scalable and flexible, TCP-based membership system and distribution layer for the BEAM.
typhoon: Stress and load testing tool for distributed systems that simulates traffic from a test cluster toward a system-under-test (SUT) and visualizes related latencies.
enot: Package manager, build and deploy tool.
Documenting Erlang code.
🟊 edoc - the Erlang program documentation generator.
erldocs: This is the code used to generate documentation for erlang projects in the format of erldocs.com.
edown: EDoc extension for generating Github-flavored Markdown.
knot: A literate programming tool that uses Markdown.
asciiedoc: EDoc extension for generating HTML or GitHub-flavored Markdown from AsciiDoc sources.
escobar: Erlang source code to html transform.
E4VM: A small portable virtual machine that would run Erlang on embedded systems.
gen_batch: A batch job running library for embedded Erlang/OTP.
i2c: Erlang api to i2c linux interface.
eel: Embedded Erlang (EEl).
mini-monkey: MiniMonkey is a tiny message routing system aimed for embedded systems. Especially the broker is programmatically provisioned.
Libraries for geocoding addresses and working with latitudes and longitudes.
erl-rstar: An Erlang implementation of the R*-tree spacial data structure.
geodata2: Erlang application for working with MaxMind geoip2 (.mmdb) databases.
geocouch: A spatial extension for Couchbase and Apache CouchDB.
teles: An Erlang network service for manipulating geographic data.
Libraries for creating and dealing with Graphical Interfaces (GUI)
slider: A WxErlang application to generate slidesets.
Libraries for working with HTTP and scraping websites.
cowboy: A simple HTTP server.
elli: A webserver you can run inside your Erlang application to expose an HTTP API.
bullet: Simple, reliable, efficient streaming for Cowboy.
gun: Erlang HTTP client with support for HTTP/1.1, SPDY and Websocket.
hackney: Simple HTTP client in Erlang.
ibrowse: Erlang HTTP client.
lhttpc: A lightweight HTTP/1.1 client implemented in Erlang.
shotgun: For the times you need more than just a gun.
yaws: A webserver for dynamic content written in Erlang.
🟊 inets:httpd - An implementation of an HTTP 1.1 compliant web server, as defined in RFC 2616.
🟊 inets:httpc - An HTTP/1.1 client
webmachine: Webmachine is an application layer that adds HTTP semantic awareness on top of the excellent bit-pushing and HTTP syntax-management provided by mochiweb, and provides a simple and clean way to connect that to your application's behavior.
erlang-spdy: Library implementing the SPDY protocol.
mimerl: Library to handle mimetypes.
emagick: Wrapper for Graphics/ImageMagick command line tool.
Libraries and tools for interacting with the physical world.
grisp: Run the Erlang VM on an IoT board with many hardware interfaces and low-level drivers using a small realtime unikernel called RTEMS.
achlys: Erlang framework for building applications with Lasp on GRiSP
grisp_emulation: Hardware emulation layer for the GRiSP runtime.
dgiot: Open source platform for iot , 6 min Quick Deployment,10M devices connection,Carrier level Stability.
erlem: Erlang IoT platform
lynkia: A library to make large-scale computations on IoT devices.
lemma_erlang: A lemma for IDEO's Noam internet-of-things prototyping platform.
Libraries for generating and working with log files.
lager: A logging framework for Erlang/OTP.
Typically Log Shippers like Filebeat, Fluentd, Logstash, etc. expect logs to be in JSON format. This is a custom logger formatter for Erlang that prints JSON. -
lager: A logging framework for Erlang/OTP.
lager_amqp_backend: AMQP RabbitMQ Lager backend.
lager_hipchat: HipChat backend for lager.
lager_loggly: Loggly backend for lager.
lager_smtp: SMTP backend for lager.
lager_slack: Simple Slack backend for lager.
logplex: Heroku log router.
Useful libraries or tools that don't fit in the categories above.
erlang-history: Hacks to add shell history to Erlang's shell.
erlias: A utility to create alias modules to other modules (not a parse transform).
erld: erld is a small program designed to solve the problem of running Erlang programs as a UNIX daemon.
erlmacs: erld is a simple script to update your .emacs file for Erlang development.
Libraries for gathering metrics and monitoring.
entop: A top-like Erlang node monitoring tool.
eper: A loose collection of Erlang Performance related tools.
erlubi: This is a simple visualizer for erlang systems using Ubigraph.
exometer: An Erlang instrumentation package.
folsom: An Erlang based metrics system inspired by Coda Hale's metrics.
mutop: Munin real-time monitoring tool, using multiple hosts and displaying in command-line using curses library.
🟊 observer - Observer, tools for tracing and investigation of distributed systems
statsderl: A statsd Erlang client.
vmstats: Tiny Erlang app that works in conjunction with statsderl in order to generate information on the Erlang VM for graphite logs.
Libraries and tools for using network related stuff.
barrel_tcp: a generic TCP acceptor pool with low latency in Erlang.
gen_rpc: A scalable RPC library for Erlang-VM based languages.
gen_tcp_server: A library that takes the concept of gen_server and introduces the same mechanics for operating a TCP server.
gossiperl: Language agnostic gossip middleware and message bus written in Erlang.
nat_upnp: Erlang library to map your internal port to an external using UNP IGD.
ranch: Socket acceptor pool for TCP protocols.
natter: Erlang XMPP Client.
condor: Condor is a minimal library for building scalable TCP servers in Erlang.
inet_cidr: CIDR erlang library.
erlang-nat: Implements NAT handling facilities for Erlang applications.
sieve: sieve is a simple TCP routing proxy (layer 7) in Erlang.
socat: Command line utility to cat files via network socket.
sockerl: Library for implementing servers, clients and client pool in TCP protocols.
lorawan-server: Compact server for private LoRaWAN networks.
Libraries that implement object-relational mapping or datamapping techniques.
boss_db: A sharded, caching, pooling, evented ORM for Erlang.
couchdb: Document oriented database.
datalog: Datalog is a query language based on the logic programming paradigm. The library is designed to formalize relation of n-ary streams.
erlog: Erlog is an Erlang implemented Datalog.
erlquery: Erlang like, database agnostic DSL for composing queries.
esync: Simple tool to sync files.
merle: An Erlang Memcached Client.
Libraries and tools for package and dependency management.
- hex.pm - A package manager for the Erlang ecosystem.
🟊 cprof - The cprof module is used to profile a program to find out how many times different functions are called.
🟊 eprof - A Time Profiling Tool for Erlang
🟊 fprof - A Time Profiling Tool using trace to file for minimal runtime performance impact.
Libraries for working with event and task queues.
dq: Distributed Fault Tolerant Queue library.
ebqueue: Tiny simple blocking queue in Erlang.
pqueue: Erlang Priority Queues.
tinymq: A diminutive, in-memory message queue for Erlang.
couch_zmq: zeromq endpoint for couchdb.
Implementation of queueing and bus systems.
bondy: A WAMP (Web Application Messaging Protocol) Implementation in Erlang.
rabbitmq-server: An implementation of AMQP in Erlang.
vernemq: An MQTT Broker in Erlang
rebar3_elixir_compile: Elixir rebar3 compiler plugin
port_compiler: A rebar3 port compiler
rebar3_cuttlefish: Cuttlefish plugin for rebar3
rebar3_lint: Erlang linter - rebar3 plugin.
rebar3_erlydtl_plugin: Rebar3 Erlydtl Plugin.
rebar3_gpb_plugin: A rebar3 plugin for automatically compiling .proto files using the gpb protobuf compiler.
rebar3_proper: Run PropEr test suites with rebar3.
rebar3_auto: Rebar3 plugin to auto compile and reload on file change.
rebar3_hank: The Erlang Dead Code Cleaner
rebar3_ex_doc: rebar3 plugin for generating docs with ex_doc.
rebar3_cargo: Rebar3 plugin to build Rust crates.
rebar3_archive_plugin: Create Erlang Code archives (.ez).
rebar3_vendor: Rebar3 Vendor Plugin.
Libraries and web tools for developing REST-ful APIs.
echohttp: simple service echoing any requests.
leptus: Leptus is an Erlang REST framework that runs on top of cowboy.
rooster: Rooster is a lightweight REST framework that runs on top of mochiweb.
Libraries and tools for release management.
relx: A release assembler for Erlang.
Templating system
aihtml: A simple html render libary more than Mustache Template Compiler.
bbmustache: Binary pattern match Based Mustache template engine for Erlang/OTP.
beard: Mustache inspired, performant templating solution for Erlang.
brim: HTML templating library.
dactyl: String templating library for Erlang
ehtml5: Simple Erlang Template Engine.
elk.erl: Erlang implementation of Mustache, logic-less template engine.
erlang-mustache: Implementation of mustache templating in Erlang.
erlydtl: ErlyDTL compiles Django Template Language to Erlang bytecode.
etcher: An Erlang implementation of the Django Template Language.
jaderl: An implementation of the Jade templating language in Erlang.
mustache.erl: An Erlang port of Mustache for Ruby.
roni: Erlang string templating with macaroni-filled syntax.
sgte: an Erlang template Engine for generating structured output (code, html web pages, xml, emails, csv files, etc...).
stache: Mustache Template Language for Erlang.
swirl: swirl is the Erlang port of whiskers.js template library.
template_compiler: Dynamic template compiler for Erlang (complete rewrite of the erlydtl fork used in Zotonic).
templaterl: Simple and fast templating with customizable expressions in Erlang.
walrus: A mustache-like templating.
Security related projects in Erlang.
erlang-jose: JSON Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) for Erlang and Elixir.
erlpass: A library to handle password hashing and changing in a safe manner, independent from any kind of storage whatsoever.
Libraries for testing codebases and generating test data.
ct_helper: Helper modules for common_test suites.
🟊 common_test - A framework for automated testing of any target nodes.
damocles: An Erlang library for generating adversarial network conditions for QAing distributed applications/systems on a single Linux box.
🟊 eunit - This module is the main EUnit user interface.
ponos: Ponos is a simple yet powerful erlang application used to generate load at configurable frequencies. It's designed to be lightweight, straight forward to use and to require minimal configuration.
proper: A QuickCheck-inspired property-based testing tool for Erlang.
tracerl: Dynamic tracing tests and utilities for Erlang/OTP.
bookish_spork: Erlang/Elixir library for testing HTTP requests
Libraries for parsing and manipulating text and numbers.
base62: Base 62 Encode and Decode for Erlang.
eql: Erlang with SQL or not.
fakerl: Erlang application for generating fake data.
qsp: Enhanced query string parser for Erlang.
🟊 leex - A regular expression based lexical analyzer generator for Erlang, similar to lex or flex.
NumEr: Numeric Erlang - vector and matrix operations with CUDA. Heavily inspired by Pteracuda.
piqi-erlang: Protocol Buffers, JSON, XML data serialization system for Erlang.
qrcode: QR Code encoder in Erlang.
sgte: sgte is an Erlang template Engine for generating structured output (code, html web pages, xml, emails, csv files, etc...).
uuid: an implement of UUID.
🟊 yecc - An LALR-1 parser generator for Erlang, similar to yacc. Takes a BNF grammar definition as input, and produces Erlang code for a parser.
asciideck: Asciidoc for Erlang.
aberth: Generic BERT-RPC server in Erlang.
bert: BERT and BERT-RPC
bert.erl: Erlang BERT encoder/decoder.
bson: A strict, stand-alone BSON implementation for Erlang.
bson-erlang: BSON documents in Erlang.
ebson: BSON Support for Erlang.
erlbison: Erlbison is an Erlang library to work with BSON files. Its discerning feature is its attempt to do as much work as possible at the binary level, without translating the data to native Erlang data structure unless when absolutely necessary, in order to maximize performance.
nbson: Erlang BSON encoder/decoder.
cbor-erlang: cbor encoder/decoder in Erlang.
erlang_cbor: Erlang implementation of Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR), RFC 7049.
ecsv: ecsv is a simple Erlang CSV parser able to read a file or string and sending back to an erlang process events when a line is parsed.
hterl: An Erlang extension which adds HTML tags to the expression syntax.
htmerl: HTML Parser in Erlang.
mochiweb_xpath: XPath support for mochiweb's html parser.
trane: SAX style broken HTML parser in Erlang.
zucchini: An Erlang INI parser.
ejsv: Erlang JSON schema validator.
erlang-rfc4627: Erlang RFC4627 (JSON) codec and JSON-RPC server implementation.
euneus: An incredibly flexible and performant JSON parser and generator.
jiffy: JSON NIFs for Erlang.
jsx: An erlang application for consuming, producing and manipulating json.
miffy: Jiffy wrapper which returns pretty maps.
rec2json: Generate JSON encoder/decoder from record specs.
thoas: A blazing fast JSON parser and generator in pure Erlang.
simdjson_erlang: simdjson bindings for erlang
simdjsone: Erlang Fast JSON parser
erlang_markdown: Markdown parser written in Erlang.
erlang_protobuffs: An implementation of Google's Protocol Buffers for Erlang.
gpb: A Google Protobuf implementation for Erlang.
proterlang: A protobuf library and compiler for Erlang.
ProtobufTool: protobuf tools in Erlang.
etoml: A pure Erlang parser for TOML.
toml: Erlang TOML parser.
tomerl: Erlang TOML Parser.
tomle: TOML in Erlang.
erlsom - Erlsom is an Erlang library to parse (and generate) XML documents.
exml - XML parsing library in Erlang
exmlrpc - An HTTP 1.1 compliant XML-RPC library for Erlang
erlxml - erlxml - Erlang XML parsing library based on pugixml
fast_xml - Fast Expat based Erlang XML parsing and manipulation library, with a strong focus on XML stream parsing from network.
parsexml - Simple DOM XML parser with convenient and very simple API
🟊 xmerl - xmerl XML parser is able to parse XML documents according to the XML 1.0 standard. As default it performs well-formed parsing, (syntax checks and checks of well-formed constraints).
xmlrpc - Erlang XML-RPC library by Joakim Grebenö
xqerl - Erlang XQuery 3.1 Processor
fast_yaml: Fast YAML native library for Erlang / Elixir.
yamerl: YAML 1.2 and JSON parser in pure Erlang.
yval: YAML validator.
yconf: YAML configuration processor.
yeml: Erlang YAML library.
Libraries for accessing third party APIs.
google-token-erlang: Google ID token verifier for Erlang.
oauth2_client: An Erlang oAuth 2 client (uses restc).
restclient: An Erlang REST client.
Libraries providing translations or internationalizations.
Web development frameworks.
axiom: A micro-framework, inspired by Ruby's Sinatra.
ChicagoBoss: A server framework inspired by Rails and written in Erlang.
chloe: A realtime web server that doesn't suck... or at least won't suck when it's finished.
erlyweb: The Erlang twist on web frameworks.
giallo: A small and flexible web framework on top of cowboy.
mochiweb: An Erlang library for building lightweight HTTP servers.
n2o: WebSocket Application Server.
nitrogen: Framework to build web applications (including front-end) in pure Erlang.
nova: Nova makes it simple to build a fault-tolerant and distributed web application.
ryan: Ryan is a Reia/Erlang BEAM based web framework. It allows you to create web applications with clean and short code.
zotonic: High speed, real-time web framework and content management system.
Standalone component from web development frameworks.
canister: A distributed session management system.
cb_admin: An admin interface for Chicago Boss.
cb_websocket_controller: A template for implementing a Websocket controller for ChicagoBoss.
giallo_session: A session management library for the Giallo web framework.
simple_bridge: An abstraction layer providing a unified interface to popular Erlang web servers (Cowboy, Inets, Mochiweb, Webmachine, and Yaws).
Applications built with Erlang.
eradio: An Erlang HTTP server which streams data to multiple clients, lossily time-synchronized with low latency.
Various resources, such as books, websites and articles, for improving your Erlang development skills and knowledge.
- 2008: concurrent patterns: parallels in system and language design by Jason Dusek
Fantastic books and e-books.
Programming Erlang: Software for a Concurrent World by Joe Armstrong
Building Web Applications with Erlang: Working with REST and Web Sockets on Yaws by Zachary Kessin
Introducing Erlang: Getting Started in Functional Programming by Simon St. Laurent
Handbook of Neuroevolution Through Erlang by Gene I. Sher
Erlang Programming: A Concurrent Approach to Software Development by Francesco Cesarini and Simon Thompson
Erlang and OTP in Action by Martin Logan, Eric Merritt and Richard Carlsson
Designing for Scalability with Erlang/OTP: Implement Robust, Fault-Tolerant Systems by Francesco Cesarini and Steeve Vinoski
Erlang and Elixir for Imperative Programmers - Introduction to Erlang and Elixir in the context of functional concepts by Wolfgang Loder (2016)
Learn You Some Erlang - Learn you some Erlang - for great good! A very thorough resource covering everything from beginning Erlang programming to large-scale development and deployment.
Property-Based Testing with PropEr, Erlang, and Elixir: Find Bugs Before Your Users Do by Fred Hebert
Études For Erlang by David J. Eisenberg
Stuff Goes Bad - ERLANG IN ANGER - This book intends to be a little guide about how to be the Erlang medic in a time of war.
The BEAM Book by Erik Stenman et al. - This is an attempt to document the internals of the Erlang runtime system and the Erlang virtual machine known as the BEAM.
The Erlanger Playbook by Loïc Hoguin
Erlang and Elixir for Imperative Programmers by Wolfgang Loder
Build It With Nitrogen: The Fast-Off-the-Block Erlang Web Framework (ISBN) by Lloyd R. Prentice and Jesse Gumm
Concurrent Programming in Erlang (2nd Edition) by Robert Virding, Claes Wikstrom and Mike Williams
Erlang-related communities, meetups, chats and forums
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Erlang-related reading materials.
- The Joy of Erlang; Or, How To Ride A Toruk - The Joy of Erlang; Or, How To Ride A Toruk A fast track introduction to Erlang that teaches the language by walking through a few example projects.
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Unofficial Erlang package from chocolatey - Installing Erlang on Windows with Chocolatey.
Unofficial Erlang package from Homebrew - Installing Erlang on MacOS with Homebrew.
Unofficial Erlang package from MacPorts - Installing Erlang on MacOs with MacPorts.
- Erlang FreeBSD port - Installing Erlang on FreeBSD
- Erlang OpenBSD port - Installing Erlang on OpenBSD
- Erlang NetBSD package - Installing Erlang on NetBSD
- Erlang DragonFlyBSD dports - Installing Erlang on DragonFlyBSD
- Erlang termux package - Installing Erlang on Android with termux.
Erlang-related academic and scientific materials
Academic paper summary (1184)
date | #papers |
2024 | 38 |
2023 | 43 |
2022 | 34 |
2021 | 24 |
2020 | 31 |
2019 | 45 |
2018 | 63 |
2017 | 65 |
2016 | 59 |
2015 | 52 |
2014 | 54 |
2013 | 87 |
2012 | 60 |
2011 | 90 |
2010 | 65 |
2009 | 42 |
2008 | 33 |
2008 | 1 |
2007 | 39 |
2006 | 22 |
2005 | 33 |
2004 | 21 |
2003 | 16 |
2002 | 22 |
2001 | 9 |
2000 | 13 |
1999 | 7 |
1998 | 6 |
1997 | 6 |
1996 | 13 |
1995 | 7 |
1994 | 2 |
1992 | 2 |
1990 | 1 |
1989 | 1 |
2024: Green computing for Erlang by Gharbi Youssef, István Bozó and Melinda Tóth
2024: Analysing the Energy Usage of the Erlang BEAM by Gharbi Youssef, Melinda Tóth and István Bozó
2024: Sensor fusion for three-dimensional movement of human beings on an Internet of Things network by Sonnet, Hadrien
2024: Strategies for managing per-process memory in Erlang by Qiang Xu
2024: Program Equivalence in the Erlang Actor Model by Peter Bereczky, Daniel Horpácsi and Simon Thompson
2024: A New Architecture Reconciling Refactorings and Transformations by Balša Šarenac, Nicolas Anquetil, Stéphane Ducasse and Pablo Tesone
2024: HotCI: An automated tool for reliable software upgrade/downgrade in Erlang OTP by Alexandre Zenon
2024: Erlang on TOAST: Generating Erlang Stubs with Inline TOAST Monitors by Jonah Pears, Laura Bocchi and Raymond Hu
2024: A monitoring tool for linear-time μHML by Luca Aceto, Antonis Achilleos, Duncan Paul Attard, Léo Exibard, Adrian Francalanza and Anna Ingólfsdóttir
2024: Same Same but Different: A Comparative Analysis of Static Type Checkers in Erlang by Florian Berger, Albert Schimpf, Annette Bieniusa and Stefan Wehr
2024: Towards Correct Dependency Orders in Erlang Upgrades by Daniel Ferenczi and Melinda Tóth
2024: Is This Really a Refactoring? Automated Equivalence Checking for Erlang Projects by Bendegúz Seres, Dániel Horpácsi and Simon Thompson
2024: Modeling Erlang Compiler IR as SMT Formulas by John Högberg
2024: Local Type Argument Synthesis for Erlang by DAVID PAVLÍK
2024: Dynamic balancing in the real world with GRiSP by Goens, François and Ponsard, Cédric
2024: Speak Now - Safe Actor Programming with Multiparty Session Types by SIMON FOWLER and RAYMOND HU
2024: Unsafe Impedance: Safe Languages and Safe by Design Software by Lee Barney and Adolfo Neto
2024: Fault-Tolerant Distributed Declarative Programs by Jörg, Moritz
2024: Runtime Instrumentation for Reactive Components (Extended Version) by Luca Aceto, Duncan Paul Attard, Adrian Francalanza and Anna Ingólfsdóttir
2024: Advanced Join Patterns for the Actor Model based on CEP Techniques by Humberto Rodriguez Avila, Joeri De Koster and Wolfgang De Meuter
2024: ReverCSP: Time-Travelling in CSP Computations by Carlos Galindo , Naoki Nishida , Josep Silva , and Salvador Tamarit
2024: Reversible Debugging of Erlang Programs in CauDEr by Ivan Lanese and Germán Vidal
2024: GRAPH-BASED DUPLICATED CODE DETECTION WITH RefactorErl by Isvtan Bozo, Zsofia Erdei and Melinda Toth
2024: Safe Process State Upgrades Through Static Analysis by Daniel Ferenczi and Melinda Tóth
2024: Practical Steps towards Establishing an Underwater Acoustic Network in the Context of the Marine Internet of Things by Konstantin Kebkal , Aleksey Kabanov , Oleg Kramar , Maksim Dimin , Timur Abkerimov , Vadim Kramar and Veronika Kebkal-Akbari
2024: Clear Programming Language: Connecting Refinement Types With Generators for Property-Based Testing by Triera Gashi
2024: Effective integration of low-cost digital manufacturing systems: a reference architecture driven approach by J. Kaiser , G. Hawkridge , D. McFarlane , F. Schnicke and K. Kruger
2024: Nominal Types for Erlang by Jiaxuan (Isabell) Huang
2024: Spatiotemporal Data Access for Map Services based on R-star tree index and LSM tree by Emil Gatiala, Zoltán Balogh and Sepideh Hassankhani Dolatabadi
2024: Controlling everyday life objects using the Hera platform on GRiSP2.0: The movement_detection application by Isenguerre, Nicolas
2024: Identifying Concurrent Behaviours in Erlang Legacy Systems by Zsófia Erdei, Melinda Tóth, István Bozó
2024: Reversible debugging of concurrent Erlang programs: Supporting imperative primitives by Pietro Lami, Ivan Lanese, Jean-Bernard Stefani, Claudio Sacerdoti Coen, Giovanni Fabbretti
2024: Erlang: Application-Aware Autoscaling for Cloud Microservices by Vighnesh Sachidananda and Anirudh Sivaraman
2024: A monitoring tool for linear-time 𝜇HML by Luca Aceto, Antonis Achilleos, Duncan Paul Attard, Léo Exibard, Adrian Francalanza, Anna Ingólfsdóttir
2024: Effective integration of low-cost digital manufacturing systems: a reference architecture driven approach by J. Kaisera, G. Hawkridgea, D. McFarlanea, F. Schnickeb and K. Kruger
2024: Design and implementation of power communication protocol plug-in based on hot loading by Weiming Qin, Wenjing Guo, Jingwen Lin, Jiahao Li, Xuerui Chen, Xinsu Mei, Wei Zhang
2024: Bridging Between Active Objects: Multitier Programming for Distributed, Concurrent Systems by Guido Salvaneschi & Pascal Weisenburger
2023: Designing Distributed Systems that Scale by Harry Bairstow
2023: X.509 Certificate-Based Authentication for NETCONF and RESTCONF Design Evaluation between Native and External Implementation by Qi Li
2023: A Frame Stack Semantics for Sequential Core Erlang by Péter Bereczky, Dániel Horpácsi and Simon Thompson
2023: Runtime Monitoring for Asynchronous Reactive Components by Duncan Paul Attard
2023: Advanced Programming Language Concepts (course slides) by Peter Van Roy
2023: X.509 Certificate-Based Authentication for NETCONF and RESTCONF: Design Evaluation between Native and External Implementation, by Li Qi
2023: An Anomaly Detection System For Subscriber Activities In Private Networks, by MARTINI, FRANCESCO
2023: A Formalisation of Core Erlang, a Concurrent Actor Language by Péter Bereczky, Dániel Horpácsi and Simon Thompson
2023: Static analysis for safe software upgrade by Dániel Ferenczi, Melinda Tóth
2023: Generation and Refinement of Testing Models by Luis Eduardo Bueso de Barrio, Lars-Åke Fredlund, Clara Benac Earle, Ángel Herranz and Julio Mariño
2023: Gaining trust by tracing security protocols by Lars-Åke Fredlund, Clara Benac Earle, Thomas Arts and Hans Svensson
2023: Gesture recognition by pattern matching using sensor fusion on an internet of things device by Sébastien Gios
2023: Ultra-wideband for internet of things by Gwendal Laurent
2023: Low-cost high-speed sensor fusion with GRiSP and Hera by Lucas Nélis
2023: Deep Learning-Based Refactoring with Formally Verified Training Data by Balázs Szalontai, Szalontai, Péter Bereczky and Dániel Horpácsi
2023: A Semantics of Core Erlang with Handling of Signals by Aurélie Kong Win Chang, Jérôme Feret and Gregor Gössler
2023: Event-Driven Multiparty Session Actors by Simon Fowler
2023: Bppchecker: An Smt-Based Model Checker on Basic Parallel Processes
2023: Toward Automatic Generation of an Optimal Supervision Tree in Erlang by Shoichi Sasaki, Yoshiaki Takata
2023: Reversibility in Erlang: Imperative Constructs - Technical Report by Pietro Lami, Ivan Lanese, Jean-Bernard Stefani, Claudio Sacerdoti Coen, Giovanni Fabbretti
2023: Design-first framework for REST API development in Erlang by Garea Cidre, Javier
2023: Development of software for monitoring the parameters of communication networks and server hardware by E.E. Istratova
2023: TLS the Erlang/OTP Way (Experience Report) by Authors: Ingela Anderton Andin, Raimo Niskanen, Péter Dimitrov and Kiko Fernandez-Reyes
2023: Typing OTP design patterns with session types by Farrugia, Adrian
2023: A Frame Stack Semantics for Sequential Core Erlang by Péter Bereczky, Dániel Horpácsi, Simon Thompson
2023: Pour Some Sugar on Bits: Flexible Manipulation of Bit Streams in Erlang ∗ by Per Gustafsson and Konstantinos Sagonas
2023: Static analysis for safe software upgrade∗ by Dániel Ferencia , Melinda Tóth
2023: Auction-Based Job Scheduling for Smart Manufacturing by Emil Gatial, Zoltán Balogh, Sepideh Hassankhani Dolatabadi, Hatem Ghorbel, Stefano Carrino, Jonathan Dreyer, Vicente Rodríguez Montequín, Adrian Gligor and Laszlo Barna Iantovics
2023: Analysis Techniques for Software Maintenance by Pérez Rubio, S.
2023: Transparent Actor Model by Fatemeh Ghassemi, Marjan Sirjani, Ehsan Khamespanah, Mahrokh Mirani and Hossein Hojjat
2023: Gaining trust by tracing security protocols by Lars-Åke Fredlund, Clara Benac Earle, Thomas Arts and Hans Svensson
2023: Understanding code smells in Elixir functional language by Lucas Francisco da Matta Vegi and Marco Tulio Valente
2023: Program equivalence in an untyped, call-by-value functional language with uncurried functions by Dániel Horpácsi, Péter Bereczky and Simon Thompson
2023: An Axiomatic Theory for Reversible Computation by Ivan Lanese, Iain Phillips and Irek Ulidowski
2023: Blockchain based Secure Erlang Server for Request based Group Communication over XMPP by Johnpaul C I, Manojkumar Vivekanandan, Praveen Kumar Premkamal and Ramya R
2023: A Behavioral Theory For Crash Failures and Erlang-style Recoveries In Distributed Systems by Giovanni Fabbretti, Ivan Lanese and Jean-Bernard Stefani
2023: Data transmission using secure hybrid techniques for smart energy metering devices by Gudapati Ramyasri, G Ramana Murthy, Srikanth Itapu and S Mohan Krishna
2023: Adopting the Actor Model for Antifragile Serverless Architectures by Marcel Mraz, Hind Bangui, Bruno Rossi and Barbora Buhnova
2023: Evolving distributed embedded applications during operation by Kilian Telschig
2023: A formal semantics for agent distribution and fault tolerance in Jason by Álvaro Fernández Díaz, Lars-Åke Fredlund, Clara Benac-Earle and Julio Mariño
2023: Parallelized Cyber Reconnaissance Automation: A Real-Time and Scheduled Security Scanner by Malek Malkawi and Reda Alhajj
2023: Seaplus: Streamlining a safe execution of C/C++ code from Erlang by Olivier Boudeville
2023: Set-theoretic Types for Erlang by Albert Schimpf, Stefan Wehr, Annette Bieniusa
2023: Communicating Actor Automata -- Modelling Erlang Processes as Communicating Machines by Dominic Orchard, Mihail Munteanu, Paulo Torrens
2023: A Behavioral Theory For Crash Failures and Erlang-style Recoveries In Distributed by Giovanni Fabbretti, Ivan Lanese and Jean-Bernard Stefani
2022: Comparison and proof of the fastest way of the sorting algorithm by functional programming in Erlang by Abbas Jkhayyir Kadhim
2022: BORDER: a Benchmarking Framework for Distributed MQTT Brokers and Edoardo Longo, Alessandro E.C. Redondi, Matteo Cesana, and Pietro Manzoni
2022: The best of both worlds Fast numerical computation in Erlang by Lylian B RUNET and Basile C OUPLET
2022: Numerl: Efficient Vector and Matrix Computation for Erlang by Tanguy Losseau
2022: Reversibility in Erlang: Imperative Constructs - Technical Report Pietro Lami, Ivan Lanese, Jean-Bernard Stefani, Claudio Sacerdoti Coen and Giovanni Fabbretti
2022: CAEFL: composable and environment aware federated learning models by Ruomeng (Cocoa) Xu, Anna Lito Michala and Phil Trinder
2022: STARS: Websocket Design and Implementation by Penidas Fiodinggo Tanaem, Augie David Manuputty and Agustinus Fritz Wijaya
2022: Future Possibilities and Effectiveness of JIT from Elixir Code of Image Processing and Machine Learning into Native Code with SIMD Instructions by Susumu, Yamazaki
2022: Design of Elixir-Based Edge Server for Responsive IoT Applications by Yushan Li and Satoshi Fujita
2022: Code smells in Elixir: early results from a grey literature review by Lucas Francisco da Matta Vegi and Marco Tulio Valente
2022: Vision for a secure Elixir ecosystem: an empirical study of vulnerabilities in Elixir programs by Dibyendu Brinto Bose, Kaitlyn Cottrell and Akond Rahman
2022: Multiparty-session-types Coordination for Core Erlang by Lavinia EGIDI, Paola GIANNINI and L Ventura
2022: eqWAlizer: scaling Erlang development at WhatsApp with static typing (keynote) by Ilya Klyuchnikov
2022: Generation of a Reversible Semantics for Erlang in Maude by Giovanni Fabbretti, Ivan Lanese and Jean-Bernard Stefani
2022: Reversible Computing in Debugging of Erlang Programs by Ivan Lanese, Ulrik P. Schultz and Irek Ulidowski
2022: Troubleshooting the performance of a large Erlang system by Nikos Tsikoudis and Marc Sugiyama
2022: Set-theoretic Types for Erlang by Albert Schimpf, Stefan Wehr and Annette Bieniusa
2022: Static Checking of Concurrent Programs in Elixir Using Session Types by Gerard Tabone Adrian Francalanza
2022: Persisting the AntidoteDB Cache: Design and Implementation of a Cache for a CRDT Datastore by Ayush Pandey, Annette Bieniusa and Marc Shapiro
2022: Doing large-scale computations on an Internet of Things network by Julien BANKEN and Nicolas X ANTHOS
2022: A Holonic Human Cyber-Physical System in Healthcare by Travis Wade Defty
2022: Tutorial on systems with antifragility to downtime by Kjell Jørgen Hole
2022: A compositional theory of protocol engineering by Laura Bocchi, Dominic Orchard, and Laura Voinea
2022: A reliability benchmark for actor-based server languages by Aidan Randtoul and Phil Trinder
2022: Session Fidelity for ElixirST: A Session-Based Type System for Elixir Modules by Gerard Tabone and Adrian Francalanza
2022: Lesser Evil: Embracing Failure to Protect Overall System Availability by Viktória Fördős and Alexandre Jorge Barbosa Rodrigues
2022: InfERL: scalable and extensible Erlang static analysis by Ákos Hajdu, Matteo Marescotti, Thibault Suzanne, Ke Mao, Radu Grigore, Per Gustafsson and Dino Distefano
2022: PerformERL: a performance testing framework for erlang by Walter Cazzola , Francesco Cesarini and Luca Tansini
2022: Troubleshooting the performance of a large Erlang system by Nikos Tsikoudis, Marc Sugiyama
2022: Reversibility in Erlang: Imperative Constructs - Technical Report by Pietro Lami, Ivan Lanese, Jean-Bernard Stefani, Claudio Sacerdoti Coen and Giovanni Fabbretti
2022: Computing Race Variants in Message-Passing Concurrent Programming with Selective Receives by Germán Vidal
2022: Program Equivalence in an Untyped, Call-by-value Lambda Calculus with Uncurried Recursive Functions by Dániel Horpácsi, Péter Bereczky and Simon Thompson
2022: A Theory of Composing Protocols by Laura Bocchi, Dominic Orchard and A. Laura Voinea
2022: Generation of a Reversible Semantics for Erlang in Maude by Giovanni Fabbretti, Ivan Lanese and Jean-Bernard Stefani
2022: Reversibility in Erlang: Imperative Constructs by Pietro Lami, Ivan Lanese, Jean-Bernard Stefani, Claudio Sacerdoti Coen and Giovanni Fabbretti
2022: Reversible Computing in Debugging of Erlang Programs by Ivan Lanese, Ulrik Schultz and Irek Ulidowski
2021: On Benchmarking for Concurrent Runtime Verification by Luca Aceto, Duncan Paul Attar, Adrian Francalanza and Anna Ingólfsdóttirdn
2021: Causal-Consistent Debugging of Distributed Erlang Programs by Giovanni Fabbretti, Ivan Lanese and Jean-Bernard Stefani
2021: Bidirectional typing for Erlang by Nithin Vadukkumchery Rajendrakumar and Annette Bieniusa
2021: Text Mining Infrastructure in Erlang by Abbas Jkhayyir Kadhim
2021: Program Equivalence in Sequential Core Erlang Dániel HorpácsiPéter Bereczky
2021: The Hera framework for fault-tolerant sensor fusion on an Internet of Things network with application to inertial navigation and tracking Kalbusch, Sébastien ; Verpoten, Vincent
2021: A unified framework for declarative debugging and testing by Rafael Caballero, Enrique Martin-Martin, Riesco, Adrián and Salvador Tamarit
2021: OODIDA: On-Board/Off-Board Distributed Real-Time Data Analytics for Connected Vehicles by Gregor Ulm, Simon Smith, Adrian Nilsson, Emil Gustavsson and Mats Jirstrand
2021: A Design Approach for Software Robustness by Feng-Cheng Chang and Hsiang-Cheh Huang
2021: Open-Source MQTT Evaluation by Melvin Bender, Erkin Kirdan, Marc-Oliver Pahl and Georg Carle
2021: Causal-Consistent Reversible Debugging: Improving CauDEr by Juan José González-Abril and Germán Vidal
2021: Detecting oxbow code in Erlang codebases with the highest degree of certainty by Fernando Benavides Rodríguez and Laura M. Castro
2021: Refactoring for introducing and tuning parallelism for heterogeneous multicore machines in Erlang by Vladimir Janjic, Christopher Brown, Adam Barwell and Kevin Hammond
2021: Fifteen years of successfully dialyzing Erlang and Elixir code (invited talk) by Konstantinos Sagonas
2021: Extending a property-based testing tool with parallel and distributed execution by Pablo Costas Sánchez
2021: Application of Functional Programming in the Energy Industry: A Local Energy Market Simulator Use Case and Amine Zouhair, Olivier Boudeville, Nadine Kabbara and Florian Mancel
2021: Enabling Processing Power Scalability with Internet of Things (IoT) Clusters by by Jorge Coelho and Luís Nogueira
2021: Application of Functional Programming in the Energy Industry: A Local Energy Market Simulator Case Study by Amine Zouhair, Nadine Kabbara, Olivier Boudeville and Florian Mancel
2021: The Hera framework for fault-tolerant sensor fusion with Erlang and GRiSP on an IoT network by Sébastien Kalbusch, Vincent Verpoten and Peter Van Roy
2021: Evaluating Erlang database structures for building statistics in telecommunications: Comparing non-relational and relational databases in Mnesia by Ptitsin, Anton and Jönsson, Lou
2021: Modified Erlang loss system for cognitive wireless networks by E.V. Morozov, S. S. Rogozin, H.Q.Nguyen and T. Phung-Duc
2021: Causal-Consistent Debugging of Distributed Erlang Programs - Technical Report by Giovanni Fabbretti, Ivan Lanese and Jean-Bernard Stefani
2021: Fifteen years of successfully dialyzing Erlang and Elixir code by Konstantinos Sagonas
2021: UniStore: A fault-tolerant marriage of causal and strong consistency by Manuel Bravo, Alexey Gotsman, Borja de Régil, and Hengfeng Wei
2021: Detecting Oxbow Code in Erlang Codebases with the Highest Degree of Certainty by Fernando Benavides Rodríguez and Laura M. Castro
2020: Getting Erlang to talk to C and C++ by Hal SnyderRick Pettit
2020: A Proof Assistant Based Formalisation of Core Erlang by Péter Bereczky, Dániel Horpácsi and Simon Thompson
2020: Causal-Consistent Debugging of Distributed Erlang by Giovanni Fabbretti
2020: Supporting Secure Coding with RefactorErl Brigitta Baranyai, István Bozó and Melinda Tóth
2020: Validating Formal Semantics by Property-Based Cross-Testing by Péter Bereczky, Dániel Horpácsi, Judit Kőszegi, Soma Szeier and Simon Thompson
2020: Clojerl: The Expressive Power of Clojure on the BEAM by Juan Facorro Natalia Chechina
2020: Comparison of Dynamic Software Updating Methods for IEC 61499 with Erlang by Matey Benito, Ainara
2020: Transformations towards Clean Functional Code by Boldizsár Poór, Melinda Tóth and István Bozó
2020: Behavioural APIs for Erlang processes by Zahra, Gianluca
2020: Beyond traditional architecture for MDO applications: the Erlang VM and its potential by C. M. Wilkinson, Nathaniel D. Bastian and Minseok Kwon
2020: Machine-Checked Natural Semantics for Core Erlang: Exceptions and Side Effects by Péter Bereczky, Dániel Horpácsi and Simon J. Thompson
2020: Secure design and verification of Erlang systems by Viktória Fördős
2020: Deriving overloaded success type schemes in Erlang by Francisco J. López-Fraguas, Manuel Montenegro and Gorka Suárez-García
2020: Orchestration of Clusters of IoT Devices with Erlang by Jorge Coelho and Luís Nogueira
2020: Teaching practical realistic verification of distributed algorithms in Erlang with TLA+ by Peter Zeller, Annette Bieniusa and Carla Ferreira
2020: Evaluation of load balancing approaches for Erlang concurrent application in cloud systems by Chanintorn Jittawiriyanukoon
2020: Robust Communications in Erlang by Harrison, Joseph Richard
2020: Software and Reversible Systems: A Survey of Recent Activities by Claudio Antares Mezzina, Rudolf Schlatte, Robert Glück, Tue Haulund, James Hoey, Martin Holm Cservenka, Ivan Lanese, Torben Æ. Mogensen, Harun Siljak, Ulrik P. Schultz, and Irek Ulidowski
2020: A Case Study for Reversible Computing: Reversible Debugging of Concurrent Programs by James Hoey, Ivan Lanese, Naoki Nishida, Irek Ulidowski, and Germán Vidal
2020: Modeling and Analysis of RabbitMQ Using UPPAAL by Ran Li, Jiaqi Yin and Huibiao Zhu
2020: A Comparison of MQTT Brokers for Distributed IoT Edge Computing by Heiko Koziolek, Sten Grüner and Julius Rückert
2020: IEC 61499 Runtime Environments: A State of the Art Comparison by Laurin Prenzel, Alois Zoitl and Julien Provost
2020: Push it to the Limit by Luca Aceto, Duncan Paul Attard, Adrian Francalanza, and Anna Ingólfsdóttir
2020: Extending a property-based testing tool with parallel and distributed execution by Costas Sánchez, Pablo
2020: Toward recursion aware complexity metrics by Gordana Rakić, Melinda Tóth and Zoran Budimac
2020: A High-Performance Distributed File System for Mass Data by Shuaiyu Jin, Qing Yan, Yue Zhang and Jie Yang
2020: Erlang as an alternative to a non-functional language for communication in a fault tolerant IoT sensor network pdf by Jimmy Holdö
2020: A Proof Assistant Based Formalisation of Core Erlang by Péter Bereczky, Dániel Horpácsi and Simon Thompson
2020: Teaching practical realistic verification of distributed algorithms in Erlang with TLA+ by Peter Zeller , Annette Bieniusa and Carla Ferreira
2020: Analysis and Evaluation of the Riak Cluster Environment in Distributed Databases by Ahmet Ercan Topcu and Aimen Rmis
2020: A Case Study for Reversible Computing: Reversible Debugging of Concurrent Programs by James Hoey, Ivan Lanese, Naoki Nishida, Irek Ulidowski and Germán Vidal
2019: Erlang as an enabling technology for resilient general-purpose applications on edge IoT networks by Igor Kopestenski and Peter Van Roy
2019: A core Erlang semantics for declarative debugging by Rafael Caballero, Enrique Martin-Martin, Riesco, Adrián and Salvador Tamarit
2019: FBBeam: An Erlang-based IEC 61499 Implementation by Laurin Prenzel andq Julien Provost
2019: Towards online profiling of Erlang systems by Michał Ślaski and Wojciech Turek
2019: Comparison of Erlang/OTP and JADE implementations for standby redundancy in a holonic controller by G. T. Hawkridge, A. H. Basson and K. Kruger
2019: An Evaluation of Erlang for Implementing Standby Redundancy in a Manufacturing Station Controller by Greg Hawkridge, Anton Basson and Karel Kruger
2019: Standby redundant control using Erlang/OTP and JADE for a manufacturing cell. by Hawkridge, Greg Thomas
2019: Tools supporting green computing in Erlang by Gergely Nagy, Áron Attila Mészáros, István Bozó and Melinda Tóth
2019: Validation of software measures for the functional programming language Erlang by Warmuth, Daniel
2019: Analyzing Scale-Free Properties in Erlang and Scala by Gábor Oláh, Gergely Nagy and Zoltán Porkoláb
2019: Using OpenAPI 3 Specifications of the 5G Core to Generate Validators in Erlang by DONATO, DAVIDE and QIN, HEYU
2019: Intro to web prolog for Erlangers by Torbjörn Lager
2019: Distributing Messages Using Rabbitmq with Advanced Message Exchanges by Madhu M and Sunanda Dixit
2019: Hypothesis: A new approach to property-based testing by David R. MacIver, Zac Hatfield-Dodds, and many other contributors
2019: A core Erlang semantics for declarative debugging by Rafael Caballero a,∗ , Enrique Martin-Martin a , Adrián Riesco a , Salvador Tamarit
2019: Design and implementation of a mapReduce architecture for angraDB by Marques, Fábio Costa Farias
2019: Analysis of Means of Simulation Modeling of Parallel Algorithms by D. V. Weins, B. M. Glinskiy and I. G. Chernykh
2019: xqerl_db: Database Layer in xqerl by Zachary N. Dean
2019: Comparing Functional Programming Languages for Parallel Applications by Alling, Simon
2019: Programming and verifying systems relying on attribute-based communications by DUONG, NHAT TAN
2019: OODIDA: On-board/Off-board Distributed Data Analytics for Connected Vehicles Gregor UlmEmil GustavssonMats Jirstrand
2019: An LLVM backend for the Open Modelica Compiler by Tinnerholm, John
2019: Property-Based Test Case Generators for Free by Emanuele De Angelis, Fabio Fioravanti, Adrián Palacios, Alberto Pettorossi and Maurizio Proietti
2019: A study on load balancing within microservices architecture by Sundberg, Alexander
2019: A study on Modern Messaging Systems- Kafka, RabbitMQ and NATS Streaming by Sharvari T and Sowmya Nag K
2019: Implementing a distributed architecture on angraDB by Medeiros, Ismael Coelho
2019: Comparing Reliability Mechanisms for Secure Web Servers: Actors, Exceptions and Futures Danail Penev
2019: Angra-db : indexing and query language by Nunes, Fernando Teixeira de Freitas da Costa
2019: Using Hash Trees for Database Schema Inconsistency Detection by Spik, Charlotta
2019: High Performance Web Servers: A Study In Concurrent Programming Models by Radhakrishnan, Srihari
2019: Runtime type safety for Erlang/otp behaviours by Joseph Harrison
2019: Improving Sequential Performance of Erlang Based on a Meta-tracing Just-In-Time Compiler by Ruochen Huang, Hidehiko Masuhara and Tomoyuki Aotani
2019: Playing with Bisimulation in Erlang by Ivan Lanese, Davide Sangiorgi, and Gianluigi Zavattaro
2019: Active-Code Replacement in the OODIDA Data Analytics Platform by Gregor Ulm, Emil Gustavsson and Mats Jirstrand
2019: Extensible Callback Module Layering in Erlang by Greg Hawkridge, Anton Herman Basson and Karel Kruger
2019: An Evaluation of Erlang for Implementing Standby Redundancy in a Manufacturing Station Controllerby Greg Hawkridge, Anton Herman Basson and Karel Kruger
2019: Partisan: Scaling the Distributed Actor Runtime pdf by Christopher S. Meiklejohn and Heather Miller, Carnegie Mellon University and Peter Alvaro
2019: Erlang as an Enabling Technology for Resilient General-Purpose Applications on Edge IoT Networks by Igor Kopestenski and Peter Van Roy
2019: Static analysis of communications for Erlang by Fabien Dagnat and Marc Pantel
2019: Intro to Web Prolog for Erlangers by Torbjörn Lager
2019: Scaling Erlang Distribution Going Beyond the Fully Connected Mesh by Adam Lindberg, Sébastien Merle and Peer Stritzinger
2019: Lux: An Expect-Like Test Tool Written in Erlang Synchronised Testing of Multiple Sessions by Håkan Mattsson and Cons T. Åhs
2019: Tools Supporting Green Computing in Erlang by Gergely Nagy, Áron Attila MészárosIstván Bozó and Melinda Tóth
2019: Gaining Trust by Tracing Security Protocols by Lars-Åke Fredlund, Clara Benac, EarleThomas Arts andHans Svensson
2019: Functional Federated Learning in Erlang (ffl-erl) by Gregor Ulm, Emil Gustavsson and Mats Jirstrand
2018: Metaprogramming and symbolic execution for detecting runtime errors in Erlang programs by Emanuele De Angelis, Fabio Fioravanti, Adrián Palacios, Alberto Pettorossi and Maurizio Proietti
2018: KErl: Executable semantics for Erlang by Judit Kőszegi
2018: Erlang-based holonic controller for a palletized conveyor material handling system by Karel Kruger and Anton
2018: The Missing Link! A New Skeleton for Evolutionary Multi-agent Systems in Erlang by Jan Stypka, Wojciech Turek, Aleksander Byrski, Marek Kisiel-Dorohinicki, Adam D. Barwell, Christopher Brown, Kevin Hammond and Vladimir Janjic
2018: Runtime Verification in Erlang by Using Contracts by Lars-Åke Fredlund, Julio Mariño, Sergio Pérez and Salvador Tamarit
2018: Modeling Erlang processes as Petri nets by Jörgen Brandt and Wolfgang Reisig
2018: Analysis of Distributed Systems Dynamics with Erlang Performance Lab by Michał Ślaski, Wojciech Turek, Arkadiusz Gil, Bartosz Szafran, Mateusz Paciorek and Aleksander Byrski
2018: InterSCSimulator: Large-Scale Traffic Simulation in Smart Cities Using Erlang by Eduardo Felipe Zambom Santana, Nelson Lago, Fabio Kon and Dejan S. Milojicic
2018: Towards secure Erlang systems by Alexandre Jorge Barbosa Rodrigues and Viktória Fördős
2018: Reversible Choreographies via Monitoring in Erlang Adrian Francalanza, Claudio Antares Mezzina and Emilio Tuosto
2018: Behaviour Preservation across Code Versions in Erlang by David Insa, Sergio Pérez, Josep Silva and Salvador Tamarit
2018: Automatic detection of core Erlang message passing errors by Joseph Harrison
2018: A theory of reversibility for Erlang☆ by Ivan Lanese, Naoki Nishida, Adrián Palacios and Germán Vidal
2018: Polymorphic success types for Erlang∗ by Francisco J. López-Fraguas, Manuel Montenegro, and Gorka Suárez-García
2018: Transforming Erlang finite state machines by Dániel Lukács, Melinda Tóth, István Bozó
2018: Addendum I: Pure Type System for Erlang by Maxim Sokhatsky
2018: HiPErJiT: A Profile-Driven Just-in-Time Compiler for Erlang based on HiPE by KONSTANTINOS KALLAS
2018: Application to In-flight Update of a Multicopter and Evaluation of Erlang Runtime implementation by Aldo García Regueira
2018: Evaluation of Erlang for a stigmergy holonic routing controller by Christopher Sean van den Berg
2018: Ejasona framework for distributed and fault-tolerant multi-agent systems by Alvaro Fernández Díaz
2018: Understanding Formal Specifications through Good Examples by Alex Gerdes, John Hughes, Nicholas Smallbone, Stefan Hanenberg, Sebastian Ivarsson and Meng Wang
2018: A case study on reliable Erlang communication in open platforms based on Scribble by Ana Vranković, Tihana Galinac Grbac and Bruno Blaskovic
2018: Scalability and Performance through Distribution: An approach to distribute a standalone Erlang implementation of Redis by Nilsson, Joachim
2018: Evaluating the Performance of Federated Learning A Case Study of Distributed Machine Learning with Erlang by Nilsson, Adrian and Smith, Simon
2018: Using erlang in research and education in a technical university by Petrov I., Alexeyenko A. and Ivanova G.
2018: Modelling distributed Erlang within a single node by Stavros Aronis, Viktória Fördős and Dániel Szoboszlay
2018: The development and evaluation of an Erlang control system for reconfigurable manufacturing systems by Kruger, Karel
2018: Gview: Efficient graph visualisation for RefactorErl by Komáromi Mátyás
2018: Investigating Concurrency Issues in Dropbox by Ionita Daniel
2018: Web Prolog and the programmable Prolog Web, An Attempt to revive and Rebrand Prolog by Torbjörn Lager
2018: On the Reactive Nature of Financial Networks by Silvia Crafa and Daniele Varacca
2018: A Concept for a High-reliability Meteorological Monitoring System Using AMQP by Anna Kostromina1, Eduard Siemens1 and Yurii Babich
2018: Effective Techniques for Stateless Model Checking by Aronis, Stavros
2018: Design and implementation of distributed expert systems: on a control strategy to manage the execution flow of rule activation by Alvine Boaye Belle*, Timothy C. Lethbridge, Miguel Garzón, Opeyemi O. Adesina
2018: Distributed functional reactive programming on actor-based runtime by Kazuhiro Shibanai and Takuo Watanabe
2018: From Reversible Semantics to Reversible Debugging by Ivan Lanese
2018: Dynamic Adaptations of Synchronization Granularity in Concurrent Data Structures by Winblad, Kjell
2018: Block Chain based Intelligent Industrial Network (DSDIN) by Barco You, Matthias Hub, Mengzhe You, Bo Xu, Mingzhi Yu and Ivan Uemlianin
2018: Implementation and Evaluation of IEC 61499 Basic Function Blocks in Erlang by Laurin Prenzel and Julien Provost
2018: A Teleo-Reactive Node for Implementing Internet of Things Systems by Pedro Sánchez, Bárbara Álvarez, Elías Antolinos, Diego Fernández and Andrés Iborra
2018: Free the Conqueror! Refactoring divide-and-conquer functions by Tamás Kozsik *, Melinda Tóth, István Bozó
2018: CoAP Infrastructure for IoT by Shi, Heng
2018: A Study of Concurrency Bugs and Advanced Development Support for Actor-based Programs by Carmen Torres Lopez, Stefan Marr, Elisa Gonzalez Boix and Hanspeter Mössenböck
2018: Partisan: Enabling Cloud-Scale Erlang Applications by Christopher Meiklejohn and Heather Miller
2018: HiPErJiT: A Profile-Driven Just-in-Time Compiler for Erlang by Konstantinos Kallas and Konstantinos Sagonas
2018: Automating Targeted Property-Based Testing by Andreas Löscher and Konstantinos Sagonas
2018: Bounded Symbolic Execution for Runtime Error Detection of Erlang Programs by Emanuele De Angelis, Fabio Fioravanti, Adrián Palacios, Alberto Pettorossi and Maurizio Proietti
2018: Teaching Erlang through the Internet: An Experience Report by Stephen Adams
2018: Modelling Distributed Erlang within a Single Node by Stavros Aronis, Viktória Fördős and Dániel Szoboszlay
2018: Automatic Detection of Core Erlang Message Passing Errors by Joseph Harrison
2018: Understanding Formal Specifications through Good Examples by Alex Gerdes, John Hughes, Nicholas Smallbone, Stefan Hanenberg, Sebastian Ivarsson and Meng Wang
2018: A theory of reversibility for Erlang by Ivan Lanese, Naoki Nishida, Adrián Palacios and Germán Vidal
2018: Declarative debugging of concurrent Erlang programs by Rafael Caballero, Enrique Martin-Martin, Adrián Riesco and Salvador Tamarit
2018: AErlang: empowering Erlang with attribute-based communication by Rocco De Nicola, Tan Duong, Omar Inverso and Catia Trubiani
2018: Towards Secure Erlang Systems by Alexandre Jorge Barbosa Rodrigues and Viktória Fördős
2018: Erlang-based holonic controller for a palletized conveyor material handling system by Karel Kruger and Anton Herman Basson
2018: Typing the Wild in Erlang by Nachiappan Valliappan and John Hughes
2018: Comparing Languages for Engineering Server Software: Erlang, Go, and Scala with Akka by Ivan Valkov, Natalia Chechina, and Phil Trinder
2018: CauDEr: A Causal-Consistent Reversible Debugger for Erlang by Ivan Lanese, Naoki Nishida, Adrian Palacios and Germán Vidal
2018: Partisan: Enabling Real-World Protocol Evaluation by Christopher Meiklejohn
2018: Erlang Code Evolution Control (Use Cases) by David Insa, Sergio Pérez, Josep Silva and Salvador Tamarit
2018: Runtime verification in Erlang by using contracts by Lars-Åke Fredlund, Julio Mariño, Sergio Pérez and Salvador Tamarit
2017: A Generic Instrumentation Tool for Erlang by Ian Cassar1, Adrian Francalanza, Duncan Paul Attard, Luca Aceto, and Anna Ingólfsdóttir
2017: A type derivation system for Erlang (extended version) by Francisco J. López-Fraguas, Manuel Montenegro and Gorka Suárez-García
2017: Analysis of Erlang source dependencies in BEAM bytecode by Dániel Lukács, Melinda Tóth
2017: A Suite of Monitoring Tools for Erlang by Ian Cassar, Adrian Francalanza, Duncan Paul Attard, Luca Aceto, and Anna Ingólfsdóttir
2017: A File System in Erlang by James Forward
2017: DNSfilter: An Erlang/OTP Implementation of a DNS-Based Web Filtering System by Jeyran G. Labrador, Michael P. De La CruzDante and D. Dinawanao
2017: Functional Federated Learning in Erlang by Gregor Ulm, Emil Gustavsson, Mats Jirstrand
2017: A Runtime Monitoring Tool for Actor-Based Systems by Duncan Paul Attard, Ian Cassar, Adrian Francalanza, Luca Aceto and and Anna Ingólfsdóttir
2017: Let it recover: multiparty protocol-induced recovery by Rumyana Neykova and Nobuko Yoshida
2017: Building Analytics Plugin for Erlang MQTT Broker by Mustafin, Damir
2017: AErlang at Work by Rocco De Nicola, Tan Duong, Omar Inverso and Catia Trubiani
2017: Distributed memory architecture for high-level synthesis of embedded controllers from Erlang by Kagumi Azuma, Nagisa Ishiura, Nobuaki Yoshida and Hiroyuki Kanbara
2017: Dynamic Software Update of Stateflow Charts using Erlang Runtime System by Sebastian Q. Roder and Julien Provost
2017: Towards an Isabelle/HOL formalisation of core Erlang by Joseph R. Harrison
2017: Structuring Erlang BEAM control flow by Dániel Lukács and Melinda Tóth
2017: Dynamic Software Updating of IEC 61499 Implementation Using Erlang Runtime System by Laurin Prenzel and Julien Provost
2017: Erlang Code Evolution Control by David Insa, Sergio Pérez, Josep Silva and Salvador Tamarit
2017: Evaluating Scalable Distributed Erlang for Scalability and Reliability by Natalia Chechina, Kenneth MacKenzie, Simon Thompson, Phil Trinder, Olivier Boudeville, Viktória Fördős, Csaba Hoch, Amir Ghaffari and Mario Moro Hernandez
2017: Erlang-based control implementation for a holonic manufacturing cell by Karel Kruger and Anton Basson
2017: eAOP: an aspect oriented programming framework for Erlang by Ian Cassar, Adrian Francalanza, Luca Aceto and Anna Ingólfsdóttir
2017: AErlang: Empowering Erlang with Attribute-Based Communication by Rocco De Nicola, Tan Duong, Omar Inverso and Catia Trubiani
2017: A Survey of Runtime Monitoring Instrumentation Techniques by Ian Cassar, Adrian Francalanza, Luca Aceto and Anna Ingólfsdóttir
2017: Loquat: A Framework for Large-Scale Actor Communication on Edge Networks by Van Roy, Peter and Meiklejohn, Christopher
2017: Reliability and Fault-Tolerance by Choreographic Design by Ian Cassar, Adrian Francalanza, Claudio Antares Mezzina and Emilio Tuosto
2017: TRIoT: A Proposal for Deploying Teleo-Reactive Nodes for IoT Systems by Diego Fernández, Pedro Sánchez, Bárbara Álvarez, Juan Antonio López and Andrés Iborra
2017: muMQ: A lightweight and scalable MQTT broker by Wiriyang Pipatsakulroj, Vasaka Visoottiviseth and Ryousei Takano
2017: Loquat: A framework for large-scale actor communication on edge networks by Christopher S. Meiklejohn and Peter Van Roy
2017: Validation of a Holonic Controller for a Modular Conveyor System Using an Object-Oriented Simulation Framework by Karel Kruger and Anton Basson
2017: Hootsuite: in pursuit of reactive systems by CACM Staff
2017: The pragmatics of clone detection and elimination by Simon Thompson, Huiqing Li and Andreas Schumacher
2017: Design and evaluation of an alternative programming paradigms course by Francisco Ortin, Jose Manuel Redondo and Jose Quiroga
2017: Dependent Session Types by Hanwen Wu and Hongwei Xi
2017: Microservices: A Language-Based Approach by Claudio Guidi, Ivan Lanese, Manuel Mazzara and Fabrizio Montesi
2017: Actor Based Business Process Automation via Intelligent Business Objects by Florian Unterberger and Robert Singer
2017: Scouting Erlang: BEAM VM by Matthew Ahrens
2017: An architecture and implementation of the actor model of concurrency by Kwabena Aning and Keith Leonard Mannock
2017: An architecture and implementation of the actor model of concurrency by Keith Mannock
2017: Pattern Candidate Discovery and Parallelization Techniques by Melinda Tóth, István Bozó and Tamás Kozsik
2017: Erlang-Based Holonic Controller for a Modular Conveyor System by Karel Kruger and Anton Basson
2017: Software Inspections, Code Reviews, and Safety Arguments by Neil Walkinshaw
2017: Comparative study of middleware solutions for control and monitoring systems by Suman Patro, Manish Potey and Amit Golhani
2017: Towards application-level elasticity on shared cluster: an actor-based approach by Donggang Cao, Lianghuan Kang, Hanglong Zhan and Hong Mei
2017: A priori state synchronization for fast failover of stateful firewall VNFs by Nicholas Gray, Claas Lorenz, Alexander Müssig, Steffen Gebert, Thomas Zinner and Phuoc Tran-Gia
2017: Unobtrusive Deferred Update Stabilization for Efficient Geo-Replication by Chathuri Gunawardhana, Manuel Bravo, and Luis Rodrigues
2017: Æternity blockchain The trustless, decentralized and purely functional oracle machine by Zackary Hess, Yanislav Malahov and Jack Pettersson
2017: Sparrow: a DSL for coordinating large groups of heterogeneous actors by Humberto Rodriguez Avila, Joeri De Koster and Wolfgang De Meuter
2017: Detecting code clones with gaps by function applications by Tsubasa Matsushita and Isao Sasano
2017: The current state of starcraft ai competitions and bots by D Churchill and M Certicky
2017: Scalability and High Availability in Real-time Cloud Services by Jan Varljen
2017: Source Sets: A Foundation for Optimal Dynamic Partial Order Reduction by Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Stavros Aronis, Bengt Jonsson and Konstantinos Sagonas
2017: Kafka versus RabbitMQ: A comparative study of two industry reference publish/subscribe implementations: Industry Paper by Philippe Dobbelaere and Kyumars Sheykh Esmaili
2017: Towards Runtime Adaptation of Actor Systems by Ian Cassar
2017: Construction and formal verification of a fault-tolerant distributed mutual exclusion algorithm by Evgeniy Shishkin
2017: Dealing with actor runtime environments on hierarchical shared memory multi-core platforms by Emilio de Camargo Francesquini
2017: Session Typing for a Featherweight Erlang by Dimitris Mostrous and Vasco T. Vasconcelos
2017: Structuring Erlang BEAM Control Flow by Dániel Lukács and Melinda Tóth
2017: Towards an Isabelle/HOL Formalisation of Core Erlang by Joseph R. Harrison
2017: Scaling Reliably: Improving the Scalability of the Erlang Distributed Actor Platform by Phil Trinder, Natalia Chechina, Nikolaos Papaspyrou, Konstantinos Sagonas, Simon Thompson...
2017: mu2: A Refactoring-Based Mutation Testing Framework for Erlang by Ramsay Taylor and John Derrick
2017: Targeted Property-Based Testing by Andreas Löscher and Konstantinos Sagonas
2017: The Shared-Memory Interferences of Erlang/OTP Built-Ins by Stavros Aronis and Konstantinos Sagonas
2017: Trustworthy Refactoring via Decomposition and Schemes: A Complex Case Study by Dániel Horpácsi, Judit Kőszegi and Zoltán Horváth
2017: ECOTRUCK: An Agent System for Paper Recycling by Nikolaos Bezirgiannis and Ilias Sakellariou
2017: The shared-memory interferences of Erlang/OTP built-ins by Stavros Aronis and Konstantinos Sagonas
2017: Erlang Code Evolution Control by David Insa, Sergio Pérez, Josep Silva and Salvador Tamarit
2016: Towards Trustworthy Refactoring in Erlang by Dániel Horpácsi, Judit Kőszegi and Simon Thompson
2016: CRDTs for the configuration of distributed Erlang systems by Viktória Fördős and Francesco Cesarini
2016: Erlang on Adapteva's Parallella by Lång Magnus
2016: Highly scalable Erlang framework for agent-based metaheuristic computing by Wojciech Turek, Jan Stypka, Daniel Krzywicki, Piotr Anielski, Kamil Pietak, Aleksander Byrski and Marek Kisiel-Dorohinicki
2016: Data Parallel pattern in Erlang/OpenCL by Ugo Albanese
2016: Improving the network scalability of Erlang by Natalia Chechina , Huiqing Li , Amir Ghaffari , Simon Thompson and Phil Trinder
2016: ValiErlang: A Structural Testing Tool for Erlang Programs by Alexandre P. Oliveira , Paulo S. L. Souza and Simone R. S. Souza
2016: A scalable reliable instant messenger using the SD Erlang libraries by Natalia Chechina, Mario Moro Hernandez, and Phil Trinder
2016: Debugging Meets Testing in Erlang Salvador Tamarit, Adrián Riesco, Enrique Martin-Martin and Rafael Caballero
2016: Polymorphic Types in Erlang Function Specifications by Francisco J. López-Fraguas, Manuel Montenegro and Juan Rodríguez-Hortalá
2016: Towards semi-automatic data-type translation for parallelism in Erlang by Adam D. Barwell, Christopher Brown, David Castro and Kevin Hammond
2016: CRDTs for the configuration of distributed Erlang systems by Viktória Fördős and Francesco Cesarini
2016: A Reversible Semantics for Erlang by Naoki Nishida, Adrián Palacios and Germán Vidal
2016: Improving the network scalability of Erlang by Natalia Chechina, Huiqing Li, Amir Ghaffari, Simon Thompson and Phil Trinder
2016: High-Level Synthesis of Embedded Systems Controller from Erlang by Hinata Takabeyashi, Nagisa Ishiura, Kagumi Azuma, Nobuaki Yoshida and Hiroyuki Kanbara
2016: ValiErlang: A Structural Testing Tool for Erlang Programs by Alexandre P. Oliveira, Paulo S. L. Souza and Simone R. S. Souza
2016: Model-Based Protocol Testing in an Erlang Environment by Blom, Johan
2016: An Erlang Implementation of Multiparty Session Actors by Simon Fowler
2016: Towards Reversible Computation in Erlang by Naoki Nishida, Adrián Palacios and Germán Vidal
2016: Making everybody comfortable with Erlang: a SCADA system for thermal control by Laura M. Castro, J. Daniel Fernández and Carlos López Pampín
2016: An erlang-based simulation approach of Artificial Transportation Systems by Songhang Chen, Fenghua Zhu and Fei-Yue Wang
2016: Analysing the hierarchical structure of Erlang applications by István Bozó, Bence János Szabó and Melinda Tóth
2016: Analysing and visualising callback modules of Erlang generic server behaviours István Bozó, Mátyás Béla Kuti and Melinda Tóth
2016: Polymorphic Types in Erlang Function Specifications (extended version) ∗ Francisco J. López-Fraguas, Manuel Montenegro and Juan Rodrı́guez-Hortalá
2016: High-Level Synthesis of Embedded Systems Controller from Erlang by Hinata Takebayashi, Nagisa Ishiura, Kagumi Azuma, Nobuaki Yoshida and Hiroyuki Kanbara
2016: Elixir programming language evaluation for IoT by Geovane Fedrecheski, Laisa C. P. Costa and Marcelo K. Zuffo
2016: Towards Reliable and Scalable Robot Communication by Andreea Lutac, Natalia Chechina, Gerardo Aragon-Camarasa, and Phil Trinder
2016: Observing the consistency of distributed systems by Deepthi Devaki Akkoorath, Viktória Fördős and Annette Bieniusa
2016: Efficient String Representation in Erlang/OTP by ANDREJ LAMOV
2016: Erlang on Adapteva's Parallella by Lång, Magnus
2016: On higher-order communication of Erlang by Nannan Liu and Xian Xu
2016: On Implementing a Monitor-Oriented Programming Framework for Actor Systems by Ian Cassar and Adrian Francalanza
2016: Automatic generation of UML sequence diagrams from test counterexamples by Daniel Carballa and Laura M. Castro
2016: SCSimulator: An Open Source, Scalable Smart City Simulator∗ by Eduardo Felipe Zambom Santana1,2 , Daniel Macêdo Bastista1 , Fabio Kon1 and Dejan S. Milojicic
2016: Session Types in a Linearly Typed Multi-Threaded Lambda-Calculus by Hongwei Xi, Zhiqiang Ren, Hanwen Wu and William Blair
2016: s6raph: Vertex-Centric Graph Processing Framework with Functional Interface Onofre Coll Ruiz, Kiminori Matsuzaki and Shigeyuki Sato
2016: Agent-Based Business Process Modeling and Execution: Steps Towards a Compiler-Virtual Machine Architecture by Robert Singer
2016: Pool Evolution: A Parallel Pattern for Evolutionary and Symbolic Computing by Marco Aldinucci, Sonia Campa, Marco Danelutto, Peter Kilpatrick and Massimo Torquati
2016: Choreography-Based Analysis of Distributed Message Passing Programs by Ramsay Taylor, Emilio Tuosto, Neil Walkinshaw and John Derrick
2016: DSCMC: Distributed Stateless Code Model Checker by Elaheh Ghassabani and Mohammad Abdollahi Azgomi
2016: Experiences with QuickCheck: Testing the Hard Stuff and Staying Sane by John Hughes
2016: Benefits of implementing a query language in purely functional style by Artúr Poór, István Bozó, Tamás Kozsik, Gábor Páli, Melinda Tóth
2016: Parallel patterns for agent-based evolutionary computing by Stypka J. , Anielski P. , Mentel S. , Krzywicki D. , Turek W. , Byrski A. and Kisiel-Dorohinicki M.
2016: WebSurge: A Profile-based Stress Testing Tool with Distributed User Agents for Web Applications by Michael de la Cruz, Jeyran Labrador, and Dante Dinawanao
2016: A type-checking approach to ensure monitor correctness by Aquilina Alamango, John
2016: BuTools 2: a Rich Toolbox for Markovian Performance Evaluation by Gábor Horváth and Miklós Telek
2016: The Nifty way to call hell from heaven by Andreas Löscher and Konstantinos Sagonas
2016: Stampery Blockchain Timestamping Architecture (BTA) by Adán Sánchez de Pedro CrespoLuis Ivan Cuende García
2016: Big(ger) sets: decomposed delta CRDT sets in Riak by Russell Brown, Zeeshan Lakhani and Paul Place
2016: Identifying and introducing interfaces and callbacks using Wrangler by Pablo Lamela Seijas and Simon Thompson
2016: A Distributed Publish/Subscribe System built on a DHT Substrate by André Laszlo
2016: Identifying Code Clones with RefactorErl by Viktória Fördős and Melinda Tóth
2016: Comparing message-oriented middleware for financial assets trading by Eriksson, John
2015: A Distributed, Parallel and Fault Tolerant BGP Routing Daemon by Bergström, Erik Millnert and Martin
2015: Concolic Execution in Functional Programming by Program Instrumentation by Adrián Palacios and Germán Vidal
2015: A Concurrency System for Idris & Erlang by Archibald Samuel Elliott
2015: Distributed data streams ordering in Erlang by Adam Krupička
2015: Erlang/OTP Meets Dependent Types by Archibald Samuel Elliott
2015: A Declarative Debugger for Concurrent Erlang Programs by R. Caballero, E. Martin-Martin, A. Riesco and Salvador Tamarit
2015: Introducing Parallelism to Erlang Programs by Breaking Dependencies by Adam D. Barwell, Christopher Brown, and Kevin Hammond
2015: A Tracing JIT Compiler for Erlang using LLVM by Johan Fänge
2015: Proving Soundness of Refactorings to Introduce Parallel Skeletons in Erlang by Christopher Brown, Vladimir Janjic, Adam D. Barwell and Kevin Hammond
2015: Monitoring Erlang/OTP Applications using Multiparty Session Types by Simon Fowler
2015: The Hopper language- A Haskell-like language on the Erlang VM by Hughes, William, Jarmar, Jacob, Larsson, Johan, Lindbom, David, Norgren, Björn and Wikström Schützer, Johan
2015: Comparing Erlang-based web technologies with emerging MEAN stack for scalable web applications by Tabone, Jamie
2015: Towards sound refactoring in erlang by Tanti, Erica and Francalanza, Adrian
2015: Performance portability through semi-explicit placement in distributed Erlang by Kenneth MacKenzie, Natalia Chechina and Phil Trinder
2015: A Reliable Instant Messenger in Erlang: Design and Evaluation by Hernandez, M. M., Chechina, N. and Trinder, P.
2015: The scalability of reliable computation in Erlang by Ghaffari, Amir
2015: Smother: an MC/DC analysis tool for Erlang by Ramsay Taylor and John Derrick
2015: mu2: A Refactoring-Based Mutation Testing Framework for Erlang by Ramsay Taylor and John Derrick
2015: The implementation and use of a generic dataflow behaviour in Erlang by Christopher Meiklejohn and Peter Van Roy
2015: A zoom-declarative debugger for sequential Erlang programs by Rafael Caballero, Enrique Martin-Martin, Adrián Riesco and Salvador Tamarit
2015: Attribute grammars in Erlang by Ulf Norell and Alex Gerdes
2015: Towards Symbolic Execution in Erlang by Germán Vidal
2015: Concurrency for Creative Coding by Arnaud Loonstra
2015: Massively concurrent agent-based evolutionary computing by Krzywicki, W. Turek, A. Byrski and M. Kisiel-Dorohinicki
2015: Adding distribution and fault tolerance to Jason by Fernández-Díaz, C. Benac-Earle and L. Fredlund
2015: Linking unit tests and properties by Alex Gerdes, John Hughes, Nick Smallbone and Meng Wang
2015: Implementing Erlang/OTP on Intel Galileo by Coada, Paul and Kaya, Erkut
2015: Synthesising correct concurrent runtime monitors by Adrian Francalanza and Aldrin Seychell
2015: High performance declarative memory systems through MapReduce by Mark Edmonds, Tanvir Atahary, Tarek Taha and Scott A. Douglass
2015: Verification of Message Passing Concurrent Systems by Emanuele D’Osualdo
2015: A Reflective Implementation of an Actor-based Concurrent Context-Oriented System by Souhei Takeno and Takuo Watanabe
2015: Programming Paradigms in High Performance Computing by Venkat N. Gudivada, Jagadeesh Nandigam and Jordan Paris
2015: Refactorings to Enable Parallelization by István Bozó, Viktória Fördős, Dániel Horpácsi, Zoltán Horváth, Tamás Kozsik, Judit Kőszegi and Melinda Tóth
2015: Concolic testing for functional languages by Aggelos Giantsios, Nikolaos Papaspyrou and Konstantinos Sagonas
2015: Towards behavioral programming in distributed architectures by David Harel, Amir Kantor, Guy Katz, Assaf Marron, Gera Weiss and Guy Wiener
2015: Expressing and Composing Actors for Deterministic and Scalable Programming in Cloud by Kang Lianghuan, Zhan Hanglong and Cao Donggang
2015: Concept of Client-Server Environment for Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation of Living Systems by Ingars Ribners and Guntis Arnicans
2015: On Synchronous and Asynchronous Monitor Instrumentation for Actor-based systems by Ian Cassar and Adrian Francalanza
2015: Towards Modelling Actor-Based Concurrency in Term Rewriting∗ by Adrián Palacios and Germán Vidal
2015: Lasp: a language for distributed, coordination-free programming by Christopher Meiklejohn and Peter Van Roy
2015: Analysis and Testing of Distributed NoSQL Datastore Riak by Be. Zuzana Zatrochová
2015: A performance study of protocols used in a print on demand server by SAM SAM
2015: Isolates, Channels, and Event Streams for Composable Distributed Programming by Aleksandar Prokopec and Martin Odersky
2015: ContextErlang: A language for distributed context-aware self-adaptive applications by Guido Salvaneschi, Carlo Ghezzi and Matteo Pradella
2015: Implementation of an Erlang-Based Resource Holon for a Holonic Manufacturing Cell by Karel Kruger and Anton Basson
2015: A simple Erlang API for handling DDS data types and Quality of Service parameters by Wafa Helali, Khaled Barbaria and Belhassen Zouari
2015: Safe Concurrency Introduction through Slicing by Huiqing Li and Simon Thompson
2015: Using Actors to Implement Sequential Simulations by Ryan Harrison
2015: Concolic testing for functional languages by Aggelos Giantsios, Nikolaos Papaspyrou and Konstantinos Sagonas
2015: Implementation of an Erlang-Based Resource Holon for a Holonic Manufacturing Cell by Karel Kruger and Anton Herman Basson
2015: Massively-concurrent Agent-based Evolutionary Computing by D. Krzywicki, W. Turek, A. Byrski and M. Kisiel-Dorohinicki
2015: Safe Concurrency Introduction through Slicing by Huiqing Li and Simon Thompson
2015: Pyrlang: a high performance Erlang virtual machine based on RPython by Ruochen Huang , Hidehiko Masuhara and Tomoyuki Aotani
2015: Property-based Testing of Sensor Networks by Andreas Löscher, Konstantinos Sagonas, and Thiemo Voigt
2014: Discovering parallel pattern candidates in Erlang by István Bozó, Viktoria Fordós , Zoltán Horvath , Melinda Tóth , Dániel Horpácsi , Tamás Kozsik , Judit Köszegi , Adam Barwell , Christopher Brown and Kevin Hammond
2014: Cost-Directed Refactoring for Parallel Erlang Programs by Christopher Brown, Marco Danelutto, Kevin Hammond, Peter Kilpatrick and Archibald Elliott
2014: EDD: A Declarative Debugger for Sequential Erlang Programs by Rafael Caballero, Enrique Martin-Martin, Adrian Riesco and Salvador Tamarit
2014: Investigating the scalability limits of distributed Erlang by Amir Ghaffari
2014: Using Erlang Skeletons to Parallelise Realistic Medium-Scale Parallel Programs by Vladimir Janjic, Christopher Brown and Kevin Hammond
2014: Shared Nothing Secure Programming in Erlang/OTP by Kenji Rikitake
2014: Erlang Handbook by by Bjarne Däcker and Robert Virding
2014: Scalable SD Erlang Computation Model by Chechina, N., Huiqing, L., Trinder, P. and Ghaffari, A.
2014: Scalable SD Erlang Reliability Model by Chechina, N., Huiqing, L., Trinder, P. and Thompson, S.
2014: BEAMJIT: a just-in-time compiling runtime for Erlang by Frej Drejhammar and Lars Rasmusson
2014: Detecting and Visualising Process Relationships in Erlang by Melinda Toth and Istvan Bozo
2014: Scalable Reliable SD Erlang Design by Chechina, N., Trinder, P. , Ghaffari, A., Green, R., Lundin, K. and Virding, R.
2014: CHANNEL ACCESS IN ERLANG by Dennis J. Nicklaus.
2014: Execution and Verification of UML State Machines with Erlang by Ricardo J. Rodrı́guez, Lars-Åke Fredlund, Ángel Herranz, and Julio Mariñog
2014: Faulterl: precise fault injection for the erlang VM, NIFs and linked-in drivers by Scott Lystig Fritchie
2014: Extending detectEr, a runtime verification tool for Erlang by Said, Simon
2014: Mobile Erlang computations to enhance performance, resource usage and reliability by Francalanza, Adrian and Zerafa, Tyron
2014: High Performance Processing for Speech Recognition by Milan Ramljak, Maja Stella, Matko Šarić
2014: Achieving Scalability and Reliability In Cloud Servers by Sidrameshwar Korawar and Sridevi M.
2014: Automating property-based testing of evolving web services by Huiqing Li, Simon Thompson, Pablo Lamela Seijas and Miguel Angel Francisco
2014: Improved semantics and implementation through property-based testing with QuickCheck by Huiqing Li and Simon Thompson
2014: Implementing Garbage Collection for Active Objects on Top of Erlang by Hansen, Sigmund
2014: More scalable ordered set for ETS using adaptation by Konstantinos Sagonas and Kjell Winblad
2014: Jsongen: a QuickCheck Based Library for Testing JSON Web Services by Clara Benac Earle, Lars-Åke Fredlund, Ángel Herranz and Julio Mariño
2014: Functional programming and the "megacore" era by Kevin Hammond
2014: Implementing Parallel Genetic Algorithm Using Concurrent-functional Languages by J. Albert-Cruz1 , J. J. Merelo2 , L. Acevedo-Martı́nez1 and Paloma de las Cuevas2
2014: Eventual Consistency and Deterministic Dataflow Programming A Case Study of Integrating Derflow with the Riak Data Store by Christopher Meiklejohn
2014: Dealing with actor runtime environments on hierarchical shared memory multi-core platforms by Emilio de Camargo Francesquini
2014: The Curse of the Excluded Middle: Mostly functional programming does not work. by Erik Meijer
2014: Evaluation and Comparison of Programming Frameworks for Shared Memory Multicore Systems by Mikael, Silvén
2014: Teaching Students Property-Based Testing by Clara Benac Earle, Lars-Åke Fredlund, Julio Mariño and Thomas Arts
2014: Optimal dynamic partial order reduction by Parosh Abdulla, Stavros Aronis, Bengt Jonsson and Konstantinos Sagonas
2014: A scalable architecture for concurrent online auctions by Bill Karakostas
2014: Verification of asynchronous concurrency and the shaped stack constraint by Kochems, J
2014: Safe Concurrency Introduction through Slicing by Huiqing Li and Simon Thompson
2014: ELIoT: A Programming Framework for the Internet of Things by SIVIERI, ALESSANDRO
2014: Property-Based Testing of JSON Based Web Services by Lars Åke Fredlund, Clara Benac Earle, Ángel Herranz and Julio Mariño
2014: Fault tolerance for distributed explicit-state model checking by Ishida, Valerie Lynn
2014: Actors and higher order functions: A Comparative Study of Parallel Programming Language Support for Bioinformatics by Arvidsson, Staffan
2014: A Zoom-Declarative Debugger for Sequential Erlang Programs (extended version)∗ by Rafael Caballero, Enrique Martin-Martin, Adrián Riesco, and Salvador Tamarit
2014: Message Brokers and RabbitMQ in Action by Kamppuri, Tsuri
2014: Discovering Parallel Pattern Candidates in Erlang by István Bozó, Viktória Fördős, Zoltán Horváth, Melinda Tóth, Dániel Horpácsi, Tamás Kozsik, Judit KőszegiAdam Barwell, Chris Brown and Kevin Hammond
2014: Dealing with actor runtime environments on hierarchical shared memory multi-core platforms by E de Camargo Francesquini
2014: Embedded Linux based demonstration device for printed electronics by Saud, Muhammad
2014: Discovering parallel pattern candidates in Erlang by István Bozó, Viktoria Fordós, Zoltán Horvath, Melinda Tóth, Dániel Horpácsi, Tamás Kozsik, Judit Köszegi, Adam Barwell, Christopher Brown and Kevin Hammond
2014: Derflow: distributed deterministic dataflow programming for erlang by Manuel Bravo, Zhongmiao Li, Peter Van Roy and Christopher Meiklejohn
2014: BEAMJIT: a just-in-time compiling runtime for Erlang by Frej Drejhammar and Lars Rasmusson
2014: Synapse: automatic behaviour inference and implementation comparison for Erlang by Pablo Lamela Seijas and Simon Thompson , Ramsay Taylor , Kirill Bogdanov and John Derrick
2014: More scalable ordered set for ETS using adaptation by Konstantinos Sagonas and Kjell Winblad
2014: JErlang: Erlang with Joins by Hubert Plociniczak and Susan Eisenbach
2014: Robust by "Let it Crash" by Christoph Woskowski, Mikolaj Trzeciecki and Florian Schwedes
2014: Automating property-based testing of evolving web services by Huiqing Li, Simon Thompson, Pablo Lamela Seijas and Miguel Angel Francisco
2014: Investigating the Scalability Limits of Distributed Erlang by Amir Ghaffari
2013: On the scalability of the Erlang term storage by David Klaftenegger, Konstantinos Sagonas and Kjell Winblad
2013:Towards Erlang Verification by Term Rewriting](https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-14125-1_7) by Germán Vidal
2013: Development of a cyber-physical system for mobile robot control using Erlang by Szymon Szomiński, Konrad Gądek, Michal Konarski, Bogna Błaszczyk, Piotr Anielski and Wojciech Turek
2013: Automatic Verification of Erlang-Style Concurrency by Emanuele D’Osualdo, Jonathan Kochems and C. -H. Luke Ong
2013: Systematic Testing for Detecting Concurrency Errors in Erlang Programs by Maria Christakis, Alkis Gotovos and Konstantinos Sagonas
2013: eJason: An Implementation of Jason in Erlang by Álvaro Fernández Díaz, Clara Benac Earle and Lars-Åke Fredlund
2013: Multi-level Visualization of Concurrent and Distributed Computation in Erlang Robert BakerPeter RodgersSimon ThompsonHuiqing Li
2013: A Declarative Debugger for Concurrent Erlang Programs (extended version)∗ Rafael Caballero, Enrique Martin-Martin, Adrián Riesco, and Salvador Tamarit
2013: Home Location Register (HLR) dedicated for Short Message Service (SMS) by Rönnblom, Niklas and Vikman, Johan
2013: Reduction of regression tests for Erlang based on impact analysis by István Bozó, Melinda Tóth and Zoltán Horváth
2013: COMPARING THE PERFORMANCE OF JAVA, ERLANG AND SCALA IN WEB 2.0 APPLICATIONS Jucimar Maia da Silva Jr., Rafael Dueire Lins andLanier Menezes dos Santos
2013: Static analysis of function calls in Erlang. Refining the static function call graph with dynamic call information by using data-flow analysis by Horpácsi D. and Koszegi J.
2013: Software agents mobility using process migration mechanism in distributed Erlang by Michał Piotrowski and Wojciech Turek
2013: Supercompiling Erlang by WEINHOLT, GÖRAN
2013: Using many-core coprocessor to boost up Erlang VM by Siyao Zheng , Xiang Long and Jingwei Yang
2013: Code management automation for Erlang remote actors by Adrian Francalanza and Tyron Zerafa
2013: The Erlang approach to concurrent system development by Michael J. Lutz
2013: Automatic Inference of Erlang Module Behaviour by Ramsay Taylor, Kirill Bogdanov and John Derrick
2013: Adapting evolutionary algorithms to the concurrent functional language Erlang by J. Albert Cruz, Juan-Julián Merelo Guervós , Antonio M. Mora García and Paloma de las Cuevas
2013: A language-independent approach to black-box testing using Erlang as test specification language by Laura M Castro and Miguel A Francisco
2013: A Declarative Debugger for Sequential Erlang Programs by Rafael Caballero, Enrique Martin-Martin, Adrián Riesco and Salvador Tamarit
2013: Synthesising Correct Concurrent Runtime Monitors in Erlang by Adrian Francalanza and Aldrin Seychell
2013: Concurrent Data Mining and Genetic Computing Implemented with Erlang Language by Kittisak Kerdprasop and Nittaya Kerdprasop
2013: Erlang-based software update platform for mobile devices by Wielgus, M., Dąbek, P., Janusz, R., Kowal, T. and Turek, W.
2013: A calculus for sequential Erlang programs∗ by Rafael Caballero, Enrique Martin-Martin, Adrián Riesco, and Salvador Tamarit
2013: Modelling of the multi-agent systems through specific DEDS methods and the Erlang functional language by EUGEN DIACONESCU and LUIGE VLADAREANU
2013: A calculus for zoom debugging sequential Erlang programs∗ by Rafael Caballero, Enrique Martin-Martin, Adrián Riesco, and Salvador Tamarit
2013: A reliable SMPP implementation in Erlang by Mikael Laaksonen
2013: polyLarva plugin for Erlang by Ivan Galea
2013: ERLANG AND SCALA FOR AGENT DEVELOPMENT by Dejan Mitrović, Mirjana Ivanović, Zoran Budimac
2013: Agent-Based Modeling Using Erlang Eliminating The Conceptual Gap Between The Programming Language & ABM by Gene I. Sher
2013: RELEASE: A High-Level Paradigm for Reliable Large-Scale Server Software by Olivier Boudeville, Francesco Cesarini, Natalia Chechina, Kenneth Lundin, Nikolaos Papaspyrou, Konstantinos Sagonas, Simon Thompson, Phil Trinder and Ulf Wiger
2013: Riak PG: distributed process groups on dynamo-style distributed storage by Christopher Meiklejohn
2013: Actor scheduling for multicore hierarchical memory platforms by Emilio Francesquini , Alfredo Goldman and Jean-François Méhaut
2013: Equivalence proofs for Erlang refactoring by Tanti, Erica and Francalanza, Adrian
2013: Task Tree Executor for Erlang Enabled Multicores by Popovic, Miroslav and Cetic, Nenad
2013: Erlang as a Language for Cloud Computing and Its Integration with Many-core Coprocessor by Siyao Zheng and Xiang Long
2013: Towards property-based testing of RESTful web services by Pablo Lamela Seijas , Huiqing Li and Simon Thompson
2013: Snapshot Algorithm Animation with Erlang by Bryntesson, Fredrik
2013: Towards an abstraction for remote evaluation in Erlang by Adrian Francalanza and Tyron Zerafa
2013: A type system for Erlang by Vella, Annalizz
2013: Channel Access in Erlang by Nicklaus, Dennis J.
2013: Complexity metric based source code transformation of Erlang programs∗ by Roland Király
2013: DXNN: A Case Study by Gene I. Sher
2013: The design and implementation of EMP: A message-oriented middleware for mobile cloud computing by Joseph. K.H. Wang, Yihuan Wei and Xinpei Jia
2013: Developing a Feed Forward Neural Network by Gene I. Sher
2013: Turning web services descriptions into quickcheck models for automatic testing by Miguel A. Francisco , Macías López , Henrique Ferreiro and Laura M. Castro
2013: Testing blocking operations with QuickCheck's component library by Ulf Norell, Hans Svensson and Thomas Arts
2013: The Unintentional Neural Network Programming Language by Gene I. Sher
2013: Functional approaches to teaching concurrency by Michael J. Lutz
2013: Synthesising correct concurrent runtime monitors by Seychell, Aldrin
2013: A DSL For Logistics Clouds by Karakostas, B. and Katsoulakos, T.
2013: Process Discovery in Erlang Programs by Font Just, Guillem
2013: Robust by ”Let it Crash” by Christoph Woskowski, Mikolaj Trzeciecki, Florian Schwedes
2013: Refactoring tools for functional languages by SIMON THOMPSON and HUIQING LI
2013: Augmenting synchronous and asynchronous monitors in ELARVA by Galea Valletta, Clifford
2013: Introduction: Applications & Motivations by Gene I. Sher
2013: Distributed firewall for P2P network in data center by Xinpei Jia and Joseph. K.H. Wang
2013: Evolving Currency Trading Agents by Gene I. Sher
2013: Analysing timed Rebeca using McErlang by Haukur Kristinsson, Ali Jafari , Ehsan Khamespanah , Brynjar Magnusson and Marjan Sirjani
2013: Neural Plasticity by Gene I. Sher
2013: Erl-metafeed: Web feeds mashup engine and GUI widget toolkit by Klemo Vladimir, Zvonimir Pavlić and Siniša Srbljić
2013: Keeping Track of Important Population and Evolutionary Stats by Gene I. Sher
2013: The Benchmarker by Gene I. Sher
2013: Researching Integration of ART Test Cases into JCAT by Isberg, Petter and Åkerlund, Thomas
2013: Functional Programming Approaches for Virtual Shared Memory and Distributed Memory Clusters by Kandegedara, P.M.M.H.
2013: Scalable Resource Aggregation Service of an ErlangOTP PaaS Platform by Hanglong Zhan, Lianghuan Kang, Lantao Liu and Donggang Cao
2013: A NUMA-Aware Runtime Environment for the Actor Model by Emilio Francesquini, Alfredo Goldman and Jean-François Méhaut
2013: Precise explanation of success typing errors by Konstantinos Sagonas, Josep Silva and Salvador Tamarit
2013: YoctoDB: A Data-Stream Management System by Angela Gong, Max Hirschhorn and Kalpana Suraesh
2013: Distributed Event Handler by ROBIN OLAUSSON and JIMMY WESTERLUND
2013: Achieving High-Throughput State Machine Replication in Multi-core Systems by Nuno Santos and André Schiper
2013: ELIoT: Building Internet of Things Software Combining Localized and Internet-scale Interactions by Alessandro Sivieria , Luca Mottolaa,b , Gianpaolo Cugolaa
2013: Extending Abstract Behavioral Specifications with Erlang-style Error Handling∗ by Georg Göri, Bernhard K. Aichernig, Einar Broch Johnsen, Rudolf Schlatte and Volker Stolz
2013: Adapting CakeDB to Integrate High-Pressure Big Data Streams with Low-Pressure Systems by Peter Membrey , Keith C. C. Chan and Yuri Demchenko
2013: Towards property-based testing of RESTful web services by Pablo Lamela Seijas , Huiqing Li and Simon Thompson
2013: Actor scheduling for multicore hierarchical memory platforms by Emilio Francesquini , Alfredo Goldman and Jean-François Méhaut
2013: Scalable persistent storage for Erlang: theory and practice by Amir Ghaffari , Natalia Chechina , Phil Trinder and Jon Meredith
2013: Extending Erlang by utilising RefactorErl by Dániel Horpácsi
2013: Multicore profiling for Erlang programs using percept2 by Huiqing Li and Simon Thompson
2013: On the scalability of the Erlang term storage by David Klaftenegger , Konstantinos Sagonas and Kjell Winblad
2013: Systematic Testing for Detecting Concurrency Errors in Erlang Programs by Maria Christakis , Alkis Gotovos and Konstantinos Sagonas
2013: Precise explanation of success typing errors by Konstantinos Sagonas , Josep Silva and Salvador Tamarit
2013: COMPARING THE PERFORMANCE OF JAVA, ERLANG AND SCALA IN WEB 2.0 APPLICATIONS by Jucimar Maia da Silva Jr., Rafael Dueire Lins and Lanier Menezes dos Santos
2013: Scalable Persistent Storage for Erlang: Theory and Practice by Jon Meredith, Amir Ghaffari, Natalia Chechina and Phil Trinder
2013: Reduction of regression tests for Erlang based on impact analysis by István Bozó, Melinda Tóth and Zoltán Horváth
2013: Automatic Verification of Erlang-Style Concurrency by Emanuele D'Osualdo, Jonathan Kochems and C.-H. Luke Ong
2012: Automatic WSDL-guided Test Case Generation for PropEr Testing of Web Services by Leonidas Lampropoulos and Konstantinos Sagonas
2012: Resilient and optimized LDAP database implementation for a large scale HLR/HSS by E Grafström
2012: Failover and Takeover Contingency Mechanisms for Network Partition and Node Failure by Macías López, Laura M. Castro and David Cabrero
2012: Large Scale Multimedia Messaging Service Center with Optimized Database Implementation by Erdem Aksu
2012: Hansei: property-based development of concurrent systems by Joseph Blomstedt
2012: Evaluate the benefits of SMP support for IO-intensive Erlang applications by Dervishi, Erisa
2012: The Design of Scalable Distributed Erlang by Natalia Chechina1 , Phil Trinder1 , Amir Ghaffari1 , Rickard Green2 , Kenneth Lundin2 , and Robert Virding3
2012: Go, F# and Erlang by Anders Järleberg and Kim Nilsson
2012: DRAKON-Erlang: Visual Functional Programming by Stepan Mitkin
2012: Architecture of an Erlang-Based Learning System for Mobile Robot Control Łukasz B˛eben and Bartłomiej Śnieżyński and Wojciech Turek and Krzysztof Cetnarowicz
2012: Erlang as an implementation platform for BDI languages by Álvaro Fernández Díaz, Clara Benac Earle and Lars-Åke Fredlund
2012: The Nitrogen Erlang Web Framework by Steve Vinoski
2012: ooErlang: another object oriented extension to Erlang by Jucimar Maia Silva and Rafael Dueire Lins
2012: Towards a formalisation of Erlang failure and failure detection by Farrugia, Audrianne and Francalanza, Adrian
2012: Erlang-based sensor network management for heterogeneous devices by Nieć M. , Pikuła P. , Mamla A. and Turek W.
2012: Supporting cloud computing using Erlang Programming Language by Abd El-Fattah Hussein and Osman Ibrahim
2012: Soter: an automatic safety verifier for erlang by Emanuele D'Osualdo, Jonathan Kochems and Luke Ong
2012: Parallel discrete event simulation with Erlang by Luca Toscano, Gabriele D'Angelo and Moreno Marzolla
2012: On Using Erlang for Parallelization by Stavros Aronis and Konstantinos Sagonas
2012: Concurrency and Message Passing in Erlang by Steve Vinoski
2012: On preserving term sharing in the Erlang virtual machine by Nikolaos Papaspyrou and Konstantinos Sagonas
2012: Automated API migration in a user-extensible refactoring tool for Erlang programs by Huiqing Li and Simon Thompson
2012: A Domain-Specific Language for Scripting Refactorings in Erlang by Huiqing Li and Simon Thompson
2012: System Dependence Graphs in Sequential Erlang by Josep Silva, Salvador Tamarit and César Tomás
2012: Drop the phone and talk to the physical world: Programming the internet of things with Erlang by Alessandro Sivieri, Luca Mottola and Gianpaolo Cugola
2012: Elarva: A Monitoring Tool for Erlang by Christian Colombo, Adrian Francalanza and Rudolph Gatt
2012: Creating the Conveyerl visualisation tool for Erlang programs Johan Tjelldén and Erik Ylipää
2012: Towards a specification-based correctness of Erlang systems through asynchronous monitoring by Colombo, Christian and Francalanza, Adrian
2012: Designing correct runtime-monitors for Erlang by Seychell, Aldrin and Francalanza, Adrian
2012: A Management Oriented Service Delivering model utilizing Hot Code Swapping function provided by Erlang by Toshiaki Nishida and Yukio Rikiso
2012: Implementing robust workflow management in Erlang by Bill Karakostas
2012: Co-ops: concurrent algorithmic skeletons for Erlang by Jay Nelson
2012: An Extension to Computing Elements in Erlang for Actor Based Concurrent Programming by Kang Lianghuan and Cao Donggang
2012: Multiplayer Game Server for Turn-Based Mobile Games in Erlang by Andersson, Anders
2012: Providing a web view for monitoring Erlang systems by Nordenmark, Nicklas
2012: Monitoring as an instance of behaviour in Erlang by Spiteri, Elise Ann
2012: Implementing code on demand using Erlang by Cutajar, Brendan
2012: Erlang meets WSNs: A functional approach to WSN programming by Alessandro Sivieri
2012: Towards Automatic Actor Pinning on Multi-Core Architectures by Emilio Francesquini, Alfredo Goldman and Jean-François Méhaut
2012: Distributed computation on dynamo-style distributed storage: riak pipe by Bryan Fink
2012: Supporting the personal cloud by Ashik Kazi, Rahnuma Kazi and Ralph Deters
2012: Wriaki, a Webmachine Application by Steve Vinoski
2012: Counter example shrinking for ELARVA by Grima, Ian
2012: A Tool for Testing Data Type Implementations from Maude Algebraic Specifications by Adrián Riesco and Isabel Pita
2012: Language extension proposals for cloud-based computing by Francalanza, Adrian
2012: Actor idioms by Dale Schumacher
2012: Server-Sent Events with Yaws by Steve Vinoski
2012: Let's make refactoring tools user-extensible! by Huiqing Li and Simon Thompson
2012: Synchronous and asynchronous monitoring in Elarva by Calleja, Justin
2012: Modular fault handling in a network-transparent programming language by Géry Debongnie, Raphaël Collet, Sébastien Doeraene and Peter Van Roy
2012: Performance benchmarking using real world applications by MATTIAS JANSSON and KARL JOHANSSON
2012: SOPHRA: A Mobile Web Services Hosting Infrastructure in mHealth by Richard K. Lomotey, Shomoyita Jamal and Ralph Deters
2012: Simplifying Contract-Violating Traces by Christian Colombo, Adrian Francalanza and Ian Grima
2012: ContextErlang: introducing context-oriented programming in the actor model by Guido Salvaneschi, Carlo Ghezzi and Matteo Pradella
2012: A Peer-To-Peer based chat system by Mattsson, Tommy
2012: Using Behaviour Inference to Optimise Regression Test Sets by Ramsay Taylor, Mathew Hall, Kirill Bogdanov and John Derrick
2012: TinyMT pseudo random number generator for Erlang by Kenji Rikitake
2012: Automated API migration in a user-extensible refactoring tool for Erlang programs by Huiqing Li and Simon Thompson
2012: A scalability benchmark suite for Erlang/OTP by Stavros Aronis , Nikolaos Papaspyrou , Katerina Roukounaki , Konstantinos Sagonas , Yiannis Tsiouris and Ioannis E. Venetis
2012: ErLLVM: an LLVM backend for Erlang by Konstantinos Sagonas , Chris Stavrakakis and Yiannis Tsiouris
2012: On preserving term sharing in the Erlang virtual machine by Nikolaos Papaspyrou and Konstantinos Sagonas
2012: On Using Erlang for Parallelization by Stavros Aronis and Konstantinos Sagonas
2012: RELEASE: A High-Level Paradigm for Reliable Large-Scale Server Software by Olivier Boudeville , Francesco Cesarini , Natalia Chechina , Kenneth Lundin , Nikolaos Papaspyrou , Konstantinos Sagonas , Simon Thompson , Phil Trinder and Ulf Wiger
2012: Verification of Timed Erlang Programs Using McErlang by Clara Benac Earle, Lars-Åke Fredlund
2012: X-BOT: A Protocol for Resilient Optimization of Unstructured Overlay Networks by João Leitão, João Pedro Marques, José Pereira, Luís Rodrigues
2012: Parallel Discrete Event Simulation with Erlang by Luca Toscano, Gabriele D'Angelo and Moreno Marzolla
2012: Dron: An Integration Job Scheduler by Ionel Corneliu Gog
2012: Property-Based Testing of Web Services by Leonidas Lampropoulos
2011: Erlang and First-Person Shooters by Malcolm Dowse and Demonware, Dublin
2011: Automated Random Model-Based Testing of Stateful Systems by Eirini Arvaniti
2011: Testing Data Consistency of Data-Intensive Applications Using QuickCheck by Laura M. Castro and Thomas Arts
2011: Influencing the Run-Time Behaviour of Complex Services Using Contexts by Zachary Harrington
2011: Evaluation and Implementation of Distributed NoSQL Database for MMO Gaming Environment by Yousaf Muhammad
2011: Static Analysis of Complex Software Systems Implemented in Erlang by Melinda Tóth and István Bozó
2011: A User-extensible Refactoring Tool for Erlang Programs by Li, Huiqing and Thompson, Simon
2011: Characterizing the Scalability of Erlang VM on Many-core Processors by Zhang, Jianrong
2011: Static Detection of Deadlocks in Erlang by Maria Christakis1 and Konstantinos Sagonas
2011: A Generalized Parallel Genetic Algorithm in Erlang by Amanda Bienz, Kossi Fokle, Zachary Keller, Ed Zulkoski and Scott Thede
2011: AN ERLANG-BASED FRONT END FRAMEWORK FOR ACCELERATOR CONTROLS by Dennis J. Nicklaus, Charlie Briegel, Jerry Firebaugh, Charlie King, Richard Neswold, Ron Rechenmacher and Jianming You
2011: How Erlang views the world and what we have learned in the last 25 years of programming distributed systems by Joe Armstrong
2011: Computational REST Meets Erlang by Alessandro Sivieri, Gianpaolo Cugola and Carlo Ghezzi
2011: Analyzing Performance of Multicore Applications in Erlang by Nevelsteen, Kim
2011: Formally based tool support for model checking Erlang applications by Qiang Guo and John Derrick
2011: Further Development of BitTorrent Simulator in Erlang by Jacksi, Karwan
2011: SFMT pseudo random number generator for Erlang by Kenji Rikitake
2011: A security model for functional active objects with an implementation in Erlang by Fleck, Andreas and Kammueller, Florian
2011: Implementation of sequence BDDs in Erlang by Shuhei Denzumi , Hiroki Arimura and Shin-ichi Minato
2011: Erlang ETS tables and software transactional memory: how transactions make ETS tables more like ordinary actors by Patrik Nyblom
2011: Selecting Erlang Test Cases Using Impact Analysis by István Bozó and Melinda Tóth
2011: Development of an Erlang System Adaopted to Embedded Devices by Andersson, Fredrik and Bergström, Fabian
2011: Building dependency graph for slicing erlang programs by Melinda Tóth and István Bozó
2011: Teaching concurrency-oriented programming with Erlang by Ariel Ortiz
2011: Process Bottlenecks within Erlang Web Applications by Steve Vinoski
2011: Adding Special-purpose Processor Support to the Erlang VM by Ferm, Christofer
2011: ComputErl – Erlang-Based Framework for Many Task Computing by Michał Ptaszek and Maciej Malawski
2011: Embedded Erlang Simulation by Rickard Olsson & Reza Javaheri
2011: Towards a System Dependence Graph for Erlang by Josep Silva, Salvador Tamarit and César Tomás
2011: Analysing Erlang BEAM files by Mátyás Karácsonyi and Melinda Tóth
2011: Research and Implementation of Lobby System in Erlang by Dorofeev, Yury, Tuladhar, Wilson and Zhu, Yeli
2011: A PropEr integration of types and function specifications with property-based testing by Manolis Papadakis and Konstantinos Sagonas
2011: A Domain-Specific Language for Scripting Refactorings in Erlang by Li, Huiqing and Thompson, Simon
2011: Event Calculus for Reasoning about Erlang Systems by Manuel Hernandez
2011: Towards Formalising Erlang Failure and Failure Detection by Audrianne Farrugia
2011: Application of Web Server Benchmark using Erlang/OTP R11 and Linux by A. Suhendra1, A.B. Mutiara
2011: Test-driven development of concurrent programs using concuerror by Alkis Gotovos, Maria Christakis and Konstantinos Sagonas
2011: GUI for Mail-merge using Erlang and Erlguten by Yuan, Zhiqian
2011: Improving FSM reverse engineering for test development in Erlang by Lamela Seijas, Pablo
2011: Mapping channel-based message passing to mailbox message passing in Erlang by Colombo, Joseph
2011: Using QuickCheck to verify Erlang implementation of GTPv2 by Emilsson, Johan
2011: Testing Erlang Concurrency with QuickCheck by Cao, Zichen
2011: Testing a database for race conditions with QuickCheck by John M. Hughes and Hans Bolinder
2011: Yaws: Yet Another Web Server by Steve Vinoski
2011: Extracting Properties from Test Cases by Refactoring by Huiqing Li, Simon Thompson and Thomas Arts
2011: Extracting QuickCheck specifications from EUnit test cases by Thomas Arts, Pablo Lamela Seijas and Simon Thompson
2011: Accelerating race condition detection through procrastination by Thomas Arts , John Hughes , Ulf Norell , Nicholas Smallbone and Hans Svensson
2011: The Design of Scalable Distributed Erlang Natalia Chechina1 , Phil Trinder1 , Amir Ghaffari1 , Rickard Green2 , Kenneth Lundin2 , and Robert Virding
2011: Detecting Process Relationships in Erlang Programs by Melinda Tóth and István Bozó
2011: Skew Generic Test Data Generation by Pieter Koopman and Rinus Plasmeijer
2011: The Quintessential Neural Network Programming Language by Gene I. Sher
2011: Theory and Application of Multithreading The Actor Model by H.M.F. Lohstroh
2011: Evaluation of RDBMS for use at Klarna by Chen, Xiaoyu
2011: Model-based testing of data types with side effects by Thomas Arts and Laura M. Castro
2011: FLOW: Implementation and Formal Analysis of a Framework for Parallel and Distributed Computing by SCALAS, ALCESTE;
2011: Interfacing dynamically typed languages and the why tool: reasoning about lists and tuples by Cláudio Amaral, Mário Florido and Patrik Jansson
2011: Elarva : runtime verification for message passing concurrency by Gatt, Rudolph
2011: Typed callbacks for more robust behaviours by Stavros Aronis and Konstantinos Sagonas
2011: Detection of Asynchronous Message Passing Errors Using Static Analysis by Maria Christakis and Konstantinos Sagonas
2011: RabbitMQ Performance and Scalability Analysis by Brett Jones, Scott Luxenberg, David McGrath, Paul Trampert, and Jonathon Weldon
2011: Session Typing for a Featherweight Erlang by Dimitris Mostrous and Vasco T. Vasconcelos
2011: The Design of Scalable Distributed Erlang by Natalia Chechina, Phil Trinder, Amir Ghaffari, Rickard Green, Kenneth Lundin, and Robert Virding
2011: Extracting QuickCheck specifications from EUnit test cases by Thomas Arts , Pablo Lamela Seijas and Simon Thompson
2011: Multicore OSes: Looking Forward from 1991, er, 2011 by David A. Holland and Margo I. Seltzer
2011: Typing and Subtyping for the Termination of Mobile Processes by Ioana Cristescu
2011: Paraphrasing: Generating Parallel Programs Using Refactoring by Christopher Brown, Kevin Hammond, Marco Danelutto, Peter Kilpatrick, Holger Schöner and Tino Breddin
2011: Multicore SIP parsing with imperative and declarative implementations by I. Skulibern, V. Jankovic and R. Zec
2011: ECOTRUCK: An Agent System for Paper Recycling by Nikolaos Bezirgiannis and Ilias Sakellariou
2011: Commercial Users of Functional Programming Workshop Report by ANIL MADHAVAPEDDY, YARON MINSKY and MARIUS ERIKSEN
2011: Active Exploit Detection by Marc Eisenbarth
2011: Metrics based optimization of functional source code by Roland Király and Róbert Kitlei
2011: Using a Cloud-Hosted Proxy to support Mobile Consumers of RESTful Services by Shomoyita Jamal, Ralph Deters
2011: Practical Many-Core Programming by András Vajda
2011: Social-data storage-systems by Nicolas Ruflin, Helmar Burkhart and Sven Rizzotti
2011: Web and Database Systems by Sandeep Koranne
2011: Optimizing Database Queries with Materialized Views and Data Mining Models by Nittaya Kerdprasop and Kittisak Kerdprasop
2011: Formally specifying and analyzing a parallel virtual machine for lazy functional languages using Maude by Georgios Fourtounis, Peter Csaba Ölveczky and Nikolaos Papaspyrou
2011: Programming for Distributed Computing: From Physical to Logical Networks by Christian Scheideler and Kalman Graffi
2011: Study and Prototyping the New Bank GUI for Klarna by Rennerskog, Christian and Widgren, Daniel
2011: Methods of Graphically Viewing and Editing Busines Logic, Data Structure by Gul, Shahzad
2011: Comparison of MapReduce implementations by René Zuidhof & Jos van der Til
2011: Incremental clone detection and elimination for erlang programs by Huiqing Li and Simon Thompson
2011: Extracting Properties from Test Cases by Refactoring by Huiqing Li, Simon Thompso and Thomas Arts
2011: Test-driven development of concurrent programs using concuerror by Alkis Gotovos , Maria Christakis and Konstantinos Sagonas
2011: Real time Framework in Erlang for Computational Advertising by Pero Subasic
2011: A PropEr integration of types and function specifications with property-based testing by Manolis Papadakis and Konstantinos Sagonas
2011: Typed callbacks for more robust behaviours by Stavros Aronis and Konstantinos Sagonas
2011: Detection of asynchronous message passing errors using static analysis by Maria Christakis and Konstantinos Sagonas
2011: Formally specifying and analyzing a parallel virtual machine for lazy functional languages using Maude Georgios Fourtounis , Peter Csaba Ölveczky and Nikolaos Papaspyrou
2011: Accelerating race condition detection through procrastination Thomas Arts , John Hughes , Ulf Norell , Nicholas Smallbone and Hans Svensson
2011: Erlang ETS tables and software transactional memory: how transactions make ETS tables more like ordinary actors by Patrik Nyblom
2010: IMPLEMENTING AGENTS FOR INTRUSION DETECTION by Ioan Alfred Letia and Dan Alexandru Marian
2010: The design of a RESTful web-service by Mohedano Troyano, Nadia
2010: Multimedia Messaging Service Front End for Supplementary Messaging Services by Robert Andersson and Larry Canady
2010: Using Filesystem Virtualization to Avoid Metadata Bottlenecks by Ernest Artiaga
2010: Erlang Inspired Hardware by Paulo Ferreira, Joao Canas Ferreira and Jose Carlos Alves
2010: Practical type inference based on success typings by Tobias Lindahl and Konstantinos Sagonas
2010: Chain replication in theory and in practice by Scott Lystig Fritchie
2010: A Verification of a Process Supervisor David Castro, Clara Benac Earle, Lars-Åke Fredlund, Victor M. Gulias, and Samuel Rivas
2010: Alliance and Coalition Formation by Fišer, J. and Mashkov, V.
2010: Erlang by Joe Armstrong
2010: Programming language support to context-aware adaptation: a case-study with Erlang by Carlo Ghezzi , Matteo Pradella and Guido Salvaneschi
2010: Enforcing User Privacy in Web Applications using Erlang by Ioannis Papagiannis, Matteo Migliavacca, David M. Eyers, Brian Shand, Jean Bacon and Peter Pietzuch
2010: Using QuickCheck and Semantic Analysis to Verify Correctness of Erlang Refactoring Transformations by Elroy Jumpertz
2010: Implementing Structural Complexity Metrics in Erlang* by Roland Király, Róbert Kitlei, Péter Tömösközi
2010: Evaluation and Testing of Database Backends in an Erlang System by Cardell, Rickard
2010: Bittorent Simulator in Erlang by Hybelius, Roland and Viklund, David
2010: Concurrent programming in Erlang: pre-conference workshop by David R. Naugler
2010: Implementing Privacy with Erlang Active Objects by Andreas Fleck and Florian Kammüller
2010: Erlang Behaviours: Programming with Process Design Patterns by Francesco Cesarini and Simon Thompson
2010: Impact Analysis of Erlang Programs Using Behaviour Dependency Graphs by Melinda Tóth, István Bozó, Zoltán Horváth, László Lövei, Máté Tejfel and Tamás Kozsik
2010: Using Static Analysis to Detect Type Errors and Concurrency Defects in Erlang Programs by Konstantinos Sagonas
2010: Property driven development in Erlang, by example by Samuel Rivas , Miguel Ángel Francisco and Víctor M. Gulías
2010: Refactoring Support for Modularity Maintenance in Erlang by Huiqing Li and Simon Thompson
2010: Analysis of preprocessor constructs in Erlang by Róbert Kitlei , István Bozó , Tamás Kozsik , Máté Tejfel and Melinda Tóth
2010: Authentication and Authorization: Achieving Single Sign-on in an Erlang Environment by Alenius, Fabian
2010: Distributed Protocols as Behaviours in Erlang by Darren Demicoli and Adrian Francalanza
2010: Using McErlang to Verify an Erlang Process Supervision Component∗ by David Castro1 , Clara Benac Earle2 , Lars-Åke Fredlund2 , Victor M. Gulias1 , and Samuel Rivas3
2010: Building robust servers with Erlang by Martin Logan
2010: Generic load regulation framework for Erlang by Ulf T. Wiger
2010: Implementing a multiagent negotiation protocol in Erlang by Álvaro Fernández Díaz , Clara Benac Earle and Lars-Åke Fredlund
2010: UTS: A Portable Benchmark for Erlang/OTP by Östberg, Mikael
2010: Erlang Semantic Query Language by Lilla Hajós, Melinda Tóth, László Lövei
2010: Implementing a Multiagent Negotiation Protocol in Erlang by Álvaro Fernández Dı́az, Clara Benac Earle and Lars-Åke Fredlund
2010: Privacy by Flexible Parameterization with Erlang Active Objects by Andreas Fleck and Florian Kammüller
2010: Quickchecking refactoring tools by Dániel Drienyovszky , Dániel Horpácsi and Simon Thompson
2010: From test cases to FSMs: augmented test-driven development and property inference by Thomas Arts and Simon Thompson
2010: Enforcing User Privacy in Web Applications using Erlang by Pietzuch, P Papagiannis, I, Migliavacca, M, Eyers, D, Shand, B and Bacon, J
2010: Riak Core: building distributed applications without shared state by Rusty Klophaus
2010: Implementing I/O-automaton Specifications on Erlang by Yoshinobu Kawabe and Jun Zhao
2010: A Bittorrent Simulator in Erlang - continued by Stensbäck, Niclas
2010: A Language-oriented Approach to Teaching Concurrency by Tom Van Cutsem, Stefan Marr and Wolfgang De Meuter
2010: Concurrent Knowledge Activation Calculation in Large Declarative Memories by Scott A. Douglass and Christopher W. Myers
2010: Improved Testing through Refactoring: Experience from the ProTest Project by Huiqing Li and Simon Thompson
2010: Industrial Strength Distributed Explicit State Model Checking by Brad Bingham, Jesse Bingham, Flavio M. de Paula, John Erickson, Gaurav Singh and Mark Reitblatt
2010: Multicore education: pieces of the parallel puzzle by Joel C. Adams , Daniel J. Ernst , Thomas Murphy and Ariel Ortiz
2010: Property-Based Testing - The ProTest Project by John Derrick, Neil Walkinshaw, Thomas Arts, Clara Benac Earle, Francesco Cesarini, Lars-Ake Fredlund, Victor Gulias, John Hughes and Simon Thompson
2010: PReach: A Distributed Explicit State Model Checker by Flavio M. de Paula, Jesse Bingham, Brad Bingham, John Erickson, Mark Reitblatt and Gaurav Singh
2010: A Tangible Interface for Learning Recursion and Functional Programming by Juan Diego Tascón Vidarte, Christian Rinderknecht, Jee-In Kim and HyungSeok Kim
2010: Tail recursion in Hardware by Paulo FerreiraJoão Canas FerreiraJosé Carlos Alves
2010: A lightweight method to parallel k-means clustering by Kittisak Kerdprasop and Nittaya Kerdprasop
2010: Next Generation MMO Architecture by Christian Flodihn
2010: Automatic Random Testing of Function Properties from Specifications by Manolis Papadakis
2010: Automatic Structure-Based Code Generation from Coloured Petri Nets: A Proof of Concept by Lars Michael Kristensen and Michael Westergaard
2010: QuickSpec: Guessing Formal Specifications Using Testing by Koen Claessen, Nicholas Smallbone and John Hughes
2010: Multi-core Code in a Cluster – A Meaningful Option? by Martin Šťava and Pavel Tvrdík
2010: Context oriented programming in highly concurrent systems by Carlo Ghezzi , Matteo Pradella and Guido Salvaneschi
2010: Developing RESTful Web Services with Webmachine by Justin Sheehy and Steve Vinoski
2010: Static Detection of Race Conditions in Erlang by Maria Christakis and Konstantinos Sagonas
2010: JErlang: Erlang with Joins by Hubert Plociniczak and Susan Eisenbach
2010: Using Erlang to implement a autonomous build and distribution system for software projects by Tino Breddin
2010: Implementing a multiagent negotiation protocol in Erlang by Álvaro Fernández Díaz , Clara Benac Earle and Lars-Åke Fredlund
2010: Generic load regulation framework for Erlang by Ulf T. Wiger
2010: A unified semantics for future Erlang by Hans Svensson , Lars-Åke Fredlund and Clara Benac Earle
2010: Similar code detection and elimination for erlang programs by Huiqing Li and Simon Thompson
2010: Quickchecking refactoring tools by Dániel Drienyovszky, Dániel Horpácsi and Simon Thompson
2010: From test cases to FSMs: augmented test-driven development and property inference by Thomas Arts and Simon Thompson
2010: Refactoring Support for Modularity Maintenance in Erlang by Huiqing Li and Simon Thompson
2010: Improved testing through refactoring: experience from the protest project by Huiqing Li and Simon Thompson
2010: Purity in erlang by Mihalis Pitidis and Konstantinos Sagonas
2010: Using static analysis to detect type errors and concurrency defects in erlang programs by Konstantinos Sagonas
2010: Static detection of race conditions in erlang by Maria Christakis and Konstantinos Sagonas
2010: Erlang Behaviours: Programming With Process Design Patterns by Francesco Cesarini and Simon Thompson
2010: Moving Towards Non-Relational Databases by Uma Bhat and Shraddha Jadhav
2010: Deleon: Network Activity Replay by Erin L. Johnsona and Dr. Jack Tan
2010: Start-phase control of distributed systems written in Erlang/OTP by Peter Burcsi, Attila Kovács and Antal Tátrai
2010: A case study of DHT functionality: range query on DHT by Yoshihiro Tanaka
2009: Race Condition Detection in Concurrent Erlang Applications Using Static Analysis by MARIA I. CHRISTAKIS
2009: Erlang for Concurrent Programming by Jim Larson
2009: Implementing an LTL-to-Büchi Translator in Erlang a ProTest Experience Report by Hans Svensson
2009: Erlang - Programming the Parallel World Shashank Agarwal and Puneet Lakhina
2009: Ideas for a new Erlang by Sven-Olof Nyström
2009: SSH Distribution Transport on Erlang Concurrent System by Kenji RIKITAKE† , Koji NAKAO
2009: Anonymity in Erlang by Mayer Goldberg & Guy Wiener
2009: Automated subtree construction in a contracted abstract syntax tree by Róbert Kitlei
2009: Iterative Refinement of Reverse-Engineered Models by Model-Based Testing by Neil Walkinshaw, John Derrick and Qiang Guo
2009: Debugging and Verification of Multi-Agent Systems by Clara Benac Earle and Lars-Åke Fredlund
2009: Testing a Software Block with QuickCheck by Wang Jia and Yeoh Shyun Shyun
2009: Automatic testing of TCP/IP implementations using QuickCheck by Javier Paris and Thomas Arts
2009: Model based testing of data constraints: testing the business logic of a Mnesia application with Quviq QuickCheck by Nicolae Paladi and Thomas Arts)
2009: Automated module interface upgrade by László Lövei
2009: Testing-framework-aware Refactoring by Li Huiqing and Thompson Simon
2009: Fault Injection Technique for Evaluating Erlang Test Suites by DO, QUANG HOAT and AJAKAIYE, TAIWO DAYO
2009: Development of a distributed system applied to teaching and learning by Hugo Cortés , Mónica García , Jorge Hernández , Manuel Hernández , Esperanza Pérez-Cordoba and Erik Ramos
2009: Job management system based on Erlang by Luyang Dong, Bin Gong and Guoling Zhao
2009: Building the user programmable internet with Erlang by Gordon Guthrie
2009: Testing Erlang-OTP with QuickCheck by Din, Crystal Chang
2009: McErlang: a model checker for Erlang by Clara Benac Earle
2009: An introduction to Rich Services/Erlang by Tyler Elias
2009: An intermediate introduction to the Erlang programming language: tutorial presentation by David R. Naugler
2009: Static Detection of Race Conditions in Erlang by Konstantinos Sagonas
2009: Security analysis of private data enquiries in Erlang by Kammueller, Florian and Kammueller, Reiner
2009: Applying Testability Transformations to Achieve Structural Coverage of Erlang Programs by Qiang Guo, John Derrick and Neil Walkinshaw
2009: ECT: an object-oriented extension to Erlang by Gábor Fehér and András G. Békés
2009: Automatic assessment of failure recovery in Erlang applications by Jan Henry Nyström
2009: Analysing Fault Tolerance for Erlang Applications by Nyström, Jan Henry
2009: Build Your Next Web Application with Erlang by Dave Bryson and Steve Vinoski
2009: Clone detection and removal for Erlang/OTP within a refactoring environment by Huiqing Li and Simon Thompson
2009: Automatic refactoring of Erlang programs by Konstantinos Sagonas and Thanassis Avgerinos
2009: Explicit concurrent programming in high-level languages by Karl Kähkönen
2009: Key-Value stores: a practical overview by Marc Seeger
2009: On Language Support for Application Scalability by Patrick Bader
2009: Teaching Erlang using robotics and player/stage by Sten Grüner and Thomas Lorentsen
2009: Automatic assessment of failure recovery in Erlang applications by Jan Henry Nyström
2009: Clone detection and removal for Erlang/OTP within a refactoring environment by Huiqing Li and Simon Thompson
2009: Automatic refactoring of Erlang programs by Konstantinos Sagonas and Thanassis Avgerinos
2009: Cleaning up Erlang code is a dirty job but somebody's gotta do it by Thanassis Avgerinos and Konstantinos Sagonas
2009: Gradual typing of erlang programs: a wrangler experience by Konstantinos Sagonas and Daniel Luna
2009: Finding race conditions in Erlang with QuickCheck and PULSE by Koen Claessen , Michal Palka , Nicholas Smallbone , John Hughes , Hans Svensson , Thomas Arts and Ulf Wiger
2009: Enhancing Privacy Implementations of Database Enquiries by Florian Kammuller and Reiner Kammuller
2009: Improving your test code with Wrangler by Li Huiqing, Lindberg Adam, Schumacher Andreas and Thompson Simon
2008: High-level distribution for the rapid production of robust telecoms software: comparing C++ and ERLANG by J. H. Nyström, P. W. Trinder and D. J. King
2008: Scalaris: Reliable Transactional P2P Key/Value Store Web 2.0 Hosting with Erlang and Java by Thorsten Schutt, Florian Schintke and Alexander Reinefeld
2008: Database Access and Patterns in Erlang/OTP by LAURA M. CASTRO, VÍCTOR M. GULÍAS, CARLOS ABALDE and JAVIER PARÍS
2008: Functional manipulation of bit streams by Gustafsson and Konstantinos Sagonas
2008: Building a Refactoring Tool for Erlang ? by Zoltán Horváth, László Lövei, Tamás Kozsik, Róbert Kitlei, Anikó Nagyné Vı́g, Tamás Nagy, Melinda Tóth, Roland Király
2008: Static rules of variable scoping in Erlang∗ by László Lövei, Zoltán Horváth, Tamás Kozsik, Roland Király, Róbert Kitlei
2008: Application Security of Erlang Concurrent System by Kenji RIKITAKE† , Koji NAKAO
2008: Scalaris: reliable transactional p2p key/value store by Thorsten Schütt , Florian Schintke and Alexander Reinefeld
2008: Verifying Erlang Telecommunication Systems with the Process Algebra μCRL by Qiang Guo, John Derrick and Csaba Hoch
2008: Use Cases for Refactoring in Erlang by Tamás Kozsik, Zoltán Csörnyei, Zoltán Horváth, Roland Király, Róbert Kitlei, László Lövei, Tamás Nagy, Melinda Tóth and Anikó Víg
2008: High-level distribution for the rapid production of robust telecoms software: comparing C++ and ERLANG by J. H. Nyström, P. W. Trinder and D. J. King
2008: Gradual typing of erlang programs: a wrangler experience by Konstantinos Sagonas and Daniel Luna
2008: Autocoding State Machine in Erlang: A Case Study of Model-Driven Software Development by Yu Guo
2008: Learning the Erlang programming language by David R. Naugler
2008: Refactoring with wrangler, updated: data and process refactorings, and integration with eclipse by Huiqing Li , Simon Thompson , György Orosz and Melinda Tóth
2008: Bit-Torrent in Erlang by Carlos Simón Gallego
2008: Layout preserving, automatically generated parser for Erlang refactoring ? by Róbert Kitlei, László Lövei, Tamás Nagy and Zoltán Horváth
2008: Automated syntax manipulation in RefactorErl∗ by Róbert Kitlei, Zoltán Horváth, István Bozó, László Lövei, Melinda Tóth, Tamás Kozsik, Roland Király, Csaba Hoch and Dániel Horpácsi]
2008: Early fault detection with model-based testing by Jonas Boberg
2008: A comparative evaluation of imperative and functional implementations of the imap protocol by Francesco Cesarini, Viviana Pappalardo and Corrado Santoro
2008: Refactoring module structure by László Lövei , Csaba Hoch , Hanna Köllö , Tamás Nagy , Anikó Nagyné Víg , Dániel Horpácsi , Róbert Kitlei and Roland Király
2008: Call Graph and Data Flow Analysis of a Dynamic Functional Language by Tamás Nagy, Zoltán Horváth, László Lövei, Melinda Tóth and Anikó Nagyné Víg
2008: Applications integration: a testing experience by Laura M. Castro and Vı́ctor M. Gulı́as
2008: Verification of Peer-to-peer Algorithms: A Case Study by Rana Bakhshi and Dilian Gurov
2008: Convenience Over Correctness by Steve Vinoski
2008: Actors with Multi-headed Message Receive Patterns by Martin Sulzmann, Edmund S. L. Lam and Peter Van Weert
2008: Functional Parallelism with Shared Memory and Distributed Memory Approaches by Mahesh Kandegedara and D. N. Ranasinghe
2008: Refactoring with Wrangler, updated by Li, Huiqing, Thompson, Simon, Orosz, György, Töth, Melinda
2008: Using Coq to Prove Properties of the Cache Level of a Functional Video-on-Demand Server by J. Santiago Jorge, Victor M. Gulias, and Laura M. Castro
2008: Database Access and Patterns in Erlang/OTP by LAURA M. CASTRO, VÍCTOR M. GULÍAS, CARLOS ABALDE, JAVIER PARÍS
2008: High-performance technical computing with erlang by Alceste Scalas, Giovanni Casu and Piero Pili
2008: Erlang testing and tools survey by Tamás Nagy and Anikó Nagyné Víg
2008: Refactoring module structure by László Lövei , Csaba Hoch , Hanna Köllö , Tamás Nagy , Anikó Nagyné Víg , Dániel Horpácsi , Róbert Kitlei and Roland Király
2008: Testing Erlang Refactorings with QuickCheck by Huiqing Li and Simon Thompson
2008: Tool support for refactoring functional programs by Huiqing Li and Simon Thompson
2008: Experience Report: Erlang in Acoustic Ray Tracing by Christian Convey, Andrew Fredricks, Christopher Gagner, Douglas Maxwell and Lutz Hamel
2008: Refactoring module structure by László Lövei, Csaba Hoch, Hanna Köllö, Tamás Nagy, Anikó Nagyné Víg, Dániel Horpácsi, Róbert Kitlei and Roland Király
2007: Testing Erlang Refactorings with QuickCheck by Huiqing Li and Simon Thompson
2007: Use Cases for Refactoring in Erlang by Tamás Kozsik, Zoltán Csörnyei, Zoltán Horváth, Roland Király, Róbert Kitlei, László Lövei, Tamás Nagy, Melinda Tóth and Anikó Víg
2007: Concurrency with Erlang by Steve Vinoski
2007: An erlang framework for autonomous mobile robots by Corrado Santoro
2007: Abstraction and Model Checking of Core Erlang Programs in Maude by Martin Neuhäußer and Thomas Noll
2007: Reliability with Erlang by Steve Vinoski
2007: Refactoring in Erlang, a Dynamic Functional Language∗ by László Lövei, Zoltán Horváth, Tamás Kozsik, Roland Király, Anikó Vı́g, and Tamás Nagy
2007: Refactoring Erlang programs by László Lövei, Zoltán Horváth, Tamás Kozsik, Anikó Víg and Tamás Nagy
2007: Detecting defects in Erlang programs using static analysis by Konstantinos Sagonas
2007: Programming distributed erlang applications: pitfalls and recipes by Hans Svensson and Lars-Åke Fredlund
2007: Towards hard real-time erlang by Vincenzo Nicosia
2007: Extended process registry for erlang by Ulf T. Wiger
2007: Introducing Records by Refactoring in Erlang Programs?x by László Lövei, Zoltán Horváth, Tamás Kozsik and Roland Király
2007: Applying Rewriting Techniques to the Veri cation of Erlang Processes by Thomas Arts and J urgen Giesl
2007: ERLANG/OTP FRAMEWORK FOR COMPLEX MANAGEMENT APPLICATIONS DEVELOPMENT by Carlos Abalde, Víctor M. Gulías, Laura M. Castro, Carlos Varela, and J. Santiago Jorge
2007: McErlang: a model checker for a distributed functional programming language by Lars-Åke Fredlund and Hans Svensson
2007: Applications, Implementation and Performance Evaluation of Bit Stream Programming in Erlang by Per Gustafsson and Konstantinos Sagonas
2007: Verifying Erlang/OTP Components in μCRL by Qiang Guo
2007: Verification of timed erlang/OTP components using the process algebra μcrl by Qiang Guo and John Derrick
2007: Productivity gains with Erlang by Jan Henry Nyström
2007: Generic syntactic analyser: ParsErl∗ by Róbert Kitlei, László Lövei, Tamás Nagy, Anikó Nagyné Vig, Zoltán Horváth and Zoltán Csörnyei
2007: Mnesia - An Industrial DBMS with Transactions, Distribution and a Logical Query Language by Hans Nilsson and Claes Wikström
2007: Optimising TCP/IP connectivity by Oscar Hellström
2007: Priority messaging made easy by Jan Henry Nystrom
2007: Model Checking a Video–on–Demand Server Using McErlang by Lars-Åke Fredlund and Juan José Sánchez Penas
2007: Exploiting Sequential Libraries on a Cluster of Computers by Miguel Barreiro Jose Luis Freire Victor M. Gulias Juan J. Sanchez
2007: Teazle Goes Mobile by Christina L. Nilsson Anders Söderlund, Joakim Hägglund, Hua Dong, Ningjing Chen, Stefan Pettersson, Simon Lundmark, Anders Andersson Christoffer Ramqvist and Sassan Ashkan Far
2007: Combining Model Checking and Compositional Reasoning: Erlang, Agents, and Verification by Mads Dam, Larsåke Fredlund
2007: Another neat tool for refactoring Erlang programs by Mihály Héder , Zoltán László and Tibor Sulyán
2007: Towards a resource-safe Erlang by David Teller
2007: A more accurate semantics for distributed erlang by Hans Svensson and Lars-Åke Fredlund
2007: HyParView: a membership protocol for reliable gossip-based broadcast pdf by João Leitão, José Pereira, Luís Rodrigues
2007: Learning programming with erlang by Frank Huch
2007: Optimising TCP/IP connectivity by Oscar Hellström
2007: Priority messaging made easy by Jan Henry Nystrom
2007: A language for specifying type contracts in erlang and its interaction with success typings by Miguel Jimenez , Tobias Lindahl and Konstantinos Sagonas
2007: Detecting defects in Erlang programs using static analysis by Konstantinos Sagonas
2007: Applications, implementation and performance evaluation of bit stream programming in erlang by Per Gustafsson and Konstantinos Sagonas
2007: A History of Erlang by Joe Armstrong by Joe Armstrong
2007: High-level Distribution for the Rapid Production of Robust Telecoms Software: Comparing C++ and Erlang by J.H. Nyström, P.W. Trinder and D.J. King
2007: Extended process registry for erlang by Ulf T. Wiger
2007: Web Server Benchmark Application WiiBench using Erlang/OTP R11 and Fedora-Core Linux 5.0 by A. B. Mutiara and T. A. Sabastian
2007: Programming Efficiently with Binaries and Bit Strings by Per Gustafsson
2006: EUnit: a lightweight unit testing framework for Erlang by Richard Carlsson and Mickaël Rémond
2006: Refactoring Erlang Programs by Huiqing Li, Simon Thompson, László Lövei, Zoltán Horváth, Tamás Kozsik, Anikó Vı́g and Tamás Nagy
2006: Model checking erlang programs: the functional approach by Lars-Åke Fredlund and Clara Benac Earle
2006: Evaluation of database management systems for Erlang by Emil Hellman
2006: Eliminating overlapping of pattern matching when verifying Erlang programs in µCRL by Qiang Guo and John Derrick
2006: Modeling Erlang in the π–Calculus by Chanchal K. Roy and James R. Cordy
2006: A Transit Telephony Exchange Simulator Implemented in Erlang by Malin Pihl
2006: Dryverl: a Flexible Erlang/C Binding Compiler∗ by Romain Lenglet Shigeru Chiba
2006: Abstraction and Model Checking of Core Erlang Programs in Maude by Martin Neuhäußer and Thomas Noll
2006: Concurrent caching by Jay Nelson
2006: From HTTP to HTML: Erlang/OTP experiences in web based service applications by Francesco Cesarini , Lukas Larsson and Michal Ślaski
2006: Towards automatic verification of Erlang programs by π-calculus translation by Chanchal Kumar Roy, Thomas Noll , Banani Roy and James R. Cordy
2006: Comparing C++ and ERLANG for motorola telecoms software by Phil Trinder
2006: Dryverl: a flexible Erlang/C binding compiler by Romain Lenglet and Shigeru Chiba
2006: Testing telecoms software with quviq QuickCheck by Thomas Arts, John Hughes , Joakim Johansson and Ulf Wiger
2006: Convergence in Language Design: A Case of Lightning Striking Four Times in the Same Place by Peter Van Roy
2006: Dryverl: a flexible Erlang/C binding compiler by Romain Lenglet and Shigeru Chiba
2006: Comparative Study of Refactoring Haskell and Erlang Programs by Huiqing Li and Simon Thompson
2006: Efficient memory management for concurrent programs that use message passing by Konstantinos Sagonas and Jesper Wilhelmsson
2006: Efficient manipulation of binary data using pattern matching by Per Gustafsson and Konstantinos Sagonas
2006: Compiling Erlang to Scheme by Marc Feeley and Martin Larose
2006: Testing telecoms software with quviq QuickCheck by Thomas Arts , John Hughes , Joakim Johansson and Ulf Wiger
2005: Efficient Memory Management for Message-Passing Concurrency Part I: Single-threaded execution by J ESPER and W ILHELMSSON
2005: TypEr: a type annotator of Erlang code by Tobias Lindahl and Konstantinos Sagonas
2005: A semantics for distributed Erlang by Koen Claessen and Hans Svensson
2005: ERESYE: artificial intelligence in Erlang programs by Antonella Di Stefano , Francesca Gangemi and Corrado Santoro
2005: Experience from Developing the Dialyzer: A Static Analysis Tool Detecting Defects in Erlang Applications by Konstantinos Sagonas
2005: Using the Erlang language for multi-agent systems implementation by A. Di Stefano and C. Santoro
2005: Semi-formal Development of a Fault-Tolerant Leader Election Protocol in Erlang by Thomas Arts, Koen Claessen and Hans Svensson
2005: Bit-level binaries and generalized comprehensions in Erlang by Per Gustafsson and Konstantinos Sagonas
2005: A high performance Erlang Tcp/Ip stack by Javier Paris, Victor Gulias and Alberto Valderruten
2005: Modeling Erlang in the pi-calculus by Thomas Noll and Chanchal Kumar Roy
2005: Verifying fault-tolerant Erlang programs by Clara Benac Earle, Lars-Åke Fredlund and John Derrick
2005: Remote controlling devices using instant messaging: building an intelligent gateway in Erlang/OTP by Simon Aurell
2005: Concurrent Erlang Flow Graphs by Manfred Widera
2005: Data Flow Coverage for Testing Erlang Programs by Manfred Widera
2005: Robust Reconfigurable Erlang Component System by Gabor Batori, Zoltan Theisz and Domonkos Asztalos
2005: FORSE - Formally-based tool support for Erlang development by John Derrick and Simon Thompson
2005: eXAT: Software Agents in Erlang by Corrado Santoro
2005: Equational Abstractions for Model Checking Erlang Programs by Thomas Noll
2005: wxErlang - a GUI library for Erlang by Mats-Ola Persson
2005: Test Driven Development In Erlang/OTP by Martin Carlson
2005: Virtual World Distributed Server developed in Erlang as a Tool for analysing Needs of Massively Multiplayer Online Game Servers by Michał ŚlaskiMarcin Gazda
2005: Are High-Level Languages Suitable for Robust Telecoms Software? by J. H. Nyström, P. W. Trinder and D. J. King
2005: Developing a functional Tcp/Ip stack oriented towards Tcp connection replication by Javier Paris, Alberto Valderruten and Victor M. Gulias
2005: Verification of Language Based Fault-Tolerance by Clara Benac Earle and Lars-Åke Fredlund
2005: A new leader election implementation by Hans Svensson and Thomas Arts
2005: Equational Abstractions for Model Checking Erlang Programs by Thomas Noll
2005: In-building location using Bluetooth by Miguel Rodriguez, Juan P. Pece and Carlos J. Escudero
2005: Termite: a Lisp for Distributed Computing by Guillaume Germain, Marc Feeley, Stefan Monnier
2005: Programming Languages for Real-Time Systems by Bruno Bouyssounouse and Joseph Sifakis
2005: Verification of Erlang Programs using Testing and Tracing by Hans Svensson
2005: Atom garbage collection by Thomas Lindgren
2005: A stream library using Erlang binaries by Jay Nelson
2005: Efficiently compiling a functional language on AMD64: the HiPE experience by Daniel Luna , Mikael Pettersson and Konstantinos Sagonas
2005: A new leader election implementation by Hans Svensson and Thomas Arts
2004: High Performance Crawling System by Younès Hafri and Chabane Djeraba
2004: Adaptive Pattern Matching on Binary Data by Per Gustafsson and Konstantinos Sagonas
2004: In the need of a design... reverse engineering Erlang software by Thomas Arts and Cecilia Holmqvist
2004: Concurrency in Java and in Erlang by Sven-Olof Nyström
2004: ERVAL: an Internet software VLAN switch developed in Erlang∗ by Alejandro Garcı́a Castro, Francisco Javier Morán Rúa and Juan José Sánchez Penas
2004: Erlang's exception handling revisited by Richard Carlsson , Björn Gustavsson and Patrik Nyblom
2004: Designing Collaborative Agents with eXAT by Antonella Di Stefano and Corrado Santoro
2004: 20 years of industrial functional programming by Ulf Wiger
2004: An implementation of the SMB protocol in erlang by Torbjrn Trnkvist
2004: Development of a verified Erlang program for resource locking by Thomas Arts, Clara Benac Earle and John Derrick
2004: On modelling agent systems with erlang by Carlos Varela, Carlos Abalde, Laura Castro and Jose Gulías
2004: Flow graphs for testing sequential erlang programs by Manfred Widera
2004: An AMD64 Backend for HiPE: Implementation, Performance Evaluation, and Lessons Learned by Daniel Luna
2004: Modelling Programming Languages for Concurrent and Distributed Systems in Specification Languages. by Chanchal Kumar Roy
2004: Monitoring and state transparency of distributed systems by Martin J. Logan
2004: Detecting Software Defects in Telecom Applications Through Lightweight Static Analysis: A War Story by Tobias Lindahl and Konstantinos Sagonas
2004: Designing collaborative agents with eXAT by A. Di Stefano and C. Santoro
2004: Structured programming using processes by Jay Nelson
2004: Troubleshooting a large erlang system by Mats Cronqvist
2004: HiPE on AMD64 by Daniel Luna , Mikael Pettersson and Konstantinos Sagonas
2004: Model Checking Erlang Programs–LTL-Propositions and Abstract Interpretation by Frank Huch
2004: EX11: a GUI in a concurrent functional language by Joe Armstrong
2004: Structured Programming Using Processes by Jay Nelson
2004: Message Analysis-Guided Allocation and Low-Pause Incremental Garbage Collection in a Concurrent Language by Konstantinos Sagonas
2003: Design of a Medical Application Using XML Based Data Interchange by C. Mariño, C. Abalde, M. G. Penedo and M. Penas
2003: A soft-typing system for Erlang by Sven-Olof Nyström
2003: eXAT: an Experimental Tool for Programming Multi-Agent Systems in Erlang by Antonella Di Stefano and Corrado Santoro
2003: Automated test generation for industrial Erlang applications by Johan Blom and Bengt Jonsson
2003: ARMISTICE: an experience developing management software with Erlang by David Cabrero, Carlos Abalde, Carlos Varela and Laura Castro
2003: Parameterized modules in Erlang by Richard Carlsson
2003: A polyvariant type analysis for Erlang by Sven-Olof Nyström
2003: The development of the HiPE system: design and experience report by Erik Johansson , Mikael Pettersson , Konstantinos Sagonas and Thomas Lindgren
2003: VoDkaV tool: model checking for extracting global scheduler properties from local restrictions by J.J.S. Penas and T. Arts
2003: The role of language paradigms in teaching programming by Peter Van Roy, Joe Armstrong, Matthew Flatt and Boris Magnusson
2003: All you wanted to know about the HiPE compiler: (but might have been afraid to ask) by K. Sagonas , M. Pettersson , R. Carlsson , P. Gustafsson and T. Lindahl
2003: The development of the HiPE system: design and experience report by Erik Johansson , Mikael Pettersson , Konstantinos Sagonas and Thomas Lindgren
2003: Concurrency Oriented Programming in Erlang by Joe Armstrong
2003: Evaluating Distributed Functional Languages for Telecommunications Software by J.H. Nyström, P.W. Trinder and D.J. King
2003: Making reliable distributed systems in the presence of software errors by Joe Armstrong
2003: A study of Erlang ETS table implementations and performance by Scott Lystig Fritchie
2003: Supporting Agent Development in Erlang through the eXAT Platform by Antonella Di Stefano and Corrado Santoro
2003: REI: An Online Video Gaming platform by Mickaël Rémond, Thierry Mallard
2003: Extending the VoDKA architecture to improve resource modelling by Juan José Sánchez Penas and Carlos Abalde Ramiro
2003: Development of a Scalable, Fault Tolerant, and Low Cost Cluster-Based e-Payment System with a Distributed Functional Kernel by C. Abalde, V. Gulías, J. Freire, J. Sánchez and J. García-Tizón
2003: A verification tool for ERLANG by Lars–Åke Fredlund , Dilian Gurov , Thomas Noll , Mads Dam , Thomas Arts and Gennady Chugunov
2002: Hierarchical module namespaces in Erlang by Richard Carlsson
2002: OTP in server farms by Michael Bruening , Hal Snyder and Martin Logan
2002: Native code compilation of Erlang's bit syntax by Per Gustafsson and Konstantinos Sagonas
2002: Typing Erlang by John Hughes, David Sands and Karol Ostrovský
2002: Unboxed Compilation of Floating Point Arithmetic in a Dynamically Typed Language Environment by Tobias Lindahl and Konstantinos Sagonas
2002: On reducing interprocess communication overhead in concurrent programs by Erik Stenman and Konstantinos Sagonas
2002: Compilation of Floating Point Arithmetic in the High Performance E RLANG Compiler. by Tobias Lindahl
2002: Exploring Alternative Memory Architectures for Erlang: Implementation and Performance Evaluation by Jesper Wilhelmsson
2002: Static analysis of communications for Erlang Fabien Dagnat, Marc Pantel
2002: On reducing interprocess communication overhead in concurrent programs by Erik Stenman and Konstantinos Sagonas
2002: Native code compilation of Erlang's bit syntax by Per Gustafsson and Konstantinos Sagonas
2002: Unboxed compilation of floating point arithmetic in a dynamically typed language environment by Tobias Lindahl and Konstantinos Sagonas
2002: The HiPE/x86 Erlang Compiler: System Description and Performance Evaluation by Mikael Pettersson , Konstantinos F. Sagonas and Erik Johansson
2002: Heap architectures for concurrent languages using message passing by Erik Johansson , Konstantinos Sagonas and Jesper Wilhelmsson
2002: Linear Scan Register Allocation in a High-Performance Erlang Compiler by Erik Johansson and Konstantinos F. Sagonas
2002: Verification of Erlang Programs using Abstract Interpretation and Model Checking by Frank Günter Huch
2002: Getting Erlang to talk to the outside world by Joe Armstrong
2002: The evolution of Erlang drivers and the Erlang driver toolkit by Scott Lystig Fritchie
2002: Extracting the processes structure of Erlang applications by Jan Nyström and Bengt Jonsson
2002: Verifying Erlang Code: A Resource Locker Case-Study by Thomas Arts , Clara Benac Earle and John Derrick
2002: The evolution of Erlang drivers and the Erlang driver toolkit by Scott Lystig Fritchie
2002: World-class product certification using Erlang by Ulf Wiger , Gösta Ask and Kent Boortz
2002: The Tertiary Level in a Functional Cluster-Based Hierarchical VoD Server by Miguel Barreiro, Víctor M. Gulías, Juan J. Sánchez and Santiago Jorge
2002: Trace analysis of Erlang programs by Thomas Arts and Lars-Åke Fredlund
2002: Distel: Distributed Emacs Lisp (for Erlang) Luke Gorrie
2001: The Managed Resource Interface: Interfacing Erlang with Standardized Management Protocols by Francesco Cesarini
2001: Static Verification of distributed programs by Fabien Dagnat
2001: A Framework for Reasoning about ERLANG Code by Lars-Åke Fredlund
2001: Verification of Erlang Processes by Dependency Pairs by Jürgen Giesl and Thomas Arts
2001: The Erlang Verification Tool by Thomas Noll, Lars-åke Fredlund and Dilian Gurov
2001: A Rewriting Logic Implementation of Erlang by Thomas Noll
2001: A case for the unified heap approach to Erlang memory management by Marc Feeley
2001: An X86 back-end for the HiPE Compiler by Ulf Magnusson
2001: Model Checking Erlang Programs – Abstracting the Context-Free Structure by Franck Huch
2001: Semi-automated verification of Erlang code by L.-A. Fredlund, D. Gurov and T. Noll
2000: Concurrent Functional Programming for Telecommunications: A Case Study of Technology Introduction by Bjarne Däcker
2000: Erlang: an Industrial Strength Functional Language Environment by Helen Airiyan and Fergus O’Brien
2000: Introducing SERCs Safer Erlang by Lawrie Brown
2000: How to improve the performance of YECC-generated Erlang (JAM) parsers by Torbjörn Törnkvist
2000: Sendmail Meets Erlang: Experiences Using Erlang for Email Applications by Scott Lystig Fritchie, Jim Larson, and Nick Christenson
2000: An Erlang-based hierarchical distributed VoD System by Juan J. Sánchez, José L. Freire, Miguel Barreiro Vı́ctor M. Gulı́as and Javier Mosquera
2000: Automatic translation from SDL specification to distributed Erlang implementation by M. Kunstic, O. Jukic and M. Mikuc
2000: Extending Erlang with structured module packages by Richard Carlsson
2000: A staged tag scheme for Erlang by Pettersson Mikael
2000: Verifying Generic Erlang Client—Server Implementations by Thomas Arts and Thomas Noll
2000: Design Patterns for Simulations in Erlang/OTP by U Ekström
2000: A high performance Erlang system by Erik Johansson, Mikael Pettersson and Konstantinos Sagonas
2000: Increasing the realibility of email services by Joe Armstrong
2000: Core Erlang 1.0 language specification by Richard Carlsson Thomas Lindgren, Bjorn Gustavsson, Sven-Olof Nystrom, Erik Johansson, Mikael Pettersson and Robert Virding
1999: Traffic Performance in an ATM network by Magnus Jonnerby
1999: Automated Testing of SNMP Controlled Equipment by Martin Gunnarsson
1999: Exokernels, Protocol implementation and Erlang by Bjorn Knutsson and Per Gunningberg.
1999: The design and implementation of a high-performance Erlang compiler by T Lindgren and C Jonsson
1999: Evaluation of HiPE, an Erlang native code compiler by E Johansson, SO Nyström, T Lindgren and C Jonsson
1999: HiPE: High Performance Erlang by Erik Johansson, Sven-Olof Nystr, Mikael Pettersson and Konstantinos Sagonas
1999: Verification of Erlang programs using abstract interpretation and model checking by Frank Huch
1999: Extending Erlang for Safe Mobile Code Execution by Lawrie Brown and Dan Sahlin
1999: Mnesia — A Distributed Robust DBMS for Telecommunications Applications by Håkan Mattsson, Hans Nilsson and Claes Wikström
1999: Verifying a Distributed Database Lookup Manager Written in Erlang by Thomas Arts and Mads Dam
1999: Towards an Event Modeling Language Maurice Castro by Michael Dwyer Geo Wong
1998: SQL-compiler by Ronny Andersson
1998: Process Placement in Distributed Multiprocessor Systems: An Investigation using Erlang. by Geoff Wong and Michael Dwyer
1998: Investigations into functional programming with Erlang by H. Airiyan and F. O'Brien
1998: How to measure reliability in an Erlang system by Hans Danielsson and Kent Olsson
1998: Compiling Erlang via C by Geoff Wong
1998: A Parallel and Multithreaded ERLANG Implementation by Pekka Hedqvist
1998: On the verification of open distributed systems by Mads Dam and Lars-åke Fredlund
1998: Implementation Technologies for Programming Languages based on Logic by Konstantinos Sagonas
1997: The development of Erlang by Joe Armstrong
This paper describes the development of the programming language Erlang during the period 1985-1997. Erlang is a concurrent programming language designed for programming large-scale distributed soft real-time control applications. The design of Erlang was heavily influenced by ideas from the logic and functional programming communities. Other sources of inspiration came from languages such as Chill and Ada which are used in industry for programming control systems.
1997: Open telecom platform by Seved Torstendahl
1997: SafeErlang by Gustaf Naeser
1997: Erlang and its applications by Joe Armstrong and Thomas Arts
1997: A practical subtyping system for Erlang by Simon Marlow and Philip Wadler
1997: Etos: an Erlang to Scheme compiler by Marc Feeley and Martin Larose
1997: From Estelle to Erlang by R. Lai
1997: Towards a deadlock analysis for Erlang programs by Richard Carlsson
1997: A Compacting Garbage Collector for Erlang by Kent Boortz and Dan Sahlin
1996: Erlang - A survey of the language and its industrial applications by Joe Armstrong
1996: Native Code Compilation for Erlang by Erik Johansson and Christer Jonsson
1996: The concurrent functional programming language Erlang: An Overview by Dan Sahlin
1996: A Definition of Erlang (DRAFT) by Mikael Pettersson
1996: A Prototype of a Soft Type System for Erlang by Anders Lindgren
1996: Design Issues for a High Reliability Environment for Erlang by Maurice Castro
1996: Yerl: A Literate Documenting Tool and a Program Development Environment for Erlang by Kristina Sirhuber
1996: Perspectives on Erlang & TINA by Maurice Castro
1996: Benchmarking an intelligent network prototype implemented in parallel Erlang by Kent Engström, Erik Reitsma and Peter Fritzson
1996: Software Development Using the Erlang Language by Markus Åberg
1996: Implementing distributed real-time control systems in a functional programming language by C Wiskstrom
1996: A performance analyzer for a parallel real-time functional language by O. Hansen and P. Fritzson
1996: An evaluation of Erlang and C++ by Jaap Kreijkamp
1995: One Pass Real-Time Generational Mark-Sweep Garbage Collection Joe Armstrong and Robert Virding
1995: A Framework for SNMPv2 in Erlang by Martin Bj orklund Klas Eriksson
1995: A garbage collector for the concurrent real-time language Erlang by Robert Virding
1995: Implementation of Estelle specification using Erlang by R. Lai and P. Tantsis
1995: Implementation of the real-time functional language Erlang on a massively parallel platform, with applications to telecommunications services by Beshar Zuhdy, Peter Fritzson and Kent Engström
1995: A Comparison Between Erlang and C++ for Implementation of Telecom Applications by Tomas Aronsson and Johan Grafström
1995: An Extension of Erlang with Finite Domain Constraints by Greger Ottosson
1995: Hybrid Implementation Techniques in Erlang BEAM by Leon S. Sterling
1995: Amnesia — A Distributed Real-Time Primary Memory DBMS with a Deductive Query Language by Leon S. Sterling
1994: Turbo Erlang: Approaching the Speed of C by Bogumił Hausman
1994: Discrete Event Simulation in Erlang Andreas Ermedahl
1993: Carpe Diem (Some Implementation Aspects of Turbo Erlang) by Bogumit Hausman
1992: Implementing a functional language for highly parallel real time applications by J.L. Armstrong, B.O. Dacker, S.R. Virding and M.C. Williams
1992: Use of Prolog for developing a new programming language by J. L. Armstrong, S. R. Virding, M. C. Williams
1990: ERLANG - an experimental telephony programming language by J.L. Armstrong and S.R. Virding
1989: Using PROLOG for rapid prototyping of telecommunication systems by J.L. Armstrong and M.C. Williams
The Erlang Rationale By Robert Virding
Introducing Concurrent Functional Programming in the Telecommunications Industry by Bjarne Dacker
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Planet Erlang - Planet site/RSS feed of blog posts covering topics across the Erlang ecosystem.
Spawned Shelter - Erlang Spawned Shelter. A collection of the best articles, videos and presentations related to Erlang.
The OTP team Blog - A blog written by members of the Erlang/OTP team at Ericsson. Contains interesting technical posts about the development of Erlang/OTP.
Spawned Shelter - This page is a collection of the best articles, videos and books for learning Erlang, the internals of its virtual machine and other languages that run on top of it like Elixir, LFE and Efene.
Other lists of projects and resources.
Spawned Shelter!: This page is a collection of the best articles, videos and books for learning Erlang, the internals of its virtual machine and other languages that run on top of it like Elixir, LFE and Efene.
Erlang Ecosystem Foundation Academic Papers: Papers are organized chronologically. We attempt to show the BEAM related tech highlighted for each paper.
Erlang Ecosystem Foundation Community The Erlang ecosystem consists of a vibrant and diverse set of languages, tools, platforms, and much more. Help us grow our community and augment this collection of resources by contributing on Github
drobakowski/awesome-erlang: A curated list of amazingly awesome Erlang libraries, resources and shiny thing inspired by awesome-elixir.
singularitypostman/awesome-erlang-1: A curated list of awesome Erlang frameworks, libraries and software.
uhub/awesome-erlang: A curated list of awesome Erlang frameworks, libraries and software.
mudssrali/erlang-elixir-stuff: Awesome Erlang and Elixir reading, learning and practice material
szTheory/beamtoolbox: Curated BEAM language libraries by category. All killer, no filler.
opencensus-beam/awesome-beam-monitoring: The curated list of tools for monitoring, instrumenting, and tracing applications that run on BEAM. Inspired by many of such lists over the GitHub.
macintux/erlang-resources.md: This is not intended to be comprehensive or authoritative, just free online resources I've found valuable while learning more about Erlang.
h4cc/awesome-elixir: A curated list of amazingly awesome Elixir libraries, resources, and shiny things inspired by awesome-php.
wmealing/awesome-lfe: Have a LFE project to share with the world? Make a pull request and add it to the list.
gleam-lang/awesome-gleam: For a full list of packages check out the Gleam package index.
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