The design goals for YAML:
- YAML is easily readable by humans.
- YAML data is portable between programming languages.
- YAML matches the native data structures of agile languages.
- YAML has a consistent model to support generic tools.
- YAML supports one-pass processing.
- YAML is expressive and extensible.
- YAML is easy to implement and use.
A collection of Awesome YAML (Ain't Markup Language) goodies for structured (meta) data in text.
- official YAML website by Clark C. Evans- YAML Spec v1.2 - 3rd edition, Oct 2009
- YAML Quick Reference Card - one-page cheat sheet
- a type-safe YAML parser that parses and validates a restricted subset of the YAML specification- YAML Features Removed
- NO Implicit Typing
- NO Direct representations of objects
- NO Duplicate Keys Disallowed
- NO Explicit tags
- NO Node anchors and refs
- NO Flow style
- YAML Features Removed
"Safer" YAML - YAML Redux
, (github) - a human friendly data format similar to YAML but without the complexity and risk of YAML
# Contact information for our officers
name: Katheryn McDaniel
> 138 Almond Street
> Topeka, Kansas 20697
cell: 1-210-555-5297
home: 1-210-555-8470
# Katheryn prefers that we always call her on her cell phone.
email: [email protected]
additional roles:
- board member
- YAML Quick Reference (Cheat Sheet) for Jekyll Data Files, Front Matter and Collections, Planet Jekyll
- Learn YAML in Y Minutes, Learn X in Y minutes series,
- Deep dive into TOML, JSON and YAML, Go Hugo HQ, Dec 2016
- YAML @ Wikipedia
Strings with Colons (:
When to use quotes for your strings?
If your string includes a colon (:
) followed by a space you MUST quote your string. Otherwise, the colon is interpreted as a key/value separator (e.g. key: value). Example:
title: "Text Processing with Ruby: Extract Value from the Data That Surrounds You"
title: "Sinatra: Up and Running - Ruby for the Web, Simply"
title: "Using JRuby: Bringing Ruby to Java"
Note: You can quote your strings using double quotes (""
) e.g. "Using JRuby: Bringing Ruby to Java"
or single quotes(''
) e.g. 'Using JRuby: Bringing Ruby to Java'.
No Tabs (\t) for Indentation - Use Spaces, Period
Note: Always use spaces for indentation, period.
Make sure no tabs (\t
) have somehow ended up in your datafile leading to
unexpected results.
Predefined Boolean 'n' No Value Constants - True/False, Yes/No, On/Off, ~/Null
Note: The boolean true
and false
constants e.g.:
true, True, TRUE
y, Y, yes, YES, YES
on, ON, ON
false, False, FALSE
n, N, no, No, NO
off, Off, OFF
will become boolean values e.g. true
or false
. If you want end-up with a string e.g.:
recommend: Yes # note: will become => true (boolean)
make sure you use a quoted version e.g.:
recommend: "Yes" # note: will become => "Yes" (string)
Note: The same holds for the no value null constants e.g.:
null, Null, NULL
will become => null
(no value). Note: A key without a value will end-up with a null
value (and not an empty string, for example). To get an empty string use ""
key1: # note: value will become => null (no value); same as key1: null or key1: ~
key2: "" # note: value will become => "" (string)
JSON is (a subset of) YAML, that is YAML is JSON but JSON is NOT YAML ;-)
Example: Use the inline style for lists (that is, JSON arrays) and hashes (that is, JSON objects) for an alternative "JSON-style" syntax:
{ "title": "football.db - Open Football Data",
"url": ""
{ "title": "beer.db - Open Beer, Brewery 'n' Brewpub Data",
"url": ""
is the same as:
- title : football.db - Open Football Data
url :
- title : beer.db - Open Beer, Brewery 'n' Brewpub Data
url :
- YAML Linter @ - online YAML validator / checker
- YAML Validator @ Code Beautify - online YAML validator / checker
- YAML Comparator @ yamline - online YAML comparator
- Yamlinc - compose multiple files using $include tag / compiler
- dasel ("data-selector") - Query and update data structures using selectors from the command line. Comparable to jq / yq but supports JSON, YAML, TOML and XML with zero runtime dependencies.
, (github) - a rant about the state of devops tooling / the infrastructure sector
Mandatory "No Body Wants To Write YAML" reading list:
- Today we’re going to look at some general problems with the YAML format
- We replaced 1,000 lines of YAML with 10 structs and people started contributing again
- What if you used the same language and tools you use to define your app to define your infrastructure?
- A YAML file is almost always still 'valid' even if it is trunca
- The bug was that the YAML parser ignored the negative signs ... so negative GPS coordinates became positive ones
- Every YAML parser is a custom YAML parser
- There are 63 different ways to write multi-line strings in YAML
- Feed.TXT - web feed format with meta data in YAML
- YAML @ Stackoverflow - frequently asked questions (and answers) about YAML
- Manifest - a complete backend in 1 YAML file
The awesome list is dedicated to the public domain. Use it as you please with no restrictions whatsoever.
Questions? Comments?
Post them to the wwwmake forum. Thanks!