var express = require('express'); var proxy = require('http-proxy-middleware'); const zlib = require("zlib") const fs = require("fs") const parse = require('url-parse') const cookiejar = require('cookiejar') const iconv = require('iconv-lite') const {logSave, logGet, logClear} = require('./logger') const {CookieAccessInfo, CookieJar, Cookie} = cookiejar function countUtf8Bytes(s) { var b = 0, i = 0, c for(;c=s.charCodeAt(i++);b+=c>>11?3:c>>7?2:1); return b } var contentTypeIsText = (headers) => { if (!headers["content-type"] || headers["content-type"].indexOf('text/') !== -1 || headers["content-type"].indexOf('javascript') !== -1 || headers["content-type"].indexOf('urlencoded') !== -1 || headers["content-type"].indexOf('json') !== -1) { return true } else { return false } } var enableCors = function(req, res) { if (req.headers['access-control-request-method']) { res.setHeader('access-control-allow-methods', req.headers['access-control-request-method']); } if (req.headers['access-control-request-headers']) { res.setHeader('access-control-allow-headers', req.headers['access-control-request-headers']); } if (req.headers.origin) { res.setHeader('access-control-allow-origin', req.headers.origin); res.setHeader('access-control-allow-credentials', 'true'); } }; var saveRecord = ({stream, fwdStr, req, host, pktLen}) => { if (fwdStr) { let dateStr = new Date().toLocaleString() let ips = fwdStr.split(',') if (ips.length > 0) { let sourceIP = ips[0] stream.write(`${dateStr},${sourceIP},${host},${pktLen},${req.url}\n`) } } } var redirect2HomePage = function({res, httpprefix, serverName,} ) { try { res.setHeader('location',`${httpprefix}://${serverName}`) } catch(e) { logSave(`error: ${e}`) return } res.status(302).send(``) } let getHostFromReq = (req) => { //return target // url: let https_prefix = '/https/' let http_prefix = '/http/' let host = '' let httpType = 'https' if (req.url.startsWith(https_prefix)) { host = req.url.slice(https_prefix.length, req.url.length) let hosts = host.match(/[-a-z0-9A-Z]+\.[-a-z0-9A-Z.]+/g); host = hosts.length>0?hosts[0]:'' } else if (req.url.startsWith(http_prefix)) { host = req.url.slice(http_prefix.length, req.url.length) let hosts = host.match(/[-a-z0-9A-Z]+\.[-a-z0-9A-Z.]+/g); host = hosts.length>0?hosts[0]:'' httpType = 'http' } else if (req.headers['referer'] && req.headers['referer'].indexOf('https/') !== -1) { let start = req.headers['referer'].indexOf('https/') + 6 host = req.headers['referer'].slice(start, req.headers['referer'].length) let end = host.indexOf('/') if (end === -1) { end = host.length } host = host.slice(0, end) logSave(`============= host:${host}, req referer:${req.headers['referer']}`) } else if (req.headers['referer'] && req.headers['referer'].indexOf('http/') !== -1) { let start = req.headers['referer'].indexOf('http/') + 5 host = req.headers['referer'].slice(start, req.headers['referer'].length) let end = host.indexOf('/') if (end === -1) { end = host.length } host = host.slice(0, end) httpType = 'http' logSave(`============= host:${host}, req referer:${req.headers['referer']}`) } else if (req.headers['referer']) { // '' var parsed = parse(req.headers['referer']) if(parsed.hostname) { host = parsed.hostname httpType = parsed.protocol.replace(':', '') } else { host = req.headers['referer'] httpType = 'https' } } logSave(`getHostFromReq, req.url:${req.url}, referer:${req.headers['referer']}, host:${host}, httpType:${httpType}`) return {host, httpType} } let Proxy = ({blockedSites, urlModify, httpprefix, serverName, port, cookieDomainRewrite, locationReplaceMap302, regReplaceMap, siteSpecificReplace, pathReplace}) => { let stream = fs.createWriteStream("web-records.csv", {flags:'a'}) let handleRespond = ({req, res, body, gbFlag}) => { // text file let myRe let {host, httpType} = getHostFromReq(req) let location = res.getHeaders()['location'] if (res.statusCode == '301' || res.statusCode == '302' || res.statusCode == '303' ||res.statusCode == '307' || res.statusCode == '308') { location = locationReplaceMap302({location, serverName, httpprefix, host, httpType}) logSave(`after replacement, location=${location}`) try { res.setHeader('location', location) } catch(e) { logSave(`error: ${e}`) return } // return } // logSave(`HandleRespond(), req.url:${req.url}, req.headers:${JSON.stringify(req.headers)}`) for(let key in regReplaceMap) { myRe = new RegExp(key, 'g') // match group body = body.replace(myRe, regReplaceMap[key]) } logSave(`##### host:${host}`) if (host) { body = pathReplace({host, httpType, body}) //13ms } logSave(`2`) logSave(`3`) myRe = new RegExp(`/${httpType}/${host}/${httpType}/${host}/`, 'g') // match group body = body.replace(myRe, `/${httpType}/${host}/`) logSave(`4`) //1ms // put siteSpecificReplace at end Object.keys(siteSpecificReplace).forEach( (site) => { if (!req.url) { return } if (req.url.indexOf(site) !== -1 || (req.headers['referer'] && req.headers['referer'].indexOf(site) !== -1)) { keys = Object.keys(siteSpecificReplace[site]) keys.forEach( key => { myRe = new RegExp(key, 'g') // match group body = body.replace(myRe, siteSpecificReplace[site][key]) }) } }) //17ms logSave(`5`) if (gbFlag) { body = iconv.encode(body, 'gbk') } // manual redirection if (typeof(body) === 'string' && body.startsWith(`${httpprefix}://${serverName}`) && body.indexOf('') !== -1) { // need to manually redirect it for youtube workaround. console.log(`============== redirect`) try { res.setHeader('location', body) //0ms } catch(e) { logSave(`error: ${e}`) return } res.statusCode = '302' } logSave(`6`) body = zlib.gzipSync(body) //19ms try { res.setHeader('content-encoding', 'gzip'); logSave(`handleRespond: res.statusCode:${res.statusCode}, res.headers:${JSON.stringify(res.getHeaders())}`) if (req.headers['debugflag']==='true') { res.removeHeader('content-encoding') res.setHeader('content-type','text/plain') body=logGet() } res.end(body); } catch(e) { logSave(`error: ${e}`) } } // only support https for now. const router = (req) => { //return target let myRe = new RegExp(`/http[s]?/${serverName}.*?/`, 'g') // match group req.url = req.url.replace(myRe, '/') let {host, httpType} = getHostFromReq(req) let target = `${httpType}://${host}` logSave(`router, target:${target}, req.url:${req.url}`) return target } let p = proxy({ target: ``, router, /* pathRewrite: (path, req) => { let {host, httpType} = getHostFromReq(req) let newpath = path.replace(`/https/${host}`, '') || '/' logSave(`newpath:${newpath}`) return newpath }, */ // hostRewrite: true, // autoRewrite: true, // proxyTimeout: 15000, // 10 seconds protocolRewrite: true, // followRedirects: true, cookieDomainRewrite, secure: false, changeOrigin: true, debug:true, onError: (err, req, res) => { console.log(`onerror: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`) try { if ((err.code && (err.code === 'ECONNREFUSED'|| err.code === 'EHOSTUNREACH'|| err.code === 'EPROTO'|| err.code === 'ECONNRESET'|| err.code === 'ENOTFOUND')) || (err.reason && err.reason.indexOf('Expected') === -1)) { redirect2HomePage({res, httpprefix, serverName,}) } } catch(e) { logSave(`error of sending 404: ${e}`) } }, selfHandleResponse: true, // so that the onProxyRes takes care of sending the response onProxyRes: (proxyRes, req, res) => { let {host, httpType} = getHostFromReq(req) logSave(`proxyRes.status:${proxyRes.statusCode} proxyRes.headers:${JSON.stringify(proxyRes.headers)}`) let bodyList = [] let bodyLength = 0 let endFlag = false proxyRes.on('data', function(data) { // body = Buffer.concat([body, data]); if (endFlag === true) { return // don't have to push it to bodyList } bodyLength += data.length bodyList.push(data) if (bodyLength >= 2500000 && contentTypeIsText(proxyRes.headers) !== true) { let body = Buffer.concat(bodyList) let fwdStr = req.headers['X-Forwarded-For'] || req.headers['x-forwarded-for'] let contentType = proxyRes.headers['content-type'] let contentLen = proxyRes.headers['content-length'] if (contentLen >= 155000000 || (host.indexOf('googlevideo') !== -1 && contentLen >= 2500000)) { } console.log(`route:${fwdStr}, content-type:${contentType},bulk length:${bodyLength}, content-length:${contentLen}, ${host}`) bodyList = [] bodyLength = 0 res.write(body) } }) proxyRes.on('end', function() { if (endFlag === true) { return } let body = Buffer.concat(bodyList) let gbFlag = false if (proxyRes.headers["content-encoding"] === 'gzip' || proxyRes.headers["content-encoding"] === 'br') { // gzip/br encoding let gunzipped try { if (proxyRes.headers["content-encoding"] === 'br') { gunzipped = zlib.brotliDecompressSync(body) logSave(`zlib.brotli...`) } else { //gzip gunzipped = zlib.gunzipSync(body) logSave(`zlib.gunzip...`) } } catch(e) { // res.status(404).send(`{"error": "${e}"}`) return } if (contentTypeIsText(proxyRes.headers) === true) { //gzip and text if (!gunzipped) { // res.status(404).send(`{"error":"failed unzip"}`) redirect2HomePage({res, httpprefix, serverName,}) return } logSave(`utf-8 text...`) let originBody = gunzipped body = gunzipped.toString('utf-8'); let searchBody = body.slice(0, 1000) if (searchBody.indexOf('="text/html; charset=gb') !== -1 || searchBody.indexOf(' charset="gb') !== -1 || searchBody.indexOf('=\'text/html; charset=gb') !== -1) { logSave(`gb2312 found...`) body = iconv.decode(originBody, 'gbk') gbFlag = true } let fwdStr = req.headers['X-Forwarded-For'] || req.headers['x-forwarded-for'] || '' if (proxyRes.statusCode === 200 && proxyRes.headers["content-type"] && proxyRes.headers["content-type"].indexOf('text/html') !== -1) { saveRecord({stream, fwdStr, req, host, pktLen:body.length}) } if (proxyRes.statusCode === 200 && req.url.indexOf('/sw.js') !== -1) { // fetching sw.js res.setHeader('service-worker-allowed','/') } handleRespond({req, res, body, gbFlag}) } else { // gzip and non-text // console.log(`2========>${logGet()}`) let fwdStr = req.headers['X-Forwarded-For'] || req.headers['x-forwarded-for'] let contentType = proxyRes.headers['content-type'] let contentLen = proxyRes.headers['content-length'] console.log(`end,route:${fwdStr}, content-type:${contentType},gzip length:${bodyLength}, content-length:${contentLen}, ${host}`) try { res.end(body) } catch(e) { console.log(`error:${e}`) } } } else if (proxyRes.statusCode === 301 || proxyRes.statusCode === 302 || proxyRes.statusCode === 307 || proxyRes.statusCode === 308 || contentTypeIsText(proxyRes.headers) === true) { // text with non gzip encoding logSave(`utf-8 text...`) let originBody = body body = body.toString('utf-8'); if (body.indexOf('="text/html; charset=gb') !== -1 || body.indexOf(' charset="gb') !== -1 || body.indexOf('=\'text/html; charset=gb') !== -1) { logSave(`gb2312 found...`) body = iconv.decode(originBody, 'gbk') gbFlag = true } handleRespond({req, res, body, gbFlag}) } else { // non-gzip and non-text body logSave(`3========>${logGet()}`) let fwdStr = req.headers['X-Forwarded-For'] || req.headers['x-forwarded-for'] let contentType = proxyRes.headers['content-type'] let contentLen = proxyRes.headers['content-length'] console.log(`end,route:${fwdStr}, content-type:${contentType},length:${bodyLength}, content-length:${contentLen}, ${host}`) res.end(body) } }) const setCookieHeaders = proxyRes.headers['set-cookie'] || [] let datestr = '' if (setCookieHeaders.length > 0) { let date = new Date date.setDate(date.getDate() + 1) // 一天之后过期 datestr = date.toUTCString() } const modifiedSetCookieHeaders = setCookieHeaders .map(str => new cookiejar.Cookie(str)) .map(cookie => { logSave(`cookie:${JSON.stringify(cookie)}`) if (cookie.path && cookie.path[0] === '/') { cookie.domain = `${serverName}` cookie.expiration_date = datestr cookie.path = `/${httpType}/${host}${cookie.path}` } = false return cookie }) .map(cookie => cookie.toString()) proxyRes.headers['set-cookie'] = modifiedSetCookieHeaders Object.keys(proxyRes.headers).forEach(function (key) { if (key === 'content-security-policy' || key === 'x-frame-options' || (key === 'content-length' && contentTypeIsText(proxyRes.headers) === true)) { logSave(`skip header:${key}`) return } try { if (key === 'content-encoding' && contentTypeIsText(proxyRes.headers) === true) { res.setHeader(key, 'gzip') // for text response, we need to set it gzip encoding cuz we will do gzip on it } else { res.setHeader(key, proxyRes.headers[key]) } } catch(e) { logSave(`error:${e}`) return } }); res.statusCode = proxyRes.statusCode logSave(`res.status:${res.statusCode} res.url:${res.url}, res.headers:${JSON.stringify(res.getHeaders())}`) if (res.statusCode === 404) { try { delete res.headers['content-length'] //remove content-length field redirect2HomePage({res, httpprefix, serverName,}) } catch(e) { logSave(`error: ${e}`) } return } }, onProxyReq: (proxyReq, req, res) => { let myRe = new RegExp(`/http[s]?/${serverName}[0-9:]*?`, 'g') // match group req.url = req.url.replace(myRe, '') if (req.url.length === 0) { req.url = '/' } let fwdStr = req.headers['X-Forwarded-For'] || req.headers['x-forwarded-for'] let {host, httpType} = getHostFromReq(req) for (let i=0; i 3)) { // too many forwardings res.status(404).send("{}") return } logClear() req.headers['host'] = host req.headers['referer'] = host if ('origin' in req.headers) { req.headers['origin'] = host } proxyReq.path = proxyReq.url = urlModify({httpType, host, url:req.url}) let newpath = req.url.replace(`/${httpType}/${host}`, '') || '/' logSave(`httpType:${httpType}, host:${host}, req.url:${req.url}, req.headers:${JSON.stringify(req.headers)}`) Object.keys(req.headers).forEach(function (key) { // remove nginx/cloudflare/pornhub related headers if ((host.indexOf('') === -1 && key.indexOf('x-') === 0) || key.indexOf('sec-fetch') === 0 || key.indexOf('cf-') === 0) { logSave(`remove key=${key},`) proxyReq.removeHeader(key) if (key === 'sec-fetch-mode') { proxyReq.setHeader('sec-fetch-mode', 'cors') } return } logSave(`set key=${key},`) proxyReq.setHeader(key, req.headers[key]) }) proxyReq.setHeader('Accept-Encoding', 'gzip') proxyReq.setHeader('referer', host) if (host.indexOf('') !== -1) { proxyReq.setHeader('User-Agent', `Opera/7.50 (Windows XP; U)`) // proxyReq.setHeader('User-Agent', `Opera/9.80 (Android 4.1.2; Linux; Opera Mobi/ADR-1305251841) Presto/2.11.355 Version/12.10`) } logSave(`req host:${host}, req.url:${req.url}, proxyReq.query:${proxyReq.query} proxyReq.path:${proxyReq.path}, proxyReq.url:${proxyReq.url} proxyReq headers:${JSON.stringify(proxyReq.getHeaders())}`) if(host === '' || !host) { logSave(`------------------ sending status 404`) redirect2HomePage({res, httpprefix, serverName,}) res.end() } }, }) return p } module.exports = Proxy