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Jason Mayes jasonmayes
Web AI Lead @google enabling Machine Learning in JavaScript on teams such as TensorFlow.js and Chrome. 15+ years experience developing innovative web solutions

Google San Francisco

Bruno Rocha rochacbruno
Principal Software Engineer at @RedHatOfficial. #Python #Rust . Working on: @ansible @python @dynaconf @codeshow Marmite

@redhatofficial Viana do Castelo, Portugal

Felix felix-bohlin
Frontend developer curious about stuff.
Victor Dias JVictorDias
Bacharel em Ciência da Computação e apaixonado por Inteligência Artificial, gosto de aplicar meus conhecimentos em projetos interessantes e inspiradores!

Universo Programado Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

AD Amorim nativedone
[...] to those who believed in Jesus' name, he gave the right to become children of God. [John 1:12]

ToneStudio Sydney/AU

Christian Lempa ChristianLempa
Tech & Homelab Nerd | YouTube Content Creator | LEGO & StarWars addicted

CL Creative Germany

Ícaro Harry icaroharry

Belo Horizonte - MG - Brasil

Salvatore Sanfilippo antirez
Computer programmer based in Sicily, Italy. I mostly write OSS software. Born 1977. Not a puritan.

Redis Labs Catania, Sicily, Italy

Aral Roca Gomez aralroca
Creator of Brisa Framework. My dream is to make the web a little better and help developers. I love Open-Source.


Rodrigo Manguinho rmanguinho

Lead software architect & online instructor Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Filipe Deschamps filipedeschamps
Quer se sentir competente em programação? Confere isso:


Daishi Kato dai-shi
React library author, maintaining three state management libraries, Zustand🐻, Jotai👻, Valtio🧙, and React framework, Waku⛩️.

Freelancer Tokyo

Guilherme Bolfe guilhermebolfe11
Software Engineer at Stone Co

Stone Co @stone-payments Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil

Linus Torvalds torvalds

Linux Foundation Portland, OR

lin onetwo linonetwo
Create dev-tool and knowledge tools for procedural content generation (Game AIGC). Hopefully will create a knowledge-driven PCG in-game-cosmos oneday.

VerseTensor ShanghaiTech University

Zeno Rocha zenorocha
Founder & CEO @ Resend

@resend San Francisco, California

Max Wesley MaxWesley
Software Developer

@judit-io Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Oscar Franco ospfranco
Freelance Dev

Barcelona, Spain

Ruben Marcus rubenmarcus
Senior Software Engineer living in 🇵🇹


Ecma TC39 tc39
Ecma International, Technical Committee 39 - ECMAScript

The web

Steve Ruiz steveruizok
Design and dev for creative tools.

@tldraw London, UK

John Murowaniecki jmurowaniecki
const JOHN = (λ, 🜎) => λ(🜎);

// Compilou IT Porto Alegre / RS - Brazil

Kevin Junyang Cui kevinjycui
McGill University, B.Sc. Computer Science. Software Development. Sometimes known as Junferno on the internet

McGill University Toronto, Canada

Mattias Petter Johansson mpj

Fun Fun Function Stockholm, Sweden

Matheus Leal matheusroleal
Working on improving software system reliability at Eventbrite

Eventbrite Madrid

Christian Kaisermann kaisermann
building things to build other things.

@getcircuit Berlin

Douglas Matoso doug2k1
Frontend developer

Campinas - SP - Brazil

Emerson Gomes Rebolsas EmersonGomes21
Software Developer (React/Next, React Native e NodeJS), Graduado em ADS, estudante de Pós Graduação em Projetos de Aplicativos Móveis Multiplataforma.

AVA MOBILE Augusto Corrêa, Pará, Brasil

Guilherme Zanin Guizanin
FullStack developer

Rio Grande do Sul

Marcelo Luiz Onhate onhate
I make business dreams come true in the cloud.


Rafael Violato rfviolato
Frontend dev. I ❤️ building things! 🤘

Bitvavo Amsterdam - The Netherlands

Emma Bostian emmabostian
Front-end Software Engineer @ Spotify

Spotify Stockholm, Sweden

Eileen M. Uchitelle eileencodes
@rails Core Team | Ruby & Rails Infrastructure Team @Shopify


Lucas Montano lucasmontano
Building great products & creating content

Disney Streaming Services Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Adam Argyle argyleink
#argyleink { position: #CSS @GoogleChrome @csswg; maker: #VisBug; luv: CSS/JS/UX; role: parentNode; }

@google Seattle

Ilda Neta ildaneta
Mobile Engineer, who loves to create beautiful and friendly-use interfaces. In addition, I'm actively sharing knowledge for our community.

RockTheSport Europe

Jackson Felipe Magnabosco jacksonn455
Computer science bachelor's degree | Software Engineer | DB Admin | AWS | Professor | Java | Spring Boot | Javascript | Node JS | Typescript | NestJS

Superbid | URI Erechim RS, Brazil

Evan Bacon EvanBacon
Building 𝝠 Expo • Follow me on 𝕏 for updates 🥓

@expo Austin TX

Letícia Silva leticiadasilva
Engineer Manager, Cientista de Dados, pesquisadora, palestrinha, podcaster e com formação em Ciência da Computação.

São José dos Campos, BR

Daniel danielfilho
respect doesn't require understanding.


Roman V Polonsky rpolonsky
Senior Front End Software Engineer


Felipe Fialho felipefialho
Tech Lead at @juntossomosmais and Founder of @frontendbr. Mainly working with JavaScript, TypeScript and CSS - Tech is 💙

@juntossomosmais, @frontendbr Sao Paulo - Brazil

Laura Beatris LauraBeatris

@clerk Florianópolis, Brazil

Mat mtmr0x
Software Astronaut Remote