Stargirl Flowers
Open-source advocate ✨ Creative technologist ✨ OSHWA Board ✨ PSF Fellow
Opulo / Winterbloom Atlanta, Georgia
Éloi Strée
Fuck the Rules ! VR & AR, Unity 3D, New-tech, R&D. We want to know if it is possible. Grab some ☕ and 🍺 and let's try to code it.
EloiStree Belgium
Lucas LucidVR
Bringing tomorrow's budget VR today. Cheap gloves, treadmills, and more! Junior @mit, 100K on YT!
Icenowy Zheng
AOSC OS developer that is rarely active. Linux kernel tier 299792458 contributor. A magical girl ;-)
@plctlab @AOSC-Dev CAN