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Releases: beaglesoftware/editor

BeagleEditor version 2024.4.0.1 (Codename: Fixed Bliss)

21 Nov 17:35
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BeagleEditor 2024.4.0.1 (Fixed Bliss)

This release contains an important bug fix and it should be downloaded.


  • Fixed a bug that app crashes when trying to save a file
  • Finally! Mac executables! Use BeagleEditor as fast as possible on your Apple systems!
  • BeagleEditor entered Windows Package Manager (Winget), Chocolatey, Scoop and Homebrew!

How to install on Mac?

  1. Open the .dmg file
  2. Drag (.app is not shown) to Applications folder

"To install, drag the icon..." no more! Use Homebrew to install BeagleEditor

Run this command:

brew install beaglesoftware/cask/beagleeditor

NOTE: Homebrew taps the caskroom automatically if you run the command and the caskroom doesn't exists on your system.